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hljs.registerLanguage("gauss",function(e){var t={keyword:"bool break call callexe checkinterrupt clear clearg closeall cls comlog compile continue create debug declare delete disable dlibrary dllcall do dos ed edit else elseif enable end endfor endif endp endo errorlog errorlogat expr external fn for format goto gosub graph if keyword let lib library line load loadarray loadexe loadf loadk loadm loadp loads loadx local locate loopnextindex lprint lpwidth lshow matrix msym ndpclex new open output outwidth plot plotsym pop prcsn print printdos proc push retp return rndcon rndmod rndmult rndseed run save saveall screen scroll setarray show sparse stop string struct system trace trap threadfor threadendfor threadbegin threadjoin threadstat threadend until use while winprint ne ge le gt lt and xor or not eq eqv",built_in:"abs acf aconcat aeye amax amean AmericanBinomCall AmericanBinomCall_Greeks AmericanBinomCall_ImpVol AmericanBinomPut AmericanBinomPut_Greeks AmericanBinomPut_ImpVol AmericanBSCall AmericanBSCall_Greeks AmericanBSCall_ImpVol AmericanBSPut AmericanBSPut_Greeks AmericanBSPut_ImpVol amin amult annotationGetDefaults annotationSetBkd annotationSetFont annotationSetLineColor annotationSetLineStyle annotationSetLineThickness annualTradingDays arccos arcsin areshape arrayalloc arrayindex arrayinit arraytomat asciiload asclabel astd astds asum atan atan2 atranspose axmargin balance band bandchol bandcholsol bandltsol bandrv bandsolpd bar base10 begwind besselj bessely beta box boxcox cdfBeta cdfBetaInv cdfBinomial cdfBinomialInv cdfBvn cdfBvn2 cdfBvn2e cdfCauchy cdfCauchyInv cdfChic cdfChii cdfChinc cdfChincInv cdfExp cdfExpInv cdfFc cdfFnc cdfFncInv cdfGam cdfGenPareto cdfHyperGeo cdfLaplace cdfLaplaceInv cdfLogistic cdfLogisticInv cdfmControlCreate cdfMvn cdfMvn2e cdfMvnce cdfMvne cdfMvt2e cdfMvtce cdfMvte cdfN cdfN2 cdfNc cdfNegBinomial cdfNegBinomialInv cdfNi cdfPoisson cdfPoissonInv cdfRayleigh cdfRayleighInv cdfTc cdfTci cdfTnc cdfTvn cdfWeibull cdfWeibullInv cdir ceil ChangeDir chdir chiBarSquare chol choldn cholsol cholup chrs close code cols colsf combinate combinated complex con cond conj cons ConScore contour conv convertsatostr convertstrtosa corrm corrms corrvc corrx corrxs cos cosh counts countwts crossprd crout croutp csrcol csrlin csvReadM csvReadSA cumprodc cumsumc curve cvtos datacreate datacreatecomplex datalist dataload dataloop dataopen datasave date datestr datestring datestrymd dayinyr dayofweek dbAddDatabase dbClose dbCommit dbCreateQuery dbExecQuery dbGetConnectOptions dbGetDatabaseName dbGetDriverName dbGetDrivers dbGetHostName dbGetLastErrorNum dbGetLastErrorText dbGetNumericalPrecPolicy dbGetPassword dbGetPort dbGetTableHeaders dbGetTables dbGetUserName dbHasFeature dbIsDriverAvailable dbIsOpen dbIsOpenError dbOpen dbQueryBindValue dbQueryClear dbQueryCols dbQueryExecPrepared dbQueryFetchAllM dbQueryFetchAllSA dbQueryFetchOneM dbQueryFetchOneSA dbQueryFinish dbQueryGetBoundValue dbQueryGetBoundValues dbQueryGetField dbQueryGetLastErrorNum dbQueryGetLastErrorText dbQueryGetLastInsertID dbQueryGetLastQuery dbQueryGetPosition dbQueryIsActive dbQueryIsForwardOnly dbQueryIsNull dbQueryIsSelect dbQueryIsValid dbQueryPrepare dbQueryRows dbQuerySeek dbQuerySeekFirst dbQuerySeekLast dbQuerySeekNext dbQuerySeekPrevious dbQuerySetForwardOnly dbRemoveDatabase dbRollback dbSetConnectOptions dbSetDatabaseName dbSetHostName dbSetNumericalPrecPolicy dbSetPort dbSetUserName dbTransaction DeleteFile delif delrows denseToSp denseToSpRE denToZero design det detl dfft dffti diag diagrv digamma doswin DOSWinCloseall DOSWinOpen dotfeq dotfeqmt dotfge dotfgemt dotfgt dotfgtmt dotfle dotflemt dotflt dotfltmt dotfne dotfnemt draw drop dsCreate dstat dstatmt dstatmtControlCreate dtdate dtday dttime dttodtv dttostr dttoutc dtvnormal dtvtodt dtvtoutc dummy dummybr dummydn eig eigh eighv eigv elapsedTradingDays endwind envget eof eqSolve eqSolvemt eqSolvemtControlCreate eqSolvemtOutCreate eqSolveset erf erfc erfccplx erfcplx error etdays ethsec etstr EuropeanBinomCall EuropeanBinomCall_Greeks EuropeanBinomCall_ImpVol E