This guide is aimed at advanced Rails developers who have installed their own Rails apps before. If you are new to Rails, you are likely much better off with our **[Discourse Vagrant Developer Guide](**.
Note: If you are developing on a Mac, you will probably want to look at [these instructions]( as well.
1. Run `postgres -V` to see if you already have it.
1. Make sure that the server's messages language is English; this is [required]( by the ActiveRecord Postgres adapter.
1. Run `redis-server -v` to see if you already have it.
3. Install ImageMagick
4. Install libxml2, g++, and make.
5. Install Ruby 1.9.3 and Bundler.
6. Clone the project and bundle.
7. Copy `config/database.yml.development-sample` to `config/database.yml`. Copy `config/redis.yml.sample` to `config/redis.yml`. Edit the files to point to your postgres and redis instances.
8. Create the "vagrant" user and the development and test databases in postgres. See the postgres section in "Building your own Vagrant VM", below.
You should now be able to connect to rails on [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) - try it out! The seed data includes a pinned topic that explains how to get an admin account, so start there! Happy hacking!
Here are the steps we used to create the **[Vagrant Virtual Machine](**. They might be useful if you plan on setting up an environment from scratch on Linux: