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# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'rails_helper'
require 'discourse_connect_base'
RSpec.describe Users::OmniauthCallbacksController do
fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) }
before do
OmniAuth.config.test_mode = true
after do
2017-05-09 11:26:24 +08:00
Rails.application.env_config["omniauth.auth"] = OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:google_oauth2] = nil
Rails.application.env_config["omniauth.origin"] = nil
OmniAuth.config.test_mode = false
describe ".find_authenticator" do
it "fails if a provider is disabled" do
SiteSetting.enable_twitter_logins = false
expect do
end.to raise_error(Discourse::InvalidAccess)
it "fails for unknown" do
expect do
end.to raise_error(Discourse::InvalidAccess)
it "finds an authenticator when enabled" do
SiteSetting.enable_twitter_logins = true
.not_to eq(nil)
context "with a plugin-contributed auth provider" do
let :provider do
provider = Auth::AuthProvider.new
provider.authenticator = Class.new(Auth::Authenticator) do
def name
def enabled?
provider.enabled_setting = "ubuntu_login_enabled"
before do
after do
it "finds an authenticator when enabled" do
.to be(provider.authenticator)
it "fails if an authenticator is disabled" do
expect { Users::OmniauthCallbacksController.find_authenticator("ubuntu") }
.to raise_error(Discourse::InvalidAccess)
context 'Google Oauth2' do
before do
SiteSetting.enable_google_oauth2_logins = true
it "should display the failure message if needed" do
get "/auth/failure"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(response.body).to include(I18n.t("login.omniauth_error.generic"))
describe "request" do
it "should error for non existant authenticators" do
post "/auth/fake_auth"
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
get "/auth/fake_auth"
expect(response.status).to eq(403)
it "should error for disabled authenticators" do
SiteSetting.enable_google_oauth2_logins = false
post "/auth/google_oauth2"
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
get "/auth/google_oauth2"
expect(response.status).to eq(403)
it "should handle common errors" do
OAuth::Unauthorized.new(mock().tap { |m| m.stubs(:code).returns(403); m.stubs(:message).returns("Message") })
post "/auth/google_oauth2"
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
expect(response.location).to include("/auth/failure?message=request_error")
post "/auth/google_oauth2"
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
expect(response.location).to include("/auth/failure?message=invalid_iat")
it "should only start auth with a POST request" do
post "/auth/google_oauth2"
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
get "/auth/google_oauth2"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
context "with CSRF protection enabled" do
before { ActionController::Base.allow_forgery_protection = true }
after { ActionController::Base.allow_forgery_protection = false }
it "should be CSRF protected" do
post "/auth/google_oauth2"
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
expect(response.location).to include("/auth/failure?message=csrf_detected")
post "/auth/google_oauth2", params: { authenticity_token: "faketoken" }
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
expect(response.location).to include("/auth/failure?message=csrf_detected")
get "/session/csrf.json"
token = response.parsed_body["csrf"]
post "/auth/google_oauth2", params: { authenticity_token: token }
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
it "should not be CSRF protected if it is the only auth method" do
get "/auth/google_oauth2"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
SiteSetting.enable_local_logins = false
get "/auth/google_oauth2"
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
context "without an `omniauth.auth` env" do
it "should return a 404" do
get "/auth/eviltrout/callback"
expect(response.code).to eq("404")
describe 'when user not found' do
let(:email) { "somename@gmail.com" }
let(:username) { "somename" }
let(:name) { "Some Name" }
before do
mock_auth(email, username, name)
it 'should return the right response' do
destination_url = '/somepath'
Rails.application.env_config["omniauth.origin"] = destination_url
events = DiscourseEvent.track_events { get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json" }
expect(events.any? { |e| e[:event_name] == :before_auth }).to eq(true)
expect(events.any? { |e| e[:event_name] === :after_auth && Auth::GoogleOAuth2Authenticator === e[:params][0] && !e[:params][1].failed? }).to eq(true)
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
data = JSON.parse(cookies[:authentication_data])
expect(data["email"]).to eq(email)
expect(data["username"]).to eq(username)
expect(data["name"]).to eq(name)
expect(data["auth_provider"]).to eq("google_oauth2")
expect(data["email_valid"]).to eq(true)
expect(data["can_edit_username"]).to eq(true)
expect(data["destination_url"]).to eq(destination_url)
it 'should return the right response for staged users' do
Fabricate(:user, username: username, email: email, staged: true)
destination_url = '/somepath'
Rails.application.env_config["omniauth.origin"] = destination_url
events = DiscourseEvent.track_events { get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json" }
expect(events.any? { |e| e[:event_name] == :before_auth }).to eq(true)
expect(events.any? { |e| e[:event_name] === :after_auth && Auth::GoogleOAuth2Authenticator === e[:params][0] && !e[:params][1].failed? }).to eq(true)
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
data = JSON.parse(cookies[:authentication_data])
expect(data["email"]).to eq(email)
expect(data["username"]).to eq(username)
expect(data["auth_provider"]).to eq("google_oauth2")
expect(data["email_valid"]).to eq(true)
expect(data["can_edit_username"]).to eq(true)
expect(data["name"]).to eq("Some Name")
expect(data["destination_url"]).to eq(destination_url)
it 'should include destination url in response' do
destination_url = '/cookiepath'
cookies[:destination_url] = destination_url
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
data = JSON.parse(cookies[:authentication_data])
expect(data["destination_url"]).to eq(destination_url)
it 'should return an associate url when multiple login methods are enabled' do
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
data = JSON.parse(cookies[:authentication_data])
expect(data["associate_url"]).to start_with('/associate/')
SiteSetting.enable_local_logins = false
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
data = JSON.parse(cookies[:authentication_data])
expect(data["associate_url"]).to eq(nil)
it 'does not use email for username suggestions if disabled in settings' do
SiteSetting.use_email_for_username_and_name_suggestions = false
username = ""
name = ""
email = "billmailbox@test.com"
mock_auth(email, username, name)
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
data = JSON.parse(cookies[:authentication_data])
expect(data["username"]).to eq("user1") # not "billmailbox" that can be extracted from email
it 'uses email for username suggestions if enabled in settings' do
SiteSetting.use_email_for_username_and_name_suggestions = true
username = ""
name = ""
email = "billmailbox@test.com"
mock_auth(email, username, name)
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
data = JSON.parse(cookies[:authentication_data])
expect(data["username"]).to eq("billmailbox")
describe 'when site is invite_only' do
before do
SiteSetting.invite_only = true
it 'should return the right response without any origin' do
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
data = JSON.parse(response.cookies["authentication_data"])
expect(data["requires_invite"]).to eq(true)
it 'returns the right response for an invalid origin' do
Rails.application.env_config["omniauth.origin"] = "/invitesinvites"
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
it 'should return the right response when origin is invites page' do
origin = Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.invite_url(
host: Discourse.base_url
Rails.application.env_config["omniauth.origin"] = origin
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
expect(response).to redirect_to(origin)
data = JSON.parse(response.cookies["authentication_data"])
expect(data["requires_invite"]).to eq(nil)
describe 'when user has been verified' do
let(:uid) { 12345 }
before do
mock_auth(user.email, "Somenickname", "Some name", uid)
it 'should return the right response' do
expect(user.email_confirmed?).to eq(false)
events = DiscourseEvent.track_events do
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
expect(events.map { |event| event[:event_name] }).to include(:user_logged_in, :user_first_logged_in)
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
data = JSON.parse(cookies[:authentication_data])
expect(data["authenticated"]).to eq(true)
expect(data["awaiting_activation"]).to eq(false)
expect(data["awaiting_approval"]).to eq(false)
expect(data["not_allowed_from_ip_address"]).to eq(false)
expect(data["admin_not_allowed_from_ip_address"]).to eq(false)
expect(user.email_confirmed?).to eq(true)
it 'should return the authenticated response with the correct path for subfolders' do
set_subfolder "/forum"
events = DiscourseEvent.track_events do
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
expect(response.headers["Set-Cookie"].match(/^authentication_data=.*; path=\/forum/)).not_to eq(nil)
expect(events.map { |event| event[:event_name] }).to include(:user_logged_in, :user_first_logged_in)
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
data = JSON.parse(response.cookies["authentication_data"])
expect(data["authenticated"]).to eq(true)
expect(data["awaiting_activation"]).to eq(false)
expect(data["awaiting_approval"]).to eq(false)
expect(data["not_allowed_from_ip_address"]).to eq(false)
expect(data["admin_not_allowed_from_ip_address"]).to eq(false)
expect(user.email_confirmed?).to eq(true)
it "should confirm email even when the tokens are expired" do
user.email_tokens.update_all(confirmed: false, expired: true)
expect(user.email_confirmed?).to eq(false)
events = DiscourseEvent.track_events do
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
expect(events.map { |event| event[:event_name] }).to include(:user_logged_in, :user_first_logged_in)
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
expect(user.email_confirmed?).to eq(true)
it "should treat a staged user the same as an unregistered user" do
user.update!(staged: true, registration_ip_address: nil)
expect(user.staged).to eq(true)
expect(user.registration_ip_address).to eq(nil)
events = DiscourseEvent.track_events do
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
expect(events.map { |event| event[:event_name] }).to include(:before_auth, :after_auth)
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
data = JSON.parse(cookies[:authentication_data])
expect(data["username"]).to eq("Somenickname")
expect(user.staged).to eq(true)
expect(user.registration_ip_address).to eq(nil)
# Now register
post "/u.json", params: {
name: "My new name",
username: "mynewusername",
email: user.email
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(user.staged).to eq(false)
expect(user.registration_ip_address).to be_present
expect(user.name).to eq("My new name")
it "should activate user with matching email" do
user.update!(password: "securepassword", active: false, registration_ip_address: "")
expect(user.active).to eq(false)
expect(user.confirm_password?("securepassword")).to eq(true)
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
expect(user.active).to eq(true)
# Delete the password, it may have been set by someone else
expect(user.confirm_password?("securepassword")).to eq(false)
it "should work if the user has no email_tokens, and an invite" do
# Confirming existing email_tokens has a side effect of redeeming invites.
# Pretend we don't have any email_tokens
invite = Fabricate(:invite, invited_by: Fabricate(:admin))
invite.update_column(:email, user.email) # (avoid validation)
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
expect(invite.reload.invalidated_at).not_to eq(nil)
it "should update name/username/email when SiteSetting.auth_overrides_* are enabled" do
SiteSetting.email_editable = false
FEATURE: Rename 'Discourse SSO' to DiscourseConnect (#11978) The 'Discourse SSO' protocol is being rebranded to DiscourseConnect. This should help to reduce confusion when 'SSO' is used in the generic sense. This commit aims to: - Rename `sso_` site settings. DiscourseConnect specific ones are prefixed `discourse_connect_`. Generic settings are prefixed `auth_` - Add (server-side-only) backwards compatibility for the old setting names, with deprecation notices - Copy `site_settings` database records to the new names - Rename relevant translation keys - Update relevant translations This commit does **not** aim to: - Rename any Ruby classes or methods. This might be done in a future commit - Change any URLs. This would break existing integrations - Make any changes to the protocol. This would break existing integrations - Change any functionality. Further normalization across DiscourseConnect and other auth methods will be done separately The risks are: - There is no backwards compatibility for site settings on the client-side. Accessing auth-related site settings in Javascript is fairly rare, and an error on the client side would not be security-critical. - If a plugin is monkey-patching parts of the auth process, changes to locale keys could cause broken error messages. This should also be unlikely. The old site setting names remain functional, so security-related overrides will remain working. A follow-up commit will be made with a post-deploy migration to delete the old `site_settings` rows.
2021-02-08 10:04:33 +00:00
SiteSetting.auth_overrides_email = true
SiteSetting.auth_overrides_name = true
SiteSetting.auth_overrides_username = true
UserAssociatedAccount.create!(provider_name: "google_oauth2", user_id: user.id, provider_uid: uid)
old_email = user.email
user.update!(name: 'somename', username: 'somusername', email: 'email@example.com')
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
expect(user.email).to eq(old_email)
expect(user.username).to eq('Somenickname')
expect(user.name).to eq('Some name')
it "should preserve username when several users login with the same username" do
SiteSetting.auth_overrides_username = true
# if several users have username "bill" on the external site,
# they will have usernames bill, bill1, bill2 etc in Discourse:
Fabricate(:user, username: "bill")
Fabricate(:user, username: "bill1")
Fabricate(:user, username: "bill2")
Fabricate(:user, username: "bill4")
# the number should be preserved during subsequent logins
# bill3 should remain bill3
user.update!(username: 'bill3')
uid = "12345"
UserAssociatedAccount.create!(provider_name: "google_oauth2", user_id: user.id, provider_uid: uid)
mock_auth(user.email, "bill", uid)
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
expect(user.username).to eq('bill3')
it "will not update email if not verified" do
SiteSetting.email_editable = false
FEATURE: Rename 'Discourse SSO' to DiscourseConnect (#11978) The 'Discourse SSO' protocol is being rebranded to DiscourseConnect. This should help to reduce confusion when 'SSO' is used in the generic sense. This commit aims to: - Rename `sso_` site settings. DiscourseConnect specific ones are prefixed `discourse_connect_`. Generic settings are prefixed `auth_` - Add (server-side-only) backwards compatibility for the old setting names, with deprecation notices - Copy `site_settings` database records to the new names - Rename relevant translation keys - Update relevant translations This commit does **not** aim to: - Rename any Ruby classes or methods. This might be done in a future commit - Change any URLs. This would break existing integrations - Make any changes to the protocol. This would break existing integrations - Change any functionality. Further normalization across DiscourseConnect and other auth methods will be done separately The risks are: - There is no backwards compatibility for site settings on the client-side. Accessing auth-related site settings in Javascript is fairly rare, and an error on the client side would not be security-critical. - If a plugin is monkey-patching parts of the auth process, changes to locale keys could cause broken error messages. This should also be unlikely. The old site setting names remain functional, so security-related overrides will remain working. A follow-up commit will be made with a post-deploy migration to delete the old `site_settings` rows.
2021-02-08 10:04:33 +00:00
SiteSetting.auth_overrides_email = true
OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:google_oauth2][:extra][:raw_info][:email_verified] = false
UserAssociatedAccount.create!(provider_name: "google_oauth2", user_id: user.id, provider_uid: '123545')
old_email = user.email
user.update!(email: 'email@example.com')
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
expect(user.email).to eq('email@example.com')
FEATURE: Rename 'Discourse SSO' to DiscourseConnect (#11978) The 'Discourse SSO' protocol is being rebranded to DiscourseConnect. This should help to reduce confusion when 'SSO' is used in the generic sense. This commit aims to: - Rename `sso_` site settings. DiscourseConnect specific ones are prefixed `discourse_connect_`. Generic settings are prefixed `auth_` - Add (server-side-only) backwards compatibility for the old setting names, with deprecation notices - Copy `site_settings` database records to the new names - Rename relevant translation keys - Update relevant translations This commit does **not** aim to: - Rename any Ruby classes or methods. This might be done in a future commit - Change any URLs. This would break existing integrations - Make any changes to the protocol. This would break existing integrations - Change any functionality. Further normalization across DiscourseConnect and other auth methods will be done separately The risks are: - There is no backwards compatibility for site settings on the client-side. Accessing auth-related site settings in Javascript is fairly rare, and an error on the client side would not be security-critical. - If a plugin is monkey-patching parts of the auth process, changes to locale keys could cause broken error messages. This should also be unlikely. The old site setting names remain functional, so security-related overrides will remain working. A follow-up commit will be made with a post-deploy migration to delete the old `site_settings` rows.
2021-02-08 10:04:33 +00:00
it "shows error when auth_overrides_email causes a validation error" do
SiteSetting.email_editable = false
FEATURE: Rename 'Discourse SSO' to DiscourseConnect (#11978) The 'Discourse SSO' protocol is being rebranded to DiscourseConnect. This should help to reduce confusion when 'SSO' is used in the generic sense. This commit aims to: - Rename `sso_` site settings. DiscourseConnect specific ones are prefixed `discourse_connect_`. Generic settings are prefixed `auth_` - Add (server-side-only) backwards compatibility for the old setting names, with deprecation notices - Copy `site_settings` database records to the new names - Rename relevant translation keys - Update relevant translations This commit does **not** aim to: - Rename any Ruby classes or methods. This might be done in a future commit - Change any URLs. This would break existing integrations - Make any changes to the protocol. This would break existing integrations - Change any functionality. Further normalization across DiscourseConnect and other auth methods will be done separately The risks are: - There is no backwards compatibility for site settings on the client-side. Accessing auth-related site settings in Javascript is fairly rare, and an error on the client side would not be security-critical. - If a plugin is monkey-patching parts of the auth process, changes to locale keys could cause broken error messages. This should also be unlikely. The old site setting names remain functional, so security-related overrides will remain working. A follow-up commit will be made with a post-deploy migration to delete the old `site_settings` rows.
2021-02-08 10:04:33 +00:00
SiteSetting.auth_overrides_email = true
UserAssociatedAccount.create!(provider_name: "google_oauth2", user_id: user.id, provider_uid: uid)
google_email = user.email
user.update!(email: 'anotheremail@example.com')
Fabricate(:user, email: google_email) # Another user has the google account email
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(response.body).to include(I18n.t("errors.messages.taken"))
expect(session[:current_user_id]).to eq(nil)
expect(user.email).to eq('anotheremail@example.com')
2020-01-15 11:27:12 +01:00
context 'when user has TOTP enabled' do
before do
user.create_totp(enabled: true)
it 'should return the right response' do
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
data = JSON.parse(cookies[:authentication_data])
expect(data["email"]).to eq(user.email)
expect(data["omniauth_disallow_totp"]).to eq(true)
user.update!(email: 'different@user.email')
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
expect(JSON.parse(cookies[:authentication_data])["email"]).to eq(user.email)
2020-01-15 11:27:12 +01:00
context 'when user has security key enabled' do
before do
Fabricate(:user_security_key_with_random_credential, user: user)
it 'should return the right response' do
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
data = JSON.parse(cookies[:authentication_data])
expect(data["email"]).to eq(user.email)
expect(data["omniauth_disallow_totp"]).to eq(true)
user.update!(email: 'different@user.email')
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
expect(JSON.parse(cookies[:authentication_data])["email"]).to eq(user.email)
context 'when sso_payload cookie exist' do
before do
FEATURE: Rename 'Discourse SSO' to DiscourseConnect (#11978) The 'Discourse SSO' protocol is being rebranded to DiscourseConnect. This should help to reduce confusion when 'SSO' is used in the generic sense. This commit aims to: - Rename `sso_` site settings. DiscourseConnect specific ones are prefixed `discourse_connect_`. Generic settings are prefixed `auth_` - Add (server-side-only) backwards compatibility for the old setting names, with deprecation notices - Copy `site_settings` database records to the new names - Rename relevant translation keys - Update relevant translations This commit does **not** aim to: - Rename any Ruby classes or methods. This might be done in a future commit - Change any URLs. This would break existing integrations - Make any changes to the protocol. This would break existing integrations - Change any functionality. Further normalization across DiscourseConnect and other auth methods will be done separately The risks are: - There is no backwards compatibility for site settings on the client-side. Accessing auth-related site settings in Javascript is fairly rare, and an error on the client side would not be security-critical. - If a plugin is monkey-patching parts of the auth process, changes to locale keys could cause broken error messages. This should also be unlikely. The old site setting names remain functional, so security-related overrides will remain working. A follow-up commit will be made with a post-deploy migration to delete the old `site_settings` rows.
2021-02-08 10:04:33 +00:00
SiteSetting.enable_discourse_connect_provider = true
SiteSetting.discourse_connect_secret = "topsecret"
@sso = DiscourseConnectBase.new
@sso.nonce = "mynonce"
FEATURE: Rename 'Discourse SSO' to DiscourseConnect (#11978) The 'Discourse SSO' protocol is being rebranded to DiscourseConnect. This should help to reduce confusion when 'SSO' is used in the generic sense. This commit aims to: - Rename `sso_` site settings. DiscourseConnect specific ones are prefixed `discourse_connect_`. Generic settings are prefixed `auth_` - Add (server-side-only) backwards compatibility for the old setting names, with deprecation notices - Copy `site_settings` database records to the new names - Rename relevant translation keys - Update relevant translations This commit does **not** aim to: - Rename any Ruby classes or methods. This might be done in a future commit - Change any URLs. This would break existing integrations - Make any changes to the protocol. This would break existing integrations - Change any functionality. Further normalization across DiscourseConnect and other auth methods will be done separately The risks are: - There is no backwards compatibility for site settings on the client-side. Accessing auth-related site settings in Javascript is fairly rare, and an error on the client side would not be security-critical. - If a plugin is monkey-patching parts of the auth process, changes to locale keys could cause broken error messages. This should also be unlikely. The old site setting names remain functional, so security-related overrides will remain working. A follow-up commit will be made with a post-deploy migration to delete the old `site_settings` rows.
2021-02-08 10:04:33 +00:00
@sso.sso_secret = SiteSetting.discourse_connect_secret
@sso.return_sso_url = "http://somewhere.over.rainbow/sso"
cookies[:sso_payload] = @sso.payload
provider_uid = 12345
UserAssociatedAccount.create!(provider_name: "google_oauth2", provider_uid: provider_uid, user: user)
mock_auth(user.email, nil, nil, provider_uid)
it 'should return the right response' do
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
data = JSON.parse(cookies[:authentication_data])
expect(data["destination_url"]).to match(/\/session\/sso_provider\?sso\=.*\&sig\=.*/)
context 'when user has not verified his email' do
before do
provider_uid = "12345"
UserAssociatedAccount.create!(provider_name: "google_oauth2", provider_uid: provider_uid, user: user)
user.update!(active: false)
another_email = "another_email@test.com"
mock_auth(another_email, nil, nil, provider_uid)
it 'should return the right response' do
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
data = JSON.parse(cookies[:authentication_data])
expect(user.reload.active).to eq(false)
expect(data["authenticated"]).to eq(false)
expect(data["awaiting_activation"]).to eq(true)
it "doesn't attempt redirect to external origin" do
post "/auth/google_oauth2?origin=https://example.com/external"
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback"
expect(response.status).to eq 302
expect(response.location).to eq "http://test.localhost/"
cookie_data = JSON.parse(response.cookies['authentication_data'])
expect(cookie_data["destination_url"]).to eq('/')
it "redirects to internal origin" do
post "/auth/google_oauth2?origin=http://test.localhost/t/123"
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback"
expect(response.status).to eq 302
expect(response.location).to eq "http://test.localhost/t/123"
cookie_data = JSON.parse(response.cookies['authentication_data'])
expect(cookie_data["destination_url"]).to eq('/t/123')
it "redirects to internal origin on subfolder" do
set_subfolder "/subpath"
post "/auth/google_oauth2?origin=http://test.localhost/subpath/t/123"
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback"
expect(response.status).to eq 302
expect(response.location).to eq "http://test.localhost/subpath/t/123"
cookie_data = JSON.parse(response.cookies['authentication_data'])
expect(cookie_data["destination_url"]).to eq('/subpath/t/123')
it "never redirects to /auth/ origin" do
post "/auth/google_oauth2?origin=http://test.localhost/auth/google_oauth2"
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback"
expect(response.status).to eq 302
expect(response.location).to eq "http://test.localhost/"
cookie_data = JSON.parse(response.cookies['authentication_data'])
expect(cookie_data["destination_url"]).to eq('/')
it "never redirects to /auth/ origin on subfolder" do
set_subfolder "/subpath"
post "/auth/google_oauth2?origin=http://test.localhost/subpath/auth/google_oauth2"
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback"
expect(response.status).to eq 302
expect(response.location).to eq "http://test.localhost/subpath"
cookie_data = JSON.parse(response.cookies['authentication_data'])
expect(cookie_data["destination_url"]).to eq('/subpath')
it "redirects to relative origin" do
post "/auth/google_oauth2?origin=/t/123"
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback"
expect(response.status).to eq 302
expect(response.location).to eq "http://test.localhost/t/123"
cookie_data = JSON.parse(response.cookies['authentication_data'])
expect(cookie_data["destination_url"]).to eq('/t/123')
it "redirects with query" do
post "/auth/google_oauth2?origin=/t/123?foo=bar"
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback"
expect(response.status).to eq 302
expect(response.location).to eq "http://test.localhost/t/123?foo=bar"
cookie_data = JSON.parse(response.cookies['authentication_data'])
expect(cookie_data["destination_url"]).to eq('/t/123?foo=bar')
it "removes authentication_data cookie on logout" do
post "/auth/google_oauth2?origin=https://example.com/external"
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback"
provider = log_in_user(Fabricate(:user))
expect(cookies['authentication_data']).to be
expect(cookies['authentication_data']).to be_nil
it "removes disallowed characters from username" do
username = "strange_name*&^"
fixed_username = "strange_name"
mock_auth("user.with.strange.username@gmail.com", username)
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
data = JSON.parse(cookies[:authentication_data])
expect(data["username"]).to eq(fixed_username)
context "groups are enabled" do
let(:strategy_class) { Auth::OmniAuthStrategies::DiscourseGoogleOauth2 }
let(:groups_url) { "#{strategy_class::GROUPS_DOMAIN}#{strategy_class::GROUPS_PATH}" }
let(:groups_scope) { strategy_class::DEFAULT_SCOPE + strategy_class::GROUPS_SCOPE }
let(:group1) { { id: "12345", name: "group1" } }
let(:group2) { { id: "67890", name: "group2" } }
let(:uid) { "12345" }
let(:token) { "1245678" }
let(:domain) { "mydomain.com" }
def mock_omniauth_for_groups(groups)
raw_groups = groups.map { |group| OmniAuth::AuthHash.new(group) }
mock_auth = OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:google_oauth2]
mock_auth[:extra][:raw_groups] = raw_groups
OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:google_oauth2] = mock_auth
Rails.application.env_config["omniauth.auth"] = mock_auth
before do
SiteSetting.google_oauth2_hd = domain
SiteSetting.google_oauth2_hd_groups = true
it "updates associated groups" do
mock_omniauth_for_groups([group1, group2])
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json", params: {
scope: groups_scope.split(' '),
code: 'abcde',
hd: domain
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
associated_groups = AssociatedGroup.where(provider_name: 'google_oauth2')
expect(associated_groups.length).to eq(2)
expect(associated_groups.exists?(name: group1[:name])).to eq(true)
expect(associated_groups.exists?(name: group2[:name])).to eq(true)
user_associated_groups = UserAssociatedGroup.where(user_id: user.id)
expect(user_associated_groups.length).to eq(2)
expect(user_associated_groups.exists?(associated_group_id: associated_groups.first.id)).to eq(true)
expect(user_associated_groups.exists?(associated_group_id: associated_groups.second.id)).to eq(true)
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json", params: {
scope: groups_scope.split(' '),
code: 'abcde',
hd: domain
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
user_associated_groups = UserAssociatedGroup.where(user_id: user.id)
expect(user_associated_groups.length).to eq(1)
expect(user_associated_groups.exists?(associated_group_id: associated_groups.first.id)).to eq(true)
expect(user_associated_groups.exists?(associated_group_id: associated_groups.second.id)).to eq(false)
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json", params: {
scope: groups_scope.split(' '),
code: 'abcde',
hd: domain
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
user_associated_groups = UserAssociatedGroup.where(user_id: user.id)
expect(user_associated_groups.length).to eq(0)
expect(user_associated_groups.exists?(associated_group_id: associated_groups.first.id)).to eq(false)
expect(user_associated_groups.exists?(associated_group_id: associated_groups.second.id)).to eq(false)
it "handles failure to retrieve groups" do
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json", params: {
scope: groups_scope.split(' '),
code: 'abcde',
hd: domain
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
associated_groups = AssociatedGroup.where(provider_name: 'google_oauth2')
expect(associated_groups.exists?).to eq(false)
context 'when attempting reconnect' do
fab!(:user2) { Fabricate(:user) }
let(:user1_provider_id) { "12345" }
let(:user2_provider_id) { "123456" }
before do
UserAssociatedAccount.create!(provider_name: "google_oauth2", provider_uid: user1_provider_id, user: user)
UserAssociatedAccount.create!(provider_name: "google_oauth2", provider_uid: user2_provider_id, user: user2)
mock_auth("someother_email@test.com", nil, nil, user1_provider_id)
it 'should not reconnect normally' do
# Log in normally
post "/auth/google_oauth2"
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
expect(session[:auth_reconnect]).to eq(false)
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
expect(session[:current_user_id]).to eq(user.id)
# Log into another user
OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:google_oauth2].uid = user2_provider_id
post "/auth/google_oauth2"
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
expect(session[:auth_reconnect]).to eq(false)
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
expect(session[:current_user_id]).to eq(user2.id)
expect(UserAssociatedAccount.count).to eq(2)
it 'should redirect to associate URL if parameter supplied' do
# Log in normally
post "/auth/google_oauth2?reconnect=true"
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
expect(session[:auth_reconnect]).to eq(true)
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
expect(session[:current_user_id]).to eq(user.id)
# Clear cookie after login
expect(session[:auth_reconnect]).to eq(nil)
# Disconnect
UserAssociatedAccount.find_by(user_id: user.id).destroy
# Reconnect flow:
post "/auth/google_oauth2?reconnect=true"
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
expect(session[:auth_reconnect]).to eq(true)
OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:google_oauth2].uid = user2_provider_id
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
expect(response.redirect_url).to start_with("http://test.localhost/associate/")
expect(session[:current_user_id]).to eq(user.id)
2019-07-24 11:45:36 +01:00
expect(UserAssociatedAccount.count).to eq(1) # Reconnect has not yet happened
it 'stores and redirects to \'origin\' parameter' do
# Log in normally
post "/auth/google_oauth2?origin=http://test.localhost/atesturl"
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
expect(session[:destination_url]).to eq("http://test.localhost/atesturl")
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
expect(response.redirect_url).to eq("http://test.localhost/atesturl")
context 'after changing email' do
def login(identity)
mock_auth(identity[:email], nil, nil, "123545#{identity[:username]}")
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
it 'activates the correct email' do
old_email = 'old@email.com'
old_identity = { name: 'Bob',
username: 'bob',
email: old_email }
user = Fabricate(:user, email: old_email)
new_email = 'new@email.com'
new_identity = { name: 'Bob',
username: 'boguslaw',
email: new_email }
updater = EmailUpdater.new(guardian: user.guardian, user: user)
expect(user.email).to eq(old_email)
response = login(old_identity)
expect(response['authenticated']).to eq(true)
expect(user.email).to eq(old_email)
delete "/session/#{user.username}" # log out
response = login(new_identity)
expect(response['authenticated']).to eq(nil)
expect(response['email']).to eq(new_email)
context "when user is staged" do
fab!(:staged_user) { Fabricate(
username: "staged_user",
email: "staged.user@gmail.com",
staged: true
it "should use username of the staged user if username is not present in payload" do
mock_auth(staged_user.email, nil)
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
data = JSON.parse(cookies[:authentication_data])
expect(data["username"]).to eq(staged_user.username)
it "should use username of the staged user if username in payload is the same" do
# it's important to check this, because we had regressions
# when usernames were changed to the same username with "1" added at the end
mock_auth(staged_user.email, staged_user.username)
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
data = JSON.parse(cookies[:authentication_data])
expect(data["username"]).to eq(staged_user.username)
it "should override username of the staged user if payload contains a new username" do
new_username = "new_username"
mock_auth(staged_user.email, new_username)
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
data = JSON.parse(cookies[:authentication_data])
expect(data["username"]).to eq(new_username)
def mock_auth(email, nickname = nil, name = nil, uid = '12345')
OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:google_oauth2] = OmniAuth::AuthHash.new(
provider: 'google_oauth2',
uid: uid,
info: OmniAuth::AuthHash::InfoHash.new(
email: email,
nickname: nickname,
name: name
extra: {
raw_info: OmniAuth::AuthHash.new(email_verified: true)
Rails.application.env_config["omniauth.auth"] = OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:google_oauth2]