
1326 lines
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# frozen_string_literal: true
RSpec.describe ApplicationController do
describe "#redirect_to_login_if_required" do
let(:admin) { Fabricate(:admin) }
before do
admin # to skip welcome wizard at home page `/`
SiteSetting.login_required = true
it "should never cache a login redirect" do
get "/"
expect(response.headers["Cache-Control"]).to eq("no-cache, no-store")
it "should redirect to login normally" do
get "/"
expect(response).to redirect_to("/login")
it "should redirect to SSO if enabled" do
SiteSetting.discourse_connect_url = "http://someurl.com"
FEATURE: Rename 'Discourse SSO' to DiscourseConnect (#11978) The 'Discourse SSO' protocol is being rebranded to DiscourseConnect. This should help to reduce confusion when 'SSO' is used in the generic sense. This commit aims to: - Rename `sso_` site settings. DiscourseConnect specific ones are prefixed `discourse_connect_`. Generic settings are prefixed `auth_` - Add (server-side-only) backwards compatibility for the old setting names, with deprecation notices - Copy `site_settings` database records to the new names - Rename relevant translation keys - Update relevant translations This commit does **not** aim to: - Rename any Ruby classes or methods. This might be done in a future commit - Change any URLs. This would break existing integrations - Make any changes to the protocol. This would break existing integrations - Change any functionality. Further normalization across DiscourseConnect and other auth methods will be done separately The risks are: - There is no backwards compatibility for site settings on the client-side. Accessing auth-related site settings in Javascript is fairly rare, and an error on the client side would not be security-critical. - If a plugin is monkey-patching parts of the auth process, changes to locale keys could cause broken error messages. This should also be unlikely. The old site setting names remain functional, so security-related overrides will remain working. A follow-up commit will be made with a post-deploy migration to delete the old `site_settings` rows.
2021-02-08 10:04:33 +00:00
SiteSetting.enable_discourse_connect = true
get "/"
expect(response).to redirect_to("/session/sso")
it "should redirect to authenticator if only one, and local logins disabled" do
# Local logins and google enabled, direct to login UI
SiteSetting.enable_google_oauth2_logins = true
get "/"
expect(response).to redirect_to("/login")
# Only google enabled, login immediately
SiteSetting.enable_local_logins = false
get "/"
expect(response).to redirect_to("/auth/google_oauth2")
# Google and GitHub enabled, direct to login UI
SiteSetting.enable_github_logins = true
get "/"
expect(response).to redirect_to("/login")
FEATURE: Rename 'Discourse SSO' to DiscourseConnect (#11978) The 'Discourse SSO' protocol is being rebranded to DiscourseConnect. This should help to reduce confusion when 'SSO' is used in the generic sense. This commit aims to: - Rename `sso_` site settings. DiscourseConnect specific ones are prefixed `discourse_connect_`. Generic settings are prefixed `auth_` - Add (server-side-only) backwards compatibility for the old setting names, with deprecation notices - Copy `site_settings` database records to the new names - Rename relevant translation keys - Update relevant translations This commit does **not** aim to: - Rename any Ruby classes or methods. This might be done in a future commit - Change any URLs. This would break existing integrations - Make any changes to the protocol. This would break existing integrations - Change any functionality. Further normalization across DiscourseConnect and other auth methods will be done separately The risks are: - There is no backwards compatibility for site settings on the client-side. Accessing auth-related site settings in Javascript is fairly rare, and an error on the client side would not be security-critical. - If a plugin is monkey-patching parts of the auth process, changes to locale keys could cause broken error messages. This should also be unlikely. The old site setting names remain functional, so security-related overrides will remain working. A follow-up commit will be made with a post-deploy migration to delete the old `site_settings` rows.
2021-02-08 10:04:33 +00:00
it "should not redirect to SSO when auth_immediately is disabled" do
SiteSetting.auth_immediately = false
SiteSetting.discourse_connect_url = "http://someurl.com"
FEATURE: Rename 'Discourse SSO' to DiscourseConnect (#11978) The 'Discourse SSO' protocol is being rebranded to DiscourseConnect. This should help to reduce confusion when 'SSO' is used in the generic sense. This commit aims to: - Rename `sso_` site settings. DiscourseConnect specific ones are prefixed `discourse_connect_`. Generic settings are prefixed `auth_` - Add (server-side-only) backwards compatibility for the old setting names, with deprecation notices - Copy `site_settings` database records to the new names - Rename relevant translation keys - Update relevant translations This commit does **not** aim to: - Rename any Ruby classes or methods. This might be done in a future commit - Change any URLs. This would break existing integrations - Make any changes to the protocol. This would break existing integrations - Change any functionality. Further normalization across DiscourseConnect and other auth methods will be done separately The risks are: - There is no backwards compatibility for site settings on the client-side. Accessing auth-related site settings in Javascript is fairly rare, and an error on the client side would not be security-critical. - If a plugin is monkey-patching parts of the auth process, changes to locale keys could cause broken error messages. This should also be unlikely. The old site setting names remain functional, so security-related overrides will remain working. A follow-up commit will be made with a post-deploy migration to delete the old `site_settings` rows.
2021-02-08 10:04:33 +00:00
SiteSetting.enable_discourse_connect = true
get "/"
expect(response).to redirect_to("/login")
FEATURE: Rename 'Discourse SSO' to DiscourseConnect (#11978) The 'Discourse SSO' protocol is being rebranded to DiscourseConnect. This should help to reduce confusion when 'SSO' is used in the generic sense. This commit aims to: - Rename `sso_` site settings. DiscourseConnect specific ones are prefixed `discourse_connect_`. Generic settings are prefixed `auth_` - Add (server-side-only) backwards compatibility for the old setting names, with deprecation notices - Copy `site_settings` database records to the new names - Rename relevant translation keys - Update relevant translations This commit does **not** aim to: - Rename any Ruby classes or methods. This might be done in a future commit - Change any URLs. This would break existing integrations - Make any changes to the protocol. This would break existing integrations - Change any functionality. Further normalization across DiscourseConnect and other auth methods will be done separately The risks are: - There is no backwards compatibility for site settings on the client-side. Accessing auth-related site settings in Javascript is fairly rare, and an error on the client side would not be security-critical. - If a plugin is monkey-patching parts of the auth process, changes to locale keys could cause broken error messages. This should also be unlikely. The old site setting names remain functional, so security-related overrides will remain working. A follow-up commit will be made with a post-deploy migration to delete the old `site_settings` rows.
2021-02-08 10:04:33 +00:00
it "should not redirect to authenticator when auth_immediately is disabled" do
SiteSetting.auth_immediately = false
SiteSetting.enable_google_oauth2_logins = true
SiteSetting.enable_local_logins = false
get "/"
expect(response).to redirect_to("/login")
context "with omniauth in test mode" do
before do
OmniAuth.config.test_mode = true
info: OmniAuth::AuthHash::InfoHash.new(email: "address@example.com"),
extra: {
raw_info: OmniAuth::AuthHash.new(email_verified: true, email: "address@example.com"),
Rails.application.env_config["omniauth.auth"] = OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:google_oauth2]
after do
Rails.application.env_config["omniauth.auth"] = OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[
] = nil
OmniAuth.config.test_mode = false
it "should not redirect to authenticator if registration in progress" do
SiteSetting.enable_local_logins = false
SiteSetting.enable_google_oauth2_logins = true
get "/"
expect(response).to redirect_to("/auth/google_oauth2")
expect(cookies[:authentication_data]).to eq(nil)
get "/auth/google_oauth2/callback.json"
expect(response).to redirect_to("/")
expect(cookies[:authentication_data]).not_to eq(nil)
get "/"
expect(response).to redirect_to("/login")
it "contains authentication data when cookies exist" do
cookie_data = "someauthenticationdata"
cookies["authentication_data"] = cookie_data
get "/login"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(response.body).to include("data-authentication-data=\"#{cookie_data}\"")
expect(response.headers["Set-Cookie"]).to include("authentication_data=;") # Delete cookie
it "deletes authentication data cookie even if already authenticated" do
cookies["authentication_data"] = "someauthenticationdata"
get "/"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(response.body).not_to include("data-authentication-data=")
expect(response.headers["Set-Cookie"]).to include("authentication_data=;") # Delete cookie
it "returns a 403 for json requests" do
get "/latest"
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
get "/latest.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(403)
describe "#redirect_to_second_factor_if_required" do
let(:admin) { Fabricate(:admin) }
before do
admin # to skip welcome wizard at home page `/`
it "should redirect admins when enforce_second_factor is 'all'" do
SiteSetting.enforce_second_factor = "all"
get "/"
expect(response).to redirect_to("/u/#{admin.username}/preferences/second-factor")
it "should redirect users when enforce_second_factor is 'all'" do
SiteSetting.enforce_second_factor = "all"
get "/"
expect(response).to redirect_to("/u/#{user.username}/preferences/second-factor")
it "should not redirect anonymous users when enforce_second_factor is 'all'" do
SiteSetting.enforce_second_factor = "all"
SiteSetting.allow_anonymous_posting = true
post "/u/toggle-anon.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
get "/"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
it "should redirect admins when enforce_second_factor is 'staff'" do
SiteSetting.enforce_second_factor = "staff"
get "/"
expect(response).to redirect_to("/u/#{admin.username}/preferences/second-factor")
it "should not redirect users when enforce_second_factor is 'staff'" do
SiteSetting.enforce_second_factor = "staff"
get "/"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
it "should not redirect admins when turned off" do
SiteSetting.enforce_second_factor = "no"
get "/"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
it "should not redirect users when turned off" do
SiteSetting.enforce_second_factor = "no"
get "/"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
2020-01-15 11:27:12 +01:00
it "correctly redirects for Unicode usernames" do
SiteSetting.enforce_second_factor = "all"
SiteSetting.unicode_usernames = true
user = sign_in(Fabricate(:unicode_user))
get "/"
expect(response).to redirect_to("/u/#{user.encoded_username}/preferences/second-factor")
2020-01-15 11:27:12 +01:00
context "when enforcing second factor for staff" do
before do
SiteSetting.enforce_second_factor = "staff"
context "when the staff member has not enabled TOTP or security keys" do
it "redirects the staff to the second factor preferences" do
get "/"
expect(response).to redirect_to("/u/#{admin.username}/preferences/second-factor")
context "when the staff member has enabled TOTP" do
before { Fabricate(:user_second_factor_totp, user: admin) }
2020-01-15 11:27:12 +01:00
it "does not redirects the staff to set up 2FA" do
get "/"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
context "when the staff member has enabled security keys" do
before { Fabricate(:user_security_key_with_random_credential, user: admin) }
2020-01-15 11:27:12 +01:00
it "does not redirects the staff to set up 2FA" do
get "/"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
describe "invalid request params" do
before do
@old_logger = Rails.logger
@logs = StringIO.new
Rails.logger = Logger.new(@logs)
after { Rails.logger = @old_logger }
it "should not raise a 500 (nor should it log a warning) for bad params" do
bad_str = (+"d\xDE").force_encoding("utf-8")
expect(bad_str.valid_encoding?).to eq(false)
get "/latest.json", params: { test: bad_str }
expect(response.status).to eq(400)
log = @logs.string
if (log.include? "exception app middleware")
# heisentest diagnostics
puts log
puts ">> action_dispatch.exception"
ex = request.env["action_dispatch.exception"]
puts ">> exception class: #{ex.class} : #{ex}"
expect(log).not_to include("exception app middleware")
expect(response.parsed_body).to eq("status" => 400, "error" => "Bad Request")
describe "missing required param" do
it "should return a 400" do
get "/search/query.json", params: { trem: "misspelled term" }
expect(response.status).to eq(400)
expect(response.parsed_body["errors"].first).to include(
"param is missing or the value is empty: term",
describe "build_not_found_page" do
describe "topic not found" do
it "should not redirect to permalink if topic/category does not exist" do
topic = create_post.topic
Permalink.create!(url: topic.relative_url, topic_id: topic.id + 1)
SiteSetting.detailed_404 = false
get topic.relative_url
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
SiteSetting.detailed_404 = true
get topic.relative_url
expect(response.status).to eq(410)
it "should return permalink for deleted topics" do
topic = create_post.topic
external_url = "https://somewhere.over.rainbow"
Permalink.create!(url: topic.relative_url, external_url: external_url)
get topic.relative_url
expect(response.status).to eq(301)
expect(response).to redirect_to(external_url)
get "/t/#{topic.id}.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(301)
expect(response).to redirect_to(external_url)
get "/t/#{topic.id}.json", xhr: true
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(response.body).to eq(external_url)
it "supports subfolder with permalinks" do
set_subfolder "/forum"
trashed_topic = create_post.topic
new_topic = create_post.topic
permalink = Permalink.create!(url: trashed_topic.relative_url, topic_id: new_topic.id)
# no subfolder because router doesn't know about subfolder in this test
get "/t/#{trashed_topic.slug}/#{trashed_topic.id}"
expect(response.status).to eq(301)
expect(response).to redirect_to("/forum/t/#{new_topic.slug}/#{new_topic.id}")
category = Fabricate(:category)
permalink = Permalink.create!(url: trashed_topic.relative_url, category_id: category.id)
get "/t/#{trashed_topic.slug}/#{trashed_topic.id}"
expect(response.status).to eq(301)
expect(response).to redirect_to("/forum/c/#{category.slug}/#{category.id}")
permalink =
Permalink.create!(url: trashed_topic.relative_url, post_id: new_topic.posts.last.id)
get "/t/#{trashed_topic.slug}/#{trashed_topic.id}"
expect(response.status).to eq(301)
expect(response).to redirect_to(
it "should return 404 and show Google search for an invalid topic route" do
get "/t/nope-nope/99999999"
2019-05-17 10:07:18 +08:00
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
2019-05-17 10:07:18 +08:00
response_body = response.body
expect(response_body).to include(I18n.t("page_not_found.search_button"))
expect(response_body).to have_tag("input", with: { value: "nope nope" })
it "should not include Google search if login_required is enabled" do
SiteSetting.login_required = true
get "/t/nope-nope/99999999"
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
expect(response.body).to_not include("google.com/search")
2019-02-12 12:20:33 +02:00
describe "no logspam" do
before do
@orig_logger = Rails.logger
Rails.logger = @fake_logger = FakeLogger.new
after { Rails.logger = @orig_logger }
it "should handle 404 to a css file" do
topic1 = Fabricate(:topic)
get "/stylesheets/mobile_1_4cd559272273fe6d3c7db620c617d596a5fdf240.css",
headers: {
"HTTP_ACCEPT" => "text/css,*/*,q=0.1",
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
expect(response.body).to include(topic1.title)
topic2 = Fabricate(:topic)
get "/stylesheets/mobile_1_4cd559272273fe6d3c7db620c617d596a5fdf240.css",
headers: {
"HTTP_ACCEPT" => "text/css,*/*,q=0.1",
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
expect(response.body).to include(topic1.title)
expect(response.body).to_not include(topic2.title)
expect(@fake_logger.fatals.length).to eq(0)
expect(@fake_logger.errors.length).to eq(0)
expect(@fake_logger.warnings.length).to eq(0)
it "should cache results" do
2019-02-12 12:20:33 +02:00
topic1 = Fabricate(:topic)
get "/t/nope-nope/99999999"
2019-02-12 12:20:33 +02:00
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
expect(response.body).to include(topic1.title)
topic2 = Fabricate(:topic)
get "/t/nope-nope/99999999"
2019-02-12 12:20:33 +02:00
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
expect(response.body).to include(topic1.title)
expect(response.body).to_not include(topic2.title)
# Different locale should have different cache
SiteSetting.default_locale = :fr
get "/t/nope-nope/99999999"
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
expect(response.body).to include(topic1.title)
expect(response.body).to include(topic2.title)
2019-02-12 12:20:33 +02:00
describe "#handle_theme" do
let!(:theme) { Fabricate(:theme, user_selectable: true) }
let!(:theme2) { Fabricate(:theme, user_selectable: true) }
let!(:non_selectable_theme) { Fabricate(:theme, user_selectable: false) }
before { sign_in(user) }
it "selects the theme the user has selected" do
user.user_option.update_columns(theme_ids: [theme.id])
get "/"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(controller.theme_id).to eq(theme.id)
theme.update_attribute(:user_selectable, false)
get "/"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(controller.theme_id).to eq(SiteSetting.default_theme_id)
it "can be overridden with a cookie" do
user.user_option.update_columns(theme_ids: [theme.id])
cookies["theme_ids"] = "#{theme2.id}|#{user.user_option.theme_key_seq}"
get "/"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(controller.theme_id).to eq(theme2.id)
it "falls back to the default theme when the user has no cookies or preferences" do
user.user_option.update_columns(theme_ids: [])
cookies["theme_ids"] = nil
get "/"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(controller.theme_id).to eq(theme2.id)
it "can be overridden with preview_theme_id param" do
cookies["theme_ids"] = "#{theme.id}|#{admin.user_option.theme_key_seq}"
get "/", params: { preview_theme_id: theme2.id }
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(controller.theme_id).to eq(theme2.id)
get "/", params: { preview_theme_id: non_selectable_theme.id }
expect(controller.theme_id).to eq(non_selectable_theme.id)
it "does not allow non privileged user to preview themes" do
get "/", params: { preview_theme_id: non_selectable_theme.id }
expect(controller.theme_id).to eq(SiteSetting.default_theme_id)
it "cookie can fail back to user if out of sync" do
user.user_option.update_columns(theme_ids: [theme.id])
cookies["theme_ids"] = "#{theme2.id}|#{user.user_option.theme_key_seq - 1}"
get "/"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(controller.theme_id).to eq(theme.id)
describe "Custom hostname" do
it "does not allow arbitrary host injection" do
get("/latest", headers: { "X-Forwarded-Host" => "test123.com" })
expect(response.body).not_to include("test123")
describe "allow_embedding_site_in_an_iframe" do
it "should have the 'X-Frame-Options' header with value 'sameorigin'" do
expect(response.headers["X-Frame-Options"]).to eq("SAMEORIGIN")
it "should not include the 'X-Frame-Options' header" do
SiteSetting.allow_embedding_site_in_an_iframe = true
expect(response.headers).not_to include("X-Frame-Options")
describe "setting `Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy` header" do
describe "when `cross_origin_opener_policy_header` site setting is set to `same-origin`" do
before { SiteSetting.cross_origin_opener_policy_header = "same-origin" }
it "sets `Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy` header to `same-origin`" do
get "/latest"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(response.headers["Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy"]).to eq("same-origin")
it "does not set the `Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy` header for a JSON request" do
get "/latest.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(response.headers["Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy"]).to eq(nil)
describe "when `cross_origin_opener_policy_header` site setting is set to `unsafe-none`" do
it "does not set the `Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy` header" do
SiteSetting.cross_origin_opener_policy_header = "unsafe-none"
get "/latest"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(response.headers["Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy"]).to eq(nil)
describe "splash_screen" do
let(:admin) { Fabricate(:admin) }
before { admin }
it "adds a preloader splash screen when enabled" do
get "/"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(response.body).to include("d-splash")
SiteSetting.splash_screen = false
get "/"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(response.body).not_to include("d-splash")
describe "Delegated auth" do
let :public_key do
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
let :args do
{ auth_redirect: "http://no-good.com", user_api_public_key: "not-a-valid-public-key" }
it "disallows invalid public_key param" do
args[:auth_redirect] = "discourse://auth_redirect"
get "/latest", params: args
expect(response.body).to eq(I18n.t("user_api_key.invalid_public_key"))
it "does not allow invalid auth_redirect" do
args[:user_api_public_key] = public_key
get "/latest", params: args
expect(response.body).to eq(I18n.t("user_api_key.invalid_auth_redirect"))
it "does not redirect if one_time_password scope is disallowed" do
SiteSetting.allow_user_api_key_scopes = "read|write"
args[:user_api_public_key] = public_key
args[:auth_redirect] = "discourse://auth_redirect"
get "/latest", params: args
expect(response.status).to_not eq(302)
expect(response).to_not redirect_to("#{args[:auth_redirect]}?otp=true")
it "redirects correctly with valid params" do
SiteSetting.login_required = true
args[:user_api_public_key] = public_key
args[:auth_redirect] = "discourse://auth_redirect"
get "/categories", params: args
expect(response.status).to eq(302)
expect(response).to redirect_to("#{args[:auth_redirect]}?otp=true")
describe "Content Security Policy" do
it "is enabled by SiteSettings" do
SiteSetting.content_security_policy = false
SiteSetting.content_security_policy_report_only = false
get "/"
expect(response.headers).to_not include("Content-Security-Policy")
expect(response.headers).to_not include("Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only")
SiteSetting.content_security_policy = true
SiteSetting.content_security_policy_report_only = true
get "/"
expect(response.headers).to include("Content-Security-Policy")
expect(response.headers).to include("Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only")
it "can be customized with SiteSetting" do
SiteSetting.content_security_policy = true
get "/"
script_src = parse(response.headers["Content-Security-Policy"])["script-src"]
expect(script_src).to_not include("example.com")
SiteSetting.content_security_policy_script_src = "example.com"
get "/"
script_src = parse(response.headers["Content-Security-Policy"])["script-src"]
expect(script_src).to include("example.com")
it "does not set CSP when responding to non-HTML" do
SiteSetting.content_security_policy = true
SiteSetting.content_security_policy_report_only = true
get "/latest.json"
expect(response.headers).to_not include("Content-Security-Policy")
expect(response.headers).to_not include("Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only")
it "when GTM is enabled it adds the same nonce to the policy and the GTM tag" do
SiteSetting.content_security_policy = true
SiteSetting.content_security_policy_report_only = true
SiteSetting.gtm_container_id = "GTM-ABCDEF"
get "/latest"
script_src = parse(response.headers["Content-Security-Policy"])["script-src"]
report_only_script_src =
nonce = extract_nonce_from_script_src(script_src)
report_only_nonce = extract_nonce_from_script_src(report_only_script_src)
expect(nonce).to eq(report_only_nonce)
gtm_meta_tag = Nokogiri::HTML5.fragment(response.body).css("#data-google-tag-manager").first
expect(gtm_meta_tag["data-nonce"]).to eq(nonce)
it "doesn't reuse nonces between requests" do
global_setting :anon_cache_store_threshold, 1
SiteSetting.content_security_policy = true
SiteSetting.content_security_policy_report_only = true
SiteSetting.gtm_container_id = "GTM-ABCDEF"
get "/latest"
expect(response.headers["X-Discourse-Cached"]).to eq("store")
expect(response.headers).not_to include("Discourse-GTM-Nonce-Placeholder")
script_src = parse(response.headers["Content-Security-Policy"])["script-src"]
report_only_script_src =
first_nonce = extract_nonce_from_script_src(script_src)
first_report_only_nonce = extract_nonce_from_script_src(report_only_script_src)
expect(first_nonce).to eq(first_report_only_nonce)
gtm_meta_tag = Nokogiri::HTML5.fragment(response.body).css("#data-google-tag-manager").first
expect(gtm_meta_tag["data-nonce"]).to eq(first_nonce)
get "/latest"
expect(response.headers["X-Discourse-Cached"]).to eq("true")
expect(response.headers).not_to include("Discourse-GTM-Nonce-Placeholder")
script_src = parse(response.headers["Content-Security-Policy"])["script-src"]
report_only_script_src =
second_nonce = extract_nonce_from_script_src(script_src)
second_report_only_nonce = extract_nonce_from_script_src(report_only_script_src)
expect(second_nonce).to eq(second_report_only_nonce)
expect(first_nonce).not_to eq(second_nonce)
gtm_meta_tag = Nokogiri::HTML5.fragment(response.body).css("#data-google-tag-manager").first
expect(gtm_meta_tag["data-nonce"]).to eq(second_nonce)
it "when splash screen is enabled it adds the fingerprint to the policy" do
SiteSetting.content_security_policy = true
SiteSetting.splash_screen = true
get "/latest"
fingerprint = SplashScreenHelper.fingerprint
expect(response.headers).to include("Content-Security-Policy")
script_src = parse(response.headers["Content-Security-Policy"])["script-src"]
expect(script_src.to_s).to include(fingerprint)
expect(response.body).to include(SplashScreenHelper.inline_splash_screen_script)
def parse(csp_string)
.map do |policy|
directive, *sources = policy.split
[directive, sources]
def extract_nonce_from_script_src(script_src)
nonce = script_src.find { |src| src.match?(/\A'nonce-\h{32}'\z/) }[-33...-1]
expect(nonce).to be_present
it "can respond to a request with */* accept header" do
get "/", headers: { HTTP_ACCEPT: "*/*" }
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(response.body).to include("Discourse")
it "has canonical tag" do
get "/", headers: { HTTP_ACCEPT: "*/*" }
expect(response.body).to have_tag(
with: {
rel: "canonical",
href: "http://test.localhost/",
get "/?query_param=true", headers: { HTTP_ACCEPT: "*/*" }
expect(response.body).to have_tag(
with: {
rel: "canonical",
href: "http://test.localhost/",
get "/latest?page=2&additional_param=true", headers: { HTTP_ACCEPT: "*/*" }
expect(response.body).to have_tag(
with: {
rel: "canonical",
href: "http://test.localhost/latest?page=2",
get "/404", headers: { HTTP_ACCEPT: "*/*" }
expect(response.body).to have_tag(
with: {
rel: "canonical",
href: "http://test.localhost/404",
topic = create_post.topic
get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}"
expect(response.body).to have_tag(
with: {
rel: "canonical",
href: "http://test.localhost/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}",
it "adds a noindex header if non-canonical indexing is disabled" do
SiteSetting.allow_indexing_non_canonical_urls = false
get "/"
expect(response.headers["X-Robots-Tag"]).to be_nil
get "/latest"
expect(response.headers["X-Robots-Tag"]).to be_nil
get "/categories"
expect(response.headers["X-Robots-Tag"]).to be_nil
topic = create_post.topic
get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}"
expect(response.headers["X-Robots-Tag"]).to be_nil
post = create_post(topic_id: topic.id)
get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}/2"
expect(response.headers["X-Robots-Tag"]).to eq("noindex")
20.times { create_post(topic_id: topic.id) }
get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}/21"
expect(response.headers["X-Robots-Tag"]).to eq("noindex")
get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}?page=2"
expect(response.headers["X-Robots-Tag"]).to be_nil
context "with default locale" do
before do
SiteSetting.default_locale = :fr
after { I18n.reload! }
context "with rate limits" do
before { RateLimiter.enable }
2020-09-30 17:04:19 +02:00
it "serves a LimitExceeded error in the preferred locale" do
SiteSetting.max_likes_per_day = 1
post1 = Fabricate(:post)
post2 = Fabricate(:post)
override =
locale: "fr",
translation_key: "rate_limiter.by_type.create_like",
value: "French LimitExceeded error message",
post "/post_actions.json",
params: {
id: post1.id,
post_action_type_id: PostActionType.types[:like],
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
post "/post_actions.json",
params: {
id: post2.id,
post_action_type_id: PostActionType.types[:like],
expect(response.status).to eq(429)
expect(response.parsed_body["errors"].first).to eq(override.value)
it "serves an InvalidParameters error with the default locale" do
override =
locale: "fr",
translation_key: "invalid_params",
value: "French InvalidParameters error message",
get "/search.json", params: { q: "hello\0hello" }
expect(response.status).to eq(400)
expect(response.parsed_body["errors"].first).to eq(override.value)
describe "set_locale" do
# Using /bootstrap.json because it returns a locale-dependent value
def headers(locale)
def locale_scripts(body)
.map { |script| script.attributes["src"].value }
context "with allow_user_locale disabled" do
context "when accept-language header differs from default locale" do
before do
SiteSetting.allow_user_locale = false
SiteSetting.default_locale = "en"
context "with an anonymous user" do
it "uses the default locale" do
get "/latest", headers: headers("fr")
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(locale_scripts(response.body)).to contain_exactly("/assets/locales/en.js")
context "with a logged in user" do
it "it uses the default locale" do
user = Fabricate(:user, locale: :fr)
get "/latest", headers: headers("fr")
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(locale_scripts(response.body)).to contain_exactly("/assets/locales/en.js")
context "with set_locale_from_accept_language_header enabled" do
context "when accept-language header differs from default locale" do
before do
SiteSetting.allow_user_locale = true
SiteSetting.set_locale_from_accept_language_header = true
SiteSetting.default_locale = "en"
context "with an anonymous user" do
it "uses the locale from the headers" do
get "/latest", headers: headers("fr")
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(locale_scripts(response.body)).to contain_exactly("/assets/locales/fr.js")
it "doesn't leak after requests" do
get "/latest", headers: headers("fr")
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(locale_scripts(response.body)).to contain_exactly("/assets/locales/fr.js")
expect(I18n.locale.to_s).to eq(SiteSettings::DefaultsProvider::DEFAULT_LOCALE)
context "with a logged in user" do
let(:user) { Fabricate(:user, locale: :fr) }
before { sign_in(user) }
it "uses the user's preferred locale" do
get "/latest", headers: headers("fr")
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(locale_scripts(response.body)).to contain_exactly("/assets/locales/fr.js")
it "serves a 404 page in the preferred locale" do
get "/missingroute", headers: headers("fr")
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
expected_title = I18n.t("page_not_found.title", locale: :fr)
expect(response.body).to include(CGI.escapeHTML(expected_title))
it "serves a RenderEmpty page in the preferred locale" do
get "/u/#{user.username}/preferences/interface"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(response.body).to have_tag("script", with: { src: "/assets/locales/fr.js" })
context "when the preferred locale includes a region" do
it "returns the locale and region separated by an underscore" do
SiteSetting.allow_user_locale = true
SiteSetting.set_locale_from_accept_language_header = true
SiteSetting.default_locale = "en"
get "/latest", headers: headers("zh-CN")
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(locale_scripts(response.body)).to contain_exactly("/assets/locales/zh_CN.js")
context "when accept-language header is not set" do
it "uses the site default locale" do
SiteSetting.allow_user_locale = true
SiteSetting.default_locale = "en"
get "/latest", headers: headers("")
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(locale_scripts(response.body)).to contain_exactly("/assets/locales/en.js")
context "with set_locale_from_cookie enabled" do
context "when cookie locale differs from default locale" do
before do
SiteSetting.allow_user_locale = true
SiteSetting.set_locale_from_cookie = true
SiteSetting.default_locale = "en"
context "with an anonymous user" do
it "uses the locale from the cookie" do
get "/latest", headers: { Cookie: "locale=es" }
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(locale_scripts(response.body)).to contain_exactly("/assets/locales/es.js")
expect(I18n.locale.to_s).to eq(SiteSettings::DefaultsProvider::DEFAULT_LOCALE) # doesn't leak after requests
context "when the preferred locale includes a region" do
it "returns the locale and region separated by an underscore" do
get "/latest", headers: { Cookie: "locale=zh-CN" }
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(locale_scripts(response.body)).to contain_exactly("/assets/locales/zh_CN.js")
context "when locale cookie is not set" do
it "uses the site default locale" do
SiteSetting.allow_user_locale = true
SiteSetting.default_locale = "en"
get "/latest", headers: { Cookie: "" }
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(locale_scripts(response.body)).to contain_exactly("/assets/locales/en.js")
describe "vary header" do
it "includes Vary:Accept on all requests where format is not explicit" do
# Rails default behaviour - include Vary:Accept when Accept is supplied
get "/latest", headers: { "Accept" => "application/json" }
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(response.headers["Vary"]).to eq("Accept")
# Discourse additional behaviour (see lib/vary_header.rb)
# Include Vary:Accept even when Accept is not supplied
get "/latest"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(response.headers["Vary"]).to eq("Accept")
# Not needed, because the path 'format' parameter overrides the Accept header
get "/latest.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(response.headers["Vary"]).to eq(nil)
FEATURE: Apply rate limits per user instead of IP for trusted users (#14706) Currently, Discourse rate limits all incoming requests by the IP address they originate from regardless of the user making the request. This can be frustrating if there are multiple users using Discourse simultaneously while sharing the same IP address (e.g. employees in an office). This commit implements a new feature to make Discourse apply rate limits by user id rather than IP address for users at or higher than the configured trust level (1 is the default). For example, let's say a Discourse instance is configured to allow 200 requests per minute per IP address, and we have 10 users at trust level 4 using Discourse simultaneously from the same IP address. Before this feature, the 10 users could only make a total of 200 requests per minute before they got rate limited. But with the new feature, each user is allowed to make 200 requests per minute because the rate limits are applied on user id rather than the IP address. The minimum trust level for applying user-id-based rate limits can be configured by the `skip_per_ip_rate_limit_trust_level` global setting. The default is 1, but it can be changed by either adding the `DISCOURSE_SKIP_PER_IP_RATE_LIMIT_TRUST_LEVEL` environment variable with the desired value to your `app.yml`, or changing the setting's value in the `discourse.conf` file. Requests made with API keys are still rate limited by IP address and the relevant global settings that control API keys rate limits. Before this commit, Discourse's auth cookie (`_t`) was simply a 32 characters string that Discourse used to lookup the current user from the database and the cookie contained no additional information about the user. However, we had to change the cookie content in this commit so we could identify the user from the cookie without making a database query before the rate limits logic and avoid introducing a bottleneck on busy sites. Besides the 32 characters auth token, the cookie now includes the user id, trust level and the cookie's generation date, and we encrypt/sign the cookie to prevent tampering. Internal ticket number: t54739.
2021-11-17 23:27:30 +03:00
describe "Discourse-Rate-Limit-Error-Code header" do
FEATURE: Apply rate limits per user instead of IP for trusted users (#14706) Currently, Discourse rate limits all incoming requests by the IP address they originate from regardless of the user making the request. This can be frustrating if there are multiple users using Discourse simultaneously while sharing the same IP address (e.g. employees in an office). This commit implements a new feature to make Discourse apply rate limits by user id rather than IP address for users at or higher than the configured trust level (1 is the default). For example, let's say a Discourse instance is configured to allow 200 requests per minute per IP address, and we have 10 users at trust level 4 using Discourse simultaneously from the same IP address. Before this feature, the 10 users could only make a total of 200 requests per minute before they got rate limited. But with the new feature, each user is allowed to make 200 requests per minute because the rate limits are applied on user id rather than the IP address. The minimum trust level for applying user-id-based rate limits can be configured by the `skip_per_ip_rate_limit_trust_level` global setting. The default is 1, but it can be changed by either adding the `DISCOURSE_SKIP_PER_IP_RATE_LIMIT_TRUST_LEVEL` environment variable with the desired value to your `app.yml`, or changing the setting's value in the `discourse.conf` file. Requests made with API keys are still rate limited by IP address and the relevant global settings that control API keys rate limits. Before this commit, Discourse's auth cookie (`_t`) was simply a 32 characters string that Discourse used to lookup the current user from the database and the cookie contained no additional information about the user. However, we had to change the cookie content in this commit so we could identify the user from the cookie without making a database query before the rate limits logic and avoid introducing a bottleneck on busy sites. Besides the 32 characters auth token, the cookie now includes the user id, trust level and the cookie's generation date, and we encrypt/sign the cookie to prevent tampering. Internal ticket number: t54739.
2021-11-17 23:27:30 +03:00
before { RateLimiter.enable }
FEATURE: Apply rate limits per user instead of IP for trusted users (#14706) Currently, Discourse rate limits all incoming requests by the IP address they originate from regardless of the user making the request. This can be frustrating if there are multiple users using Discourse simultaneously while sharing the same IP address (e.g. employees in an office). This commit implements a new feature to make Discourse apply rate limits by user id rather than IP address for users at or higher than the configured trust level (1 is the default). For example, let's say a Discourse instance is configured to allow 200 requests per minute per IP address, and we have 10 users at trust level 4 using Discourse simultaneously from the same IP address. Before this feature, the 10 users could only make a total of 200 requests per minute before they got rate limited. But with the new feature, each user is allowed to make 200 requests per minute because the rate limits are applied on user id rather than the IP address. The minimum trust level for applying user-id-based rate limits can be configured by the `skip_per_ip_rate_limit_trust_level` global setting. The default is 1, but it can be changed by either adding the `DISCOURSE_SKIP_PER_IP_RATE_LIMIT_TRUST_LEVEL` environment variable with the desired value to your `app.yml`, or changing the setting's value in the `discourse.conf` file. Requests made with API keys are still rate limited by IP address and the relevant global settings that control API keys rate limits. Before this commit, Discourse's auth cookie (`_t`) was simply a 32 characters string that Discourse used to lookup the current user from the database and the cookie contained no additional information about the user. However, we had to change the cookie content in this commit so we could identify the user from the cookie without making a database query before the rate limits logic and avoid introducing a bottleneck on busy sites. Besides the 32 characters auth token, the cookie now includes the user id, trust level and the cookie's generation date, and we encrypt/sign the cookie to prevent tampering. Internal ticket number: t54739.
2021-11-17 23:27:30 +03:00
it "is included when API key is rate limited" do
global_setting :max_admin_api_reqs_per_minute, 1
api_key = ApiKey.create!(user_id: admin.id).key
get "/latest.json", headers: { "Api-Key": api_key, "Api-Username": admin.username }
FEATURE: Apply rate limits per user instead of IP for trusted users (#14706) Currently, Discourse rate limits all incoming requests by the IP address they originate from regardless of the user making the request. This can be frustrating if there are multiple users using Discourse simultaneously while sharing the same IP address (e.g. employees in an office). This commit implements a new feature to make Discourse apply rate limits by user id rather than IP address for users at or higher than the configured trust level (1 is the default). For example, let's say a Discourse instance is configured to allow 200 requests per minute per IP address, and we have 10 users at trust level 4 using Discourse simultaneously from the same IP address. Before this feature, the 10 users could only make a total of 200 requests per minute before they got rate limited. But with the new feature, each user is allowed to make 200 requests per minute because the rate limits are applied on user id rather than the IP address. The minimum trust level for applying user-id-based rate limits can be configured by the `skip_per_ip_rate_limit_trust_level` global setting. The default is 1, but it can be changed by either adding the `DISCOURSE_SKIP_PER_IP_RATE_LIMIT_TRUST_LEVEL` environment variable with the desired value to your `app.yml`, or changing the setting's value in the `discourse.conf` file. Requests made with API keys are still rate limited by IP address and the relevant global settings that control API keys rate limits. Before this commit, Discourse's auth cookie (`_t`) was simply a 32 characters string that Discourse used to lookup the current user from the database and the cookie contained no additional information about the user. However, we had to change the cookie content in this commit so we could identify the user from the cookie without making a database query before the rate limits logic and avoid introducing a bottleneck on busy sites. Besides the 32 characters auth token, the cookie now includes the user id, trust level and the cookie's generation date, and we encrypt/sign the cookie to prevent tampering. Internal ticket number: t54739.
2021-11-17 23:27:30 +03:00
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
get "/latest.json", headers: { "Api-Key": api_key, "Api-Username": admin.username }
FEATURE: Apply rate limits per user instead of IP for trusted users (#14706) Currently, Discourse rate limits all incoming requests by the IP address they originate from regardless of the user making the request. This can be frustrating if there are multiple users using Discourse simultaneously while sharing the same IP address (e.g. employees in an office). This commit implements a new feature to make Discourse apply rate limits by user id rather than IP address for users at or higher than the configured trust level (1 is the default). For example, let's say a Discourse instance is configured to allow 200 requests per minute per IP address, and we have 10 users at trust level 4 using Discourse simultaneously from the same IP address. Before this feature, the 10 users could only make a total of 200 requests per minute before they got rate limited. But with the new feature, each user is allowed to make 200 requests per minute because the rate limits are applied on user id rather than the IP address. The minimum trust level for applying user-id-based rate limits can be configured by the `skip_per_ip_rate_limit_trust_level` global setting. The default is 1, but it can be changed by either adding the `DISCOURSE_SKIP_PER_IP_RATE_LIMIT_TRUST_LEVEL` environment variable with the desired value to your `app.yml`, or changing the setting's value in the `discourse.conf` file. Requests made with API keys are still rate limited by IP address and the relevant global settings that control API keys rate limits. Before this commit, Discourse's auth cookie (`_t`) was simply a 32 characters string that Discourse used to lookup the current user from the database and the cookie contained no additional information about the user. However, we had to change the cookie content in this commit so we could identify the user from the cookie without making a database query before the rate limits logic and avoid introducing a bottleneck on busy sites. Besides the 32 characters auth token, the cookie now includes the user id, trust level and the cookie's generation date, and we encrypt/sign the cookie to prevent tampering. Internal ticket number: t54739.
2021-11-17 23:27:30 +03:00
expect(response.status).to eq(429)
expect(response.headers["Discourse-Rate-Limit-Error-Code"]).to eq("admin_api_key_rate_limit")
it "is included when user API key is rate limited" do
global_setting :max_user_api_reqs_per_minute, 1
user_api_key =
UserApiKey.create!(user_id: admin.id, client_id: "", application_name: "discourseapp")
user_api_key.scopes =
UserApiKeyScope.all_scopes.keys.map do |name|
UserApiKeyScope.create!(name: name, user_api_key_id: user_api_key.id)
FEATURE: Apply rate limits per user instead of IP for trusted users (#14706) Currently, Discourse rate limits all incoming requests by the IP address they originate from regardless of the user making the request. This can be frustrating if there are multiple users using Discourse simultaneously while sharing the same IP address (e.g. employees in an office). This commit implements a new feature to make Discourse apply rate limits by user id rather than IP address for users at or higher than the configured trust level (1 is the default). For example, let's say a Discourse instance is configured to allow 200 requests per minute per IP address, and we have 10 users at trust level 4 using Discourse simultaneously from the same IP address. Before this feature, the 10 users could only make a total of 200 requests per minute before they got rate limited. But with the new feature, each user is allowed to make 200 requests per minute because the rate limits are applied on user id rather than the IP address. The minimum trust level for applying user-id-based rate limits can be configured by the `skip_per_ip_rate_limit_trust_level` global setting. The default is 1, but it can be changed by either adding the `DISCOURSE_SKIP_PER_IP_RATE_LIMIT_TRUST_LEVEL` environment variable with the desired value to your `app.yml`, or changing the setting's value in the `discourse.conf` file. Requests made with API keys are still rate limited by IP address and the relevant global settings that control API keys rate limits. Before this commit, Discourse's auth cookie (`_t`) was simply a 32 characters string that Discourse used to lookup the current user from the database and the cookie contained no additional information about the user. However, we had to change the cookie content in this commit so we could identify the user from the cookie without making a database query before the rate limits logic and avoid introducing a bottleneck on busy sites. Besides the 32 characters auth token, the cookie now includes the user id, trust level and the cookie's generation date, and we encrypt/sign the cookie to prevent tampering. Internal ticket number: t54739.
2021-11-17 23:27:30 +03:00
get "/session/current.json", headers: { "User-Api-Key": user_api_key.key }
FEATURE: Apply rate limits per user instead of IP for trusted users (#14706) Currently, Discourse rate limits all incoming requests by the IP address they originate from regardless of the user making the request. This can be frustrating if there are multiple users using Discourse simultaneously while sharing the same IP address (e.g. employees in an office). This commit implements a new feature to make Discourse apply rate limits by user id rather than IP address for users at or higher than the configured trust level (1 is the default). For example, let's say a Discourse instance is configured to allow 200 requests per minute per IP address, and we have 10 users at trust level 4 using Discourse simultaneously from the same IP address. Before this feature, the 10 users could only make a total of 200 requests per minute before they got rate limited. But with the new feature, each user is allowed to make 200 requests per minute because the rate limits are applied on user id rather than the IP address. The minimum trust level for applying user-id-based rate limits can be configured by the `skip_per_ip_rate_limit_trust_level` global setting. The default is 1, but it can be changed by either adding the `DISCOURSE_SKIP_PER_IP_RATE_LIMIT_TRUST_LEVEL` environment variable with the desired value to your `app.yml`, or changing the setting's value in the `discourse.conf` file. Requests made with API keys are still rate limited by IP address and the relevant global settings that control API keys rate limits. Before this commit, Discourse's auth cookie (`_t`) was simply a 32 characters string that Discourse used to lookup the current user from the database and the cookie contained no additional information about the user. However, we had to change the cookie content in this commit so we could identify the user from the cookie without making a database query before the rate limits logic and avoid introducing a bottleneck on busy sites. Besides the 32 characters auth token, the cookie now includes the user id, trust level and the cookie's generation date, and we encrypt/sign the cookie to prevent tampering. Internal ticket number: t54739.
2021-11-17 23:27:30 +03:00
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
get "/session/current.json", headers: { "User-Api-Key": user_api_key.key }
FEATURE: Apply rate limits per user instead of IP for trusted users (#14706) Currently, Discourse rate limits all incoming requests by the IP address they originate from regardless of the user making the request. This can be frustrating if there are multiple users using Discourse simultaneously while sharing the same IP address (e.g. employees in an office). This commit implements a new feature to make Discourse apply rate limits by user id rather than IP address for users at or higher than the configured trust level (1 is the default). For example, let's say a Discourse instance is configured to allow 200 requests per minute per IP address, and we have 10 users at trust level 4 using Discourse simultaneously from the same IP address. Before this feature, the 10 users could only make a total of 200 requests per minute before they got rate limited. But with the new feature, each user is allowed to make 200 requests per minute because the rate limits are applied on user id rather than the IP address. The minimum trust level for applying user-id-based rate limits can be configured by the `skip_per_ip_rate_limit_trust_level` global setting. The default is 1, but it can be changed by either adding the `DISCOURSE_SKIP_PER_IP_RATE_LIMIT_TRUST_LEVEL` environment variable with the desired value to your `app.yml`, or changing the setting's value in the `discourse.conf` file. Requests made with API keys are still rate limited by IP address and the relevant global settings that control API keys rate limits. Before this commit, Discourse's auth cookie (`_t`) was simply a 32 characters string that Discourse used to lookup the current user from the database and the cookie contained no additional information about the user. However, we had to change the cookie content in this commit so we could identify the user from the cookie without making a database query before the rate limits logic and avoid introducing a bottleneck on busy sites. Besides the 32 characters auth token, the cookie now includes the user id, trust level and the cookie's generation date, and we encrypt/sign the cookie to prevent tampering. Internal ticket number: t54739.
2021-11-17 23:27:30 +03:00
expect(response.status).to eq(429)
expect(response.headers["Discourse-Rate-Limit-Error-Code"]).to eq(
FEATURE: Apply rate limits per user instead of IP for trusted users (#14706) Currently, Discourse rate limits all incoming requests by the IP address they originate from regardless of the user making the request. This can be frustrating if there are multiple users using Discourse simultaneously while sharing the same IP address (e.g. employees in an office). This commit implements a new feature to make Discourse apply rate limits by user id rather than IP address for users at or higher than the configured trust level (1 is the default). For example, let's say a Discourse instance is configured to allow 200 requests per minute per IP address, and we have 10 users at trust level 4 using Discourse simultaneously from the same IP address. Before this feature, the 10 users could only make a total of 200 requests per minute before they got rate limited. But with the new feature, each user is allowed to make 200 requests per minute because the rate limits are applied on user id rather than the IP address. The minimum trust level for applying user-id-based rate limits can be configured by the `skip_per_ip_rate_limit_trust_level` global setting. The default is 1, but it can be changed by either adding the `DISCOURSE_SKIP_PER_IP_RATE_LIMIT_TRUST_LEVEL` environment variable with the desired value to your `app.yml`, or changing the setting's value in the `discourse.conf` file. Requests made with API keys are still rate limited by IP address and the relevant global settings that control API keys rate limits. Before this commit, Discourse's auth cookie (`_t`) was simply a 32 characters string that Discourse used to lookup the current user from the database and the cookie contained no additional information about the user. However, we had to change the cookie content in this commit so we could identify the user from the cookie without making a database query before the rate limits logic and avoid introducing a bottleneck on busy sites. Besides the 32 characters auth token, the cookie now includes the user id, trust level and the cookie's generation date, and we encrypt/sign the cookie to prevent tampering. Internal ticket number: t54739.
2021-11-17 23:27:30 +03:00
global_setting :max_user_api_reqs_per_minute, 100
global_setting :max_user_api_reqs_per_day, 1
get "/session/current.json", headers: { "User-Api-Key": user_api_key.key }
FEATURE: Apply rate limits per user instead of IP for trusted users (#14706) Currently, Discourse rate limits all incoming requests by the IP address they originate from regardless of the user making the request. This can be frustrating if there are multiple users using Discourse simultaneously while sharing the same IP address (e.g. employees in an office). This commit implements a new feature to make Discourse apply rate limits by user id rather than IP address for users at or higher than the configured trust level (1 is the default). For example, let's say a Discourse instance is configured to allow 200 requests per minute per IP address, and we have 10 users at trust level 4 using Discourse simultaneously from the same IP address. Before this feature, the 10 users could only make a total of 200 requests per minute before they got rate limited. But with the new feature, each user is allowed to make 200 requests per minute because the rate limits are applied on user id rather than the IP address. The minimum trust level for applying user-id-based rate limits can be configured by the `skip_per_ip_rate_limit_trust_level` global setting. The default is 1, but it can be changed by either adding the `DISCOURSE_SKIP_PER_IP_RATE_LIMIT_TRUST_LEVEL` environment variable with the desired value to your `app.yml`, or changing the setting's value in the `discourse.conf` file. Requests made with API keys are still rate limited by IP address and the relevant global settings that control API keys rate limits. Before this commit, Discourse's auth cookie (`_t`) was simply a 32 characters string that Discourse used to lookup the current user from the database and the cookie contained no additional information about the user. However, we had to change the cookie content in this commit so we could identify the user from the cookie without making a database query before the rate limits logic and avoid introducing a bottleneck on busy sites. Besides the 32 characters auth token, the cookie now includes the user id, trust level and the cookie's generation date, and we encrypt/sign the cookie to prevent tampering. Internal ticket number: t54739.
2021-11-17 23:27:30 +03:00
expect(response.status).to eq(429)
expect(response.headers["Discourse-Rate-Limit-Error-Code"]).to eq(
FEATURE: Apply rate limits per user instead of IP for trusted users (#14706) Currently, Discourse rate limits all incoming requests by the IP address they originate from regardless of the user making the request. This can be frustrating if there are multiple users using Discourse simultaneously while sharing the same IP address (e.g. employees in an office). This commit implements a new feature to make Discourse apply rate limits by user id rather than IP address for users at or higher than the configured trust level (1 is the default). For example, let's say a Discourse instance is configured to allow 200 requests per minute per IP address, and we have 10 users at trust level 4 using Discourse simultaneously from the same IP address. Before this feature, the 10 users could only make a total of 200 requests per minute before they got rate limited. But with the new feature, each user is allowed to make 200 requests per minute because the rate limits are applied on user id rather than the IP address. The minimum trust level for applying user-id-based rate limits can be configured by the `skip_per_ip_rate_limit_trust_level` global setting. The default is 1, but it can be changed by either adding the `DISCOURSE_SKIP_PER_IP_RATE_LIMIT_TRUST_LEVEL` environment variable with the desired value to your `app.yml`, or changing the setting's value in the `discourse.conf` file. Requests made with API keys are still rate limited by IP address and the relevant global settings that control API keys rate limits. Before this commit, Discourse's auth cookie (`_t`) was simply a 32 characters string that Discourse used to lookup the current user from the database and the cookie contained no additional information about the user. However, we had to change the cookie content in this commit so we could identify the user from the cookie without making a database query before the rate limits logic and avoid introducing a bottleneck on busy sites. Besides the 32 characters auth token, the cookie now includes the user id, trust level and the cookie's generation date, and we encrypt/sign the cookie to prevent tampering. Internal ticket number: t54739.
2021-11-17 23:27:30 +03:00
FEATURE: Replace `Crawl-delay` directive with proper rate limiting (#15131) We have a couple of site setting, `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` and `slow_down_crawler_rate`, that are meant to allow site owners to signal to specific crawlers that they're crawling the site too aggressively and that they should slow down. When a crawler is added to the `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` setting, Discourse currently adds a `Crawl-delay` directive for that crawler in `/robots.txt`. Unfortunately, many crawlers don't support the `Crawl-delay` directive in `/robots.txt` which leaves the site owners no options if a crawler is crawling the site too aggressively. This PR replaces the `Crawl-delay` directive with proper rate limiting for crawlers added to the `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` list. On every request made by a non-logged in user, Discourse will check the User Agent string and if it contains one of the values of the `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` list, Discourse will only allow 1 request every N seconds for that User Agent (N is the value of the `slow_down_crawler_rate` setting) and the rest of requests made within the same interval will get a 429 response. The `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` setting becomes quite dangerous with this PR since it could rate limit lots if not all of anonymous traffic if the setting is not used appropriately. So to protect against this scenario, we've added a couple of new validations to the setting when it's changed: 1) each value added to setting must 3 characters or longer 2) each value cannot be a substring of tokens found in popular browser User Agent. The current list of prohibited values is: apple, windows, linux, ubuntu, gecko, firefox, chrome, safari, applewebkit, webkit, mozilla, macintosh, khtml, intel, osx, os x, iphone, ipad and mac.
2021-11-30 12:55:25 +03:00
describe "crawlers in slow_down_crawler_user_agents site setting" do
before { RateLimiter.enable }
FEATURE: Replace `Crawl-delay` directive with proper rate limiting (#15131) We have a couple of site setting, `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` and `slow_down_crawler_rate`, that are meant to allow site owners to signal to specific crawlers that they're crawling the site too aggressively and that they should slow down. When a crawler is added to the `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` setting, Discourse currently adds a `Crawl-delay` directive for that crawler in `/robots.txt`. Unfortunately, many crawlers don't support the `Crawl-delay` directive in `/robots.txt` which leaves the site owners no options if a crawler is crawling the site too aggressively. This PR replaces the `Crawl-delay` directive with proper rate limiting for crawlers added to the `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` list. On every request made by a non-logged in user, Discourse will check the User Agent string and if it contains one of the values of the `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` list, Discourse will only allow 1 request every N seconds for that User Agent (N is the value of the `slow_down_crawler_rate` setting) and the rest of requests made within the same interval will get a 429 response. The `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` setting becomes quite dangerous with this PR since it could rate limit lots if not all of anonymous traffic if the setting is not used appropriately. So to protect against this scenario, we've added a couple of new validations to the setting when it's changed: 1) each value added to setting must 3 characters or longer 2) each value cannot be a substring of tokens found in popular browser User Agent. The current list of prohibited values is: apple, windows, linux, ubuntu, gecko, firefox, chrome, safari, applewebkit, webkit, mozilla, macintosh, khtml, intel, osx, os x, iphone, ipad and mac.
2021-11-30 12:55:25 +03:00
it "are rate limited" do
SiteSetting.slow_down_crawler_rate = 128
SiteSetting.slow_down_crawler_user_agents = "badcrawler|problematiccrawler"
now = Time.zone.now
freeze_time now
get "/", headers: { "HTTP_USER_AGENT" => "iam badcrawler" }
FEATURE: Replace `Crawl-delay` directive with proper rate limiting (#15131) We have a couple of site setting, `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` and `slow_down_crawler_rate`, that are meant to allow site owners to signal to specific crawlers that they're crawling the site too aggressively and that they should slow down. When a crawler is added to the `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` setting, Discourse currently adds a `Crawl-delay` directive for that crawler in `/robots.txt`. Unfortunately, many crawlers don't support the `Crawl-delay` directive in `/robots.txt` which leaves the site owners no options if a crawler is crawling the site too aggressively. This PR replaces the `Crawl-delay` directive with proper rate limiting for crawlers added to the `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` list. On every request made by a non-logged in user, Discourse will check the User Agent string and if it contains one of the values of the `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` list, Discourse will only allow 1 request every N seconds for that User Agent (N is the value of the `slow_down_crawler_rate` setting) and the rest of requests made within the same interval will get a 429 response. The `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` setting becomes quite dangerous with this PR since it could rate limit lots if not all of anonymous traffic if the setting is not used appropriately. So to protect against this scenario, we've added a couple of new validations to the setting when it's changed: 1) each value added to setting must 3 characters or longer 2) each value cannot be a substring of tokens found in popular browser User Agent. The current list of prohibited values is: apple, windows, linux, ubuntu, gecko, firefox, chrome, safari, applewebkit, webkit, mozilla, macintosh, khtml, intel, osx, os x, iphone, ipad and mac.
2021-11-30 12:55:25 +03:00
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
get "/", headers: { "HTTP_USER_AGENT" => "iam badcrawler" }
FEATURE: Replace `Crawl-delay` directive with proper rate limiting (#15131) We have a couple of site setting, `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` and `slow_down_crawler_rate`, that are meant to allow site owners to signal to specific crawlers that they're crawling the site too aggressively and that they should slow down. When a crawler is added to the `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` setting, Discourse currently adds a `Crawl-delay` directive for that crawler in `/robots.txt`. Unfortunately, many crawlers don't support the `Crawl-delay` directive in `/robots.txt` which leaves the site owners no options if a crawler is crawling the site too aggressively. This PR replaces the `Crawl-delay` directive with proper rate limiting for crawlers added to the `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` list. On every request made by a non-logged in user, Discourse will check the User Agent string and if it contains one of the values of the `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` list, Discourse will only allow 1 request every N seconds for that User Agent (N is the value of the `slow_down_crawler_rate` setting) and the rest of requests made within the same interval will get a 429 response. The `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` setting becomes quite dangerous with this PR since it could rate limit lots if not all of anonymous traffic if the setting is not used appropriately. So to protect against this scenario, we've added a couple of new validations to the setting when it's changed: 1) each value added to setting must 3 characters or longer 2) each value cannot be a substring of tokens found in popular browser User Agent. The current list of prohibited values is: apple, windows, linux, ubuntu, gecko, firefox, chrome, safari, applewebkit, webkit, mozilla, macintosh, khtml, intel, osx, os x, iphone, ipad and mac.
2021-11-30 12:55:25 +03:00
expect(response.status).to eq(429)
expect(response.headers["Retry-After"]).to eq("128")
get "/", headers: { "HTTP_USER_AGENT" => "iam problematiccrawler" }
FEATURE: Replace `Crawl-delay` directive with proper rate limiting (#15131) We have a couple of site setting, `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` and `slow_down_crawler_rate`, that are meant to allow site owners to signal to specific crawlers that they're crawling the site too aggressively and that they should slow down. When a crawler is added to the `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` setting, Discourse currently adds a `Crawl-delay` directive for that crawler in `/robots.txt`. Unfortunately, many crawlers don't support the `Crawl-delay` directive in `/robots.txt` which leaves the site owners no options if a crawler is crawling the site too aggressively. This PR replaces the `Crawl-delay` directive with proper rate limiting for crawlers added to the `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` list. On every request made by a non-logged in user, Discourse will check the User Agent string and if it contains one of the values of the `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` list, Discourse will only allow 1 request every N seconds for that User Agent (N is the value of the `slow_down_crawler_rate` setting) and the rest of requests made within the same interval will get a 429 response. The `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` setting becomes quite dangerous with this PR since it could rate limit lots if not all of anonymous traffic if the setting is not used appropriately. So to protect against this scenario, we've added a couple of new validations to the setting when it's changed: 1) each value added to setting must 3 characters or longer 2) each value cannot be a substring of tokens found in popular browser User Agent. The current list of prohibited values is: apple, windows, linux, ubuntu, gecko, firefox, chrome, safari, applewebkit, webkit, mozilla, macintosh, khtml, intel, osx, os x, iphone, ipad and mac.
2021-11-30 12:55:25 +03:00
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
get "/", headers: { "HTTP_USER_AGENT" => "iam problematiccrawler" }
FEATURE: Replace `Crawl-delay` directive with proper rate limiting (#15131) We have a couple of site setting, `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` and `slow_down_crawler_rate`, that are meant to allow site owners to signal to specific crawlers that they're crawling the site too aggressively and that they should slow down. When a crawler is added to the `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` setting, Discourse currently adds a `Crawl-delay` directive for that crawler in `/robots.txt`. Unfortunately, many crawlers don't support the `Crawl-delay` directive in `/robots.txt` which leaves the site owners no options if a crawler is crawling the site too aggressively. This PR replaces the `Crawl-delay` directive with proper rate limiting for crawlers added to the `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` list. On every request made by a non-logged in user, Discourse will check the User Agent string and if it contains one of the values of the `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` list, Discourse will only allow 1 request every N seconds for that User Agent (N is the value of the `slow_down_crawler_rate` setting) and the rest of requests made within the same interval will get a 429 response. The `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` setting becomes quite dangerous with this PR since it could rate limit lots if not all of anonymous traffic if the setting is not used appropriately. So to protect against this scenario, we've added a couple of new validations to the setting when it's changed: 1) each value added to setting must 3 characters or longer 2) each value cannot be a substring of tokens found in popular browser User Agent. The current list of prohibited values is: apple, windows, linux, ubuntu, gecko, firefox, chrome, safari, applewebkit, webkit, mozilla, macintosh, khtml, intel, osx, os x, iphone, ipad and mac.
2021-11-30 12:55:25 +03:00
expect(response.status).to eq(429)
expect(response.headers["Retry-After"]).to eq("128")
freeze_time now + 100.seconds
get "/", headers: { "HTTP_USER_AGENT" => "iam badcrawler" }
FEATURE: Replace `Crawl-delay` directive with proper rate limiting (#15131) We have a couple of site setting, `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` and `slow_down_crawler_rate`, that are meant to allow site owners to signal to specific crawlers that they're crawling the site too aggressively and that they should slow down. When a crawler is added to the `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` setting, Discourse currently adds a `Crawl-delay` directive for that crawler in `/robots.txt`. Unfortunately, many crawlers don't support the `Crawl-delay` directive in `/robots.txt` which leaves the site owners no options if a crawler is crawling the site too aggressively. This PR replaces the `Crawl-delay` directive with proper rate limiting for crawlers added to the `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` list. On every request made by a non-logged in user, Discourse will check the User Agent string and if it contains one of the values of the `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` list, Discourse will only allow 1 request every N seconds for that User Agent (N is the value of the `slow_down_crawler_rate` setting) and the rest of requests made within the same interval will get a 429 response. The `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` setting becomes quite dangerous with this PR since it could rate limit lots if not all of anonymous traffic if the setting is not used appropriately. So to protect against this scenario, we've added a couple of new validations to the setting when it's changed: 1) each value added to setting must 3 characters or longer 2) each value cannot be a substring of tokens found in popular browser User Agent. The current list of prohibited values is: apple, windows, linux, ubuntu, gecko, firefox, chrome, safari, applewebkit, webkit, mozilla, macintosh, khtml, intel, osx, os x, iphone, ipad and mac.
2021-11-30 12:55:25 +03:00
expect(response.status).to eq(429)
expect(response.headers["Retry-After"]).to eq("28")
get "/", headers: { "HTTP_USER_AGENT" => "iam problematiccrawler" }
FEATURE: Replace `Crawl-delay` directive with proper rate limiting (#15131) We have a couple of site setting, `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` and `slow_down_crawler_rate`, that are meant to allow site owners to signal to specific crawlers that they're crawling the site too aggressively and that they should slow down. When a crawler is added to the `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` setting, Discourse currently adds a `Crawl-delay` directive for that crawler in `/robots.txt`. Unfortunately, many crawlers don't support the `Crawl-delay` directive in `/robots.txt` which leaves the site owners no options if a crawler is crawling the site too aggressively. This PR replaces the `Crawl-delay` directive with proper rate limiting for crawlers added to the `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` list. On every request made by a non-logged in user, Discourse will check the User Agent string and if it contains one of the values of the `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` list, Discourse will only allow 1 request every N seconds for that User Agent (N is the value of the `slow_down_crawler_rate` setting) and the rest of requests made within the same interval will get a 429 response. The `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` setting becomes quite dangerous with this PR since it could rate limit lots if not all of anonymous traffic if the setting is not used appropriately. So to protect against this scenario, we've added a couple of new validations to the setting when it's changed: 1) each value added to setting must 3 characters or longer 2) each value cannot be a substring of tokens found in popular browser User Agent. The current list of prohibited values is: apple, windows, linux, ubuntu, gecko, firefox, chrome, safari, applewebkit, webkit, mozilla, macintosh, khtml, intel, osx, os x, iphone, ipad and mac.
2021-11-30 12:55:25 +03:00
expect(response.status).to eq(429)
expect(response.headers["Retry-After"]).to eq("28")
freeze_time now + 150.seconds
get "/", headers: { "HTTP_USER_AGENT" => "iam badcrawler" }
FEATURE: Replace `Crawl-delay` directive with proper rate limiting (#15131) We have a couple of site setting, `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` and `slow_down_crawler_rate`, that are meant to allow site owners to signal to specific crawlers that they're crawling the site too aggressively and that they should slow down. When a crawler is added to the `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` setting, Discourse currently adds a `Crawl-delay` directive for that crawler in `/robots.txt`. Unfortunately, many crawlers don't support the `Crawl-delay` directive in `/robots.txt` which leaves the site owners no options if a crawler is crawling the site too aggressively. This PR replaces the `Crawl-delay` directive with proper rate limiting for crawlers added to the `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` list. On every request made by a non-logged in user, Discourse will check the User Agent string and if it contains one of the values of the `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` list, Discourse will only allow 1 request every N seconds for that User Agent (N is the value of the `slow_down_crawler_rate` setting) and the rest of requests made within the same interval will get a 429 response. The `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` setting becomes quite dangerous with this PR since it could rate limit lots if not all of anonymous traffic if the setting is not used appropriately. So to protect against this scenario, we've added a couple of new validations to the setting when it's changed: 1) each value added to setting must 3 characters or longer 2) each value cannot be a substring of tokens found in popular browser User Agent. The current list of prohibited values is: apple, windows, linux, ubuntu, gecko, firefox, chrome, safari, applewebkit, webkit, mozilla, macintosh, khtml, intel, osx, os x, iphone, ipad and mac.
2021-11-30 12:55:25 +03:00
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
get "/", headers: { "HTTP_USER_AGENT" => "iam problematiccrawler" }
FEATURE: Replace `Crawl-delay` directive with proper rate limiting (#15131) We have a couple of site setting, `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` and `slow_down_crawler_rate`, that are meant to allow site owners to signal to specific crawlers that they're crawling the site too aggressively and that they should slow down. When a crawler is added to the `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` setting, Discourse currently adds a `Crawl-delay` directive for that crawler in `/robots.txt`. Unfortunately, many crawlers don't support the `Crawl-delay` directive in `/robots.txt` which leaves the site owners no options if a crawler is crawling the site too aggressively. This PR replaces the `Crawl-delay` directive with proper rate limiting for crawlers added to the `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` list. On every request made by a non-logged in user, Discourse will check the User Agent string and if it contains one of the values of the `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` list, Discourse will only allow 1 request every N seconds for that User Agent (N is the value of the `slow_down_crawler_rate` setting) and the rest of requests made within the same interval will get a 429 response. The `slow_down_crawler_user_agents` setting becomes quite dangerous with this PR since it could rate limit lots if not all of anonymous traffic if the setting is not used appropriately. So to protect against this scenario, we've added a couple of new validations to the setting when it's changed: 1) each value added to setting must 3 characters or longer 2) each value cannot be a substring of tokens found in popular browser User Agent. The current list of prohibited values is: apple, windows, linux, ubuntu, gecko, firefox, chrome, safari, applewebkit, webkit, mozilla, macintosh, khtml, intel, osx, os x, iphone, ipad and mac.
2021-11-30 12:55:25 +03:00
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
2022-06-13 11:10:21 -06:00
describe "#banner_json" do
let(:admin) { Fabricate(:admin) }
let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) }
2022-06-13 11:10:21 -06:00
fab!(:p1) { Fabricate(:post, topic: banner_topic, raw: "A banner topic") }
before do
admin # to skip welcome wizard at home page `/`
context "with login_required" do
before { SiteSetting.login_required = true }
2022-06-13 11:10:21 -06:00
it "does not include banner info for anonymous users" do
get "/login"
expect(response.body).to have_tag("div#data-preloaded") do |element|
json = JSON.parse(element.current_scope.attribute("data-preloaded").value)
expect(json["banner"]).to eq("{}")
2022-06-13 11:10:21 -06:00
it "includes banner info for logged-in users" do
get "/"
expect(response.body).to have_tag("div#data-preloaded") do |element|
json = JSON.parse(element.current_scope.attribute("data-preloaded").value)
expect(JSON.parse(json["banner"])["html"]).to eq("<p>A banner topic</p>")
2022-06-13 11:10:21 -06:00
context "with login not required" do
before { SiteSetting.login_required = false }
2022-06-13 11:10:21 -06:00
it "does include banner info for anonymous users" do
get "/login"
expect(response.body).to have_tag("div#data-preloaded") do |element|
json = JSON.parse(element.current_scope.attribute("data-preloaded").value)
expect(JSON.parse(json["banner"])["html"]).to eq("<p>A banner topic</p>")
2022-06-13 11:10:21 -06:00
describe "preload Link header" do
context "with GlobalSetting.preload_link_header" do
before { global_setting :preload_link_header, true }
it "should have the Link header with assets on full page requests" do
expect(response.headers).to include("Link")
it "shouldn't have the Link header on xhr api requests" do
expect(response.headers).not_to include("Link")
context "without GlobalSetting.preload_link_header" do
before { global_setting :preload_link_header, false }
it "shouldn't have the Link header with assets on full page requests" do
expect(response.headers).not_to include("Link")
it "shouldn't have the Link header on xhr api requests" do
expect(response.headers).not_to include("Link")
describe "preloading data" do
def preloaded_json
context "when user is anon" do
it "preloads the relevant JSON data" do
get "/latest"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(preloaded_json.keys).to match_array(
"#{TopicList.new("latest", Fabricate(:anonymous), []).preload_key}",
context "when user is regular user" do
before { sign_in(user) }
it "preloads the relevant JSON data" do
get "/latest"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(preloaded_json.keys).to match_array(
"#{TopicList.new("latest", Fabricate(:anonymous), []).preload_key}",
context "when user is admin" do
fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:admin) }
before { sign_in(user) }
it "preloads the relevant JSON data" do
get "/latest"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(preloaded_json.keys).to match_array(
"#{TopicList.new("latest", Fabricate(:anonymous), []).preload_key}",
it "generates a fontMap" do
get "/latest"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
font_map = JSON.parse(preloaded_json["fontMap"])
expect(font_map.keys).to match_array(
DiscourseFonts.fonts.filter { |f| f[:variants].present? }.map { |f| f[:key] },