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# frozen_string_literal: true
RSpec.describe Admin::SiteTextsController do
fab!(:admin) { Fabricate(:admin) }
fab!(:moderator) { Fabricate(:moderator) }
fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) }
let(:default_locale) { I18n.locale }
after do
describe "#index" do
context "when logged in as an admin" do
before { sign_in(admin) }
it "returns json" do
get "/admin/customize/site_texts.json", params: { q: "title", locale: default_locale }
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(response.parsed_body["site_texts"]).to include(include("id" => "title"))
2019-03-09 12:23:46 +01:00
it "sets has_more to true if more than 50 results were found" do
get "/admin/customize/site_texts.json", params: { q: "e", locale: default_locale }
2019-03-09 12:23:46 +01:00
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(response.parsed_body["site_texts"].size).to eq(50)
expect(response.parsed_body["extras"]["has_more"]).to be_truthy
2019-03-09 12:23:46 +01:00
it "works with pages" do
texts = Set.new
get "/admin/customize/site_texts.json", params: { q: "e", locale: default_locale }
response.parsed_body["site_texts"].each { |text| texts << text["id"] }
expect(texts.size).to eq(50)
get "/admin/customize/site_texts.json", params: { q: "e", page: 1, locale: default_locale }
response.parsed_body["site_texts"].each { |text| texts << text["id"] }
expect(texts.size).to eq(100)
it "works with locales" do
get "/admin/customize/site_texts.json", params: { q: "yes_value", locale: default_locale }
value =
response.parsed_body["site_texts"].find { |text| text["id"] == "js.yes_value" }["value"]
expect(value).to eq(I18n.t("js.yes_value", locale: default_locale))
get "/admin/customize/site_texts.json", params: { q: "yes_value", locale: "de" }
value =
response.parsed_body["site_texts"].find { |text| text["id"] == "js.yes_value" }["value"]
expect(value).to eq(I18n.t("js.yes_value", locale: :de))
it "returns an error on invalid locale" do
get "/admin/customize/site_texts.json", params: { locale: "?" }
expect(response.status).to eq(400)
it "returns an error on empty locale" do
get "/admin/customize/site_texts.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(400)
it "normalizes quotes during search" do
value = "“That’s a ‘magic’ sock.”"
put "/admin/customize/site_texts/title.json",
params: {
site_text: {
value: value,
locale: default_locale,
"That's a 'magic' sock.",
"That’s a ‘magic’ sock.",
"“That's a 'magic' sock.”",
%q|"That's a 'magic' sock."|,
"«That's a 'magic' sock.»",
"„That’s a ‚magic‘ sock.“",
].each do |search_term|
get "/admin/customize/site_texts.json", params: { q: search_term, locale: default_locale }
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(response.parsed_body["site_texts"]).to include(
include("id" => "title", "value" => value),
it "normalizes ellipsis" do
value = "Loading Discussion…"
put "/admin/customize/site_texts/embed.loading.json",
params: {
site_text: {
value: value,
locale: default_locale,
["Loading Discussion", "Loading Discussion...", "Loading Discussion…"].each do |search_term|
get "/admin/customize/site_texts.json", params: { q: search_term, locale: default_locale }
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(response.parsed_body["site_texts"]).to include(
include("id" => "embed.loading", "value" => value),
it "does not return overrides for keys that do not exist in English" do
SiteSetting.default_locale = :ru
locale: :ru,
translation_key: "missing_plural_key.one",
value: "ONE",
locale: :ru,
translation_key: "another_missing_key",
value: "foo",
get "/admin/customize/site_texts.json",
params: {
q: "missing_plural_key",
locale: default_locale,
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(response.parsed_body["site_texts"]).to be_empty
get "/admin/customize/site_texts.json",
params: {
q: "another_missing_key",
locale: default_locale,
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(response.parsed_body["site_texts"]).to be_empty
it "returns site text from fallback locale if current locale doesn't have a translation" do
"description_time_MF override",
TranslationOverride.upsert!(:en, "education.new-topic", "education.new-topic override")
get "/admin/customize/site_texts.json",
params: {
q: "js.summary.description_time_MF",
locale: "en_GB",
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
value =
response.parsed_body["site_texts"].find do |text|
text["id"] == "js.summary.description_time_MF"
expect(value).to eq("description_time_MF override")
get "/admin/customize/site_texts.json",
params: {
q: "education.new-topic",
locale: "en_GB",
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
value =
response.parsed_body["site_texts"].find { |text| text["id"] == "education.new-topic" }[
expect(value).to eq("education.new-topic override")
it "returns only overridden translations" do
TranslationOverride.upsert!(:en, "education.new-topic", "education.new-topic override")
get "/admin/customize/site_texts.json", params: { locale: "en", overridden: true }
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
site_texts = response.parsed_body["site_texts"]
expect(site_texts.size).to eq(1)
value = site_texts.find { |text| text["id"] == "education.new-topic" }["value"]
expect(value).to eq("education.new-topic override")
context "with plural keys" do
before do
colour: {
one: "%{count} colour",
other: "%{count} colours",
shared_examples "finds correct plural keys" do
it "finds the correct plural keys for the locale" do
SiteSetting.default_locale = locale
get "/admin/customize/site_texts.json", params: { q: "colour", locale: locale }
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
json = ::JSON.parse(response.body, symbolize_names: true)
expect(json).to be_present
site_texts = json[:site_texts]
expect(site_texts).to be_present
expected_search_result =
expected_translations.map do |key, value|
overridden =
defined?(expected_overridden) ? expected_overridden[key] || false : false
id: "colour.#{key}",
value: value,
can_revert: overridden,
overridden: overridden,
expect(site_texts).to match_array(expected_search_result)
context "with English" do
let(:locale) { :en }
let(:expected_translations) { { one: "%{count} colour", other: "%{count} colours" } }
include_examples "finds correct plural keys"
context "with language with different plural keys and missing translations" do
let(:locale) { :ru }
let(:expected_translations) do
one: "%{count} colour",
few: "%{count} colours",
many: "%{count} colours",
other: "%{count} colours",
include_examples "finds correct plural keys"
context "with language with different plural keys and partial translation" do
before do
colour: {
few: "%{count} цвета",
many: "%{count} цветов",
let(:locale) { :ru }
let(:expected_translations) do
one: "%{count} colour",
few: "%{count} цвета",
many: "%{count} цветов",
other: "%{count} colours",
include_examples "finds correct plural keys"
context "with overridden translation not in original translation" do
before do
colour: {
few: "%{count} цвета",
many: "%{count} цветов",
TranslationOverride.create!(locale: :ru, translation_key: "colour.one", value: "ONE")
TranslationOverride.create!(locale: :ru, translation_key: "colour.few", value: "FEW")
let(:locale) { :ru }
let(:expected_translations) do
{ one: "ONE", few: "FEW", many: "%{count} цветов", other: "%{count} colours" }
let(:expected_overridden) { { one: true, few: true } }
include_examples "finds correct plural keys"
shared_examples "site texts inaccessible" do
it "denies access with a 404 response" do
get "/admin/customize/site_texts.json", params: { q: "title", locale: default_locale }
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
expect(response.parsed_body["errors"]).to include(I18n.t("not_found"))
context "when logged in as a moderator" do
before { sign_in(moderator) }
include_examples "site texts inaccessible"
context "when logged in as a non-staff user" do
before { sign_in(user) }
include_examples "site texts inaccessible"
describe "#show" do
context "when logged in as an admin" do
before { sign_in(admin) }
it "returns a site text for a key that exists" do
get "/admin/customize/site_texts/js.topic.list.json", params: { locale: default_locale }
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
json = response.parsed_body
site_text = json["site_text"]
expect(site_text["id"]).to eq("js.topic.list")
expect(site_text["value"]).to eq(I18n.t("js.topic.list"))
it "returns a site text for a key with ampersand" do
get "/admin/customize/site_texts/js.emoji_picker.food_&_drink.json",
params: {
locale: default_locale,
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
json = response.parsed_body
site_text = json["site_text"]
expect(site_text["id"]).to eq("js.emoji_picker.food_&_drink")
expect(site_text["value"]).to eq(I18n.t("js.emoji_picker.food_&_drink"))
it "returns not found for missing keys" do
get "/admin/customize/site_texts/made_up_no_key_exists.json",
params: {
locale: default_locale,
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
2019-07-02 04:53:16 +03:00
it "returns overridden = true if there is a translation_overrides record for the key" do
key = "js.topic.list"
put "/admin/customize/site_texts/#{key}.json",
params: {
site_text: {
value: I18n.t(key, locale: default_locale),
locale: default_locale,
2019-07-02 04:53:16 +03:00
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
get "/admin/customize/site_texts/#{key}.json", params: { locale: default_locale }
2019-07-02 04:53:16 +03:00
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
json = response.parsed_body
2019-07-02 04:53:16 +03:00
expect(json["site_text"]["overridden"]).to eq(true)
get "/admin/customize/site_texts/#{key}.json", params: { locale: default_locale }
2019-07-02 04:53:16 +03:00
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
json = response.parsed_body
2019-07-02 04:53:16 +03:00
expect(json["site_text"]["overridden"]).to eq(false)
it "returns a site text in the given locale" do
get "/admin/customize/site_texts/js.topic.list.json", params: { locale: "es" }
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
json = response.parsed_body
site_text = json["site_text"]
expect(site_text["id"]).to eq("js.topic.list")
expect(site_text["value"]).to eq(I18n.t("js.topic.list", locale: :es))
it "fails if locale is not given" do
get "/admin/customize/site_texts/js.topic.list.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(400)
it "returns site text from fallback locale if current locale doesn't have a translation" do
"description_time_MF override",
TranslationOverride.upsert!(:en, "education.new-topic", "education.new-topic override")
get "/admin/customize/site_texts/js.summary.description_time_MF.json",
params: {
locale: "en_GB",
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
json = response.parsed_body
site_text = json["site_text"]
expect(site_text["id"]).to eq("js.summary.description_time_MF")
expect(site_text["value"]).to eq("description_time_MF override")
get "/admin/customize/site_texts/education.new-topic.json", params: { locale: "en_GB" }
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
json = response.parsed_body
site_text = json["site_text"]
expect(site_text["id"]).to eq("education.new-topic")
expect(site_text["value"]).to eq("education.new-topic override")
context "with plural keys" do
before do
colour: {
one: "%{count} colour",
other: "%{count} colours",
shared_examples "has correct plural keys" do
it "returns the correct plural keys for the locale" do
expected_translations.each do |key, value|
id = "colour.#{key}"
get "/admin/customize/site_texts/#{id}.json", params: { locale: locale }
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
json = response.parsed_body
expect(json).to be_present
site_text = json["site_text"]
expect(site_text).to be_present
expect(site_text["id"]).to eq(id)
expect(site_text["value"]).to eq(value)
context "with English" do
let(:locale) { :en }
let(:expected_translations) { { one: "%{count} colour", other: "%{count} colours" } }
include_examples "has correct plural keys"
context "with language with different plural keys and missing translations" do
let(:locale) { :ru }
let(:expected_translations) do
{ one: "%{count} colour", few: "%{count} colours", other: "%{count} colours" }
include_examples "has correct plural keys"
context "with language with different plural keys and partial translation" do
before { I18n.backend.store_translations(:ru, colour: { few: "%{count} цвета" }) }
let(:locale) { :ru }
let(:expected_translations) do
{ one: "%{count} colour", few: "%{count} цвета", other: "%{count} colours" }
include_examples "has correct plural keys"
shared_examples "site text inaccessible" do
it "denies access with a 404 response" do
get "/admin/customize/site_texts/js.topic.list.json", params: { locale: default_locale }
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
expect(response.parsed_body["errors"]).to include(I18n.t("not_found"))
context "when logged in as a moderator" do
before { sign_in(moderator) }
include_examples "site text inaccessible"
context "when logged in as a non-staff user" do
before { sign_in(user) }
include_examples "site text inaccessible"
describe "#update & #revert" do
context "when logged in as an admin" do
before { sign_in(admin) }
it "returns 'not found' when an unknown key is used" do
put "/admin/customize/site_texts/some_key.json",
params: {
site_text: {
value: "foo",
locale: default_locale,
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
json = response.parsed_body
expect(json["error_type"]).to eq("not_found")
it "works as expected with correct keys" do
put "/admin/customize/site_texts/js.emoji_picker.animals_%26_nature.json",
params: {
site_text: {
value: "foo",
locale: default_locale,
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
json = response.parsed_body
site_text = json["site_text"]
expect(site_text["id"]).to eq("js.emoji_picker.animals_&_nature")
expect(site_text["value"]).to eq("foo")
it "does not update restricted keys" do
put "/admin/customize/site_texts/user_notifications.confirm_old_email.title.json",
params: {
site_text: {
value: "foo",
locale: default_locale,
2019-04-02 14:16:45 +02:00
expect(response.status).to eq(403)
json = response.parsed_body
2019-04-02 14:16:45 +02:00
expect(json["error_type"]).to eq("invalid_access")
expect(json["errors"].size).to eq(1)
expect(json["errors"].first).to eq(I18n.t("email_template_cant_be_modified"))
it "returns the right error message" do
I18n.backend.store_translations(SiteSetting.default_locale, some_key: "%{first} %{second}")
put "/admin/customize/site_texts/some_key.json",
params: {
site_text: {
value: "hello %{key} %{omg}",
locale: default_locale,
expect(response.status).to eq(422)
body = response.parsed_body
expect(body["message"]).to eq(
keys: "key, omg",
it "logs the change" do
original_title = I18n.t(:title)
put "/admin/customize/site_texts/title.json",
params: {
site_text: {
value: "yay",
locale: default_locale,
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
log = UserHistory.last
expect(log.previous_value).to eq(original_title)
expect(log.new_value).to eq("yay")
expect(log.action).to eq(UserHistory.actions[:change_site_text])
delete "/admin/customize/site_texts/title.json", params: { locale: default_locale }
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
log = UserHistory.last
expect(log.previous_value).to eq("yay")
expect(log.new_value).to eq(original_title)
expect(log.action).to eq(UserHistory.actions[:change_site_text])
it "updates and reverts the key" do
orig_title = I18n.t(:title)
put "/admin/customize/site_texts/title.json",
params: {
site_text: {
value: "hello",
locale: default_locale,
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
json = response.parsed_body
site_text = json["site_text"]
expect(site_text["id"]).to eq("title")
expect(site_text["value"]).to eq("hello")
# Revert
delete "/admin/customize/site_texts/title.json", params: { locale: default_locale }
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
json = response.parsed_body
site_text = json["site_text"]
expect(site_text["id"]).to eq("title")
expect(site_text["value"]).to eq(orig_title)
it "returns site texts for the correct locale" do
locale = :ru
ru_title = "title ru"
ru_mf_text = "ru {NUM_RESULTS, plural, one {1 result} other {many} }"
put "/admin/customize/site_texts/title.json",
params: {
site_text: {
value: ru_title,
locale: locale,
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
put "/admin/customize/site_texts/js.topic.read_more_MF.json",
params: {
site_text: {
value: ru_mf_text,
locale: locale,
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
get "/admin/customize/site_texts/title.json", params: { locale: locale }
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
json = response.parsed_body
expect(json["site_text"]["value"]).to eq(ru_title)
get "/admin/customize/site_texts/js.topic.read_more_MF.json", params: { locale: locale }
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
json = response.parsed_body
expect(json["site_text"]["value"]).to eq(ru_mf_text)
en_locale = :en
get "/admin/customize/site_texts/title.json", params: { locale: en_locale }
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
json = response.parsed_body
expect(json["site_text"]["value"]).to_not eq(ru_title)
get "/admin/customize/site_texts/js.topic.read_more_MF.json", params: { locale: en_locale }
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
json = response.parsed_body
expect(json["site_text"]["value"]).to_not eq(ru_mf_text)
FIX: Badge and user title interaction fixes (#8282) * Fix user title logic when badge name customized * Fix an issue where a user's title was not considered a badge granted title when the user used a badge for their title and the badge name was customized. this affected the effectiveness of revoke_ungranted_titles! which only operates on badge_granted_titles. * When a user's title is set now it is considered a badge_granted_title if the badge name OR the badge custom name from TranslationOverride is the same as the title * When a user's badge is revoked we now also revoke their title if the user's title matches the badge name OR the badge custom name from TranslationOverride * Add a user history log when the title is revoked to remove confusion about why titles are revoked * Add granted_title_badge_id to user_profile, now when we set badge_granted_title on a user profile when updating a user's title based on a badge, we also remember which badge matched the title * When badge name (or custom text) changes update titles of users in a background job * When the name of a badge changes, or in the case of system badges when their custom translation text changes, then we need to update the title of all corresponding users who have a badge_granted_title and matching granted_title_badge_id. In the case of system badges we need to first get the proper badge ID based on the translation key e.g. badges.regular.name * Add migration to backfill all granted_title_badge_ids for both normal badge name titles and titles using custom badge text.
2019-11-08 15:34:24 +10:00
context "when updating a translation override for a system badge" do
fab!(:user_with_badge_title) { Fabricate(:active_user) }
let(:badge) { Badge.find(Badge::Regular) }
before do
BadgeGranter.grant(badge, user_with_badge_title)
user_with_badge_title.update(title: "Regular")
it "updates matching user titles to the override text in a job" do
2020-07-24 17:16:52 +08:00
job: :bulk_user_title_update,
args: {
FIX: Badge and user title interaction fixes (#8282) * Fix user title logic when badge name customized * Fix an issue where a user's title was not considered a badge granted title when the user used a badge for their title and the badge name was customized. this affected the effectiveness of revoke_ungranted_titles! which only operates on badge_granted_titles. * When a user's title is set now it is considered a badge_granted_title if the badge name OR the badge custom name from TranslationOverride is the same as the title * When a user's badge is revoked we now also revoke their title if the user's title matches the badge name OR the badge custom name from TranslationOverride * Add a user history log when the title is revoked to remove confusion about why titles are revoked * Add granted_title_badge_id to user_profile, now when we set badge_granted_title on a user profile when updating a user's title based on a badge, we also remember which badge matched the title * When badge name (or custom text) changes update titles of users in a background job * When the name of a badge changes, or in the case of system badges when their custom translation text changes, then we need to update the title of all corresponding users who have a badge_granted_title and matching granted_title_badge_id. In the case of system badges we need to first get the proper badge ID based on the translation key e.g. badges.regular.name * Add migration to backfill all granted_title_badge_ids for both normal badge name titles and titles using custom badge text.
2019-11-08 15:34:24 +10:00
new_title: "Terminator",
granted_badge_id: badge.id,
action: Jobs::BulkUserTitleUpdate::UPDATE_ACTION,
2020-07-24 17:16:52 +08:00
) do
put "/admin/customize/site_texts/badges.regular.name.json",
params: {
site_text: {
value: "Terminator",
locale: default_locale,
2020-07-24 17:16:52 +08:00
FIX: Badge and user title interaction fixes (#8282) * Fix user title logic when badge name customized * Fix an issue where a user's title was not considered a badge granted title when the user used a badge for their title and the badge name was customized. this affected the effectiveness of revoke_ungranted_titles! which only operates on badge_granted_titles. * When a user's title is set now it is considered a badge_granted_title if the badge name OR the badge custom name from TranslationOverride is the same as the title * When a user's badge is revoked we now also revoke their title if the user's title matches the badge name OR the badge custom name from TranslationOverride * Add a user history log when the title is revoked to remove confusion about why titles are revoked * Add granted_title_badge_id to user_profile, now when we set badge_granted_title on a user profile when updating a user's title based on a badge, we also remember which badge matched the title * When badge name (or custom text) changes update titles of users in a background job * When the name of a badge changes, or in the case of system badges when their custom translation text changes, then we need to update the title of all corresponding users who have a badge_granted_title and matching granted_title_badge_id. In the case of system badges we need to first get the proper badge ID based on the translation key e.g. badges.regular.name * Add migration to backfill all granted_title_badge_ids for both normal badge name titles and titles using custom badge text.
2019-11-08 15:34:24 +10:00
2020-07-24 17:16:52 +08:00
# Revert
job: :bulk_user_title_update,
args: {
FIX: Badge and user title interaction fixes (#8282) * Fix user title logic when badge name customized * Fix an issue where a user's title was not considered a badge granted title when the user used a badge for their title and the badge name was customized. this affected the effectiveness of revoke_ungranted_titles! which only operates on badge_granted_titles. * When a user's title is set now it is considered a badge_granted_title if the badge name OR the badge custom name from TranslationOverride is the same as the title * When a user's badge is revoked we now also revoke their title if the user's title matches the badge name OR the badge custom name from TranslationOverride * Add a user history log when the title is revoked to remove confusion about why titles are revoked * Add granted_title_badge_id to user_profile, now when we set badge_granted_title on a user profile when updating a user's title based on a badge, we also remember which badge matched the title * When badge name (or custom text) changes update titles of users in a background job * When the name of a badge changes, or in the case of system badges when their custom translation text changes, then we need to update the title of all corresponding users who have a badge_granted_title and matching granted_title_badge_id. In the case of system badges we need to first get the proper badge ID based on the translation key e.g. badges.regular.name * Add migration to backfill all granted_title_badge_ids for both normal badge name titles and titles using custom badge text.
2019-11-08 15:34:24 +10:00
granted_badge_id: badge.id,
action: Jobs::BulkUserTitleUpdate::RESET_ACTION,
2020-07-24 17:16:52 +08:00
) do
delete "/admin/customize/site_texts/badges.regular.name.json",
params: {
locale: default_locale,
2020-07-24 17:16:52 +08:00
FIX: Badge and user title interaction fixes (#8282) * Fix user title logic when badge name customized * Fix an issue where a user's title was not considered a badge granted title when the user used a badge for their title and the badge name was customized. this affected the effectiveness of revoke_ungranted_titles! which only operates on badge_granted_titles. * When a user's title is set now it is considered a badge_granted_title if the badge name OR the badge custom name from TranslationOverride is the same as the title * When a user's badge is revoked we now also revoke their title if the user's title matches the badge name OR the badge custom name from TranslationOverride * Add a user history log when the title is revoked to remove confusion about why titles are revoked * Add granted_title_badge_id to user_profile, now when we set badge_granted_title on a user profile when updating a user's title based on a badge, we also remember which badge matched the title * When badge name (or custom text) changes update titles of users in a background job * When the name of a badge changes, or in the case of system badges when their custom translation text changes, then we need to update the title of all corresponding users who have a badge_granted_title and matching granted_title_badge_id. In the case of system badges we need to first get the proper badge ID based on the translation key e.g. badges.regular.name * Add migration to backfill all granted_title_badge_ids for both normal badge name titles and titles using custom badge text.
2019-11-08 15:34:24 +10:00
it "does not update matching user titles when overriding non-title badge text" do
2020-07-24 17:16:52 +08:00
expect_not_enqueued_with(job: :bulk_user_title_update) do
put "/admin/customize/site_texts/badges.regular.long_description.json",
params: {
site_text: {
value: "Terminator",
locale: default_locale,
2020-07-24 17:16:52 +08:00
FIX: Badge and user title interaction fixes (#8282) * Fix user title logic when badge name customized * Fix an issue where a user's title was not considered a badge granted title when the user used a badge for their title and the badge name was customized. this affected the effectiveness of revoke_ungranted_titles! which only operates on badge_granted_titles. * When a user's title is set now it is considered a badge_granted_title if the badge name OR the badge custom name from TranslationOverride is the same as the title * When a user's badge is revoked we now also revoke their title if the user's title matches the badge name OR the badge custom name from TranslationOverride * Add a user history log when the title is revoked to remove confusion about why titles are revoked * Add granted_title_badge_id to user_profile, now when we set badge_granted_title on a user profile when updating a user's title based on a badge, we also remember which badge matched the title * When badge name (or custom text) changes update titles of users in a background job * When the name of a badge changes, or in the case of system badges when their custom translation text changes, then we need to update the title of all corresponding users who have a badge_granted_title and matching granted_title_badge_id. In the case of system badges we need to first get the proper badge ID based on the translation key e.g. badges.regular.name * Add migration to backfill all granted_title_badge_ids for both normal badge name titles and titles using custom badge text.
2019-11-08 15:34:24 +10:00
shared_examples "site text update not allowed" do
it "prevents updates with a 404 response" do
put "/admin/customize/site_texts/js.emoji_picker.animals_%26_nature.json",
params: {
site_text: {
value: "foo",
locale: default_locale,
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
expect(response.parsed_body["errors"]).to include(I18n.t("not_found"))
context "when logged in as a moderator" do
before { sign_in(moderator) }
include_examples "site text update not allowed"
context "when logged in as a non-staff user" do
before { sign_in(user) }
include_examples "site text update not allowed"
context "when reseeding" do
before do
staff_category = Fabricate(:category, name: "Staff EN", user: Discourse.system_user)
SiteSetting.staff_category_id = staff_category.id
guidelines_topic =
title: "The English Guidelines",
category: @staff_category,
user: Discourse.system_user,
Fabricate(:post, topic: guidelines_topic, user: Discourse.system_user)
SiteSetting.guidelines_topic_id = guidelines_topic.id
describe "#get_reseed_options" do
context "when logged in as an admin" do
before { sign_in(admin) }
it "returns correct json" do
get "/admin/customize/reseed.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expected_reseed_options = {
categories: [
id: "uncategorized_category_id",
name: I18n.t("uncategorized_category_name"),
selected: true,
{ id: "staff_category_id", name: "Staff EN", selected: true },
topics: [{ id: "guidelines_topic_id", name: "The English Guidelines", selected: true }],
expect(JSON.parse(response.body, symbolize_names: true)).to eq(expected_reseed_options)
shared_examples "reseed options inaccessible" do
it "denies access with a 404 response" do
get "/admin/customize/reseed.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
expect(response.parsed_body["errors"]).to include(I18n.t("not_found"))
context "when logged in as a moderator" do
before { sign_in(moderator) }
include_examples "reseed options inaccessible"
context "when logged in as a non-staff user" do
before { sign_in(user) }
include_examples "reseed options inaccessible"
describe "#reseed" do
context "when logged in as an admin" do
before { sign_in(admin) }
it "reseeds categories and topics" do
SiteSetting.default_locale = :de
post "/admin/customize/reseed.json",
params: {
category_ids: ["staff_category_id"],
topic_ids: ["guidelines_topic_id"],
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(Category.find(SiteSetting.staff_category_id).name).to eq(
I18n.t("staff_category_name", locale: :de),
expect(Topic.find(SiteSetting.guidelines_topic_id).title).to eq(
I18n.t("guidelines_topic.title", locale: :de),
shared_examples "reseed not allowed" do
it "prevents reseeds with a 404 response" do
post "/admin/customize/reseed.json",
params: {
category_ids: ["staff_category_id"],
topic_ids: ["guidelines_topic_id"],
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
expect(response.parsed_body["errors"]).to include(I18n.t("not_found"))
context "when logged in as a moderator" do
before { sign_in(moderator) }
include_examples "reseed not allowed"
context "when logged in as a non-staff user" do
before { sign_in(user) }
include_examples "reseed not allowed"