FIX: Many bugs with admin badges interface

* Editing a badge's title would show it as changed in the side even if
  you didn't hit save

* Clicking a badge would not scroll to the top

* If there was an error saving a badge there was a missing i18n key

* URLs were using queryParams instead of paths

* User `label` tags for checkboxes for larger click targets

* Saved! text would persist when viewing another badge

* After creating a new badge it would show nothing

* Validation errors were not being properly released to the client

* Query errors were surrounded by an extra array
This commit is contained in:
Robin Ward 2014-10-17 14:27:40 -04:00
parent ab9a0235b4
commit 0cbdf6f5bb
17 changed files with 359 additions and 495 deletions

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
import ObjectController from 'discourse/controllers/object';
This is the itemController for `Discourse.AdminBadgesController`. Its main purpose
is to indicate which badge was selected.
@class AdminBadgeController
@extends ObjectController
@namespace Discourse
@module Discourse
export default ObjectController.extend({
Whether this badge has been selected.
@property selected
@type {Boolean}
selected: Discourse.computed.propertyEqual('', ''),
Show the displayName only if it is different from the name.
@property showDisplayName
@type {Boolean}
showDisplayName: Discourse.computed.propertyNotEqual('', 'selectedItem.displayName'),
Don't allow editing if this is a system badge.
@property readOnly
@type {Boolean}
readOnly: Ember.computed.alias('model.system')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
import BufferedContent from 'discourse/mixins/buffered-content';
export default Ember.ObjectController.extend(BufferedContent, {
needs: ['admin-badges'],
saving: false,
savingStatus: '',
badgeTypes: Em.computed.alias('controllers.admin-badges.badgeTypes'),
badgeGroupings: Em.computed.alias('controllers.admin-badges.badgeGroupings'),
badgeTriggers: Em.computed.alias('controllers.admin-badges.badgeTriggers'),
protectedSystemFields: Em.computed.alias('controllers.admin-badges.protectedSystemFields'),
readOnly: Ember.computed.alias('buffered.system'),
showDisplayName: Discourse.computed.propertyNotEqual('name', 'displayName'),
canEditDescription: Em.computed.none('buffered.translatedDescription'),
_resetSaving: function() {
this.set('saving', false);
this.set('savingStatus', '');
actions: {
save: function() {
if (!this.get('saving')) {
var fields = ['allow_title', 'multiple_grant',
'listable', 'auto_revoke',
'enabled', 'show_posts',
'target_posts', 'name', 'description',
'icon', 'query', 'badge_grouping_id',
'trigger', 'badge_type_id'],
self = this;
if (this.get('buffered.system')){
var protectedFields = this.get('protectedSystemFields');
fields = _.filter(fields, function(f){
return !_.include(protectedFields,f);
this.set('saving', true);
this.set('savingStatus', I18n.t('saving'));
var boolFields = ['allow_title', 'multiple_grant',
'listable', 'auto_revoke',
'enabled', 'show_posts',
'target_posts' ];
var data = {},
buffered = this.get('buffered');
var d = buffered.get(field);
if (_.include(boolFields, field)) { d = !!d; }
data[field] = d;
var newBadge = !this.get('id'),
model = this.get('model');
this.get('model').save(data).then(function() {
if (newBadge) {
self.transitionToRoute('', model.get('id'));
} else {
self.set('savingStatus', I18n.t('saved'));
}).catch(function(error) {
self.set('savingStatus', I18n.t('failed'));
self.send('saveError', error);
}).finally(function() {
self.set('saving', false);
destroy: function() {
var self = this,
adminBadgesController = this.get('controllers.admin-badges'),
model = this.get('model');
if (!model.get('id')) {
return bootbox.confirm(I18n.t("admin.badges.delete_confirm"), I18n.t("no_value"), I18n.t("yes_value"), function(result) {
if (result) {
model.destroy().then(function() {
}).catch(function() {

View File

@ -1,165 +1 @@
/** export default Ember.ArrayController.extend();
This controller supports the interface for dealing with badges.
@class AdminBadgesController
@extends Ember.ArrayController
@namespace Discourse
@module Discourse
export default Ember.ArrayController.extend({
needs: ['modal'],
itemController: 'admin-badge',
queryParams: ['badgeId'],
badgeId: Em.computed.alias('selectedId'),
ID of the currently selected badge.
@property selectedId
@type {Integer}
selectedId: null,
Badge that is currently selected.
@property selectedItem
@type {Discourse.Badge}
selectedItem: function() {
if (this.get('selectedId') === undefined || this.get('selectedId') === "undefined") {
// New Badge
return this.get('newBadge');
} else {
// Existing Badge
var selectedId = parseInt(this.get('selectedId'));
return this.get('model').filter(function(badge) {
return parseInt(badge.get('id')) === selectedId;
}.property('selectedId', 'newBadge'),
Unsaved badge, if one exists.
@property newBadge
@type {Discourse.Badge}
newBadge: function() {
return this.get('model').filter(function(badge) {
return badge.get('id') === undefined;
Whether a new unsaved badge exists.
@property newBadgeExists
@type {Discourse.Badge}
newBadgeExists: Em.computed.notEmpty('newBadge'),
We don't allow setting a description if a translation for the given badge
name exists.
@property canEditDescription
@type {Boolean}
canEditDescription: Em.computed.none('selectedItem.translatedDescription'),
Disable saving if the currently selected item is being saved.
@property disableSave
@type {Boolean}
disableSave: Em.computed.alias('selectedItem.saving'),
actions: {
Create a new badge and select it.
@method newBadge
createNewBadge: function() {
var badge = Discourse.Badge.create({
name: I18n.t('admin.badges.new_badge')
this.send('selectBadge', badge);
Select a particular badge.
@method selectBadge
@param {Discourse.Badge} badge The badge to be selected
selectBadge: function(badge) {
this.set('selectedId', badge.get('id'));
Save the selected badge.
@method save
save: function() {
if (!this.get('disableSave')) {
var fields = ['allow_title', 'multiple_grant',
'listable', 'auto_revoke',
'enabled', 'show_posts',
'target_posts', 'name', 'description',
'icon', 'query', 'badge_grouping_id',
'trigger', 'badge_type_id'],
self = this;
if (this.get('selectedItem.system')){
var protectedFields = this.get('protectedSystemFields');
fields = _.filter(fields, function(f){
return !_.include(protectedFields,f);
this.get('selectedItem').save(fields).catch(function(error) {
// this shows the admin-badge-preview modal with the error
// kinda weird, but it consolidates the display logic for badge errors
self.send('saveError', error);
Confirm before destroying the selected badge.
@method destroy
destroy: function() {
// Delete immediately if the selected badge is new.
if (!this.get('')) {
this.set('selectedId', null);
var self = this;
return bootbox.confirm(I18n.t("admin.badges.delete_confirm"), I18n.t("no_value"), I18n.t("yes_value"), function(result) {
if (result) {
var selected = self.get('selectedItem');
selected.destroy().then(function() {
// Success.
self.set('selectedId', null);
}, function() {
// Failure.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
export default Ember.Route.extend({
serialize: function(m) {
return {badge_id: Em.get(m, 'id') || 'new'};
model: function(params) {
if (params.badge_id === "new") {
return Discourse.Badge.create({
name: I18n.t('admin.badges.new_badge')
return this.modelFor('adminBadges').findProperty('id', parseInt(params.badge_id));
actions: {
saveError: function(e) {
var msg = I18n.t("generic_error");
if (e.responseJSON && e.responseJSON.errors) {
msg = I18n.t("generic_error_with_reason", {error: e.responseJSON.errors.join('. ')});
editGroupings: function() {
var groupings = this.controllerFor('admin-badges').get('badgeGroupings');
Discourse.Route.showModal(this, 'admin_edit_badge_groupings', groupings);
preview: function(badge, explain) {
var self = this;
badge.set('preview_loading', true);
Discourse.ajax('/admin/badges/preview.json', {
method: 'post',
data: {
sql: badge.get('query'),
target_posts: !!badge.get('target_posts'),
trigger: badge.get('trigger'),
explain: explain
}).then(function(json) {
badge.set('preview_loading', false);
Discourse.Route.showModal(self, 'admin_badge_preview', json);
}).catch(function(error) {
badge.set('preview_loading', false);
bootbox.alert("Network error");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
export default Discourse.Route.extend({
_json: null,
model: function() {
var self = this;
return Discourse.ajax('/admin/badges.json').then(function(json) {
self._json = json;
return Discourse.Badge.createFromJson(json);
setupController: function(controller, model) {
var json = this._json,
triggers = [];
triggers.push({id: v, name: I18n.t('admin.badges.trigger_type.'+k)});
badgeGroupings: json.badge_groupings,
badgeTypes: json.badge_types,
protectedSystemFields: json.admin_badges.protected_system_fields,
badgeTriggers: triggers,
model: model

View File

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
Discourse.AdminBadgesRoute = Discourse.Route.extend({
setupController: function(controller) {
controller.set('badgeGroupings', Em.A(json.badge_groupings));
controller.set('badgeTypes', json.badge_types);
controller.set('protectedSystemFields', json.admin_badges.protected_system_fields);
var triggers = [];
triggers.push({id: v, name: I18n.t('admin.badges.trigger_type.'+k)});
controller.set('badgeTriggers', triggers);
controller.set('model', Discourse.Badge.createFromJson(json));
actions: {
editGroupings: function(model) {
Discourse.Route.showModal(this, 'admin_edit_badge_groupings', model);
saveError: function(jqXhr) {
if (jqXhr.status === 422) {
Discourse.Route.showModal(this, 'admin_badge_preview', jqXhr.responseJSON);
} else {
preview: function(badge, explain) {
var self = this;
badge.set('preview_loading', true);
Discourse.ajax('/admin/badges/preview.json', {
method: 'post',
data: {
sql: badge.query,
target_posts: !!badge.target_posts,
trigger: badge.trigger,
explain: explain
}).then(function(json) {
badge.set('preview_loading', false);
Discourse.Route.showModal(self, 'admin_badge_preview', json);
}).catch(function(error) {
badge.set('preview_loading', false);
bootbox.alert("Network error");

View File

@ -58,7 +58,9 @@ Discourse.Route.buildRoutes(function() {
}); });
}); });
this.route('badges'); this.resource('adminBadges', { path: '/badges' }, function() {
this.route('show', { path: '/:badge_id' });
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
{{/if}} {{/if}}
<li>{{#link-to 'adminUsersList'}}{{i18n admin.users.title}}{{/link-to}}</li> <li>{{#link-to 'adminUsersList'}}{{i18n admin.users.title}}{{/link-to}}</li>
{{#if showBadges}} {{#if showBadges}}
<li>{{#link-to 'admin.badges'}}{{i18n admin.badges.title}}{{/link-to}}</li> <li>{{#link-to 'adminBadges.index'}}{{i18n admin.badges.title}}{{/link-to}}</li>
{{/if}} {{/if}}
{{#if currentUser.admin}} {{#if currentUser.admin}}
<li>{{#link-to 'adminGroups.index'}}{{i18n admin.groups.title}}{{/link-to}}</li> <li>{{#link-to 'adminGroups.index'}}{{i18n admin.groups.title}}{{/link-to}}</li>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
<div class='span13'>
<p>{{i18n admin.badges.none_selected}}</p>
{{#link-to '' 'new' class="btn"}}
{{fa-icon "plus"}} {{i18n}}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
<div class='current-badge span13'>
<form class="form-horizontal">
<label for="name">{{i18n}}</label>
{{input type="text" name="name"}}
{{#if showDisplayName}}
<strong>{{i18n admin.badges.display_name}}</strong>
<label for="name">{{i18n admin.badges.icon}}</label>
{{input type="text" name="name" value=buffered.icon}}
<p class='help'>{{i18n admin.badges.icon_help}}</p>
<label for="badge_type_id">{{i18n admin.badges.badge_type}}</label>
{{view Ember.Select name="badge_type_id"
<label for="badge_grouping_id">{{i18n admin.badges.badge_grouping}}</label>
{{view Ember.Select name="badge_grouping_id"
&nbsp;<button {{action "editGroupings"}} class='btn'>{{fa-icon 'pencil'}}</button>
<label for="description">{{i18n admin.badges.description}}</label>
{{#if canEditDescription}}
{{textarea name="description" value=buffered.description}}
{{textarea name="description" value=buffered.displayDescription disabled=true}}
<label for="query">{{i18n admin.badges.query}}</label>
{{textarea name="query" value=buffered.query disabled=readOnly}}
{{#if hasQuery}}
<a href {{action "preview" buffered "false"}}>{{i18n admin.badges.preview.link_text}}</a>
<a href {{action "preview" buffered "true"}}>{{i18n admin.badges.preview.plan_text}}</a>
{{#if preview_loading}}
{{i18n loading}}...
{{input type="checkbox" checked=buffered.auto_revoke disabled=readOnly}}
{{i18n admin.badges.auto_revoke}}
{{input type="checkbox" checked=buffered.target_posts disabled=readOnly}}
{{i18n admin.badges.target_posts}}
<label for="trigger">{{i18n admin.badges.trigger}}</label>
{{view Ember.Select name="trigger"
{{input type="checkbox" checked=buffered.allow_title}}
{{i18n admin.badges.allow_title}}
{{input type="checkbox" checked=buffered.multiple_grant disabled=readOnly}}
{{i18n admin.badges.multiple_grant}}
{{input type="checkbox" checked=buffered.listable disabled=readOnly}}
{{i18n admin.badges.listable}}
{{input type="checkbox" checked=buffered.show_posts disabled=readOnly}}
{{i18n admin.badges.show_posts}}
{{input type="checkbox" checked=buffered.enabled}}
{{i18n admin.badges.enabled}}
<div class='buttons'>
<button {{action "save"}} {{bind-attr disabled=saving}} class='btn btn-primary'>{{i18n}}</button>
<span class='saving'>{{savingStatus}}</span>
{{#unless readOnly}}
<a {{action "destroy"}} class='delete-link'>{{i18n admin.badges.delete}}</a>
{{#if grant_count}}
<div class="span13 current-badge-actions">
{{#link-to '' this}}{{i18n badges.granted count=grant_count}}{{/link-to}}

View File

@ -5,160 +5,21 @@
<ul> <ul>
{{#each}} {{#each}}
<li> <li>
<a {{action "selectBadge" this}} {{bind-attr class="selected:active"}}> {{#link-to '' id}}
{{badge-button badge=this}} {{badge-button badge=this}}
{{#if newBadge}} {{#if newBadge}}
<span class="list-badge">{{i18n}}</span> <span class="list-badge">{{i18n}}</span>
{{/if}} {{/if}}
</a> {{/link-to}}
</li> </li>
{{/each}} {{/each}}
</ul> </ul>
<button {{action "createNewBadge"}} {{bind-attr disabled=newBadgeExists}} class='btn'><i class="fa fa-plus"></i>{{i18n}}</button> {{#link-to '' 'new' class="btn"}}
{{fa-icon "plus"}} {{i18n}}
</div> </div>
{{#if selectedItem}} {{outlet}}
{{#with selectedItem controller='adminBadge'}}
<div class='current-badge span13'>
<form class="form-horizontal">
<label for="name">{{i18n}}</label>
{{input type="text" name="name" value=name}}
{{#if showDisplayName}}
<strong>{{i18n admin.badges.display_name}}</strong>
<label for="name">{{i18n admin.badges.icon}}</label>
{{input type="text" name="name" value=icon}}
<p class='help'>{{i18n admin.badges.icon_help}}</p>
<label for="badge_type_id">{{i18n admin.badges.badge_type}}</label>
{{view Ember.Select name="badge_type_id" value=badge_type_id
<label for="badge_grouping_id">{{i18n admin.badges.badge_grouping}}</label>
{{view Ember.Select name="badge_grouping_id" value=badge_grouping_id
&nbsp;<button {{action "editGroupings" controller.badgeGroupings}}><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></button>
<label for="description">{{i18n admin.badges.description}}</label>
{{#if controller.canEditDescription}}
{{textarea name="description" value=description}}
{{textarea name="description" value=displayDescription disabled=true}}
<label for="query">{{i18n admin.badges.query}}</label>
{{textarea name="query" value=query disabled=readOnly}}
{{#if hasQuery}}
<a href {{action "preview" this "false"}}>{{i18n admin.badges.preview.link_text}}</a>
<a href {{action "preview" this "true"}}>{{i18n admin.badges.preview.plan_text}}</a>
{{#if preview_loading}}
{{i18n loading}}...
{{input type="checkbox" checked=auto_revoke disabled=readOnly}}
{{i18n admin.badges.auto_revoke}}
{{input type="checkbox" checked=target_posts disabled=readOnly}}
{{i18n admin.badges.target_posts}}
<label for="trigger">{{i18n admin.badges.trigger}}</label>
{{view Ember.Select name="trigger" value=trigger
{{input type="checkbox" checked=allow_title}}
{{i18n admin.badges.allow_title}}
{{input type="checkbox" checked=multiple_grant disabled=readOnly}}
{{i18n admin.badges.multiple_grant}}
{{input type="checkbox" checked=listable disabled=readOnly}}
{{i18n admin.badges.listable}}
{{input type="checkbox" checked=show_posts disabled=readOnly}}
{{i18n admin.badges.show_posts}}
{{input type="checkbox" checked=enabled}}
{{i18n admin.badges.enabled}}
<div class='buttons'>
<button {{action "save"}} {{bind-attr disabled=controller.disableSave}} class='btn btn-primary'>{{i18n}}</button>
<span class='saving'>{{savingStatus}}</span>
{{#unless readOnly}}
<a {{action "destroy"}} class='delete-link'>{{i18n admin.badges.delete}}</a>
{{#if grant_count}}
<div class="span13 current-badge-actions">
{{#link-to '' this}}{{i18n badges.granted count=grant_count}}{{/link-to}}
</div> </div>

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
export default Ember.View.extend(Discourse.ScrollTop);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
export default Ember.View.extend(Discourse.ScrollTop, {
_scrollOnModelChange: function() {

View File

@ -110,45 +110,24 @@ Discourse.Badge = Discourse.Model.extend({
@method save @method save
@returns {Promise} A promise that resolves to the updated `Discourse.Badge` @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves to the updated `Discourse.Badge`
**/ **/
save: function(fields) { save: function(data) {
this.set('savingStatus', I18n.t('saving'));
this.set('saving', true);
var url = "/admin/badges", var url = "/admin/badges",
requestType = "POST", requestType = "POST",
self = this; self = this;
if (!this.get('newBadge')) { if (this.get('id')) {
// We are updating an existing badge. // We are updating an existing badge.
url += "/" + this.get('id'); url += "/" + this.get('id');
requestType = "PUT"; requestType = "PUT";
} }
var boolFields = ['allow_title', 'multiple_grant',
'listable', 'auto_revoke',
'enabled', 'show_posts',
'target_posts' ];
var data = {};
var d = self.get(field);
if(_.include(boolFields, field)) {
d = !!d;
data[field] = d;
return Discourse.ajax(url, { return Discourse.ajax(url, {
type: requestType, type: requestType,
data: data data: data
}).then(function(json) { }).then(function(json) {
self.updateFromJson(json); self.updateFromJson(json);
self.set('savingStatus', I18n.t('saved'));
self.set('saving', false);
return self; return self;
}).catch(function(error) { }).catch(function(error) {
self.set('savingStatus', I18n.t('failed'));
self.set('saving', false);
throw error; throw error;
}); });
}, },

View File

@ -20,6 +20,12 @@ class Admin::BadgesController < Admin::AdminController
trigger: params[:trigger].to_i) trigger: params[:trigger].to_i)
end end
def new
def show
def badge_types def badge_types
badge_types = BadgeType.all.to_a badge_types = BadgeType.all.to_a
render_serialized(badge_types, BadgeTypeSerializer, root: "badge_types") render_serialized(badge_types, BadgeTypeSerializer, root: "badge_types")
@ -98,7 +104,7 @@ class Admin::BadgesController < Admin::AdminController
begin begin
BadgeGranter.contract_checks!(badge.query, { target_posts: badge.target_posts, trigger: badge.trigger }) BadgeGranter.contract_checks!(badge.query, { target_posts: badge.target_posts, trigger: badge.trigger })
rescue => e rescue => e
errors << [e.message] errors << e.message
raise ActiveRecord::Rollback raise ActiveRecord::Rollback
end end
@ -106,10 +112,9 @@ class Admin::BadgesController < Admin::AdminController!!
end end
if badge.errors errors
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid
errors.push(*badge.errors.full_messages) errors.push(*badge.errors.full_messages)
errors errors
end end
end end

View File

@ -2095,6 +2095,7 @@ en:
grant: Grant grant: Grant
no_user_badges: "%{name} has not been granted any badges." no_user_badges: "%{name} has not been granted any badges."
no_badges: There are no badges that can be granted. no_badges: There are no badges that can be granted.
none_selected: "Select a badge to get started"
allow_title: Allow badge to be used as a title allow_title: Allow badge to be used as a title
multiple_grant: Can be granted multiple times multiple_grant: Can be granted multiple times
listable: Show badge on the public badges page listable: Show badge on the public badges page

View File

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
moduleFor("controller:admin-badges", "controller:admin-badges", {
needs: ['controller:modal', 'controller:admin-badge']
test("canEditDescription", function() {
var badge = Discourse.Badge.create({id: 101, name: "Test Badge"});
var controller = this.subject({ model: [badge] });
controller.send('selectBadge', badge);
ok(controller.get('canEditDescription'), "allows editing description when a translation exists for the badge name");
badge.set('translatedDescription', 'translated');
ok(!controller.get('canEditDescription'), "can't edit the description when it's got a translation");
test("createNewBadge", function() {
var controller = this.subject();
equal(controller.get('model.length'), 1, "adds a new badge to the list of badges");
test("selectBadge", function() {
var badge = Discourse.Badge.create({id: 101, name: "Test Badge"}),
controller = this.subject({ model: [badge] });
controller.send('selectBadge', badge);
equal(controller.get('selectedItem'), badge, "the badge is selected");
test("save", function() {
var badge = Discourse.Badge.create({id: 101, name: "Test Badge"}),
otherBadge = Discourse.Badge.create({id: 102, name: "Other Badge"}),
controller = this.subject({ model: [badge, otherBadge] });
controller.send('selectBadge', badge);
sandbox.stub(badge, "save").returns(Ember.RSVP.resolve({}));
ok(, "called save on the badge");
test("destroy", function() {
var badge = Discourse.Badge.create({id: 101, name: "Test Badge"}),
otherBadge = Discourse.Badge.create({id: 102, name: "Other Badge"}),
controller = this.subject({model: [badge, otherBadge]});
sandbox.stub(badge, 'destroy').returns(Ember.RSVP.resolve({}));
bootbox.confirm = function(text, yes, no, func) {
controller.send('selectBadge', badge);
ok(!badge.destroy.calledOnce, "badge is not destroyed if they user clicks no");
bootbox.confirm = function(text, yes, no, func) {
controller.send('selectBadge', badge);
ok(badge.destroy.calledOnce, "badge is destroyed if they user clicks yes");