diff --git a/app/models/topic_converter.rb b/app/models/topic_converter.rb
index f46eaba6ce9..5ebe6516250 100644
--- a/app/models/topic_converter.rb
+++ b/app/models/topic_converter.rb
@@ -24,6 +24,21 @@ class TopicConverter
       @topic.archetype = Archetype.default
+      # TODO: Every post in a PRIVATE MESSAGE looks the same: each is a UserAction::NEW_PRIVATE_MESSAGE.
+      #       So we need to remove all those user actions and re-log all the posts.
+      #       Post counting depends on the correct UserActions (NEW_TOPIC, REPLY), so once a private topic
+      #       becomes a public topic, post counts are wrong. The reverse is not so bad because
+      #       we don't count NEW_PRIVATE_MESSAGE in any public stats.
+      #       TBD: why do so many specs fail with this change?
+      # UserAction.where(target_topic_id: @topic.id, action_type: [UserAction::GOT_PRIVATE_MESSAGE, UserAction::NEW_PRIVATE_MESSAGE]).find_each do |ua|
+      #   UserAction.remove_action!(ua.attributes.symbolize_keys.slice(:action_type, :user_id, :acting_user_id, :target_topic_id, :target_post_id))
+      # end
+      # @topic.posts.each do |post|
+      #   UserActionCreator.log_post(post) unless post.post_number == 1
+      # end
@@ -45,7 +60,7 @@ class TopicConverter
   def update_user_stats
     @topic.posts.where(deleted_at: nil).each do |p|
       user = User.find(p.user_id)
-      # update posts count
+      # update posts count. NOTE that DirectoryItem.refresh will overwrite this by counting UserAction records.
       user.user_stat.post_count += 1
@@ -58,7 +73,7 @@ class TopicConverter
     @topic.posts.where(deleted_at: nil).each do |p|
       user = User.find(p.user_id)
       @topic.topic_allowed_users.build(user_id: user.id) unless @topic.topic_allowed_users.where(user_id: user.id).exists?
-      # update posts count
+      # update posts count. NOTE that DirectoryItem.refresh will overwrite this by counting UserAction records.
       user.user_stat.post_count -= 1
diff --git a/app/services/user_action_creator.rb b/app/services/user_action_creator.rb
index 68a5d0847d2..7b1c92562bb 100644
--- a/app/services/user_action_creator.rb
+++ b/app/services/user_action_creator.rb
@@ -93,6 +93,10 @@ class UserActionCreator
       created_at: model.created_at
+    UserAction.remove_action!(row.merge(
+      action_type: model.archetype == Archetype.private_message ? UserAction::NEW_TOPIC : UserAction::NEW_PRIVATE_MESSAGE
+    ))
     rows = [row]
     if model.private_message?
diff --git a/spec/models/topic_converter_spec.rb b/spec/models/topic_converter_spec.rb
index 2e76cf9bba8..05d28b10e62 100644
--- a/spec/models/topic_converter_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/models/topic_converter_spec.rb
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ describe TopicConverter do
     let(:admin) { Fabricate(:admin) }
     let(:author) { Fabricate(:user) }
     let(:category) { Fabricate(:category) }
-    let(:private_message) { Fabricate(:private_message_topic, user: author) }
+    let(:private_message) { Fabricate(:private_message_topic, user: author) } # creates a topic without a first post
+    let(:first_post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: private_message, user: author) }
+    let(:other_user) { private_message.topic_allowed_users.find { |u| u.user != author }.user }
     context 'success' do
       it "converts private message to regular topic" do
@@ -48,12 +50,36 @@ describe TopicConverter do
       it "updates user stats" do
+        first_post
         topic_user = TopicUser.create!(user_id: author.id, topic_id: private_message.id, posted: true)
         expect(private_message.user.user_stat.topic_count).to eq(0)
         expect(private_message.reload.user.user_stat.topic_count).to eq(1)
         expect(topic_user.reload.notification_level).to eq(TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching])
+      context "with a reply" do
+        before do
+          UserActionCreator.enable
+          first_post
+          create_post(topic: private_message, user: other_user)
+          private_message.reload
+        end
+        after do
+          UserActionCreator.disable
+        end
+        it "updates UserActions" do
+          TopicConverter.new(private_message, admin).convert_to_public_topic
+          expect(author.user_actions.where(action_type: UserAction::NEW_PRIVATE_MESSAGE).count).to eq(0)
+          expect(author.user_actions.where(action_type: UserAction::NEW_TOPIC).count).to eq(1)
+          # TODO:
+          # expect(other_user.user_actions.where(action_type: UserAction::NEW_PRIVATE_MESSAGE).count).to eq(0)
+          # expect(other_user.user_actions.where(action_type: UserAction::GOT_PRIVATE_MESSAGE).count).to eq(0)
+          # expect(other_user.user_actions.where(action_type: UserAction::REPLY).count).to eq(1)
+        end
+      end
@@ -81,6 +107,14 @@ describe TopicConverter do
         expect(topic.reload.user.user_stat.topic_count).to eq(0)
         expect(topic_user.reload.notification_level).to eq(TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching])
+      it "changes user_action type" do
+        UserActionCreator.enable
+        topic.convert_to_private_message(admin)
+        expect(author.user_actions.where(action_type: UserAction::NEW_TOPIC).count).to eq(0)
+        expect(author.user_actions.where(action_type: UserAction::NEW_PRIVATE_MESSAGE).count).to eq(1)
+        UserActionCreator.disable
+      end
     context 'topic has replies' do