From 1c57a6082224fb3200352e1d0706ca3f96b90522 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robin Ward <>
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2014 13:47:33 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Also import Q+A comments

 script/import_scripts/drupal_qa.rb | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 58 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/script/import_scripts/drupal_qa.rb b/script/import_scripts/drupal_qa.rb
index 6542812c0af..3ff535acb6f 100644
--- a/script/import_scripts/drupal_qa.rb
+++ b/script/import_scripts/drupal_qa.rb
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class ImportScripts::DrupalQA < ImportScripts::Drupal
-  def create_replies
+  def create_direct_replies
     puts '', "creating replies in topics"
     total_count = @client.query("
@@ -101,6 +101,58 @@ class ImportScripts::DrupalQA < ImportScripts::Drupal
       break if results.size < 1
+      create_posts(results, total: total_count, offset: offset) do |row|
+        topic_mapping = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id("nid:#{row['nid']}")
+        if topic_mapping && topic_id = topic_mapping[:topic_id]
+          h = {
+            id: "cid:#{row['cid']}",
+            topic_id: topic_id,
+            user_id: user_id_from_imported_user_id(row['uid']) || -1,
+            raw: row['body'],
+            created_at:['created']),
+          }
+          h
+        else
+          puts "No topic found for answer #{row['cid']}"
+          nil
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def create_nested_replies
+    puts '', "creating nested replies in topics"
+    total_count = @client.query("
+        SELECT COUNT(c.cid) count
+          FROM node n
+        INNER JOIN comment AS c ON n.nid = c.nid
+        WHERE n.type = 'answer'
+           AND n.status = 1;").first['count']
+    batch_size = 1000
+    batches(batch_size) do |offset|
+      # WARNING: If there are more than 1000000 this might have to be revisited
+      results = @client.query("
+        SELECT (c.cid + 1000000) as cid,
+               q.field_answer_question_nid AS nid,
+               c.uid,
+               c.created,
+               cb.comment_body_value AS body
+        FROM node AS n
+          INNER JOIN field_data_field_answer_question AS q ON q.entity_id = n.nid
+          INNER JOIN comment AS c ON c.nid = n.nid
+          INNER JOIN field_data_comment_body AS cb ON cb.entity_id = c.cid
+        WHERE n.status = 1
+          AND n.type = 'answer'
+        LIMIT #{batch_size}
+        OFFSET #{offset}
+      ", cache_rows: false)
+      break if results.size < 1
       create_posts(results, total: total_count, offset: offset) do |row|
         topic_mapping = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id("nid:#{row['nid']}")
         if topic_mapping && topic_id = topic_mapping[:topic_id]
@@ -120,6 +172,11 @@ class ImportScripts::DrupalQA < ImportScripts::Drupal
+  def create_replies
+    create_direct_replies
+    create_nested_replies
+  end
 if __FILE__==$0