diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/models/topic.js.es6 b/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/models/topic.js.es6
index df6fd563ccf..69a4f9c27f2 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/models/topic.js.es6
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/models/topic.js.es6
@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ const Topic = RestModel.extend({
@computed('last_read_post_number', 'highest_post_number')
visited(lastReadPostNumber, highestPostNumber) {
- return lastReadPostNumber === highestPostNumber;
+ // >= to handle case where there are deleted posts at the end of the topic
+ return lastReadPostNumber >= highestPostNumber;
diff --git a/test/javascripts/models/topic-test.js.es6 b/test/javascripts/models/topic-test.js.es6
index ef78ab3f64b..2e9ce444365 100644
--- a/test/javascripts/models/topic-test.js.es6
+++ b/test/javascripts/models/topic-test.js.es6
@@ -5,21 +5,36 @@ QUnit.module("model:topic");
import Topic from 'discourse/models/topic';
QUnit.test("defaults", assert => {
- var topic = Topic.create({id: 1234});
+ const topic = Topic.create({ id: 1234 });
assert.blank(topic.get('deleted_at'), 'deleted_at defaults to blank');
assert.blank(topic.get('deleted_by'), 'deleted_by defaults to blank');
+QUnit.test("visited", assert => {
+ const topic = Topic.create({ highest_post_number: 2, last_read_post_number: 1 });
+ assert.not(topic.get("visited"), "not visited unless we've read all the posts");
+ topic.set("last_read_post_number", 2);
+ assert.ok(topic.get("visited"), "is visited once we've read all the posts");
+ topic.set("last_read_post_number", 3);
+ assert.ok(topic.get("visited"), "is visited if we've read all the posts and some are deleted at the end");
QUnit.test('has details', assert => {
- var topic = Topic.create({id: 1234});
- var topicDetails = topic.get('details');
+ const topic = Topic.create({ id: 1234 });
+ const topicDetails = topic.get('details');
assert.present(topicDetails, "a topic has topicDetails after we create it");
assert.equal(topicDetails.get('topic'), topic, "the topicDetails has a reference back to the topic");
QUnit.test('has a postStream', assert => {
- var topic = Topic.create({id: 1234});
- var postStream = topic.get('postStream');
+ const topic = Topic.create({ id: 1234 });
+ const postStream = topic.get('postStream');
assert.present(postStream, "a topic has a postStream after we create it");
assert.equal(postStream.get('topic'), topic, "the postStream has a reference back to the topic");
@@ -34,19 +49,19 @@ QUnit.test('has suggestedTopics', assert => {
QUnit.test('category relationship', assert => {
// It finds the category by id
- var category = Discourse.Category.list()[0],
- topic = Topic.create({id: 1111, category_id: category.get('id') });
+ const category = Discourse.Category.list()[0];
+ const topic = Topic.create({ id: 1111, category_id: category.get('id') });
assert.equal(topic.get('category'), category);
QUnit.test("updateFromJson", assert => {
- var topic = Topic.create({id: 1234}),
- category = Discourse.Category.list()[0];
+ const topic = Topic.create({ id: 1234 });
+ const category = Discourse.Category.list()[0];
post_stream: [1,2,3],
- details: {hello: 'world'},
+ details: { hello: 'world' },
cool: 'property',
category_id: category.get('id')
@@ -58,8 +73,8 @@ QUnit.test("updateFromJson", assert => {
QUnit.test("destroy", assert => {
- var user = Discourse.User.create({username: 'eviltrout'});
- var topic = Topic.create({id: 1234});
+ const user = Discourse.User.create({ username: 'eviltrout' });
+ const topic = Topic.create({ id: 1234 });
assert.present(topic.get('deleted_at'), 'deleted at is set');
@@ -67,8 +82,8 @@ QUnit.test("destroy", assert => {
QUnit.test("recover", assert => {
- var user = Discourse.User.create({username: 'eviltrout'});
- var topic = Topic.create({id: 1234, deleted_at: new Date(), deleted_by: user});
+ const user = Discourse.User.create({ username: 'eviltrout' });
+ const topic = Topic.create({ id: 1234, deleted_at: new Date(), deleted_by: user });
assert.blank(topic.get('deleted_at'), "it clears deleted_at");
@@ -76,7 +91,7 @@ QUnit.test("recover", assert => {
QUnit.test('fancyTitle', assert => {
- var topic = Topic.create({ fancy_title: ":smile: with all :) the emojis :pear::peach:" });
+ const topic = Topic.create({ fancy_title: ":smile: with all :) the emojis :pear::peach:" });
with all
the emojis 
@@ -84,7 +99,7 @@ QUnit.test('fancyTitle', assert => {
QUnit.test('excerpt', assert => {
- var topic = Topic.create({ excerpt: "This is a test topic :smile:", pinned: true });
+ const topic = Topic.create({ excerpt: "This is a test topic :smile:", pinned: true });
`This is a test topic