FIX: Syntax error in phantomjs

This commit is contained in:
Robin Ward 2016-11-25 14:59:16 -05:00
parent 3bd5ac8015
commit 3765ee84e5

View File

@ -301,163 +301,24 @@ define('ember-qunit/test', ['exports', 'ember-qunit/test-wrapper', 'qunit'], fun
exports['default'] = test;
define('ember-test-helpers', ['exports', 'ember', 'ember-test-helpers/test-module', 'ember-test-helpers/test-module-for-acceptance', 'ember-test-helpers/test-module-for-integration', 'ember-test-helpers/test-module-for-component', 'ember-test-helpers/test-module-for-model', 'ember-test-helpers/test-context', 'ember-test-helpers/test-resolver'], function (exports, Ember, TestModule, TestModuleForAcceptance, TestModuleForIntegration, TestModuleForComponent, TestModuleForModel, test_context, test_resolver) {
define('ember-test-helpers', ['exports', 'ember', 'ember-test-helpers/test-module', 'ember-test-helpers/test-module-for-component', 'ember-test-helpers/test-module-for-model', 'ember-test-helpers/test-context', 'ember-test-helpers/test-resolver'], function (exports, Ember, TestModule, TestModuleForComponent, TestModuleForModel, test_context, test_resolver) {
'use strict';
Ember['default'].testing = true;
exports.TestModule = TestModule['default'];
exports.TestModuleForAcceptance = TestModuleForAcceptance['default'];
exports.TestModuleForIntegration = TestModuleForIntegration['default'];
exports.TestModuleForComponent = TestModuleForComponent['default'];
exports.TestModuleForModel = TestModuleForModel['default'];
exports.getContext = test_context.getContext;
exports.setContext = test_context.setContext;
exports.setResolver = test_resolver.setResolver;
define('ember-test-helpers/abstract-test-module', ['exports', 'klassy', 'ember-test-helpers/wait', 'ember-test-helpers/test-context', 'ember'], function (exports, klassy, wait, test_context, Ember) {
'use strict';
exports['default'] = klassy.Klass.extend({
init(name, options) { = name;
this.callbacks = options || {};
setup(assert) {
return this.invokeSteps(this.setupSteps, this, assert).then(() => {
return this.invokeSteps(this.contextualizedSetupSteps, this.context, assert);
teardown(assert) {
return this.invokeSteps(this.contextualizedTeardownSteps, this.context, assert).then(() => {
return this.invokeSteps(this.teardownSteps, this, assert);
}).then(() => {
this.cache = null;
this.cachedCalls = null;
initSetupSteps() {
this.setupSteps = [];
this.contextualizedSetupSteps = [];
if (this.callbacks.beforeSetup) {
this.setupSteps.push( this.callbacks.beforeSetup );
delete this.callbacks.beforeSetup;
if (this.callbacks.setup) {
this.contextualizedSetupSteps.push( this.callbacks.setup );
delete this.callbacks.setup;
invokeSteps(steps, context, assert) {
steps = steps.slice();
function nextStep() {
var step = steps.shift();
if (step) {
// guard against exceptions, for example missing components referenced from needs.
return new Ember['default'].RSVP.Promise((resolve) => {
resolve(, assert));
} else {
return Ember['default'].RSVP.resolve();
return nextStep();
contextualizeCallbacks() {
initTeardownSteps() {
this.teardownSteps = [];
this.contextualizedTeardownSteps = [];
if (this.callbacks.teardown) {
this.contextualizedTeardownSteps.push( this.callbacks.teardown );
delete this.callbacks.teardown;
if (this.callbacks.afterTeardown) {
this.teardownSteps.push( this.callbacks.afterTeardown );
delete this.callbacks.afterTeardown;
setupTestElements() {
if (Ember['default'].$('#ember-testing').length === 0) {
Ember['default'].$('<div id="ember-testing"/>').appendTo(document.body);
setupContext(options) {
var config = Ember['default'].merge({
dispatcher: null,
inject: {}
}, options);
setupAJAXListeners() {
teardownAJAXListeners() {
teardownTestElements() {
// Ember 2.0.0 removed Ember.View as public API, so only do this when
// Ember.View is present
if (Ember['default'].View && Ember['default'].View.views) {
Ember['default'].View.views = {};
teardownContext() {
var context = this.context;
this.context = undefined;
if (context && context.dispatcher && !context.dispatcher.isDestroyed) {
Ember['default'].run(function() {
define('ember-test-helpers/build-registry', ['exports', 'ember'], function (exports, Ember) {
'use strict';
/* globals global, self, requirejs, require */
function exposeRegistryMethodsWithoutDeprecations(container) {
var methods = [
@ -554,15 +415,7 @@ define('ember-test-helpers/build-registry', ['exports', 'ember'], function (expo
var globalContext = typeof global === 'object' && global || self;
if (requirejs.entries['ember-data/setup-container']) {
// ember-data is a proper ember-cli addon since 2.3; if no 'import
// 'ember-data'' is present somewhere in the tests, there is also no `DS`
// available on the globalContext and hence ember-data wouldn't be setup
// correctly for the tests; that's why we import and call setupContainer
// here; also see for context
var setupContainer = require('ember-data/setup-container')['default'];
setupContainer(registry || container);
} else if (globalContext.DS) {
if (globalContext.DS) {
var DS = globalContext.DS;
if (DS._setupContainer) {
DS._setupContainer(registry || container);
@ -620,39 +473,7 @@ define('ember-test-helpers/test-context', ['exports'], function (exports) {
define('ember-test-helpers/test-module-for-acceptance', ['exports', 'ember-test-helpers/abstract-test-module', 'ember', 'ember-test-helpers/test-context'], function (exports, AbstractTestModule, Ember, test_context) {
'use strict';
exports['default'] = AbstractTestModule['default'].extend({
setupContext() {
this._super({ application: this.createApplication() });
teardownContext() {
Ember['default'].run(() => {
createApplication() {
let { Application, config } = this.callbacks;
let application;
Ember['default'].run(() => {
application = Application.create(config);
return application;
define('ember-test-helpers/test-module-for-component', ['exports', 'ember-test-helpers/test-module', 'ember', 'ember-test-helpers/test-resolver', 'ember-test-helpers/has-ember-version'], function (exports, TestModule, Ember, test_resolver, hasEmberVersion) {
define('ember-test-helpers/test-module-for-component', ['exports', 'ember-test-helpers/test-module', 'ember', 'ember-test-helpers/test-resolver'], function (exports, TestModule, Ember, test_resolver) {
'use strict';
@ -700,7 +521,7 @@ define('ember-test-helpers/test-module-for-component', ['exports', 'ember-test-h
} else {
this.callbacks.subject = function() {
throw new Error("component integration tests do not support `subject()`. Instead, render the component as if it were HTML: `this.render('<my-component foo=true>');`. For more information, read:");
throw new Error("component integration tests do not support `subject()`.");
@ -814,23 +635,15 @@ define('ember-test-helpers/test-module-for-component', ['exports', 'ember-test-h
context.set = function(key, value) {
var ret = Ember['default'].run(function() {
return Ember['default'].set(context, key, value);
Ember['default'].run(function() {
Ember['default'].set(context, key, value);
if (hasEmberVersion['default'](2,0)) {
return ret;
context.setProperties = function(hash) {
var ret = Ember['default'].run(function() {
return Ember['default'].setProperties(context, hash);
Ember['default'].run(function() {
Ember['default'].setProperties(context, hash);
if (hasEmberVersion['default'](2,0)) {
return ret;
context.get = function(key) {
@ -845,7 +658,6 @@ define('ember-test-helpers/test-module-for-component', ['exports', 'ember-test-h
context.on = function(actionName, handler) {
module.actionHooks[actionName] = handler;
context.send = function(actionName) {
var hook = module.actionHooks[actionName];
if (!hook) {
@ -853,10 +665,6 @@ define('ember-test-helpers/test-module-for-component', ['exports', 'ember-test-h
hook.apply(module,, 1));
context.clearRender = function() {
setupContext: function() {
@ -883,275 +691,11 @@ define('ember-test-helpers/test-module-for-component', ['exports', 'ember-test-h
define('ember-test-helpers/test-module-for-integration', ['exports', 'ember', 'ember-test-helpers/test-context', 'ember-test-helpers/abstract-test-module', 'ember-test-helpers/test-resolver', 'ember-test-helpers/build-registry', 'ember-test-helpers/has-ember-version'], function (exports, Ember, test_context, AbstractTestModule, test_resolver, buildRegistry, hasEmberVersion) {
'use strict';
exports['default'] = AbstractTestModule['default'].extend({
initSetupSteps() {
this.setupSteps = [];
this.contextualizedSetupSteps = [];
if (this.callbacks.beforeSetup) {
this.setupSteps.push( this.callbacks.beforeSetup );
delete this.callbacks.beforeSetup;
if (Ember['default'].View && Ember['default'].View.views) {
if (this.callbacks.setup) {
delete this.callbacks.setup;
initTeardownSteps() {
this.teardownSteps = [];
this.contextualizedTeardownSteps = [];
if (this.callbacks.teardown) {
this.contextualizedTeardownSteps.push( this.callbacks.teardown );
delete this.callbacks.teardown;
if (Ember['default'].View && Ember['default'].View.views) {
if (this.callbacks.afterTeardown) {
delete this.callbacks.afterTeardown;
setupContainer() {
var resolver = test_resolver.getResolver();
var items = buildRegistry['default'](resolver);
this.container = items.container;
this.registry = items.registry;
if (hasEmberVersion['default'](1, 13)) {
var thingToRegisterWith = this.registry || this.container;
var router = resolver.resolve('router:main');
router = router || Ember['default'].Router.extend();
thingToRegisterWith.register('router:main', router);
setupContext() {
var subjectName = this.subjectName;
var container = this.container;
var factory = function() {
return container.lookupFactory(subjectName);
container: this.container,
registry: this.registry,
factory: factory,
register() {
var target = this.registry || this.container;
return target.register.apply(target, arguments);
var context = this.context = test_context.getContext();
if (Ember['default'].setOwner) {
Ember['default'].setOwner(context, this.container.owner);
if (Ember['default'].inject) {
var keys = (Object.keys || Ember['default'].keys)(Ember['default'].inject);
keys.forEach(function(typeName) {
context.inject[typeName] = function(name, opts) {
var alias = (opts && || name;
Ember['default'].set(context, alias, context.container.lookup(typeName + ':' + name));
// only setup the injection if we are running against a version
// of Ember that has `-view-registry:main` (Ember >= 1.12)
if (this.container.lookupFactory('-view-registry:main')) {
(this.registry || this.container).injection('component', '_viewRegistry', '-view-registry:main');
setupComponentIntegrationTest: function() {
var module = this;
var context = this.context;
this.actionHooks = {};
context.dispatcher = this.container.lookup('event_dispatcher:main') || Ember['default'].EventDispatcher.create();
context.dispatcher.setup({}, '#ember-testing');
context.actions = module.actionHooks;
(this.registry || this.container).register('component:-test-holder', Ember['default'].Component.extend());
context.render = function(template) {
if (!template) {
throw new Error("in a component integration test you must pass a template to `render()`");
if (Ember['default'].isArray(template)) {
template = template.join('');
if (typeof template === 'string') {
template = Ember['default'].Handlebars.compile(template);
module.component = module.container.lookupFactory('component:-test-holder').create({
layout: template
module.component.set('context' ,context);
module.component.set('controller', context);
Ember['default'].run(function() {
context.$ = function() {
return module.component.$.apply(module.component, arguments);
context.set = function(key, value) {
var ret = Ember['default'].run(function() {
return Ember['default'].set(context, key, value);
if (hasEmberVersion['default'](2,0)) {
return ret;
context.setProperties = function(hash) {
var ret = Ember['default'].run(function() {
return Ember['default'].setProperties(context, hash);
if (hasEmberVersion['default'](2,0)) {
return ret;
context.get = function(key) {
return Ember['default'].get(context, key);
context.getProperties = function() {
var args =;
return Ember['default'].getProperties(context, args);
context.on = function(actionName, handler) {
module.actionHooks[actionName] = handler;
context.send = function(actionName) {
var hook = module.actionHooks[actionName];
if (!hook) {
throw new Error("integration testing template received unexpected action " + actionName);
hook.apply(module,, 1));
context.clearRender = function() {
teardownComponent: function() {
var component = this.component;
if (component) {
Ember['default'].run(function() {
teardownContainer() {
var container = this.container;
Ember['default'].run(function() {
// allow arbitrary named factories, like rspec let
contextualizeCallbacks() {
var callbacks = this.callbacks;
var context = this.context;
this.cache = this.cache || {};
this.cachedCalls = this.cachedCalls || {};
var keys = (Object.keys || Ember['default'].keys)(callbacks);
var keysLength = keys.length;
if (keysLength) {
for (var i = 0; i < keysLength; i++) {
this._contextualizeCallback(context, keys[i], context);
_contextualizeCallback(context, key, callbackContext) {
var _this = this;
var callbacks = this.callbacks;
var factory = context.factory;
context[key] = function(options) {
if (_this.cachedCalls[key]) { return _this.cache[key]; }
var result = callbacks[key].call(callbackContext, options, factory());
_this.cache[key] = result;
_this.cachedCalls[key] = true;
return result;
_aliasViewRegistry: function() {
this._originalGlobalViewRegistry = Ember['default'].View.views;
var viewRegistry = this.container.lookup('-view-registry:main');
if (viewRegistry) {
Ember['default'].View.views = viewRegistry;
_resetViewRegistry: function() {
Ember['default'].View.views = this._originalGlobalViewRegistry;
define('ember-test-helpers/test-module-for-model', ['exports', 'ember-test-helpers/test-module', 'ember'], function (exports, TestModule, Ember) {
'use strict';
/* global DS, require, requirejs */ // added here to prevent an import from erroring when ED is not present
exports['default'] = TestModule['default'].extend({
init: function(modelName, description, callbacks) {
this.modelName = modelName;
@ -1169,17 +713,7 @@ define('ember-test-helpers/test-module-for-model', ['exports', 'ember-test-helpe
var adapterFactory = container.lookupFactory('adapter:application');
if (!adapterFactory) {
if (requirejs.entries['ember-data/adapters/json-api']) {
adapterFactory = require('ember-data/adapters/json-api')['default'];
// when ember-data/adapters/json-api is provided via ember-cli shims
// using Ember Data 1.x the actual JSONAPIAdapter isn't found, but the
// above require statement returns a bizzaro object with only a `default`
// property (circular reference actually)
if (!adapterFactory || !adapterFactory.create) {
adapterFactory = DS.JSONAPIAdapter || DS.FixtureAdapter;
adapterFactory = DS.JSONAPIAdapter || DS.FixtureAdapter;
var thingToRegisterWith = this.registry || this.container;
thingToRegisterWith.register('adapter:application', adapterFactory);
@ -1205,11 +739,11 @@ define('ember-test-helpers/test-module-for-model', ['exports', 'ember-test-helpe
define('ember-test-helpers/test-module', ['exports', 'ember', 'ember-test-helpers/test-context', 'ember-test-helpers/abstract-test-module', 'ember-test-helpers/test-resolver', 'ember-test-helpers/build-registry', 'ember-test-helpers/has-ember-version'], function (exports, Ember, test_context, AbstractTestModule, test_resolver, buildRegistry, hasEmberVersion) {
define('ember-test-helpers/test-module', ['exports', 'ember', 'ember-test-helpers/test-context', 'klassy', 'ember-test-helpers/test-resolver', 'ember-test-helpers/build-registry', 'ember-test-helpers/has-ember-version', 'ember-test-helpers/wait'], function (exports, Ember, test_context, klassy, test_resolver, buildRegistry, hasEmberVersion, wait) {
'use strict';
exports['default'] = AbstractTestModule['default'].extend({
exports['default'] = klassy.Klass.extend({
init: function(subjectName, description, callbacks) {
// Allow `description` to be omitted, in which case it should
// default to `subjectName`
@ -1300,6 +834,44 @@ define('ember-test-helpers/test-module', ['exports', 'ember', 'ember-test-helper
setup: function() {
var self = this;
return self.invokeSteps(self.setupSteps).then(function() {
return self.invokeSteps(self.contextualizedSetupSteps, self.context);
teardown: function() {
var self = this;
return self.invokeSteps(self.contextualizedTeardownSteps, self.context).then(function() {
return self.invokeSteps(self.teardownSteps);
}).then(function() {
self.cache = null;
self.cachedCalls = null;
invokeSteps: function(steps, _context) {
var context = _context;
if (!context) {
context = this;
steps = steps.slice();
function nextStep() {
var step = steps.shift();
if (step) {
// guard against exceptions, for example missing components referenced from needs.
return new Ember['default'].RSVP.Promise(function(ok) {
} else {
return Ember['default'].RSVP.resolve();
return nextStep();
setupContainer: function() {
if (this.isIntegration || this.isLegacy) {
@ -1316,14 +888,16 @@ define('ember-test-helpers/test-module', ['exports', 'ember', 'ember-test-helper
return container.lookupFactory(subjectName);
container: this.container,
registry: this.registry,
factory: factory,
dispatcher: null,
register: function() {
var target = this.registry || this.container;
return target.register.apply(target, arguments);
inject: {}
var context = this.context = test_context.getContext();
@ -1343,6 +917,16 @@ define('ember-test-helpers/test-module', ['exports', 'ember', 'ember-test-helper
setupTestElements: function() {
if (Ember['default'].$('#ember-testing').length === 0) {
Ember['default'].$('<div id="ember-testing"/>').appendTo(document.body);
setupAJAXListeners: function() {
teardownSubject: function() {
var subject = this.cache.subject;
@ -1360,73 +944,63 @@ define('ember-test-helpers/test-module', ['exports', 'ember', 'ember-test-helper
teardownContext: function() {
var context = this.context;
this.context = undefined;
if (context.dispatcher && !context.dispatcher.isDestroyed) {
Ember['default'].run(function() {
teardownTestElements: function() {
// Ember 2.0.0 removed Ember.View as public API, so only do this when
// Ember.View is present
if (Ember['default'].View && Ember['default'].View.views) {
Ember['default'].View.views = {};
teardownAJAXListeners: function() {
defaultSubject: function(options, factory) {
return factory.create(options);
// allow arbitrary named factories, like rspec let
contextualizeCallbacks: function() {
var _this = this;
var callbacks = this.callbacks;
var context = this.context;
var factory = context.factory;
this.cache = this.cache || {};
this.cachedCalls = this.cachedCalls || {};
var keys = (Object.keys || Ember['default'].keys)(callbacks);
var keysLength = keys.length;
if (keysLength) {
var deprecatedContext = this._buildDeprecatedContext(this, context);
for (var i = 0; i < keysLength; i++) {
this._contextualizeCallback(context, keys[i], deprecatedContext);
for (var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
(function(key) {
_contextualizeCallback: function(context, key, callbackContext) {
var _this = this;
var callbacks = this.callbacks;
var factory = context.factory;
context[key] = function(options) {
if (_this.cachedCalls[key]) { return _this.cache[key]; }
context[key] = function(options) {
if (_this.cachedCalls[key]) { return _this.cache[key]; }
var result = callbacks[key].call(_this, options, factory());
var result = callbacks[key].call(callbackContext, options, factory());
_this.cache[key] = result;
_this.cachedCalls[key] = true;
_this.cache[key] = result;
_this.cachedCalls[key] = true;
return result;
return result;
Builds a version of the passed in context that contains deprecation warnings
for accessing properties that exist on the module.
_buildDeprecatedContext: function(module, context) {
var deprecatedContext = Object.create(context);
var keysForDeprecation = Object.keys(module);
for (var i = 0, l = keysForDeprecation.length; i < l; i++) {
this._proxyDeprecation(module, deprecatedContext, keysForDeprecation[i]);
return deprecatedContext;
Defines a key on an object to act as a proxy for deprecating the original.
_proxyDeprecation: function(obj, proxy, key) {
if (typeof proxy[key] === 'undefined') {
Object.defineProperty(proxy, key, {
get: function() {
Ember['default'].deprecate('Accessing the test module property "' + key + '" from a callback is deprecated.', false, { id: 'ember-test-helpers.test-module.callback-context', until: '0.6.0' });
return obj[key];
@ -1488,10 +1062,7 @@ define('ember-test-helpers/test-resolver', ['exports'], function (exports) {
function getResolver() {
if (__resolver__ == null) {
throw new Error('you must set a resolver with `testResolver.set(resolver)`');
if (__resolver__ == null) throw new Error('you must set a resolver with `testResolver.set(resolver)`');
return __resolver__;
@ -1503,8 +1074,6 @@ define('ember-test-helpers/wait', ['exports', 'ember'], function (exports, Ember
exports._teardownAJAXHooks = _teardownAJAXHooks;
exports._setupAJAXHooks = _setupAJAXHooks;
/* globals jQuery, self */
var requests;
function incrementAjaxPendingRequests(_, xhr) {
@ -1534,7 +1103,6 @@ define('ember-test-helpers/wait', ['exports', 'ember'], function (exports, Ember
var options = _options || {};
var waitForTimers = options.hasOwnProperty('waitForTimers') ? options.waitForTimers : true;
var waitForAJAX = options.hasOwnProperty('waitForAJAX') ? options.waitForAJAX : true;
var waitForWaiters = options.hasOwnProperty('waitForWaiters') ? options.waitForWaiters : true;
return new Ember['default'].RSVP.Promise(function(resolve) {
var watcher = self.setInterval(function() {
@ -1546,12 +1114,6 @@ define('ember-test-helpers/wait', ['exports', 'ember'], function (exports, Ember
if (waitForWaiters && Ember['default'].Test.waiters && Ember['default'].Test.waiters.any(([context, callback]) => {
return !;
})) {
// Stop polling
@ -1748,4 +1310,4 @@ window.test = emberQunit.test;
window.setResolver = emberQunit.setResolver;