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synced 2025-02-17 23:33:15 +08:00
BUGFIX: Handle text input in keypress handler for I18n
While the `keydown` handler is the only way of reliably catching special keys, for textual input `keypress` is preferable, as it can handle thing like parens without having to hardcode a keyboard. I moved that code and in the process converted some magic numbers to constants - mostly so I can read stuff better.
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,44 +6,26 @@
var shiftMap = [];
shiftMap[192] = "~";
shiftMap[49] = "!";
shiftMap[50] = "@";
shiftMap[51] = "#";
shiftMap[52] = "$";
shiftMap[53] = "%";
shiftMap[54] = "^";
shiftMap[55] = "&";
shiftMap[56] = "*";
shiftMap[57] = "(";
shiftMap[48] = ")";
shiftMap[109] = "_";
shiftMap[107] = "+";
shiftMap[219] = "{";
shiftMap[221] = "}";
shiftMap[220] = "|";
shiftMap[59] = ":";
shiftMap[222] = "\"";
shiftMap[188] = "<";
shiftMap[190] = ">";
shiftMap[191] = "?";
shiftMap[32] = " ";
function mapKeyPressToActualCharacter(isShiftKey, characterCode) {
if ( characterCode === 27 || characterCode === 8 || characterCode === 9 || characterCode === 20 || characterCode === 16 || characterCode === 17 || characterCode === 91 || characterCode === 13 || characterCode === 92 || characterCode === 18 ) { return false; }
// Lookup non-letter keypress while holding shift
if (isShiftKey && ( characterCode < 65 || characterCode > 90 )) {
return shiftMap[characterCode];
var stringValue = String.fromCharCode(characterCode);
if ( !isShiftKey ) {
stringValue = stringValue.toLowerCase();
return stringValue;
var Keys = {
BackSpace: 8,
Tab: 9,
Enter: 13,
Shift: 16,
Ctrl: 17,
Alt: 18,
Esc: 27,
Space: 32,
LeftWindows: 91,
RightWindows: 92,
PageUp: 33,
PageDown: 34,
End: 35,
Home: 36,
LeftArrow: 37,
UpArrow: 38,
RightArrow: 39,
DownArrow: 40,
export default function(options) {
var autocompletePlugin = this;
@ -78,9 +60,14 @@ export default function(options) {
div = null;
completeStart = null;
completeEnd = null;
autocompleteOptions = null;
var autoCompleting = function () {
return completeStart !== null;
var addInputSelectedItem = function(item) {
var transformed,
transformedItem = item;
@ -131,7 +118,7 @@ export default function(options) {
term = options.transformComplete(term);
var text = me.val();
text = text.substring(0, completeStart) + (options.key || "") + term + ' ' + text.substring(completeEnd + 1, text.length);
text = text.substring(0, completeStart) + term + ' ' + text.substring(completeEnd, text.length);
Discourse.Utilities.setCaretPosition(me[0], completeStart + 1 + term.length);
@ -264,24 +251,37 @@ export default function(options) {
var getTerm = function() {
return me.val().slice(completeStart, completeEnd);
$(this).keypress(function(e) {
var term, key = (e.char || String.fromCharCode(e.charCode));
if (!options.key) return;
// if we just started with an options.key, set start and end.
if (key === options.key && !autoCompleting()) {
completeStart = completeEnd = Discourse.Utilities.caretPosition(me[0]) + 1;
// keep hunting backwards till you hit a
if (e.which === options.key.charCodeAt(0)) {
var caretPosition = Discourse.Utilities.caretPosition(me[0]);
var prevChar = me.val().charAt(caretPosition - 1);
if (!prevChar || /\s/.test(prevChar)) {
completeStart = completeEnd = caretPosition;
if (!options.key) {
completeStart = 0;
completeEnd = Discourse.Utilities.caretPosition(me[0]);
if (autoCompleting()) {
if ((completeStart === completeEnd) && key === options.key) {
} else {
term = getTerm() + key;
completeEnd += 1;
return true;
$(this).keydown(function(e) {
var c, caretPosition, i, initial, next, prev, prevIsGood, stopFound, term, total, userToComplete;
var caretPosition, i, term, total, userToComplete;
// saves us wiring up a change event as well, keypress is while its pressed
@ -301,57 +301,38 @@ export default function(options) {
if (!options.key) {
completeStart = 0;
if (e.which === 16) return;
if ((completeStart === null) && e.which === 8 && options.key) {
c = Discourse.Utilities.caretPosition(me[0]);
next = me[0].value[c];
c -= 1;
initial = c;
prevIsGood = true;
while (prevIsGood && c >= 0) {
c -= 1;
prev = me[0].value[c];
stopFound = prev === options.key;
if (stopFound) {
prev = me[0].value[c - 1];
if (!prev || /\s/.test(prev)) {
completeStart = c;
caretPosition = completeEnd = initial;
term = me[0].value.substring(c + 1, initial);
return true;
// Handle Backspacing into stuff
if ((!autoCompleting()) && e.which === Keys.BackSpace && options.key) {
var c = Discourse.Utilities.caretPosition(me[0]),
last, first,
text = me[0].value;
// search backwards until you find the last letter of the word
while (/[\s]/.test(text[c]) && c >= 0) { c--; }
last = c;
// search further until you find the first letter of the word
while (/[\S]/.test(text[c]) && c >= 0) { c--; }
first = c + 1;
if (text[first] === options.key) {
completeStart = first + 1;
completeEnd = (options.key === ":" ? last - 1 : last);
if (completeEnd >= completeStart) {
prevIsGood = /[a-zA-Z\.]/.test(prev);
return true;
// ESC
if (e.which === 27) {
if (completeStart !== null) {
return false;
return true;
if (completeStart !== null) {
caretPosition = Discourse.Utilities.caretPosition(me[0]);
// If we've backspaced past the beginning, cancel unless no key
if (caretPosition <= completeStart && options.key) {
return false;
if (autoCompleting()) {
// Keyboard codes! So 80's.
switch (e.which) {
case 13:
case 39:
case 9:
case Keys.Esc:
return false;
case Keys.Enter:
case Keys.RightArrow:
case Keys.Tab:
if (!autocompleteOptions) return true;
if (selectedOption >= 0 && (userToComplete = autocompleteOptions[selectedOption])) {
@ -361,14 +342,14 @@ export default function(options) {
return false;
case 38:
case Keys.UpArrow:
selectedOption = selectedOption - 1;
if (selectedOption < 0) {
selectedOption = 0;
return false;
case 40:
case Keys.DownArrow:
total = autocompleteOptions.length;
selectedOption = selectedOption + 1;
if (selectedOption >= total) {
@ -379,12 +360,11 @@ export default function(options) {
return false;
// otherwise they're typing - let's search for it!
case Keys.BackSpace:
caretPosition = Discourse.Utilities.caretPosition(me[0]) - 1;
completeEnd = caretPosition;
if (e.which === 8) {
if (caretPosition < 0) {
if (isInput) {
@ -395,23 +375,17 @@ export default function(options) {
return false;
term = me.val().substring(completeStart + (options.key ? 1 : 0), caretPosition);
if (e.which >= 48 && e.which <= 90) {
term += mapKeyPressToActualCharacter(e.shiftKey, e.which);
} else if (e.which === 187) {
term += "+";
} else if (e.which === 189) {
term += (e.shiftKey) ? "_" : "-";
} else if (e.which === 220) {
term += (e.shiftKey) ? "|" : "]";
} else if (e.which === 222) {
term += (e.shiftKey) ? "\"" : "'";
} else if (e.which !== 8) {
term += ",";
if (completeEnd < completeStart) {
return true;
term = getTerm();
return true;
return true;
Reference in New Issue
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