From 6f367dde26b37738fcd0cbf850e9e81cfd06fe80 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robin Ward <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2019 11:23:23 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] UX: Rename "Keep Post" to "Keep Post Hidden" when hidden

* UX: Rename "Keep Post" to "Keep Post Hidden" when hidden

This is based on this feedback:

When a post is hidden this makes the operation much more clear.

* REFACTOR: Better support for aliases for actions

Allow calls on alias actions and delegate to the original one.
This is less code but also simplifies tests where the action might
be "agree_and_keep" or "agree_and_keep_hidden" which are the same.
 app/models/reviewable.rb                    | 13 ++++++++--
 app/models/reviewable_flagged_post.rb       | 28 ++++++++++-----------
 config/locales/server.en.yml                |  3 +++
 spec/models/reviewable_flagged_post_spec.rb |  8 ++++++
 4 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/app/models/reviewable.rb b/app/models/reviewable.rb
index 1bdb5873466..7558dec431c 100644
--- a/app/models/reviewable.rb
+++ b/app/models/reviewable.rb
@@ -41,6 +41,11 @@ class Reviewable < ActiveRecord::Base
     Jobs.enqueue(:notify_reviewable, reviewable_id: if pending?
+  # Can be used if several actions are equivalent
+  def self.action_aliases
+    {}
+  end
   # The gaps are in case we want more precision in the future
   def self.priorities
     @priorities ||=
@@ -283,11 +288,15 @@ class Reviewable < ActiveRecord::Base
   def perform(performed_by, action_id, args = nil)
     args ||= {}
+    # Support this action or any aliases
+    aliases = self.class.action_aliases
+    valid = [ action_id, { |k, v| v == action_id }.map(&:first) ].flatten
     # Ensure the user has access to the action
     actions = actions_for(, args)
-    raise, self.class) unless actions.has?(action_id)
+    raise, self.class) unless valid.any? { |a| actions.has?(a) }
-    perform_method = "perform_#{action_id}".to_sym
+    perform_method = "perform_#{aliases[action_id] || action_id}".to_sym
     raise, self.class) unless respond_to?(perform_method)
     result = nil
diff --git a/app/models/reviewable_flagged_post.rb b/app/models/reviewable_flagged_post.rb
index 5ff749158f8..009c2a78bf0 100644
--- a/app/models/reviewable_flagged_post.rb
+++ b/app/models/reviewable_flagged_post.rb
@@ -4,6 +4,14 @@ require_dependency 'reviewable'
 class ReviewableFlaggedPost < Reviewable
+  # Penalties are handled by the modal after the action is performed
+  def self.action_aliases
+    { agree_and_keep_hidden: :agree_and_keep,
+      agree_and_silence: :agree_and_keep,
+      agree_and_suspend: :agree_and_keep,
+      disagree_and_restore: :disagree }
+  end
   def self.counts_for(posts)
     result = {}
@@ -40,7 +48,12 @@ class ReviewableFlaggedPost < Reviewable
       build_action(actions, :agree_and_hide, icon: 'far-eye-slash', bundle: agree)
-    build_action(actions, :agree_and_keep, icon: 'thumbs-up', bundle: agree)
+    if post.hidden?
+      build_action(actions, :agree_and_keep_hidden, icon: 'thumbs-up', bundle: agree)
+    else
+      build_action(actions, :agree_and_keep, icon: 'thumbs-up', bundle: agree)
+    end
     if guardian.can_suspend?(target_created_by)
       build_action(actions, :agree_and_suspend, icon: 'ban', bundle: agree, client_action: 'suspend')
       build_action(actions, :agree_and_silence, icon: 'microphone-slash', bundle: agree, client_action: 'silence')
@@ -119,19 +132,10 @@ class ReviewableFlaggedPost < Reviewable
-  # Penalties are handled by the modal after the action is performed
   def perform_agree_and_keep(performed_by, args)
     agree(performed_by, args)
-  def perform_agree_and_suspend(performed_by, args)
-    agree(performed_by, args)
-  end
-  def perform_agree_and_silence(performed_by, args)
-    agree(performed_by, args)
-  end
   def perform_delete_spammer(performed_by, args)
@@ -159,10 +163,6 @@ class ReviewableFlaggedPost < Reviewable
-  def perform_disagree_and_restore(performed_by, args)
-    perform_disagree(performed_by, args)
-  end
   def perform_disagree(performed_by, args)
     # -1 is the automatic system clear
     action_type_ids =
diff --git a/config/locales/server.en.yml b/config/locales/server.en.yml
index 18bec780902..7ba365e9584 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.en.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.en.yml
@@ -4492,6 +4492,9 @@ en:
         title: "Keep Post"
         description: "Agree with flag and keep the post unchanged."
+      agree_and_keep_hidden:
+        title: "Keep Post Hidden"
+        description: "Agree with flag and leave the post hidden."
         title: "Suspend User"
         description: "Agree with flag and suspend the user."
diff --git a/spec/models/reviewable_flagged_post_spec.rb b/spec/models/reviewable_flagged_post_spec.rb
index 52413d16f56..5323efcc41a 100644
--- a/spec/models/reviewable_flagged_post_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/models/reviewable_flagged_post_spec.rb
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ RSpec.describe ReviewableFlaggedPost, type: :model do
         actions = reviewable.actions_for(guardian)
         expect(actions.has?(:agree_and_hide)).to eq(true)
         expect(actions.has?(:agree_and_keep)).to eq(true)
+        expect(actions.has?(:agree_and_keep_hidden)).to eq(false)
         expect(actions.has?(:agree_and_silence)).to eq(true)
         expect(actions.has?(:agree_and_suspend)).to eq(true)
         expect(actions.has?(:delete_spammer)).to eq(true)
@@ -54,6 +55,13 @@ RSpec.describe ReviewableFlaggedPost, type: :model do
         expect(actions.has?(:delete_and_replies)).to eq(false)
+      it "changes `agree_and_keep` to `agree_and_keep_hidden` if it's been hidden" do
+        post.hidden = true
+        actions = reviewable.actions_for(guardian)
+        expect(actions.has?(:agree_and_keep)).to eq(false)
+        expect(actions.has?(:agree_and_keep_hidden)).to eq(true)
+      end
       it "returns `agree_and_restore` if the post is user deleted" do
         post.update(user_deleted: true)
         expect(reviewable.actions_for(guardian).has?(:agree_and_restore)).to eq(true)