mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 11:39:39 +08:00
Replace Markdown parser.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
/*global HANDLEBARS_TEMPLATES:true md5:true*/
Support for BBCode rendering
@class BBCode
@namespace Discourse
@module Discourse
Discourse.BBCode = {
QUOTE_REGEXP: /\[quote=([^\]]*)\]((?:[\s\S](?!\[quote=[^\]]*\]))*?)\[\/quote\]/im,
IMG_REGEXP: /\[img\]([\s\S]*?)\[\/img\]/i,
URL_REGEXP: /\[url\]([\s\S]*?)\[\/url\]/i,
URL_WITH_TITLE_REGEXP: /\[url=(.+?)\]([\s\S]*?)\[\/url\]/i,
// Define our replacers
replacers: {
base: {
withoutArgs: {
"ol": function(_, content) { return "<ol>" + content + "</ol>"; },
"li": function(_, content) { return "<li>" + content + "</li>"; },
"ul": function(_, content) { return "<ul>" + content + "</ul>"; },
"code": function(_, content) { return "<pre>" + content + "</pre>"; },
"url": function(_, url) { return "<a href=\"" + url + "\">" + url + "</a>"; },
"email": function(_, address) { return "<a href=\"mailto:" + address + "\">" + address + "</a>"; },
"img": function(_, src) { return "<img src=\"" + src + "\">"; }
withArgs: {
"url": function(_, href, title) { return "<a href=\"" + href + "\">" + title + "</a>"; },
"email": function(_, address, title) { return "<a href=\"mailto:" + address + "\">" + title + "</a>"; },
"color": function(_, color, content) {
if (!/^(\#[0-9a-fA-F]{3}([0-9a-fA-F]{3})?)|(aqua|black|blue|fuchsia|gray|green|lime|maroon|navy|olive|purple|red|silver|teal|white|yellow)$/.test(color)) {
return content;
return "<span style=\"color: " + color + "\">" + content + "</span>";
// For HTML emails
email: {
withoutArgs: {
"b": function(_, content) { return "<b>" + content + "</b>"; },
"i": function(_, content) { return "<i>" + content + "</i>"; },
"u": function(_, content) { return "<u>" + content + "</u>"; },
"s": function(_, content) { return "<s>" + content + "</s>"; },
"spoiler": function(_, content) { return "<span style='background-color: #000'>" + content + "</span>"; }
withArgs: {
"size": function(_, size, content) { return "<span style=\"font-size: " + size + "px\">" + content + "</span>"; }
// For sane environments that support CSS
"default": {
withoutArgs: {
"b": function(_, content) { return "<span class='bbcode-b'>" + content + "</span>"; },
"i": function(_, content) { return "<span class='bbcode-i'>" + content + "</span>"; },
"u": function(_, content) { return "<span class='bbcode-u'>" + content + "</span>"; },
"s": function(_, content) { return "<span class='bbcode-s'>" + content + "</span>"; },
"spoiler": function(_, content) { return "<span class=\"spoiler\">" + content + "</span>";
withArgs: {
"size": function(_, size, content) { return "<span class=\"bbcode-size-" + size + "\">" + content + "</span>"; }
Apply a particular set of replacers
@method apply
@param {String} text The text we want to format
@param {String} environment The environment in which this
apply: function(text, environment) {
var replacer = Discourse.BBCode.parsedReplacers()[environment];
// apply all available replacers
replacer.forEach(function(r) {
text = text.replace(r.regexp, r.fn);
return text;
Lazy parse replacers
@property parsedReplacers
parsedReplacers: function() {
if (this.parsed) return this.parsed;
var result = {};
_.each(Discourse.BBCode.replacers, function(rules, name) {
var parsed = result[name] = [];
_.each(_.extend(Discourse.BBCode.replacers.base.withoutArgs, rules.withoutArgs), function(val, tag) {
parsed.push({ regexp: new RegExp("\\[" + tag + "\\]([\\s\\S]*?)\\[\\/" + tag + "\\]", "igm"), fn: val });
_.each(_.extend(Discourse.BBCode.replacers.base.withArgs, rules.withArgs), function(val, tag) {
parsed.push({ regexp: new RegExp("\\[" + tag + "=?(.+?)\\]([\\s\\S]*?)\\[\\/" + tag + "\\]", "igm"), fn: val });
this.parsed = result;
return this.parsed;
Build the BBCode quote around the selected text
@method buildQuoteBBCode
@param {Discourse.Post} post The post we are quoting
@param {String} contents The text selected
buildQuoteBBCode: function(post, contents) {
var contents_hashed, result, sansQuotes, stripped, stripped_hashed, tmp;
if (!contents) contents = "";
sansQuotes = contents.replace(this.QUOTE_REGEXP, '').trim();
if (sansQuotes.length === 0) return "";
result = "[quote=\"" + (post.get('username')) + ", post:" + (post.get('post_number')) + ", topic:" + (post.get('topic_id'));
/* Strip the HTML from cooked */
tmp = document.createElement('div');
tmp.innerHTML = post.get('cooked');
stripped = tmp.textContent || tmp.innerText;
Let's remove any non alphanumeric characters as a kind of hash. Yes it's
not accurate but it should work almost every time we need it to. It would be unlikely
that the user would quote another post that matches in exactly this way.
stripped_hashed = stripped.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '');
contents_hashed = contents.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '');
/* If the quote is the full message, attribute it as such */
if (stripped_hashed === contents_hashed) result += ", full:true";
result += "\"]\n" + sansQuotes + "\n[/quote]\n\n";
return result;
We want to remove urls in BBCode tags from a string before applying markdown
to prevent them from being modified by markdown.
This will return an object that contains:
- a new version of the text with the urls replaced with unique ids
- a `template()` function for reapplying them later.
@method extractUrls
@param {String} text The text inside which we want to replace urls
@returns {Object} object containing the new string and template function
extractUrls: function(text) {
var result = { text: "" + text, replacements: [] };
var replacements = [];
var matches, key;
_.each([Discourse.BBCode.IMG_REGEXP, Discourse.BBCode.URL_REGEXP, Discourse.BBCode.URL_WITH_TITLE_REGEXP], function(r) {
while (matches = r.exec(result.text)) {
key = md5(matches[0]);
replacements.push({ key: key, value: matches[0] });
result.text = result.text.replace(matches[0], key);
result.template = function(input) {
_.each(replacements, function(r) {
input = input.replace(r.key, r.value);
return input;
return (result);
We want to remove quotes from a string before applying markdown to avoid
weird stuff with newlines and such. This will return an object that
contains a new version of the text with the quotes replaced with
unique ids and `template()` function for reapplying them later.
@method extractQuotes
@param {String} text The text inside which we want to replace quotes
@returns {Object} object containing the new string and template function
extractQuotes: function(text) {
var result = { text: "" + text, replacements: [] };
var replacements = [];
var matches, key;
while (matches = Discourse.BBCode.QUOTE_REGEXP.exec(result.text)) {
key = md5(matches[0]);
key: key,
value: matches[0],
content: matches[2].trim()
result.text = result.text.replace(matches[0], key + "\n");
result.template = function(input) {
_.each(replacements,function(r) {
var val = r.value.trim();
val = val.replace(r.content, r.content.replace(/\n/g, '<br>'));
input = input.replace(r.key, val);
return input;
return (result);
Replace quotes with appropriate markup
@method formatQuote
@param {String} text The text inside which we want to replace quotes
@param {Object} opts Rendering options
formatQuote: function(text, opts) {
var args, matches, params, paramsSplit, paramsString, templateName, username;
var splitter = function(p,i) {
if (i > 0) {
var assignment = p.split(':');
if (assignment[0] && assignment[1]) {
return params.push({
key: assignment[0],
value: assignment[1].trim()
while (matches = this.QUOTE_REGEXP.exec(text)) {
paramsString = matches[1].replace(/\"/g, '');
paramsSplit = paramsString.split(/\, */);
params = [];
_.each(paramsSplit, splitter);
username = paramsSplit[0];
// remove leading <br>s
var content = matches[2].trim();
var avatarImg;
if (opts.lookupAvatarByPostNumber) {
// client-side, we can retrieve the avatar from the post
var postNumber = parseInt(_.find(params, { 'key' : 'post' }).value, 10);
avatarImg = opts.lookupAvatarByPostNumber(postNumber);
} else if (opts.lookupAvatar) {
// server-side, we need to lookup the avatar from the username
avatarImg = opts.lookupAvatar(username);
// Arguments for formatting
args = {
username: I18n.t('user.said', {username: username}),
params: params,
quote: content,
avatarImg: avatarImg
// Name of the template
templateName = 'quote';
if (opts && opts.environment) templateName = "quote_" + opts.environment;
// Apply the template
text = text.replace(matches[0], "</p>" + HANDLEBARS_TEMPLATES[templateName](args) + "<p>");
return text;
Format a text string using BBCode
@method format
@param {String} text The text we want to format
@param {Object} opts Rendering options
format: function(text, opts) {
var environment = opts && opts.environment ? opts.environment : 'default';
// Apply replacers for basic tags
text = Discourse.BBCode.apply(text, environment);
// Format
text = Discourse.BBCode.formatQuote(text, opts);
return text;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/*global Markdown:true */
/*global Markdown:true BetterMarkdown:true */
Contains methods to help us with markdown formatting.
@ -94,116 +94,30 @@ Discourse.Markdown = {
markdownConverter: function(opts) {
if (!opts) opts = {};
var converter = new Markdown.Converter();
var mentionLookup = opts.mentionLookup || Discourse.Mention.lookupCache;
return {
makeHtml: function(text) {
var quoteTemplate = null, urlsTemplate = null;
// Before cooking callbacks
converter.hooks.chain("preConversion", function(text) {
// If a user puts text right up against a quote, make sure the spacing is equivalnt to a new line
return text.replace(/\[\/quote\]/, "[/quote]\n");
converter.hooks.chain("preConversion", function(text) {
Discourse.Markdown.textResult = null;
Discourse.Markdown.trigger('beforeCook', { detail: text, opts: opts });
return Discourse.Markdown.textResult || text;
// Extract quotes so their contents are not passed through markdown.
converter.hooks.chain("preConversion", function(text) {
var extracted = Discourse.BBCode.extractQuotes(text);
quoteTemplate = extracted.template;
return extracted.text;
// Extract urls in BBCode tags so they are not passed through markdown.
converter.hooks.chain("preConversion", function(text) {
var extracted = Discourse.BBCode.extractUrls(text);
urlsTemplate = extracted.template;
return extracted.text;
// Support autolinking of www.something.com
converter.hooks.chain("preConversion", function(text) {
return text.replace(/(^|[\s\n])(www\.[a-z\.\-\_\(\)\/\?\=\%0-9]+)/gim, function(full, _, rest) {
return " <a href=\"http://" + rest + "\">" + rest + "</a>";
// newline prediction in trivial cases
var linebreaks = opts.traditional_markdown_linebreaks || Discourse.SiteSettings.traditional_markdown_linebreaks;
if (!linebreaks) {
converter.hooks.chain("preConversion", function(text) {
return text.replace(/(^[\w<][^\n]*\n+)/gim, function(t) {
if (t.match(/\n{2}/gim)) return t;
return t.replace("\n", " \n");
// github style fenced code
converter.hooks.chain("preConversion", function(text) {
return text.replace(/^`{3}(?:(.*$)\n)?([\s\S]*?)^`{3}/gm, function(wholeMatch, m1, m2) {
var escaped = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(m2);
return "<pre><code class='" + (m1 || 'lang-auto') + "'>" + escaped + "</code></pre>";
converter.hooks.chain("postConversion", function(text) {
if (!text) return "";
// don't do @username mentions inside <pre> or <code> blocks
text = text.replace(/<(pre|code)>([\s\S](?!<(pre|code)>))*?@([\s\S](?!<(pre|code)>))*?<\/(pre|code)>/gi, function(m) {
return m.replace(/@/g, '@');
// add @username mentions, if valid; must be bounded on left and right by non-word characters
text = text.replace(/(\W)(@[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,14})(?=\W)/g, function(x, pre, name) {
if (mentionLookup(name.substr(1))) {
return pre + "<a href='" + Discourse.getURL("/users/") + (name.substr(1).toLowerCase()) + "' class='mention'>" + name + "</a>";
} else {
return pre + "<span class='mention'>" + name + "</span>";
// Linebreaks
var linebreaks = opts.traditional_markdown_linebreaks || Discourse.SiteSettings.traditional_markdown_linebreaks;
if (!linebreaks) {
text = text.replace(/(^[\w<][^\n]*\n+)/gim, function(t) {
if (t.match(/\n{2}/gim)) return t;
return t.replace("\n", " \n");
// a primitive attempt at oneboxing, this regex gives me much eye sores
text = text.replace(/(<li>)?((<p>|<br>)[\s\n\r]*)(<a href=["]([^"]+)[^>]*)>([^<]+<\/a>[\s\n\r]*(?=<\/p>|<br>))/gi, function() {
// We don't onebox items in a list
if (arguments[1]) return arguments[0];
var url = arguments[5];
var onebox;
text = Discourse.Dialect.cook(text, opts);
if (Discourse && Discourse.Onebox) {
onebox = Discourse.Onebox.lookupCache(url);
if (!text) return "";
if (opts.sanitize) {
if (!window.sanitizeHtml) return "";
text = window.sanitizeHtml(text);
if (onebox && onebox.trim().length > 0) {
return arguments[2] + onebox;
} else {
return arguments[2] + arguments[4] + " class=\"onebox\" target=\"_blank\">" + arguments[6];
converter.hooks.chain("postConversion", function(text) {
// reapply quotes
if (quoteTemplate) { text = quoteTemplate(text); }
// reapply urls
if (urlsTemplate) { text = urlsTemplate(text); }
// format with BBCode
return Discourse.BBCode.format(text, opts);
if (opts.sanitize) {
converter.hooks.chain("postConversion", function(text) {
if (!window.sanitizeHtml) return "";
return window.sanitizeHtml(text);
return converter;
return text;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
Build the BBCode for a Quote
@class BBCode
@namespace Discourse
@module Discourse
Discourse.Quote = {
REGEXP: /\[quote=([^\]]*)\]((?:[\s\S](?!\[quote=[^\]]*\]))*?)\[\/quote\]/im,
Build the BBCode quote around the selected text
@method buildQuote
@param {Discourse.Post} post The post we are quoting
@param {String} contents The text selected
build: function(post, contents) {
var contents_hashed, result, sansQuotes, stripped, stripped_hashed, tmp;
if (!contents) contents = "";
sansQuotes = contents.replace(this.REGEXP, '').trim();
if (sansQuotes.length === 0) return "";
result = "[quote=\"" + post.get('username') + ", post:" + post.get('post_number') + ", topic:" + post.get('topic_id');
/* Strip the HTML from cooked */
tmp = document.createElement('div');
tmp.innerHTML = post.get('cooked');
stripped = tmp.textContent || tmp.innerText;
Let's remove any non alphanumeric characters as a kind of hash. Yes it's
not accurate but it should work almost every time we need it to. It would be unlikely
that the user would quote another post that matches in exactly this way.
stripped_hashed = stripped.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '');
contents_hashed = contents.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '');
/* If the quote is the full message, attribute it as such */
if (stripped_hashed === contents_hashed) result += ", full:true";
result += "\"]\n" + sansQuotes + "\n[/quote]\n\n";
return result;
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ Discourse.QuoteButtonController = Discourse.Controller.extend({
var buffer = this.get('buffer');
var quotedText = Discourse.BBCode.buildQuoteBBCode(post, buffer);
var quotedText = Discourse.Quote.build(post, buffer);
if (composerController.get('content.replyDirty')) {
} else {
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ Discourse.TopicController = Discourse.ObjectController.extend(Discourse.Selected
replyToPost: function(post) {
var composerController = this.get('controllers.composer');
var quoteController = this.get('controllers.quoteButton');
var quotedText = Discourse.BBCode.buildQuoteBBCode(quoteController.get('post'), quoteController.get('buffer'));
var quotedText = Discourse.Quote.build(quoteController.get('post'), quoteController.get('buffer'));
var topic = post ? post.get('topic') : this.get('model');
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
This addition handles auto linking of text. When included, it will parse out links and create
a hrefs for them.
@event register
@namespace Discourse.Dialect
Discourse.Dialect.on("register", function(event) {
var dialect = event.dialect,
MD = event.MD;
Parses out links from HTML.
@method autoLink
@param {Markdown.Block} block the block to examine
@param {Array} next the next blocks in the sequence
@return {Array} the JsonML containing the markup or undefined if nothing changed.
@namespace Discourse.Dialect
dialect.block['autolink'] = function autoLink(block, next) {
var pattern = /(^|\s)((?:https?:(?:\/{1,3}|[a-z0-9%])|www\d{0,3}[.])(?:[^\s()<>]+|\([^\s()<>]+\))+(?:\([^\s()<>]+\)|[^`!()\[\]{};:'".,<>?«»“”‘’\s]))/gm,
remaining = block,
var pushIt = function(p) { result.push(p) };
while (m = pattern.exec(remaining)) {
result = result || ['p'];
var url = m[2],
urlIndex = remaining.indexOf(url),
before = remaining.slice(0, urlIndex);
if (before.match(/\[\d+\]/)) { return; }
pattern.lastIndex = 0;
remaining = remaining.slice(urlIndex + url.length);
if (before) {
var displayUrl = url;
if (url.match(/^www/)) { url = "http://" + url; }
result.push(['a', {href: url}, displayUrl]);
if (remaining && remaining.match(/\n/)) {
if (result) {
if (remaining.length) {
return [result];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
Regsiter all functionality for supporting BBCode in Discourse.
@event register
@namespace Discourse.Dialect
Discourse.Dialect.on("register", function(event) {
var dialect = event.dialect,
MD = event.MD;
var createBBCode = function(tag, builder, hasArgs) {
return function(text, orig_match) {
var bbcodePattern = new RegExp("\\[" + tag + "=?([^\\[\\]]+)?\\]([\\s\\S]*?)\\[\\/" + tag + "\\]", "igm");
var m = bbcodePattern.exec(text);
if (m && m[0]) {
return [m[0].length, builder(m, this)];
var bbcodes = {'b': ['span', {'class': 'bbcode-b'}],
'i': ['span', {'class': 'bbcode-i'}],
'u': ['span', {'class': 'bbcode-u'}],
's': ['span', {'class': 'bbcode-s'}],
'spoiler': ['span', {'class': 'spoiler'}],
'li': ['li'],
'ul': ['ul'],
'ol': ['ol']};
Object.keys(bbcodes).forEach(function(tag) {
var element = bbcodes[tag];
dialect.inline["[" + tag + "]"] = createBBCode(tag, function(m, self) {
return element.concat(self.processInline(m[2]));
dialect.inline["[img]"] = createBBCode('img', function(m) {
return ['img', {href: m[2]}];
dialect.inline["[email]"] = createBBCode('email', function(m) {
return ['a', {href: "mailto:" + m[2], 'data-bbcode': true}, m[2]];
dialect.inline["[url]"] = createBBCode('url', function(m) {
return ['a', {href: m[2], 'data-bbcode': true}, m[2]];
dialect.inline["[url="] = createBBCode('url', function(m, self) {
return ['a', {href: m[1], 'data-bbcode': true}].concat(self.processInline(m[2]));
dialect.inline["[email="] = createBBCode('email', function(m, self) {
return ['a', {href: "mailto:" + m[1], 'data-bbcode': true}].concat(self.processInline(m[2]));
dialect.inline["[size="] = createBBCode('size', function(m, self) {
return ['span', {'class': "bbcode-size-" + m[1]}].concat(self.processInline(m[2]));
dialect.inline["[color="] = function(text, orig_match) {
var bbcodePattern = new RegExp("\\[color=?([^\\[\\]]+)?\\]([\\s\\S]*?)\\[\\/color\\]", "igm"),
m = bbcodePattern.exec(text);
if (m && m[0]) {
if (!/^(\#[0-9a-fA-F]{3}([0-9a-fA-F]{3})?)|(aqua|black|blue|fuchsia|gray|green|lime|maroon|navy|olive|purple|red|silver|teal|white|yellow)$/.test(m[1])) {
return [m[0].length].concat(this.processInline(m[2]));
return [m[0].length, ['span', {style: "color: " + m[1]}].concat(this.processInline(m[2]))];
Support BBCode [code] blocks
@method bbcodeCode
@param {Markdown.Block} block the block to examine
@param {Array} next the next blocks in the sequence
@return {Array} the JsonML containing the markup or undefined if nothing changed.
@namespace Discourse.Dialect
dialect.inline["[code]"] = function bbcodeCode(text, orig_match) {
var bbcodePattern = new RegExp("\\[code\\]([\\s\\S]*?)\\[\\/code\\]", "igm"),
m = bbcodePattern.exec(text);
if (m) {
var contents = m[1].trim().split("\n");
var html = ['pre', "\n"];
contents.forEach(function (n) {
return [m[0].length, html];
Support BBCode [quote] blocks
@method bbcodeQuote
@param {Markdown.Block} block the block to examine
@param {Array} next the next blocks in the sequence
@return {Array} the JsonML containing the markup or undefined if nothing changed.
@namespace Discourse.Dialect
dialect.inline["[quote="] = function bbcodeQuote(text, orig_match) {
var bbcodePattern = new RegExp("\\[quote=?([^\\[\\]]+)?\\]([\\s\\S]*?)\\[\\/quote\\]", "igm"),
m = bbcodePattern.exec(text);
if (!m) { return; }
var paramsString = m[1].replace(/\"/g, ''),
params = {'class': 'quote'},
paramsSplit = paramsString.split(/\, */),
username = paramsSplit[0],
opts = dialect.options;
paramsSplit.forEach(function(p,i) {
if (i > 0) {
var assignment = p.split(':');
if (assignment[0] && assignment[1]) {
params['data-' + assignment[0]] = assignment[1].trim();
var avatarImg;
if (opts.lookupAvatarByPostNumber) {
// client-side, we can retrieve the avatar from the post
var postNumber = parseInt(params['data-post'], 10);
avatarImg = opts.lookupAvatarByPostNumber(postNumber);
} else if (opts.lookupAvatar) {
// server-side, we need to lookup the avatar from the username
avatarImg = opts.lookupAvatar(username);
var quote = ['aside', params,
['div', {'class': 'title'},
['div', {'class': 'quote-controls'}],
avatarImg ? avatarImg + "\n" : "",
I18n.t('user.said',{username: username})
return [m[0].length, quote];
Discourse.Dialect.on("parseNode", function(event) {
var node = event.node,
path = event.path;
// Make sure any quotes are followed by a <br>. The formatting looks weird otherwise.
if (node[0] === 'aside' && node[1] && node[1]['class'] === 'quote') {
var parent = path[path.length - 1],
location = parent.indexOf(node)+1,
trailing = parent.slice(location);
if (trailing.length) {
parent.splice(location, 0, ['br']);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
Discourse uses the Markdown.js as its main parser. `Discourse.Dialect` is the framework
for extending it with additional formatting.
To extend the dialect, you can register a handler, and you will receive an `event` object
with a handle to the markdown `Dialect` from Markdown.js that we are defining. Here's
a sample dialect that replaces all occurances of "evil trout" with a link that says
Discourse.Dialect.on("register", function(event) {
var dialect = event.dialect;
// To see how this works, review one of our samples or the Markdown.js code:
dialect.inline["evil trout"] = function(text) {
return ["evil trout".length, ['a', {href: "http://eviltrout.com"}, "EVIL TROUT IS AWESOME"] ];
You can also manipulate the JsonML tree that is produced by the parser before it converted to HTML.
This is useful if the markup you want needs a certain structure of HTML elements. Rather than
writing regular expressions to match HTML, consider parsing the tree instead! We use this for
making sure a onebox is on one line, as an example.
This example changes the content of any `<code>` tags.
The `event.path` attribute contains the current path to the node.
Discourse.Dialect.on("parseNode", function(event) {
var node = event.node,
path = event.path;
if (node[0] === 'code') {
node[node.length-1] = "EVIL TROUT HACKED YOUR CODE";
var parser = window.BetterMarkdown,
MD = parser.Markdown,
// Our dialect
dialect = MD.dialects.Discourse = MD.subclassDialect( MD.dialects.Gruber ),
initialized = false,
Initialize our dialects for processing.
@method initializeDialects
initializeDialects = function() {
Discourse.Dialect.trigger('register', {dialect: dialect, MD: MD});
initialized = true;
Parse a JSON ML tree, using registered handlers to adjust it if necessary.
@method parseTree
@param {Array} tree the JsonML tree to parse
@param {Array} path the path of ancestors to the current node in the tree. Can be used for matching.
@returns {Array} the parsed tree
parseTree = function parseTree(tree, path) {
if (tree instanceof Array) {
Discourse.Dialect.trigger('parseNode', {node: tree, path: path});
path = path || [];
tree.slice(1).forEach(function (n) {
parseTree(n, path);
return tree;
An object used for rendering our dialects.
@class Dialect
@namespace Discourse
@module Discourse
Discourse.Dialect = {
Cook text using the dialects.
@method cook
@param {String} text the raw text to cook
@returns {String} the cooked text
cook: function(text, opts) {
if (!initialized) { initializeDialects(); }
dialect.options = opts;
return parser.renderJsonML(parseTree(parser.toHTMLTree(text, 'Discourse')));
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
Support for github style code blocks, here you begin with three backticks and supply a language,
The language is made into a class on the resulting `<code>` element.
@event register
@namespace Discourse.Dialect
Discourse.Dialect.on("register", function(event) {
var dialect = event.dialect,
MD = event.MD;
Support for github style code blocks
@method githubCode
@param {Markdown.Block} block the block to examine
@param {Array} next the next blocks in the sequence
@return {Array} the JsonML containing the markup or undefined if nothing changed.
@namespace Discourse.Dialect
dialect.block['github_code'] = function githubCode(block, next) {
var m = /^`{3}([^\n]+)?\n?([\s\S]*)?/gm.exec(block);
if (m) {
var startPos = block.indexOf(m[0]),
codeContents = [],
result = [],
lineNumber = block.lineNumber;
if (startPos > 0) {
leading = block.slice(0, startPos);
lineNumber += (leading.split("\n").length - 1);
var para = ['p'];
this.processInline(leading).forEach(function (l) {
if (m[2]) { next.unshift(MD.mk_block(m[2], null, lineNumber + 1)); }
while (next.length > 0) {
var b = next.shift(),
n = b.match(/([^`]*)```([^`]*)/m),
diff = ((typeof b.lineNumber === "undefined") ? lineNumber : b.lineNumber) - lineNumber;
lineNumber = b.lineNumber;
for (var i=1; i<diff; i++) {
if (n) {
if (n[2]) {
} else {
result.push(['p', ['pre', ['code', {'class': m[1] || 'lang-auto'}, codeContents.join("\n") ]]]);
return result;
Ensure that content in a code block is fully escaped. This way it's not white listed
and we can use HTML and Javascript examples.
@event parseNode
@namespace Discourse.Dialect
Discourse.Dialect.on("parseNode", function(event) {
var node = event.node,
path = event.path;
if (node[0] === 'code') {
node[node.length-1] = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(node[node.length-1]);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
Supports Discourse's custom @mention syntax for calling out a user in a post.
It will add a special class to them, and create a link if the user is found in a
local map.
@event register
@namespace Discourse.Dialect
Discourse.Dialect.on("register", function(event) {
var dialect = event.dialect,
MD = event.MD;
Support for github style code blocks
@method mentionSupport
@param {Markdown.Block} block the block to examine
@param {Array} next the next blocks in the sequence
@return {Array} the JsonML containing the markup or undefined if nothing changed.
@namespace Discourse.Dialect
dialect.block['mentions'] = function mentionSupport(block, next) {
var pattern = /(\W|^)(@[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,14})(?=(\W|$))/gm,
remaining = block,
mentionLookup = dialect.options.mentionLookup || Discourse.Mention.lookupCache;
if (block.match(/^ {3}/)) { return; }
var pushIt = function(p) { result.push(p) };
while (m = pattern.exec(remaining)) {
result = result || ['p'];
var username = m[2],
usernameIndex = remaining.indexOf(username),
before = remaining.slice(0, usernameIndex);
pattern.lastIndex = 0;
remaining = remaining.slice(usernameIndex + username.length);
if (before) {
if (mentionLookup(username.substr(1))) {
result.push(['a', {'class': 'mention', href: Discourse.getURL("/users/") + username.substr(1).toLowerCase()}, username]);
} else {
result.push(['span', {'class': 'mention'}, username]);
if (remaining && remaining.match(/\n/)) {
if (result) {
if (remaining.length) {
return [result];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
Given a node in the document and its parent, determine whether it is on its
own line or not.
@method isOnOneLine
@namespace Discourse.Dialect
var isOnOneLine = function(link, parent) {
if (!parent) { return false; }
var siblings = parent.slice(1);
if ((!siblings) || (siblings.length < 1)) { return false; }
var idx = siblings.indexOf(link);
if (idx === -1) { return false; }
if (idx > 0) {
var prev = siblings[idx-1];
if (prev[0] !== 'br') { return false; }
if (idx < siblings.length) {
var next = siblings[idx+1];
if (next && (!((next[0] === 'br') || (typeof next === 'string' && next.trim() === "")))) { return false; }
return true;
We only onebox stuff that is on its own line. This navigates the JsonML tree and
correctly inserts the oneboxes.
@event parseNode
@namespace Discourse.Dialect
Discourse.Dialect.on("parseNode", function(event) {
var node = event.node,
path = event.path;
// We only care about links
if (node[0] !== 'a') { return; }
var parent = path[path.length - 1];
// We don't onebox bbcode
if (node[1]['data-bbcode']) {
delete node[1]['data-bbcode'];
// Don't onebox links within a list
for (var i=0; i<path.length; i++) {
if (path[i][0] === 'li') { return; }
if (isOnOneLine(node, parent)) {
node[1]['class'] = 'onebox';
node[1].target = '_blank';
if (Discourse && Discourse.Onebox) {
var contents = Discourse.Onebox.lookupCache(node[1].href);
if (contents) {
node[0] = 'raw';
node[1] = contents;
node.length = 2;
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ Discourse.Composer = Discourse.Model.extend({
replyLength: function() {
var reply = this.get('reply') || "";
while (Discourse.BBCode.QUOTE_REGEXP.test(reply)) { reply = reply.replace(Discourse.BBCode.QUOTE_REGEXP, ""); }
while (Discourse.Quote.REGEXP.test(reply)) { reply = reply.replace(Discourse.Quote.REGEXP, ""); }
return reply.replace(/\s+/img, " ").trim().length;
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ Discourse.Composer = Discourse.Model.extend({
this.set('loading', true);
var composer = this;
return Discourse.Post.load(postId).then(function(post) {
composer.appendText(Discourse.BBCode.buildQuoteBBCode(post, post.get('raw')));
composer.appendText(Discourse.Quote.build(post, post.get('raw')));
composer.set('loading', false);
@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ Discourse.Post.reopenClass({
loadQuote: function(postId) {
return Discourse.ajax("/posts/" + postId + ".json").then(function(result) {
var post = Discourse.Post.create(result);
return Discourse.BBCode.buildQuoteBBCode(post, post.get('raw'));
return Discourse.Quote.build(post, post.get('raw'));
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
//= require ./discourse/routes/discourse_route
//= require ./discourse/routes/discourse_restricted_user_route
//= require ./discourse/dialects/dialect
//= require_tree ./discourse/dialects
//= require_tree ./discourse/controllers
//= require_tree ./discourse/components
//= require_tree ./discourse/models
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ class PostAnalyzer
# Returns an array of all links in a post excluding mentions
def raw_links
return [] unless @raw.present?
return @raw_links if @raw_links.present?
@ -96,7 +96,6 @@ module PrettyText
@ -106,10 +105,17 @@ module PrettyText
ctx.eval("var I18n = {}; I18n.t = function(a,b){ return helpers.t(a,b); }");
Dir["#{Rails.root}/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/dialects/**.js"].each do |dialect|
unless dialect =~ /\/dialect\.js$/
# Load server side javascripts
if DiscoursePluginRegistry.server_side_javascripts.present?
DiscoursePluginRegistry.server_side_javascripts.each do |ssjs|
@ -4,15 +4,6 @@ require 'pretty_text'
describe PrettyText do
describe "Cooking" do
it "should support github style code blocks" do
```").should match_html "<pre><code class=\"lang-auto\">test \n</code></pre>"
it "should support quoting [] " do
PrettyText.cook("[quote=\"EvilTrout, post:123, topic:456, full:true\"][sam][/quote]").should =~ /\[sam\]/
describe "with avatar" do
@ -23,15 +14,15 @@ test
it "produces a quote even with new lines in it" do
PrettyText.cook("[quote=\"EvilTrout, post:123, topic:456, full:true\"]ddd\n[/quote]").should match_html "<p></p><aside class=\"quote\" data-post=\"123\" data-topic=\"456\" data-full=\"true\"><div class=\"title\">\n <div class=\"quote-controls\"></div>\n <img width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"http://test.localhost/uploads/default/avatars/42d/57c/46ce7ee487/40.png\" class=\"avatar\">\n EvilTrout said:\n </div>\n <blockquote>ddd</blockquote>\n</aside><p></p>"
PrettyText.cook("[quote=\"EvilTrout, post:123, topic:456, full:true\"]ddd\n[/quote]").should match_html "<p><aside class=\"quote\" data-post=\"123\" data-topic=\"456\" data-full=\"true\"><div class=\"title\">\n<div class=\"quote-controls\"></div>\n<img width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"http://test.localhost/uploads/default/avatars/42d/57c/46ce7ee487/40.png\" class=\"avatar\">\nEvilTrout said:</div>\n<blockquote>ddd\n</blockquote></aside></p>"
it "should produce a quote" do
PrettyText.cook("[quote=\"EvilTrout, post:123, topic:456, full:true\"]ddd[/quote]").should match_html "<p></p><aside class=\"quote\" data-post=\"123\" data-topic=\"456\" data-full=\"true\"><div class=\"title\">\n <div class=\"quote-controls\"></div>\n <img width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"http://test.localhost/uploads/default/avatars/42d/57c/46ce7ee487/40.png\" class=\"avatar\">\n EvilTrout said:\n </div>\n <blockquote>ddd</blockquote>\n</aside><p></p>"
PrettyText.cook("[quote=\"EvilTrout, post:123, topic:456, full:true\"]ddd[/quote]").should match_html "<p><aside class=\"quote\" data-post=\"123\" data-topic=\"456\" data-full=\"true\"><div class=\"title\">\n<div class=\"quote-controls\"></div>\n<img width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"http://test.localhost/uploads/default/avatars/42d/57c/46ce7ee487/40.png\" class=\"avatar\">\nEvilTrout said:</div>\n<blockquote>ddd</blockquote></aside></p>"
it "trims spaces on quote params" do
PrettyText.cook("[quote=\"EvilTrout, post:555, topic: 666\"]ddd[/quote]").should match_html "<p></p><aside class=\"quote\" data-post=\"555\" data-topic=\"666\"><div class=\"title\">\n <div class=\"quote-controls\"></div>\n <img width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"http://test.localhost/uploads/default/avatars/42d/57c/46ce7ee487/40.png\" class=\"avatar\">\n EvilTrout said:\n </div>\n <blockquote>ddd</blockquote>\n</aside><p></p>"
PrettyText.cook("[quote=\"EvilTrout, post:555, topic: 666\"]ddd[/quote]").should match_html "<p><aside class=\"quote\" data-post=\"555\" data-topic=\"666\"><div class=\"title\">\n<div class=\"quote-controls\"></div>\n<img width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"http://test.localhost/uploads/default/avatars/42d/57c/46ce7ee487/40.png\" class=\"avatar\">\nEvilTrout said:</div>\n<blockquote>ddd</blockquote></aside></p>"
@ -40,36 +31,10 @@ test
PrettyText.cook('@hello @hello @hello').should match_html "<p><span class=\"mention\">@hello</span> <span class=\"mention\">@hello</span> <span class=\"mention\">@hello</span></p>"
it "should not do weird @ mention stuff inside a pre block" do
a @test
```").should match_html "<pre><code class=\"lang-auto\">a @test \n</code></pre>"
it "should sanitize the html" do
PrettyText.cook("<script>alert(42)</script>").should match_html "alert(42)"
it "should escape html within the code block" do
```").should match_html "<pre><code class=\"text\"><header>hello</header> \n</code></pre>"
it "should support language choices" do
```").should match_html "<pre><code class=\"ruby\">test \n</code></pre>"
it 'should decorate @mentions' do
PrettyText.cook("Hello @eviltrout").should match_html "<p>Hello <span class=\"mention\">@eviltrout</span></p>"
it 'should allow for @mentions to have punctuation' do
PrettyText.cook("hello @bob's @bob,@bob; @bob\"").should
match_html "<p>hello <span class=\"mention\">@bob</span>'s <span class=\"mention\">@bob</span>,<span class=\"mention\">@bob</span>; <span class=\"mention\">@bob</span>\"</p>"
@ -78,11 +43,6 @@ test
it 'should add spoiler tags' do
PrettyText.cook("[spoiler]hello[/spoiler]").should match_html "<p><span class=\"spoiler\">hello</span></p>"
it "should only detect ``` at the begining of lines" do
PrettyText.cook(" ```\n hello\n ```")
.should match_html "<pre><code>```\nhello\n```\n</code></pre>"
describe "rel nofollow" do
@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ describe TopicLink do
@topic.posts.create(user: @user, raw: 'initial post')
@post = @topic.posts.create(user: @user, raw: "Link to another topic:\n\n#{@url}\n\n")
@link = @topic.topic_links.first
@ -7,13 +7,14 @@ var format = function(input, expected, text) {
test('basic bbcode', function() {
format("[b]strong[/b]", "<span class='bbcode-b'>strong</span>", "bolds text");
format("[i]emphasis[/i]", "<span class='bbcode-i'>emphasis</span>", "italics text");
format("[u]underlined[/u]", "<span class='bbcode-u'>underlined</span>", "underlines text");
format("[s]strikethrough[/s]", "<span class='bbcode-s'>strikethrough</span>", "strikes-through text");
format("[code]\nx++\n[/code]", "<pre>\nx++ <br>\n</pre>", "makes code into pre");
format("[b]strong[/b]", "<span class=\"bbcode-b\">strong</span>", "bolds text");
format("[i]emphasis[/i]", "<span class=\"bbcode-i\">emphasis</span>", "italics text");
format("[u]underlined[/u]", "<span class=\"bbcode-u\">underlined</span>", "underlines text");
format("[s]strikethrough[/s]", "<span class=\"bbcode-s\">strikethrough</span>", "strikes-through text");
format("[code]\nx++\n[/code]", "<pre>\nx++<br/>\n</pre>", "makes code into pre");
format("[code]\nx++\ny++\nz++\n[/code]", "<pre>\nx++<br/>\ny++<br/>\nz++<br/>\n</pre>", "makes code into pre");
format("[spoiler]it's a sled[/spoiler]", "<span class=\"spoiler\">it's a sled</span>", "supports spoiler tags");
format("[img]http://eviltrout.com/eviltrout.png[/img]", "<img src=\"http://eviltrout.com/eviltrout.png\">", "links images");
format("[img]http://eviltrout.com/eviltrout.png[/img]", "<img src=\"http://eviltrout.com/eviltrout.png\"/>", "links images");
format("[url]http://bettercallsaul.com[/url]", "<a href=\"http://bettercallsaul.com\">http://bettercallsaul.com</a>", "supports [url] without a title");
format("[email]eviltrout@mailinator.com[/email]", "<a href=\"mailto:eviltrout@mailinator.com\">eviltrout@mailinator.com</a>", "supports [email] without a title");
@ -31,11 +32,11 @@ test('color', function() {
test('tags with arguments', function() {
format("[size=35]BIG[/size]", "<span class=\"bbcode-size-35\">BIG</span>", "supports [size=]");
format("[size=35]BIG [b]whoop[/b][/size]", "<span class=\"bbcode-size-35\">BIG <span class=\"bbcode-b\">whoop</span></span>", "supports [size=]");
format("[url=http://bettercallsaul.com]better call![/url]", "<a href=\"http://bettercallsaul.com\">better call!</a>", "supports [url] with a title");
format("[email=eviltrout@mailinator.com]evil trout[/email]", "<a href=\"mailto:eviltrout@mailinator.com\">evil trout</a>", "supports [email] with a title");
format("[u][i]abc[/i][/u]", "<span class='bbcode-u'><span class='bbcode-i'>abc</span></span>", "can nest tags");
format("[b]first[/b] [b]second[/b]", "<span class='bbcode-b'>first</span> <span class='bbcode-b'>second</span>", "can bold two things on the same line");
format("[u][i]abc[/i][/u]", "<span class=\"bbcode-u\"><span class=\"bbcode-i\">abc</span></span>", "can nest tags");
format("[b]first[/b] [b]second[/b]", "<span class=\"bbcode-b\">first</span> <span class=\"bbcode-b\">second</span>", "can bold two things on the same line");
@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ test("quotes", function() {
var formatQuote = function(val, expected, text) {
equal(Discourse.BBCode.buildQuoteBBCode(post, val), expected, text);
equal(Discourse.Quote.build(post, val), expected, text);
formatQuote(undefined, "", "empty string for undefined content");
@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ test("quotes", function() {
formatQuote("lorem", "[quote=\"eviltrout, post:1, topic:2\"]\nlorem\n[/quote]\n\n", "correctly formats quotes");
formatQuote(" lorem \t ",
"[quote=\"eviltrout, post:1, topic:2\"]\nlorem\n[/quote]\n\n",
"trims white spaces before & after the quoted contents");
@ -74,34 +76,27 @@ test("quotes", function() {
test("quote formatting", function() {
// TODO: This HTML matching is quite ugly.
format("[quote=\"EvilTrout, post:123, topic:456, full:true\"][sam][/quote]",
"<aside class=\"quote\" data-post=\"123\" data-topic=\"456\" data-full=\"true\"><div class=\"title\">" +
"<div class=\"quote-controls\"></div>EvilTrout said:</div><blockquote>[sam]</blockquote></aside>",
"it allows quotes with [] inside");
format("[quote=\"eviltrout, post:1, topic:1\"]abc[/quote]",
"</p><aside class='quote' data-post=\"1\" data-topic=\"1\" >\n <div class='title'>\n " +
"<div class='quote-controls'></div>\n \n eviltrout said:\n </div>\n <blockquote>abc</blockquote>\n</aside>\n<p>",
"<aside class=\"quote\" data-post=\"1\" data-topic=\"1\"><div class=\"title\"><div class=\"quote-controls\"></div>eviltrout said:" +
"renders quotes properly");
format("[quote=\"eviltrout, post:1, topic:1\"]abc[quote=\"eviltrout, post:2, topic:2\"]nested[/quote][/quote]",
"</p><aside class='quote' data-post=\"1\" data-topic=\"1\" >\n <div class='title'>\n <div class='quote-controls'></div>" +
"\n \n eviltrout said:\n </div>\n <blockquote>abc1fe072ca2fadbb4f3dfca9ee8bedef19</blockquote>\n</aside>\n<p> ",
"can nest quotes");
format("[quote=\"eviltrout, post:1, topic:1\"]abc[/quote]\nhello",
"<aside class=\"quote\" data-post=\"1\" data-topic=\"1\"><div class=\"title\"><div class=\"quote-controls\"></div>eviltrout said:" +
"handles new lines properly");
format("before[quote=\"eviltrout, post:1, topic:1\"]first[/quote]middle[quote=\"eviltrout, post:2, topic:2\"]second[/quote]after",
"before</p><aside class='quote' data-post=\"1\" data-topic=\"1\" >\n <div class='title'>\n <div class='quote-controls'>" +
"</div>\n \n eviltrout said:\n </div>\n <blockquote>first</blockquote>\n</aside>\n<p></p>\n\n<p>middle</p><aside class='quote'" +
" data-post=\"2\" data-topic=\"2\" >\n <div class='title'>\n <div class='quote-controls'></div>\n \n eviltrout said:\n " +
"</div>\n <blockquote>second</blockquote>\n</aside>\n<p> <br>\nafter",
"before<aside class=\"quote\" data-post=\"1\" data-topic=\"1\"><div class=\"title\"><div class=\"quote-controls\"></div>eviltrout said:</div><blockquote>" +
"first</blockquote></aside><br/>middle<aside class=\"quote\" data-post=\"2\" data-topic=\"2\"><div class=\"title\"><div class=\"quote-controls\"></div>" +
"eviltrout said:</div><blockquote>second</blockquote></aside><br/>after",
"can handle more than one quote");
test("extract quotes", function() {
var q = "[quote=\"eviltrout, post:1, topic:2\"]hello[/quote]";
var result = Discourse.BBCode.extractQuotes(q + " world");
equal(result.text, md5(q) + "\n world");
@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ module("Discourse.Markdown", {
var cooked = function(input, expected, text) {
equal(Discourse.Markdown.cook(input, {mentionLookup: false }), expected, text);
var result = Discourse.Markdown.cook(input, {mentionLookup: false, sanitize: true});
equal(result, expected, text);
var cookedOptions = function(input, opts, expected, text) {
@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ test("basic cooking", function() {
test("Line Breaks", function() {
var input = "1\n2\n3";
cooked(input, "<p>1 <br>\n2 <br>\n3</p>", "automatically handles trivial newlines");
cooked(input, "<p>1<br>2<br>3</p>", "automatically handles trivial newlines");
var traditionalOutput = "<p>1\n2\n3</p>";
@ -36,13 +37,18 @@ test("Line Breaks", function() {
test("Links", function() {
cooked("Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MrpeBRkM5A",
'<p>Youtube: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MrpeBRkM5A">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MrpeBRkM5A</a></p>',
"allows links to contain query params");
cooked("Derpy: http://derp.com?__test=1",
'<p>Derpy: <a href="http://derp.com?%5F%5Ftest=1">http://derp.com?__test=1</a></p>',
"escapes double underscores in URLs");
'<p>Derpy: <a href="http://derp.com?__test=1">http://derp.com?__test=1</a></p>',
"works with double underscores in urls");
cooked("Derpy: http://derp.com?_test_=1",
'<p>Derpy: <a href="http://derp.com?_test_=1">http://derp.com?_test_=1</a></p>',
"works with underscores in urls");
cooked("Atwood: www.codinghorror.com",
'<p>Atwood: <a href="http://www.codinghorror.com">www.codinghorror.com</a></p>',
@ -63,34 +69,48 @@ test("Links", function() {
cooked("Batman: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dark_Knight_(film)",
'<p>Batman: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dark_Knight_(film)">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dark_Knight_(film)</a></p>',
"autolinks a URL with parentheses (like Wikipedia)");
cooked("Here's a tweet:\nhttps://twitter.com/evil_trout/status/345954894420787200",
"<p>Here's a tweet:<br><a href=\"https://twitter.com/evil_trout/status/345954894420787200\" class=\"onebox\">https://twitter.com/evil_trout/status/345954894420787200</a></p>",
"It doesn't strip the new line.");
cooked("[3]: http://eviltrout.com", "", "It doesn't autolink markdown link references");
cooked("http://discourse.org and http://discourse.org/another_url and http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2225369",
"<p><a href=\"http://discourse.org\">http://discourse.org</a> and " +
"<a href=\"http://discourse.org/another_url\">http://discourse.org/another_url</a> and " +
"<a href=\"http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2225369\">http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2225369</a></p>",
'allows multiple links on one line');
test("Quotes", function() {
cookedOptions("1[quote=\"bob, post:1\"]my quote[/quote]2",
{ topicId: 2, lookupAvatar: function(name) { return "" + name; } },
"<p>1</p><aside class='quote' data-post=\"1\" >\n <div class='title'>\n <div class='quote-controls'></div>\n" +
" bob\n bob said:\n </div>\n <blockquote>my quote</blockquote>\n</aside>\n<p></p>\n\n<p>2</p>",
"<p>1<aside class=\"quote\" data-post=\"1\"><div class=\"title\"><div class=\"quote-controls\"></div>bob\n" +
"bob said:</div><blockquote>my quote</blockquote></aside><br/>2</p>",
"handles quotes properly");
cookedOptions("1[quote=\"bob, post:1\"]my quote[/quote]2",
{ topicId: 2, lookupAvatar: function(name) { } },
"<p>1</p><aside class='quote' data-post=\"1\" >\n <div class='title'>\n <div class='quote-controls'></div>\n" +
" \n bob said:\n </div>\n <blockquote>my quote</blockquote>\n</aside>\n<p></p>\n\n<p>2</p>",
"<p>1<aside class=\"quote\" data-post=\"1\"><div class=\"title\"><div class=\"quote-controls\"></div>bob said:</div><blockquote>my quote</blockquote></aside><br/>2</p>",
"includes no avatar if none is found");
test("Mentions", function() {
cookedOptions("Hello @sam", { mentionLookup: (function() { return true; }) },
"<p>Hello <a href='/users/sam' class='mention'>@sam</a></p>",
"<p>Hello <a class=\"mention\" href=\"/users/sam\">@sam</a></p>",
"translates mentions to links");
cooked("Hello @EvilTrout", "<p>Hello <span class='mention'>@EvilTrout</span></p>", "adds a mention class");
cooked("Hello @EvilTrout", "<p>Hello <span class=\"mention\">@EvilTrout</span></p>", "adds a mention class");
cooked("robin@email.host", "<p>robin@email.host</p>", "won't add mention class to an email address");
cooked("hanzo55@yahoo.com", "<p>hanzo55@yahoo.com</p>", "won't be affected by email addresses that have a number before the @ symbol");
cooked("@EvilTrout yo", "<p><span class='mention'>@EvilTrout</span> yo</p>", "doesn't do @username mentions inside <pre> or <code> blocks");
cooked("@EvilTrout yo", "<p><span class=\"mention\">@EvilTrout</span> yo</p>", "it handles mentions at the beginning of a string");
cooked("yo\n@EvilTrout", "<p>yo<br><span class=\"mention\">@EvilTrout</span></p>", "it handles mentions at the beginning of a new line");
cooked("`evil` @EvilTrout `trout`",
"<p><code>evil</code> <span class='mention'>@EvilTrout</span> <code>trout</code></p>",
"<p><code>evil</code> <span class=\"mention\">@EvilTrout</span> <code>trout</code></p>",
"deals correctly with multiple <code> blocks");
cooked("```\na @test\n```", "<p><pre><code class=\"lang-auto\">a @test</code></pre></p>", "should not do mentions within a code block.");
@ -101,22 +121,59 @@ test("Oneboxing", function() {
ok(!matches("- http://www.textfiles.com/bbs/MINDVOX/FORUMS/ethics\n\n- http://drupal.org", /onebox/),
"doesn't onebox a link within a list");
"doesn't onebox a link within a list");
ok(matches("http://test.com", /onebox/), "adds a onebox class to a link on its own line");
ok(matches("http://test.com\nhttp://test2.com", /onebox[\s\S]+onebox/m), "supports multiple links");
ok(!matches("http://test.com bob", /onebox/), "doesn't onebox links that have trailing text");
"<p><a href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homicide:_Life_on_the_Street\" class=\"onebox\" target=\"_blank\"" +
"<p><a href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homicide:_Life_on_the_Street\" class=\"onebox\"" +
"works with links that have underscores in them");
test("Code Blocks", function() {
"<p><pre><code class=\"lang-auto\">test</code></pre></p>",
"it supports basic code blocks");
cooked("```json\n{hello: 'world'}\n```\ntrailing",
"<p><pre><code class=\"json\">{hello: 'world'}</code></pre></p>\n\n<p>\ntrailing</p>",
"It does not truncate text after a code block.");
cooked("```json\nline 1\n\nline 2\n\n\nline3\n```",
"<p><pre><code class=\"json\">line 1\n\nline 2\n\n\nline3</code></pre></p>",
"it maintains new lines inside a code block.");
cooked("hello\nworld\n```json\nline 1\n\nline 2\n\n\nline3\n```",
"<p>hello<br>world<br></p>\n\n<p><pre><code class=\"json\">line 1\n\nline 2\n\n\nline3</code></pre></p>",
"it maintains new lines inside a code block with leading content.");
"<p><pre><code class=\"text\"><header>hello</header></code></pre></p>",
"it escapes code in the code block");
cooked("```ruby\n# cool\n```",
"<p><pre><code class=\"ruby\"># cool</code></pre></p>",
"it supports changing the language");
cooked(" ```\n hello\n ```",
"only detect ``` at the begining of lines");
test("SanitizeHTML", function() {
equal(sanitizeHtml("<div><script>alert('hi');</script></div>"), "<div></div>");
equal(sanitizeHtml("<div><p class=\"funky\" wrong='1'>hello</p></div>"), "<div><p class=\"funky\">hello</p></div>");
cooked("hello<script>alert(42)</script>", "<p>hello</p>", "it sanitizes while cooking");
cooked("<a href='http://disneyland.disney.go.com/'>disney</a> <a href='http://reddit.com'>reddit</a>",
"<p><a href=\"http://disneyland.disney.go.com/\">disney</a> <a href=\"http://reddit.com\">reddit</a></p>",
"we can embed proper links");
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
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