diff --git a/Gemfile.lock b/Gemfile.lock
index 379101a2c7e..b59803ab6ac 100644
--- a/Gemfile.lock
+++ b/Gemfile.lock
@@ -271,7 +271,6 @@ GEM
     openid-redis-store (0.0.2)
-    optimist (3.0.0)
     parallel (1.12.1)
     parser (
       ast (~> 2.4.0)
@@ -321,10 +320,10 @@ GEM
     rb-fsevent (0.10.3)
     rb-inotify (0.9.10)
       ffi (>= 0.5.0, < 2)
-    rbtrace (0.4.11)
+    rbtrace (0.4.10)
       ffi (>= 1.0.6)
       msgpack (>= 0.4.3)
-      optimist (>= 3.0.0)
+      trollop (>= 1.16.2)
     rchardet (1.8.0)
     redis (4.0.1)
     redis-namespace (1.6.0)
@@ -421,6 +420,7 @@ GEM
     thor (0.19.4)
     thread_safe (0.3.6)
     tilt (2.0.8)
+    trollop (2.1.2)
     tzinfo (1.2.5)
       thread_safe (~> 0.1)
     uglifier (4.1.11)
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/common/base/user.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/common/base/user.scss
index caffa6c8a4e..b678408b0c1 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/common/base/user.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/common/base/user.scss
@@ -400,44 +400,6 @@
     list-style: none;
     margin: 0;
-  .username, .name {
-    display: block;
-  }
-  .name {
-    margin-left: 0;
-  }
-.user-nav {
-  margin: 5px 0px;
-  .fa {
-    margin-right: 5px;
-  }
-  .fa.fa-comment {
-    margin-right: 2px;
-  }
-.user-right .list-actions {
-  margin-bottom: 10px;
-  .btn {
-    margin-right: 10px;
-  }
-.top-section {
-  ul {
-    list-style: none;
-    margin: 0;
-  }
-.topics-section {
-  margin-bottom: 20px;
diff --git a/app/jobs/onceoff/recover_post_uploads.rb b/app/jobs/onceoff/recover_post_uploads.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ef3fb0b5aa2..00000000000
--- a/app/jobs/onceoff/recover_post_uploads.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-require_dependency "upload_recovery"
-module Jobs
-  class RecoverPostUploads < Jobs::Onceoff
-    MIN_PERIOD = 30
-    MAX_PERIOD = 120
-    def execute_onceoff(args)
-      UploadRecovery.new.recover(Post.where(
-        "baked_at >= ?",
-        grace_period.days.ago
-      ))
-    end
-    def grace_period
-      SiteSetting.purge_deleted_uploads_grace_period_days.clamp(
-        MIN_PERIOD,
-        MAX_PERIOD
-      )
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/config/locales/client.bs_BA.yml b/config/locales/client.bs_BA.yml
index 3f3da516491..70f79f18997 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.bs_BA.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.bs_BA.yml
@@ -510,7 +510,6 @@ bs_BA:
       "14": "Na čekanju."
       all: "Sve kategorije"
-      all_subcategories: "sve u %{categoryName}"
       no_subcategory: "nijedna"
       category: "Kategorija"
       category_list: "Prikaži listu kategorija"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.pt_BR.yml b/config/locales/client.pt_BR.yml
index 71dc01204ec..bb4ba1ab9aa 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.pt_BR.yml
@@ -789,9 +789,6 @@ pt_BR:
       email_always: "Envie-me notificações mesmo quando eu estiver ativo no site."
       other_settings: "Outros"
       categories_settings: "Categorias"
-      enable_mailing_list:
-        one: "Você tem certeza de que deseja receber um email para cada novo post?"
-        other: "Você tem certeza de que deseja receber um email para cada novo post?<br><br>Isso vai resultar em aproximadamente <b>{{count}} emails</b> por dia."
         label: "Considerar tópicos como novos quando"
         not_viewed: "Eu ainda não os vi"
diff --git a/config/locales/server.en.yml b/config/locales/server.en.yml
index 82a911e0306..ddea713c1c6 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.en.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.en.yml
@@ -1682,7 +1682,6 @@ en:
     levenshtein_distance_spammer_emails: "When matching spammer emails, number of characters difference that will still allow a fuzzy match."
     max_new_accounts_per_registration_ip: "If there are already (n) trust level 0 accounts from this IP (and none is a staff member or at TL2 or higher), stop accepting new signups from that IP."
     min_ban_entries_for_roll_up: "When clicking the Roll up button, will create a new subnet ban entry if there are at least (N) entries."
     max_age_unmatched_emails: "Delete unmatched screened email entries after (N) days."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.fr.yml b/config/locales/server.fr.yml
index 816fb2969d0..b0b36b2d84f 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.fr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.fr.yml
@@ -3555,35 +3555,6 @@ fr:
       ## [Changements à notre politique de confidentialité](#changes)
       Si nous décidons de changer notre politique de confidentialité, nous afficherons ces modifications sur cette page. Ce document est soumis à la licence creative commons CC-BY-SA. Il a été mis à jour le 31 mai 2013.
-  static:
-    search_help: |
-      <h3>Astuces</h3>
-      <p>
-      <ul>
-      <li>Les résultats dont le titre correspond à la recherche sont retournés en priorité &ndash; en cas de doutes, recherchez dans les titres</li>
-      <li>Pour obtenir de meilleurs résultats, utilisez toujours des mots rares ou peu fréquents</li>
-      <li>Dès que possible, limitez vos recherches à une catégorie en particulier, à un utilisateur ou à un sujet</li>
-      </ul>
-      </p>
-      <h3>Options</h3>
-      <p>
-      <table>
-      <tr><td><code>order:views</code></td><td><code>order:latest</code></td><td><code>order:likes</code></td><td><code>@username</code></td><td><code>user:foo</code></td></tr>
-      <tr><td><code>status:open</code></td><td><code>status:closed</code></td><td><code>status:archived</code></td><td><code>status:noreplies</code></td><td><code>status:single_user</code></td></tr>
-      <tr><td><code>#category-slug</code></td><td><code>category:foo</code></td><td><code>group:foo</code></td><td><code>badge:foo</code></td><td></td></tr>
-      <tr><td><code>in:likes</code></td><td><code>in:posted</code></td><td><code>in:watching</code></td><td><code>in:tracking</code></td><td><code>in:private</code></td></tr>
-      <tr><td><code>in:bookmarks</code></td><td><code>in:first</code></td><td><code>in:pinned</code></td><td><code>in:unpinned</code></td><td><code>in:wiki</code></td></tr>
-      <tr><td><code>posts_count:num</code></td><td><code>before:days or date</code></td><td><code>after:days or date</code></td><td><code>tags:one,two</code></td><td></td></tr>
-      </table>
-      </p>
-      <h3>Examples</h3>
-      <p>
-      <ul>
-      <li><code>rainbows #parks</code> cherchera les sujets dans la catégorie "parks" qui contiennent le mot "rainbows".</li>
-      <li><code>rainbows category:parks status:open order:latest</code> cherchera les sujets dans la catégorie "parks" en ordre chronologique qui contiennent le mot "rainbows" et qui ne sont ni fermé ni archivé.
-      <li><code>rainbows category:"parks and gardens" in:bookmarks</code> cherchera les sujets dans la catégorie "parks and gardens" qui contiennent le mot "rainbows" et qui sont dans vos signets.</li>
-      </ul>
-      </p>
       name: Éditeur
diff --git a/config/nginx.sample.conf b/config/nginx.sample.conf
index 7fd696bca7e..48bb7a3c152 100644
--- a/config/nginx.sample.conf
+++ b/config/nginx.sample.conf
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ server {
   # further more etags are based on the file in nginx not sha of data
   # use dates, it solves the problem fine even cross server
   etag off;
   # prevent direct download of backups
   location ^~ /backups/ {
diff --git a/discourse.iml b/discourse.iml
deleted file mode 100644
index 13f1cee409f..00000000000
--- a/discourse.iml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<module type="RUBY_MODULE" version="4">
-  <component name="FacetManager">
-    <facet type="RailsFacetType" name="Ruby on Rails">
-      <configuration>
-      </configuration>
-    </facet>
-  </component>
-  <component name="NewModuleRootManager" inherit-compiler-output="true">
-    <exclude-output />
-    <content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$">
-      <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/test" isTestSource="true" />
-      <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/spec" isTestSource="true" />
-      <excludeFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/.bundle" />
-      <excludeFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/components" />
-      <excludeFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/public/system" />
-      <excludeFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/tmp" />
-      <excludeFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/vendor/bundle" />
-    </content>
-    <orderEntry type="inheritedJdk" />
-    <orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="actionmailer (v4.2.7, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="actionpack (v4.2.7, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="actionview (v4.2.7, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="active_model_serializers (v0.8.3, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="activejob (v4.2.7, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="activemodel (v4.2.7, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="activerecord (v4.2.7, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="activesupport (v4.2.7, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="annotate (v2.7.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="arel (v6.0.3, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="aws-sdk (v2.3.22, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="aws-sdk-core (v2.3.22, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="aws-sdk-resources (v2.3.22, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="babel-source (v5.8.34, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="babel-transpiler (v0.7.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="barber (v0.11.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="better_errors (v2.1.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="binding_of_caller (v0.7.2, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="builder (v3.2.2, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="bullet (v5.0.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="bundler (v1.13.6, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="byebug (v8.2.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="certified (v1.0.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="coderay (v1.1.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="concurrent-ruby (v1.0.2, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="connection_pool (v2.2.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="crass (v1.0.2, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="daemons (v1.2.3, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="debug_inspector (v0.0.2, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="diff-lcs (v1.2.5, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="discourse-qunit-rails (v0.0.9, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="discourse_fastimage (v2.0.3, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="docile (v1.1.5, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="domain_name (v0.5.25, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="email_reply_trimmer (v0.1.3, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="ember-data-source (v1.0.0.beta.16.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="ember-handlebars-template (v0.7.3, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="ember-rails (v0.18.5, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="ember-source (v1.12.2, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="erubis (v2.7.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="eventmachine (v1.2.0.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="excon (v0.45.4, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="execjs (v2.7.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="exifr (v1.2.4, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="fabrication (v2.9.8, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="fakeweb (v1.3.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="faraday (v0.9.2, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="fast_blank (v1.0.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="fast_xor (v1.1.3, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="fast_xs (v0.8.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="ffi (v1.9.10, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="flamegraph (v0.9.5, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="foreman (v0.82.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="fspath (v2.1.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="given_core (v3.7.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="globalid (v0.3.6, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="guess_html_encoding (v0.0.11, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="hashie (v3.4.4, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="highline (v1.7.8, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="hiredis (v0.6.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="htmlentities (v4.3.4, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="http-cookie (v1.0.2, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="http_accept_language (v2.0.5, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="i18n (v0.7.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="image_optim (v0.20.2, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="image_size (v1.4.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="in_threads (v1.3.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="jmespath (v1.3.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="jquery-rails (v4.0.5, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="jwt (v1.5.2, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="kgio (v2.10.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="librarian (v0.1.2, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="libv8 (v5.3.332.38.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="listen (v0.7.3, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="logster (v1.2.5, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="loofah (v2.0.3, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="lru_redux (v1.1.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="mail (v2.6.4, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="memory_profiler (v0.9.6, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="message_bus (v2.0.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="metaclass (v0.0.4, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="method_source (v0.8.2, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="mime-types (v2.99.2, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="mini_portile2 (v2.1.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="mini_racer (v0.1.7, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="minitest (v5.9.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="mocha (v1.1.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="mock_redis (v0.15.4, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="moneta (v0.8.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="msgpack (v0.7.6, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="multi_json (v1.12.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="multi_xml (v0.5.5, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="multipart-post (v2.0.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="mustache (v1.0.3, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="netrc (v0.11.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="nokogiri (v1.6.8, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="nokogumbo (v1.4.7, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="oauth (v0.4.7, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="oauth2 (v1.0.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="oj (v2.14.3, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="omniauth (v1.3.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="omniauth-facebook (v3.0.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="omniauth-github-discourse (v1.1.2, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="omniauth-google-oauth2 (v0.3.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="omniauth-instagram (v1.0.2, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="omniauth-oauth (v1.1.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="omniauth-oauth2 (v1.3.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="omniauth-openid (v1.0.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="omniauth-twitter (v1.2.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="onebox (v1.5.44, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="openid-redis-store (v0.0.2, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="pg (v0.18.4, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="pkg-config (v1.1.7, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="progress (v3.1.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="pry (v0.10.3, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="pry-nav (v0.2.4, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="pry-rails (v0.3.4, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="puma (v3.2.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="r2 (v0.2.6, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="rack (v1.6.4, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="rack-mini-profiler (v0.10.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="rack-openid (v1.3.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="rack-protection (v1.5.3, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="rack-test (v0.6.3, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="rails (v4.2.7, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="rails-deprecated_sanitizer (v1.0.3, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="rails-dom-testing (v1.0.7, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="rails-html-sanitizer (v1.0.3, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="rails-observers (v0.1.2, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="rails_multisite (v1.0.4, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="railties (v4.2.7, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="raindrops (v0.16.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="rake (v11.2.2, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="rake-compiler (v0.9.9, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="rb-fsevent (v0.9.7, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="rb-inotify (v0.9.7, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="rbtrace (v0.4.8, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="redis (v3.3.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="redis-namespace (v1.5.2, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="rest-client (v1.8.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="rinku (v2.0.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="rmmseg-cpp (v0.2.9, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="rspec (v3.4.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="rspec-core (v3.4.4, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="rspec-expectations (v3.4.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="rspec-given (v3.7.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="rspec-html-matchers (v0.7.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="rspec-mocks (v3.4.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="rspec-rails (v3.4.2, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="rspec-support (v3.4.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="rtlit (v0.0.5, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="ruby-openid (v2.7.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="ruby-readability (v0.7.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="sanitize (v4.0.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="sass (v3.2.19, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="sass-rails (v5.0.4, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="seed-fu (v2.3.5, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="shoulda (v3.5.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="shoulda-context (v1.2.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="shoulda-matchers (v2.8.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="sidekiq (v4.1.2, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="sidekiq-statistic (v1.2.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="simple-rss (v1.3.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="simplecov (v0.11.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="simplecov-html (v0.10.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="sinatra (v1.4.6, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="slop (v3.6.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="sorcerer (v1.0.2, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="spork (v1.0.0rc4, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="spork-rails (v4.0.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="sprockets (v3.6.3, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="sprockets-rails (v3.1.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="stackprof (v0.2.9, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="thin (v1.6.4, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="thor (v0.19.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="thread_safe (v0.3.5, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="tilt (v2.0.2, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="timecop (v0.8.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="trollop (v2.1.2, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="tzinfo (v1.2.2, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="uglifier (v3.0.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="unf (v0.1.4, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="unf_ext (v0.0.7.1, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="unicorn (v5.1.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="uniform_notifier (v1.9.0, RVM: ruby-2.3.1) [gem]" level="application" />
-  </component>
-  <component name="RModuleSettingsStorage">
-    <LOAD_PATH number="0" />
-    <I18N_FOLDERS number="1" string0="$MODULE_DIR$/config/locales" />
-  </component>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/final_destination.rb b/lib/final_destination.rb
index c3fff9dcb55..a098df3b526 100644
--- a/lib/final_destination.rb
+++ b/lib/final_destination.rb
@@ -267,11 +267,6 @@ class FinalDestination
       return true if SiteSetting.whitelist_internal_hosts.split("|").any? { |h| h.downcase == @uri.hostname.downcase }
-    # Whitelisted hosts
-    return true if hostname_matches?(SiteSetting.s3_cdn_url) ||
-      hostname_matches?(GlobalSetting.try(:cdn_url)) ||
-      hostname_matches?(Discourse.base_url_no_prefix)
     address_s = @opts[:lookup_ip].call(@uri.hostname)
     return false unless address_s
diff --git a/lib/upload_creator.rb b/lib/upload_creator.rb
index fcc005632db..a1386feb2e3 100644
--- a/lib/upload_creator.rb
+++ b/lib/upload_creator.rb
@@ -49,10 +49,10 @@ class UploadCreator
         elsif !Rails.env.test? || @opts[:force_optimize]
           convert_to_jpeg! if should_convert_to_jpeg?
           downsize!        if should_downsize?
-          fix_orientation! if should_fix_orientation?
           return @upload   if is_still_too_big?
+          fix_orientation! if should_fix_orientation?
           crop!            if should_crop?
           optimize!        if should_optimize?
diff --git a/lib/validators/upload_url_validator.rb b/lib/validators/upload_url_validator.rb
index 67f1e7af674..7823478aa77 100644
--- a/lib/validators/upload_url_validator.rb
+++ b/lib/validators/upload_url_validator.rb
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ class UploadUrlValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
         rescue URI::Error
-      unless uri && Discourse.store.has_been_uploaded?(value)
+      unless uri && Upload.exists?(url: value)
         record.errors[attribute] << (options[:message] || I18n.t('errors.messages.invalid'))
diff --git a/public/images/emoji/emoji_one/sushing_face.png b/public/images/emoji/emoji_one/sushing_face.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b792bac92af
Binary files /dev/null and b/public/images/emoji/emoji_one/sushing_face.png differ
diff --git a/public/images/emoji/facebook_messenger/sushing_face.png b/public/images/emoji/facebook_messenger/sushing_face.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cd0c5b5401f
Binary files /dev/null and b/public/images/emoji/facebook_messenger/sushing_face.png differ
diff --git a/public/images/emoji/google/sushing_face.png b/public/images/emoji/google/sushing_face.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..aa287807f1a
Binary files /dev/null and b/public/images/emoji/google/sushing_face.png differ
diff --git a/public/images/emoji/twitter/sushing_face.png b/public/images/emoji/twitter/sushing_face.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e4427cbd153
Binary files /dev/null and b/public/images/emoji/twitter/sushing_face.png differ
diff --git a/spec/jobs/recover_post_uploads_spec.rb b/spec/jobs/recover_post_uploads_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0448bc9adcf..00000000000
--- a/spec/jobs/recover_post_uploads_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-require 'rails_helper'
-RSpec.describe Jobs::RecoverPostUploads do
-  describe '#grace_period' do
-    it 'should restrict the grace period to the right range' do
-      SiteSetting.purge_deleted_uploads_grace_period_days =
-        described_class::MIN_PERIOD - 1
-      expect(described_class.new.grace_period).to eq(30)
-      SiteSetting.purge_deleted_uploads_grace_period_days =
-        described_class::MAX_PERIOD + 1
-      expect(described_class.new.grace_period).to eq(120)
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/spec/models/group_spec.rb b/spec/models/group_spec.rb
index 33664ab13bb..37ef6736430 100644
--- a/spec/models/group_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/models/group_spec.rb
@@ -256,28 +256,6 @@ describe Group do
-    it "does not reset the localized name" do
-      begin
-        default_locale = SiteSetting.default_locale
-        I18n.locale = SiteSetting.default_locale = 'fi'
-        group = Group.find(Group::AUTO_GROUPS[:everyone])
-        group.update!(name: I18n.t("groups.default_names.everyone"))
-        Group.refresh_automatic_group!(:everyone)
-        expect(group.reload.name).to eq(I18n.t("groups.default_names.everyone"))
-        I18n.locale = SiteSetting.default_locale = 'en'
-        Group.refresh_automatic_group!(:everyone)
-        expect(group.reload.name).to eq(I18n.t("groups.default_names.everyone"))
-      ensure
-        I18n.locale = SiteSetting.default_locale = default_locale
-      end
-    end
     it "uses the localized name if name has not been taken" do
         default_locale = SiteSetting.default_locale
diff --git a/spec/models/topic_embed_spec.rb b/spec/models/topic_embed_spec.rb
index 3e51111930b..b9e1247929b 100644
--- a/spec/models/topic_embed_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/models/topic_embed_spec.rb
@@ -105,20 +105,6 @@ describe TopicEmbed do
-  context '.topic_id_for_embed' do
-    it "returns correct topic id irrespective of url protocol" do
-      topic_embed = Fabricate(:topic_embed, embed_url: "http://example.com/post/248")
-      expect(TopicEmbed.topic_id_for_embed('http://exAMPle.com/post/248')).to eq(topic_embed.topic_id)
-      expect(TopicEmbed.topic_id_for_embed('https://example.com/post/248/')).to eq(topic_embed.topic_id)
-      expect(TopicEmbed.topic_id_for_embed('http://example.com/post/248/2')).to eq(nil)
-      expect(TopicEmbed.topic_id_for_embed('http://examples.com/post/248')).to eq(nil)
-      expect(TopicEmbed.topic_id_for_embed('http://example.com/post/24')).to eq(nil)
-      expect(TopicEmbed.topic_id_for_embed('http://example.com/post')).to eq(nil)
-    end
-  end
   describe '.find_remote' do
     context ".title_scrub" do
diff --git a/spec/serializers/user_serializer_spec.rb b/spec/serializers/user_serializer_spec.rb
index b2f1cb5f300..505294d1187 100644
--- a/spec/serializers/user_serializer_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/serializers/user_serializer_spec.rb
@@ -238,31 +238,6 @@ describe UserSerializer do
-  context "with user fields" do
-    let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) }
-    let! :fields do
-      [
-        Fabricate(:user_field),
-        Fabricate(:user_field),
-        Fabricate(:user_field, show_on_profile: true),
-        Fabricate(:user_field, show_on_user_card: true),
-        Fabricate(:user_field, show_on_user_card: true, show_on_profile: true)
-      ]
-    end
-    let(:other_user_json) { UserSerializer.new(user, scope: Guardian.new(Fabricate(:user)), root: false).as_json }
-    let(:self_json) { UserSerializer.new(user, scope: Guardian.new(user), root: false).as_json }
-    let(:admin_json) { UserSerializer.new(user, scope: Guardian.new(Fabricate(:admin)), root: false).as_json }
-    it "includes the correct fields for each audience" do
-      expect(admin_json[:user_fields].keys).to contain_exactly(*fields.map { |f| f.id.to_s })
-      expect(other_user_json[:user_fields].keys).to contain_exactly(*fields[2..5].map { |f| f.id.to_s })
-      expect(self_json[:user_fields].keys).to contain_exactly(*fields.map { |f| f.id.to_s })
-    end
-  end
   context "with user_api_keys" do
     let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) }
diff --git a/spec/services/search_indexer_spec.rb b/spec/services/search_indexer_spec.rb
index 2df395930a8..3886eb025a6 100644
--- a/spec/services/search_indexer_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/services/search_indexer_spec.rb
@@ -63,27 +63,6 @@ describe SearchIndexer do
     expect(scrubbed).to eq("Discourse 51%20PM Untitled design (21).jpg Untitled%20design%20(21) Untitled design (21).jpg 1280x1136 472 KB")
-  it "doesn't index local files" do
-    html = <<~HTML
-      <p><img src="https://www.discourse.org/logo.png" alt="Discourse"></p>
-      <p><img src="#{Discourse.base_url_no_prefix}/uploads/episodeinteractive/original/3X/0/f/0f40b818356bdc1d80acfa905034e95cfd112a3a.png" alt="51%20PM" width="289" height="398"></p>
-      <div class="lightbox-wrapper">
-        <a class="lightbox" href="#{Discourse.base_url_no_prefix}/uploads/episodeinteractive/original/3X/1/6/16790095df3baf318fb2eb1d7e5d7860dc45d48b.jpg" data-download-href="#{Discourse.base_url_no_prefix}/uploads/episodeinteractive/16790095df3baf318fb2eb1d7e5d7860dc45d48b" title="Untitled design (21).jpg" rel="nofollow noopener">
-          <img src="#{Discourse.base_url_no_prefix}/uploads/episodeinteractive/optimized/3X/1/6/16790095df3baf318fb2eb1d7e5d7860dc45d48b_1_563x500.jpg" alt="Untitled%20design%20(21)" width="563" height="500">
-          <div class="meta">
-            <span class="filename">Untitled design (21).jpg</span>
-            <span class="informations">1280x1136 472 KB</span>
-            <span class="expand"></span>
-          </div>
-        </a>
-      </div>
-    HTML
-    scrubbed = SearchIndexer::HtmlScrubber.scrub(html).gsub(/\s+/, " ")
-    expect(scrubbed).to eq(" Discourse 51%20PM Untitled design (21).jpg Untitled%20design%20(21) Untitled design (21).jpg 1280x1136 472 KB ")
-  end
   it 'correctly indexes a post according to version' do
     # Preparing so that they can be indexed to right version
     SearchIndexer.update_posts_index(post_id, "dummy", "", nil, nil)