FEATURE: add support for tag group search

The behaviour of #TERM in search has been amended

1. We try category or subcategory slugs
2. We try tags
3. We try tag-groups

The term `hello #my-group` will search for all posts tagged with any of
the tags in the tag group `My Group`

Future work may be introducing a slug cache here or caching it in the table
but the assumption is that the number of tag groups will not be huge
This commit is contained in:
Sam Saffron 2019-06-27 17:53:26 +10:00
parent 9a2eb5c8cb
commit 8f7a387aa7
3 changed files with 70 additions and 28 deletions

View File

@ -36,11 +36,18 @@ class TagGroup < ActiveRecord::Base
@permissions = TagGroup.resolve_permissions(permissions)
def self.resolve_permissions(permissions)
everyone_group_id = Group::AUTO_GROUPS[:everyone]
full = TagGroupPermission.permission_types[:full]
# TODO: long term we can cache this if TONs of tag groups exist
def self.find_id_by_slug(slug)
self.pluck(:id, :name).each do |id, name|
if Slug.for(name) == slug
return id
mapped = permissions.map do |group, permission|
def self.resolve_permissions(permissions)
permissions.map do |group, permission|
group_id = Group.group_id_from_param(group)
permission = TagGroupPermission.permission_types[permission] unless permission.is_a?(Integer)
[group_id, permission]

View File

@ -453,17 +453,34 @@ class Search
# try a possible tag match
tag_id = Tag.where_name(category_slug).pluck(:id).first
if (tag_id)
posts.where("topics.id IN (
SELECT DISTINCT(tt.topic_id)
FROM topic_tags tt
WHERE tt.tag_id = ?
)", tag_id)
posts.where(<<~SQL, tag_id)
topics.id IN (
SELECT DISTINCT(tt.topic_id)
FROM topic_tags tt
WHERE tt.tag_id = ?
if tag_group_id = TagGroup.find_id_by_slug(category_slug)
posts.where(<<~SQL, tag_group_id)
topics.id IN (
SELECT DISTINCT(tt.topic_id)
FROM topic_tags tt
WHERE tt.tag_id in (
SELECT tag_id
FROM tag_group_memberships
WHERE tag_group_id = ?
# a bit yucky but we got to add the term back in
if match.to_s.length >= SiteSetting.min_search_term_length
posts.where("posts.id IN (
SELECT post_id FROM post_search_data pd1
WHERE pd1.search_data @@ #{Search.ts_query(term: "##{match}")})")
elsif match.to_s.length >= SiteSetting.min_search_term_length
posts.where <<~SQL
posts.id IN (
SELECT post_id FROM post_search_data pd1
WHERE pd1.search_data @@ #{Search.ts_query(term: "##{match}")})

View File

@ -1085,19 +1085,39 @@ describe Search do
context 'tags' do
let(:tag1) { Fabricate(:tag, name: 'lunch') }
let(:tag2) { Fabricate(:tag, name: 'eggs') }
let(:tag3) { Fabricate(:tag, name: 'sandwiches') }
let(:topic1) { Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag2, Fabricate(:tag)]) }
let(:topic2) { Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag2]) }
let(:topic3) { Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag1, tag2]) }
let(:topic4) { Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag1, tag2, tag3]) }
let(:topic5) { Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag2, tag3]) }
let!(:post1) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic1) }
let!(:post2) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic2) }
let!(:post3) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic3) }
let!(:post4) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic4) }
let!(:post5) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic5) }
fab!(:tag1) { Fabricate(:tag, name: 'lunch') }
fab!(:tag2) { Fabricate(:tag, name: 'eggs') }
fab!(:tag3) { Fabricate(:tag, name: 'sandwiches') }
fab!(:tag_group) do
group = TagGroup.create!(name: 'mid day')
TagGroupMembership.create!(tag_id: tag1.id, tag_group_id: group.id)
TagGroupMembership.create!(tag_id: tag3.id, tag_group_id: group.id)
fab!(:topic1) { Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag2, Fabricate(:tag)]) }
fab!(:topic2) { Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag2]) }
fab!(:topic3) { Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag1, tag2]) }
fab!(:topic4) { Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag1, tag2, tag3]) }
fab!(:topic5) { Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag2, tag3]) }
def indexed_post(*args)
Fabricate(:post, *args)
fab!(:post1) { indexed_post(topic: topic1) }
fab!(:post2) { indexed_post(topic: topic2) }
fab!(:post3) { indexed_post(topic: topic3) }
fab!(:post4) { indexed_post(topic: topic4) }
fab!(:post5) { indexed_post(topic: topic5) }
it 'can find posts by tag group' do
expect(Search.execute('#mid-day').posts.map(&:id)).to (
contain_exactly(post3.id, post4.id, post5.id)
it 'can find posts with tag' do
post4 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic3, raw: "It probably doesn't help that they're green...")
@ -1115,8 +1135,6 @@ describe Search do
it 'can find posts with any tag from multiple tags' do
expect(Search.execute('tags:eggs,lunch').posts.map(&:id).sort).to eq([post1.id, post2.id, post3.id, post4.id, post5.id].sort)