diff --git a/script/import_scripts/friendsmegplus.rb b/script/import_scripts/friendsmegplus.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2704774ab7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/import_scripts/friendsmegplus.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,684 @@
+require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/base.rb")
+require 'csv'
+# Importer for Friends+Me Google+ Exporter (F+MG+E) output.
+# Takes the full path (absolute or relative) to
+# * each of the F+MG+E JSON export files you want to import
+# * the F+MG+E google-plus-image-list.csv file,
+# * a categories.json file you write to describe how the Google+
+# categories map to Discourse categories, subcategories, and tags.
+# You can provide all the F+MG+E JSON export files in a single import
+# run. This will be the fastest way to do the entire import if you
+# have enough memory and disk space. It will work just as well to
+# import each F+MG+E JSON export file separately. This might be
+# valuable if you have memory or space limitations, as the memory to
+# hold all the data from the F+MG+E JSON export files is one of the
+# key resources used by this script.
+# Create an initial empty ("{}") categories.json file, and the import
+# script will write a .new file for you to fill in the details.
+# You will probably want to use jq to reformat the .new file before
+# trying to edit it. `jq . categories.json.new > categories.json`
+# Provide a filename that ends with "upload-paths.txt" and the names
+# of each of the files uploaded will be written to the file with that
+# name
+# Edit values at the top of the script to fit your preferences
+class ImportScripts::FMGP < ImportScripts::Base
+ def initialize
+ super
+ # Set this to the base URL for the site; required for importing videos
+ # typically just 'https:' in production
+ @site_base_url = 'http://localhost:3000'
+ @system_user = Discourse.system_user
+ SiteSetting.max_image_size_kb = 40960
+ SiteSetting.max_attachment_size_kb = 40960
+ # handle the same video extension as the rest of Discourse
+ SiteSetting.authorized_extensions = (SiteSetting.authorized_extensions.split("|") + ['mp4', 'mov', 'webm', 'ogv']).uniq.join("|")
+ @invalid_bounce_score = 5.0
+ @min_title_words = 3
+ @max_title_words = 14
+ @min_title_characters = 12
+ @min_post_raw_characters = 12
+ # Set to true to create categories in categories.json. Does
+ # not honor parent relationships; expects categories to be
+ # rearranged after import.
+ @create_categories = false
+ # JSON files produced by F+MG+E as an export of a community
+ @feeds = []
+ # CSV is map to downloaded images and/or videos (exported separately)
+ @images = {}
+ # map from Google ID to local system users where necessary
+ # {
+ # "128465039243871098234": "handle"
+ # }
+ # GoogleID 128465039243871098234 will show up as @handle
+ @usermap = {}
+ # G+ user IDs to filter out (spam, abuse) — no topics or posts, silence and suspend when creating
+ # loaded from blacklist.json as array of google ids `[ 92310293874, 12378491235293 ]`
+ @blacklist = Set[]
+ # G+ user IDs whose posts are useful; if this is set, include only
+ # posts (and non-blacklisted comments) authored by these IDs
+ @whitelist = nil
+ # Tags to apply to every topic; empty Array to not have any tags applied everywhere
+ @globaltags = [ "gplus" ]
+ @imagefiles = nil
+ # categories.json file is map:
+ # "google-category-uuid": {
+ # "name": 'google+ category name',
+ # "category": 'category name',
+ # "parent": 'parent name', # optional
+ # "create": true, # optional
+ # "tags": ['list', 'of', 'tags'] optional
+ # }
+ # Start with '{}', let the script generate categories.json.new once, then edit and re-run
+ @categories = {}
+ # keep track of the filename in case we need to write a .new file
+ @categories_filename = nil
+ # dry run parses but doesn't create
+ @dryrun = false
+ # @last_date cuts off at a certain date, for late-spammed abandoned communities
+ @last_date = nil
+ # @first_date starts at a certain date, for early-spammed rescued communities
+ @first_date = nil
+ # every argument is a filename, do the right thing based on the file name
+ ARGV.each do |arg|
+ if arg.end_with?('.csv')
+ # CSV files produced by F+MG+E have "URL";"IsDownloaded";"FileName";"FilePath";"FileSize"
+ CSV.foreach(arg, headers: true, col_sep: ';') do |row|
+ @images[row[0]] = {
+ filename: row[2],
+ filepath: row[3],
+ filesize: row[4]
+ }
+ end
+ elsif arg.end_with?("upload-paths.txt")
+ @imagefiles = File.open(arg, "w")
+ elsif arg.end_with?('categories.json')
+ @categories_filename = arg
+ @categories = load_fmgp_json(arg)
+ elsif arg.end_with?("usermap.json")
+ @usermap = load_fmgp_json(arg)
+ elsif arg.end_with?('blacklist.json')
+ @blacklist = load_fmgp_json(arg).map { |i| i.to_s }.to_set
+ elsif arg.end_with?('whitelist.json')
+ @whitelist = load_fmgp_json(arg).map { |i| i.to_s }.to_set
+ elsif arg.end_with?('.json')
+ @feeds << load_fmgp_json(arg)
+ elsif arg == '--dry-run'
+ @dryrun = true
+ elsif arg.start_with?("--last-date=")
+ @last_date = Time.zone.parse(arg.gsub(/.*=/, ''))
+ elsif arg.start_with?("--first-date=")
+ @first_date = Time.zone.parse(arg.gsub(/.*=/, ''))
+ else
+ raise RuntimeError.new("unknown argument #{arg}")
+ end
+ end
+ raise RuntimeError.new("Must provide a categories.json file") if @categories_filename.nil?
+ # store the actual category objects looked up in the database
+ @cats = {}
+ # remember google auth DB lookup results
+ @emails = {}
+ @newusers = {}
+ @users = {}
+ # remember uploaded images
+ @uploaded = {}
+ # counters for post progress
+ @topics_imported = 0
+ @posts_imported = 0
+ @topics_skipped = 0
+ @posts_skipped = 0
+ @topics_blacklisted = 0
+ @posts_blacklisted = 0
+ # count uploaded file size
+ @totalsize = 0
+ end
+ def execute
+ puts "", "Importing from Friends+Me Google+ Exporter..."
+ read_categories
+ check_categories
+ map_categories
+ import_users
+ import_posts
+ # No need to set trust level 0 for any imported users unless F+MG+E gets the
+ # ability to add +1 data, in which case users who have only done a +1 and
+ # neither posted nor commented should be TL0, in which case this should be
+ # called after all other processing done
+ # update_tl0
+ @imagefiles.close() if !@imagefiles.nil?
+ puts "", "Uploaded #{@totalsize} bytes of image files"
+ puts "", "Done"
+ end
+ def load_fmgp_json(filename)
+ raise RuntimeError.new("File #{filename} not found") if !File.exists?(filename)
+ JSON.parse(File.read(filename))
+ end
+ def read_categories
+ @feeds.each do |feed|
+ feed["accounts"].each do |account|
+ account["communities"].each do |community|
+ community["categories"].each do |category|
+ if !@categories[category["id"]].present?
+ # Create empty entries to write and fill in manually
+ @categories[category["id"]] = {
+ "name" => category["name"],
+ "community" => community["name"],
+ "category" => "",
+ "parent" => nil,
+ "tags" => [],
+ }
+ elsif !@categories[category["id"]]["community"].present?
+ @categories[category["id"]]["community"] = community["name"]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def check_categories
+ # raise a useful exception if necessary data not found in categories.json
+ incomplete_categories = []
+ @categories.each do |id, c|
+ if !c["category"].present?
+ # written in JSON without a "category" key at all
+ c["category"] = ""
+ end
+ if c["category"].empty?
+ # found in read_categories or not yet filled out in categories.json
+ incomplete_categories << c["name"]
+ end
+ end
+ if !incomplete_categories.empty?
+ categories_new = "#{@categories_filename}.new"
+ File.open(categories_new, "w") do |f|
+ f.write(@categories.to_json)
+ raise RuntimeError.new("Category file missing categories for #{incomplete_categories}, edit #{categories_new} and rename it to #{@category_filename} before running the same import")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def map_categories
+ puts "", "Mapping categories from Google+ to Discourse..."
+ @categories.each do |id, cat|
+ if cat["parent"].present? && !cat["parent"].empty?
+ # Two separate sub-categories can have the same name, so need to identify by parent
+ Category.where(name: cat["category"]).each do |category|
+ parent = Category.where(id: category.parent_category_id).first
+ @cats[id] = category if parent.name == cat["parent"]
+ end
+ else
+ if category = Category.where(name: cat["category"]).first
+ @cats[id] = category
+ elsif @create_categories
+ params = {}
+ params[:name] = cat['category']
+ params[:id] = id
+ puts "Creating #{cat['category']}"
+ category = create_category(params, id)
+ @cats[id] = category
+ end
+ end
+ raise RuntimeError.new("Could not find category #{cat["category"]} for #{cat}") if @cats[id].nil?
+ end
+ end
+ def import_users
+ puts '', "Importing Google+ post and comment author users..."
+ # collect authors of both posts and comments
+ @feeds.each do |feed|
+ feed["accounts"].each do |account|
+ account["communities"].each do |community|
+ community["categories"].each do |category|
+ category["posts"].each do |post|
+ import_author_user(post["author"])
+ if post["message"].present?
+ import_message_users(post["message"])
+ end
+ post["comments"].each do |comment|
+ import_author_user(comment["author"])
+ if comment["message"].present?
+ import_message_users(comment["message"])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return if @dryrun
+ # now create them all
+ create_users(@newusers) do |id, u|
+ {
+ id: id,
+ email: u[:email],
+ name: u[:name],
+ post_create_action: u[:post_create_action]
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ def import_author_user(author)
+ id = author["id"]
+ name = author["name"]
+ import_google_user(id, name)
+ end
+ def import_message_users(message)
+ message.each do |fragment|
+ if fragment[0] == 3 && !fragment[2].nil?
+ # deleted G+ users show up with a null ID
+ import_google_user(fragment[2], fragment[1])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def import_google_user(id, name)
+ if !@emails[id].present?
+ google_user_info = UserAssociatedAccount.find_by(provider_name: 'google_oauth2', provider_uid: id.to_i)
+ if google_user_info.nil?
+ # create new google user on system; expect this user to merge
+ # when they later log in with google authentication
+ # Note that because email address is not included in G+ data, we
+ # don't know if they already have another account not yet associated
+ # with google ooauth2. If they didn't log in, they'll have an
+ # @gplus.invalid address associated with their account
+ email = "#{id}@gplus.invalid"
+ @newusers[id] = {
+ email: email,
+ name: name,
+ post_create_action: proc do |newuser|
+ newuser.approved = true
+ newuser.approved_by_id = @system_user.id
+ newuser.approved_at = newuser.created_at
+ if @blacklist.include?(id.to_s)
+ now = DateTime.now
+ forever = 1000.years.from_now
+ # you can suspend as well if you want your blacklist to
+ # be hard to recover from
+ #newuser.suspended_at = now
+ #newuser.suspended_till = forever
+ newuser.silenced_till = forever
+ end
+ newuser.save
+ @users[id] = newuser
+ UserAssociatedAccount.create(provider_name: 'google_oauth2', user_id: newuser.id, provider_uid: id)
+ # Do not send email to the invalid email addresses
+ # this can be removed after merging with #7162
+ s = UserStat.where(user_id: newuser.id).first
+ s.bounce_score = @invalid_bounce_score
+ s.reset_bounce_score_after = 1000.years.from_now
+ s.save
+ end
+ }
+ else
+ # user already on system
+ u = User.find(google_user_info.user_id)
+ if u.silenced? || u.suspended?
+ @blacklist.add(id)
+ end
+ @users[id] = u
+ email = u.email
+ end
+ @emails[id] = email
+ end
+ end
+ def import_posts
+ # "post" is confusing:
+ # - A google+ post is a discourse topic
+ # - A google+ comment is a discourse post
+ puts '', "Importing Google+ posts and comments..."
+ @feeds.each do |feed|
+ feed["accounts"].each do |account|
+ account["communities"].each do |community|
+ community["categories"].each do |category|
+ category["posts"].each do |post|
+ # G+ post / Discourse topic
+ import_topic(post, category)
+ print("\r#{@topics_imported}/#{@posts_imported} topics/posts (skipped: #{@topics_skipped}/#{@posts_skipped} blacklisted: #{@topics_blacklisted}/#{@posts_blacklisted}) ")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ puts ''
+ end
+ def import_topic(post, category)
+ # no parent for discourse topics / G+ posts
+ if topic_id = post_id_from_imported_post_id(post["id"])
+ # already imported topic; might need to attach more comments/posts
+ p = Post.find_by(id: topic_id)
+ @topics_skipped += 1
+ else
+ # new post
+ if !@whitelist.nil? && !@whitelist.include?(post["author"]["id"])
+ # only ignore non-whitelisted if whitelist defined
+ return
+ end
+ postmap = make_postmap(post, category, nil)
+ if postmap.nil?
+ @topics_blacklisted += 1
+ return
+ end
+ p = create_post(postmap, postmap[:id]) if !@dryrun
+ @topics_imported += 1
+ end
+ # iterate over comments in post
+ post["comments"].each do |comment|
+ # category is nil for comments
+ if post_id_from_imported_post_id(comment["id"])
+ @posts_skipped += 1
+ else
+ commentmap = make_postmap(comment, nil, p)
+ if commentmap.nil?
+ @posts_blacklisted += 1
+ else
+ @posts_imported += 1
+ new_comment = create_post(commentmap, commentmap[:id]) if !@dryrun
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def make_postmap(post, category, parent)
+ post_author_id = post["author"]["id"]
+ return nil if @blacklist.include?(post_author_id.to_s)
+ raw = formatted_message(post)
+ # if no message, image, or images, it's just empty
+ return nil if raw.length < @min_post_raw_characters
+ created_at = Time.zone.parse(post["createdAt"])
+ return nil if !@last_date.nil? && created_at > @last_date
+ return nil if !@frst_date.nil? && created_at < @first_date
+ user_id = user_id_from_imported_user_id(post_author_id)
+ if user_id.nil?
+ user_id = @users[post["author"]["id"]].id
+ end
+ mapped = {
+ id: post["id"],
+ user_id: user_id,
+ created_at: created_at,
+ raw: raw,
+ cook_method: Post.cook_methods[:regular],
+ }
+ # nil category for comments, set for posts, so post-only things here
+ if !category.nil?
+ cat_id = category["id"]
+ mapped[:title] = parse_title(post, created_at)
+ mapped[:category] = @cats[cat_id].id
+ mapped[:tags] = Array.new(@globaltags)
+ if @categories[cat_id]["tags"].present?
+ mapped[:tags].append(@categories[cat_id]["tags"]).flatten!
+ end
+ else
+ mapped[:topic_id] = parent.topic_id if !@dryrun
+ end
+ # FIXME: import G+ "+1" as "like" if F+MG+E feature request implemented
+ return mapped
+ end
+ def parse_title(post, created_at)
+ # G+ has no titles, so we have to make something up
+ if post["message"].present?
+ title_text(post, created_at)
+ else
+ # probably just posted an image and/or album
+ untitled(post["author"]["name"], created_at)
+ end
+ end
+ def title_text(post, created_at)
+ words = message_text(post["message"])
+ if words.empty? || words.join("").length < @min_title_characters || words.length < @min_title_words
+ # database has minimum length
+ # short posts appear not to work well as titles most of the time (in practice)
+ return untitled(post["author"]["name"], created_at)
+ end
+ words = words[0..(@max_title_words - 1)]
+ lastword = nil
+ (@min_title_words..(words.length - 1)).each do |i|
+ # prefer full stop
+ if words[i].end_with?(".")
+ lastword = i
+ end
+ end
+ if lastword.nil?
+ # fall back on other punctuation
+ (@min_title_words..(words.length - 1)).each do |i|
+ if words[i].end_with?(',', ';', ':', '?')
+ lastword = i
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if !lastword.nil?
+ # found a logical terminating word
+ words = words[0..lastword]
+ end
+ # database has max title length, which is longer than a good display shows anyway
+ title = words.join(" ").scan(/.{1,254}/)[0]
+ end
+ def untitled(name, created_at)
+ "Google+ post by #{name} on #{created_at}"
+ end
+ def message_text(message)
+ # only words, no markup
+ words = []
+ text_types = [0, 3]
+ message.each do |fragment|
+ if text_types.include?(fragment[0])
+ fragment[1].split().each do |word|
+ words << word
+ end
+ elsif fragment[0] == 2
+ # use the display text of a link
+ words << fragment[1]
+ end
+ end
+ return words
+ end
+ def formatted_message(post)
+ lines = []
+ urls_seen = Set[]
+ if post["message"].present?
+ post["message"].each do |fragment|
+ lines << formatted_message_fragment(fragment, post, urls_seen)
+ end
+ end
+ # yes, both "image" and "images"; "video" and "videos" :(
+ if post["video"].present?
+ lines << "\n#{formatted_link(post["video"]["proxy"])}\n"
+ elsif post["image"].present?
+ # if both image and video, image is a cover image for the video
+ lines << "\n#{formatted_link(post["image"]["proxy"])}\n"
+ end
+ if post["images"].present?
+ post["images"].each do |image|
+ lines << "\n#{formatted_link(image["proxy"])}\n"
+ end
+ end
+ if post["videos"].present?
+ post["videos"].each do |video|
+ lines << "\n#{formatted_link(video["proxy"])}\n"
+ end
+ end
+ if post["link"].present? && post["link"]["url"].present?
+ url = post["link"]["url"]
+ if !urls_seen.include?(url)
+ # add the URL only if it wasn't already referenced, because
+ # they are often redundant
+ lines << "\n#{post["link"]["url"]}\n"
+ urls_seen.add(url)
+ end
+ end
+ lines.join("")
+ end
+ def formatted_message_fragment(fragment, post, urls_seen)
+ # markdown does not nest reliably the same as either G+'s markup or what users intended in G+, so generate HTML codes
+ # this method uses return to make sure it doesn't fall through accidentally
+ if fragment[0] == 0
+ # Random zero-width join characters break the output; in particular, they are
+ # common after plus-references and break @name recognition. Just get rid of them.
+ # Also deal with 0x80 (really‽) and non-breaking spaces
+ text = fragment[1].gsub(/(\u200d|\u0080)/, "").gsub(/\u00a0/, " ")
+ if fragment[2].nil?
+ return text
+ else
+ if fragment[2]["italic"].present?
+ text = "#{text}"
+ end
+ if fragment[2]["bold"].present?
+ text = "#{text}"
+ end
+ if fragment[2]["strikethrough"].present?
+ # s more likely than del to represent user intent?
+ text = "#{text}"
+ end
+ return text
+ end
+ elsif fragment[0] == 1
+ return "\n"
+ elsif fragment[0] == 2
+ urls_seen.add(fragment[2])
+ return formatted_link_text(fragment[2], fragment[1])
+ elsif fragment[0] == 3
+ # reference to a user
+ if @usermap.include?(fragment[2].to_s)
+ return "@#{@usermap[fragment[2].to_s]}"
+ end
+ if fragment[2].nil?
+ # deleted G+ users show up with a null ID
+ return "+#{fragment[1]}"
+ end
+ # G+ occasionally doesn't put proper spaces after users
+ if user = find_user_by_import_id(fragment[2])
+ # user was in this import's authors
+ return "@#{user.username} "
+ else
+ if google_user_info = UserAssociatedAccount.find_by(provider_name: 'google_oauth2', provider_uid: fragment[2])
+ # user was not in this import, but has logged in or been imported otherwise
+ user = User.find(google_user_info.user_id)
+ return "@#{user.username} "
+ else
+ raise RuntimeError.new("Google user #{fragment[1]} (id #{fragment[2]}) not imported") if !@dryrun
+ # if you want to fall back to their G+ name, just erase the raise above,
+ # but this should not happen
+ return "+#{fragment[1]}"
+ end
+ end
+ elsif fragment[0] == 4
+ # hashtag, the octothorpe is included
+ return fragment[1]
+ else
+ raise RuntimeError.new("message code #{fragment[0]} not recognized!")
+ end
+ end
+ def formatted_link(url)
+ formatted_link_text(url, url)
+ end
+ def embedded_image_md(upload)
+ # remove unnecessary size logic relative to embedded_image_html
+ upload_name = upload.short_url || upload.url
+ if upload_name =~ /\.(mov|mp4|webm|ogv)$/i
+ @site_base_url + upload.url
+ else
+ ""
+ end
+ end
+ def formatted_link_text(url, text)
+ # two ways to present images attached to posts; you may want to edit this for preference
+ # - display: embedded_image_html(upload)
+ # - download links: attachment_html(upload, text)
+ # you might even want to make it depend on the file name.
+ if @images[text].present?
+ # F+MG+E provides the URL it downloaded in the text slot
+ # we won't use the plus url at all since it will disappear anyway
+ url = text
+ end
+ if @uploaded[url].present?
+ upload = @uploaded[url]
+ return "\n#{embedded_image_md(upload)}"
+ elsif @images[url].present?
+ missing = "missing/deleted image from Google+"
+ return missing if !Pathname.new(@images[url][:filepath]).exist?
+ @imagefiles.write("#{@images[url][:filepath]}\n") if !@imagefiles.nil?
+ upload = create_upload(@system_user.id, @images[url][:filepath], @images[url][:filename])
+ if upload.nil? || upload.id.nil?
+ # upload can be nil if the image conversion fails
+ # upload.id can be nil for at least videos, and possibly deleted images
+ return missing
+ end
+ upload.save
+ @totalsize += @images[url][:filesize].to_i
+ @uploaded[url] = upload
+ return "\n#{embedded_image_md(upload)}"
+ end
+ if text == url
+ # leave the URL bare and Discourse will do the right thing
+ return url
+ else
+ # It turns out that the only place we get here, google has done its own text
+ # interpolation that doesn't look good on Discourse, so while it looks like
+ # this should be:
+ # return "[#{text}](#{url})"
+ # it actually looks better to throw away the google-provided text:
+ return url
+ end
+ end
+if __FILE__ == $0
+ ImportScripts::FMGP.new.perform