FIX: Incorrect post number following a link. Updated ember-cloaking.

This commit is contained in:
Robin Ward 2014-02-13 14:05:12 -05:00
parent 8711762143
commit a555dc9f5e
2 changed files with 79 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -67,7 +67,14 @@
{{#unless postStream.loadingFilter}}
{{cloaked-collection cloakView="post" idProperty="post_number" defaultHeight="200" content=postStream.posts slackRatio=slackRatio loadingHTML=controller.loadingHTML}}
{{cloaked-collection cloakView="post"
{{#if postStream.loadingBelow}}

View File

@ -10,10 +10,11 @@
Ember.CloakedCollectionView = Ember.CollectionView.extend({
topVisible: null,
bottomVisible: null,
offsetFixedElement: null,
init: function() {
var cloakView = this.get('cloakView'),
idProperty = this.get('idProperty') || 'id';
idProperty = this.get('idProperty');
// Set the slack ratio differently to allow for more or less slack in preloading
var slackRatio = parseFloat(this.get('slackRatio'));
@ -22,18 +23,24 @@
this.set('itemViewClass', Ember.CloakedView.extend({
classNames: [cloakView + '-cloak'],
cloaks: cloakView,
preservesContext: this.get('preservesContext') === "true",
cloaksController: this.get('itemController'),
defaultHeight: this.get('defaultHeight') || 100,
init: function() {
if (idProperty) {
this.set('elementId', cloakView + '-cloak-' + this.get('content.' + idProperty));
this._super();, 'scrolled');
If the topmost visible view changed, we will notify the controller if it has an appropriate hook.
@ -70,8 +77,10 @@
if (max < min) { return min; }
var mid = Math.floor((min + max) / 2),
// in case of not full-window scrolling
scrollOffset = this.get('wrapperTop') >> 0,
$view = childViews[mid].$(),
viewBottom = $view.offset().top + $view.height();
viewBottom = $view.position().top + scrollOffset + $view.height();
if (viewBottom > viewportTop) {
return this.findTopView(childViews, viewportTop, min, mid-1);
@ -90,26 +99,33 @@
if ((!childViews) || (childViews.length === 0)) { return; }
var toUncloak = [],
onscreen = [],
// calculating viewport edges
$w = $(window),
windowHeight = window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : $w.height(),
windowTop = $w.scrollTop(),
windowHeight = this.get('wrapperHeight') || ( window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : $w.height() ),
windowTop = this.get('wrapperTop') || $w.scrollTop(),
slack = Math.round(windowHeight * this.get('slackRatio')),
viewportTop = windowTop - slack,
windowBottom = windowTop + windowHeight,
viewportBottom = windowBottom + slack,
topView = this.findTopView(childViews, viewportTop, 0, childViews.length-1),
bodyHeight = $('body').height(),
bodyHeight = this.get('wrapperHeight') ? this.$().height() : $('body').height(),
bottomView = topView,
onscreen = [];
offsetFixedElement = this.get('offsetFixedElement');
if (windowBottom > bodyHeight) { windowBottom = bodyHeight; }
if (viewportBottom > bodyHeight) { viewportBottom = bodyHeight; }
if (offsetFixedElement) {
windowTop += (offsetFixedElement.outerHeight(true) || 0);
// Find the bottom view and what's onscreen
while (bottomView < childViews.length) {
var view = childViews[bottomView],
$view = view.$(),
viewTop = $view.offset().top,
// in case of not full-window scrolling
scrollOffset = this.get('wrapperTop') >> 0,
viewTop = $view.position().top + scrollOffset,
viewBottom = viewTop + $view.height();
if (viewTop > viewportBottom) { break; }
@ -158,20 +174,27 @@'afterRender', this, 'scrolled');
didInsertElement: function() {
_startEvents: function() {
var self = this,
offsetFixed = this.get('offsetFixed'),
onScrollMethod = function() {, 'scrollTriggered', 10);
if (offsetFixed) {
this.set('offsetFixedElement', $(offsetFixed));
$(document).bind('touchmove.ember-cloak', onScrollMethod);
$(window).bind('scroll.ember-cloak', onScrollMethod);
this.addObserver('wrapperTop', self, onScrollMethod);
this.addObserver('wrapperHeight', self, onScrollMethod);
willDestroyElement: function() {
_endEvents: function() {
@ -198,11 +221,46 @@
uncloak: function() {
var containedView = this.get('containedView');
if (!containedView) {
var model = this.get('content'),
controller = null,
container = this.get('container');
// Wire up the itemController if necessary
var controllerName = this.get('cloaksController');
if (controllerName) {
var controllerFullName = 'controller:' + controllerName,
factory = container.lookupFactory(controllerFullName),
parentController = this.get('controller');
// let ember generate controller if needed
if (factory === undefined) {
factory = Ember.generateControllerFactory(container, controllerName, model);
// inform developer about typo
Ember.Logger.warn('ember-cloacking: can\'t lookup controller by name "' + controllerFullName + '".');
Ember.Logger.warn('ember-cloacking: using ' + factory.toString() + '.');
controller = factory.create({
model: model,
parentController: parentController,
target: parentController
var createArgs = {},
target = controller || model;
if (this.get('preservesContext')) {
createArgs.content = target;
} else {
createArgs.context = target;
if (controller) { createArgs.controller = controller; }
style: null,
loading: false,
containedView: this.createChildView(this.get('cloaks'), {content: this.get('content') })
containedView: this.createChildView(this.get('cloaks'), createArgs)