mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 23:32:44 +08:00
Update translations (#16566)
This commit is contained in:
@ -734,11 +734,17 @@ ar:
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "الاثنين القادم"
two_weeks: "أسبوعان"
next_month: "الشهر القادم"
two_months: "شهران"
three_months: "ثلاثة أشهر"
four_months: "أربعة أشهر"
six_months: "ستة أشهر"
custom: "تاريخ ووقت مخصَّصان"
one_year: "عام واحد"
forever: "للأبد"
relative: "وقت نسبي"
none: "لا حاجة إليه"
last_custom: "آخر تاريخ ووقت مخصَّصين"
custom: "تاريخ ووقت مخصَّصان"
select_timeframe: "تحديد إطار زمني"
user_posted_topic: "نشر <a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> <a href='%{topicUrl}'>الموضوع</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>أنت</a> نشرت <a href='%{topicUrl}'>الموضوع</a>"
@ -1693,8 +1699,6 @@ ar:
title: "رابط الدعوة"
success: "تم إنشاء رابط الدعوة بنجاح!"
error: "حدث خطأ في أثناء إنشاء رابط الدعوة"
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "كم شخصًا يمكنه التسجيل باستخدام هذا الرابط؟"
expires_at: "متى تنتهي صلاحية رابط الدعوة هذا؟"
new_title: "إنشاء دعوة"
edit_title: "تعديل الدعوة"
@ -2831,24 +2835,6 @@ ar:
min_duration: "يجب أن تكون المدة أكبر من 0"
max_duration: "يجب أن تكون المدة أقل من 20 عامًا"
duration: "المدة"
none: "تحديد إطار زمني"
now: "الآن"
later_today: "لاحقًا اليوم"
tomorrow: "غدًا"
later_this_week: "لاحقًا هذا الأسبوع"
this_weekend: "عطلة هذا الأسبوع"
next_week: "الأسبوع القادم"
two_weeks: "أسبوعان"
next_month: "الشهر القادم"
two_months: "شهران"
three_months: "ثلاثة أشهر"
four_months: "أربعة أشهر"
six_months: "ستة أشهر"
one_year: "عام واحد"
forever: "للأبد"
pick_date_and_time: "اختيار التاريخ والوقت"
set_based_on_last_post: "الإغلاق حسب آخر منشور"
title: "جدولة النشر"
@ -2972,8 +2958,6 @@ ar:
unpin: "إلغاء تثبيت الموضوع"
unarchive: "إلغاء أرشفة الموضوع"
archive: "أرشفة الموضوع"
invisible: "إلغاء الإدراج"
visible: "إدراج"
reset_read: "إعادة ضبط بيانات القراءة"
make_public: "التحويل إلى موضوع عام..."
make_private: "التحويل إلى رسالة خاصة"
@ -973,8 +973,6 @@ be:
remove: "Адключыць"
when: "калі:"
tomorrow: "заўтра"
title: "Аўтаматычнае закрыццё тэмы"
error: "Калі ласка, увядзіце карэктнае значэнне."
@ -1020,7 +1018,6 @@ be:
unpin: "Адмацаваць тэму ..."
unarchive: "Разархіваваць тэму"
archive: "Заархіваваць тэму"
invisible: "Выдаліць са спісу"
reset_read: "Скінуць дадзеныя аб прочитанисть"
make_private: "Стварыць асабістае паведамленне"
reset_bump_date: "Скінуць Dump дату"
@ -542,11 +542,17 @@ bg:
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "Следващия понеделник"
two_weeks: "Две седмици"
next_month: "Следващия месец"
two_months: "Два месеца"
three_months: "Три месеца"
four_months: "Четири месеца"
six_months: "Шест месеца"
custom: "Друга дата и час"
one_year: "Една година"
forever: "Завинаги"
relative: "Относително време"
none: "Няма нужда"
last_custom: "Последна персонализирана дата и час"
custom: "Друга дата и час"
select_timeframe: "Избери времева рамка"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> публикува <a href='%{topicUrl}'>тази тема</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>Вие</a> публикувахте <a href='%{topicUrl}'>тази тема</a>"
@ -2189,24 +2195,6 @@ bg:
min_duration: "Продължителността трябва да е по-голяма от 0"
max_duration: "Продължителността трябва да бъде по-малка от 20 години"
duration: "Продължителност"
none: "Избери времева рамка"
now: "Сега"
later_today: "По-късно днес"
tomorrow: "Утре"
later_this_week: "По-късно тази седмица"
this_weekend: "Този уикенд"
next_week: "Следваща седмица"
two_weeks: "Две седмици"
next_month: "Следващия месец"
two_months: "Два месеца"
three_months: "Три месеца"
four_months: "Четири месеца"
six_months: "Шест месеца"
one_year: "Една година"
forever: "Завинаги"
pick_date_and_time: "Изберете дата и час"
set_based_on_last_post: "Затваряне въз основа на последната публикация"
title: "График за публикуване"
@ -2291,8 +2279,6 @@ bg:
unpin: "Откови темата..."
unarchive: "Разархивирай темата"
archive: "Архивирай темата"
invisible: "Премахни от списъците"
visible: "Включи в списъците"
reset_read: "Изчисти прочетените данни "
pin: "Закови темата"
@ -544,7 +544,9 @@ bs_BA:
start_of_next_business_week: "Ponedjeljak"
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "Sljedeći ponedjeljak"
next_month: "Sljedeći mjesec"
forever: "Zauvijek"
custom: "Precizirano vrijeme i datum"
select_timeframe: "Označi vremenski period"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> je objavio/la <a href='%{topicUrl}'>temu</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>Vi</a> ste objavili <a href='%{topicUrl}'>temu</a>"
@ -1317,8 +1319,6 @@ bs_BA:
title: "Link pozivnice"
success: "Link pozivnice je uspješno generisan!"
error: "Došlo je do pogreške prilikom generiranja linka za pozivnicu"
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "Koliko se ljudi smije registrirati putem ovog linka?"
expires_at: "Kada će ovaj link za pozivnicu isteći?"
text: "Skupna pozivnica"
error: "Oprostite, vaš fajl bi trebao biti u CSV formatu."
@ -2054,17 +2054,6 @@ bs_BA:
when: "Kada:"
time_frame_required: "Odaberite vremenski okvir"
duration: "Trajanje"
none: "Označi vremenski period"
later_today: "Na kraju dana"
tomorrow: "Sutra"
later_this_week: "Kasnije ove sedmice"
this_weekend: "Ovog vikenda"
next_week: "Sljedeće sedmice"
next_month: "Sljedeći mjesec"
forever: "Zauvijek"
pick_date_and_time: "Odaberi datum i vrijeme"
set_based_on_last_post: "Zatvori koristeći za bazu zadnju objavu"
title: "Vremenski organizuj objavljivanje"
@ -2159,8 +2148,6 @@ bs_BA:
unpin: "Otkvači temu"
unarchive: "Vrati temu iz arhiva"
archive: "Arhiviraj temu"
invisible: "Ukloni temu s popisa"
visible: "Make Listed"
reset_read: "Reset Read Data"
make_private: "Pretvori u privatnu poruku"
reset_bump_date: "Resetuj datum bumpa"
@ -538,9 +538,11 @@ ca:
two_weeks: "Dues setmanes"
next_month: "El mes que ve"
six_months: "Sis mesos"
custom: "Data i hora personalitzades"
forever: "Sempre"
relative: "Temps relatiu"
none: "No cal cap"
custom: "Data i hora personalitzades"
select_timeframe: "Seleccioneu un període de temps"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> ha publicat <a href='%{topicUrl}'>el tema</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>Vós</a> heu publicat <a href='%{topicUrl}'>el tema</a>"
@ -1963,17 +1965,6 @@ ca:
when: "Quan:"
time_frame_required: "Seleccioneu un període de temps"
duration: "Duració"
none: "Seleccioneu un període de temps"
later_today: "Més tard avui"
tomorrow: "Demà"
later_this_week: "Més avant aquesta setmana"
this_weekend: "Aquest cap de setmana"
next_week: "La setmana que ve"
next_month: "El mes que ve"
forever: "Sempre"
pick_date_and_time: "Trieu data i hora"
set_based_on_last_post: "Tanca d'acord amb la darrera publicació"
title: "Programa la publicació"
@ -2067,8 +2058,6 @@ ca:
unpin: "Desafixa el tema"
unarchive: "Desarxiva tema"
archive: "Arxiva tema"
invisible: "Fes invisible"
visible: "Fes visible"
reset_read: "Restableix data de lectura"
make_private: "Converteix en missatge personal"
reset_bump_date: "Restableix la data d'elevació"
@ -511,7 +511,9 @@ cs:
start_of_next_business_week: "Pondělí"
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "Příští pondělí"
next_month: "Další měsíc"
forever: "Navždy"
custom: "Vlastní datum a čas"
select_timeframe: "Vyberte časové období"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> zaslal <a href='%{topicUrl}'>téma</a>"
you_posted_topic: "Zaslal jste <a href='%{topicUrl}'>téma</a>"
@ -1901,17 +1903,6 @@ cs:
when: "Když:"
time_frame_required: "Vyberte prosím časové období"
duration: "Doba trvání"
none: "Vyberte časové období"
later_today: "Později během dnešního dne"
tomorrow: "Zítra"
later_this_week: "Později během tohoto týdne"
this_weekend: "Tento týden"
next_week: "Další týden"
next_month: "Další měsíc"
forever: "Navždy"
pick_date_and_time: "Vyberte datum a čas"
set_based_on_last_post: "Zavřít na základě posledního příspěvku"
title: "Naplánovat publikování"
@ -2004,8 +1995,6 @@ cs:
unpin: "Odstranit připevnění"
unarchive: "Navrátit z archivu"
archive: "Archivovat téma"
invisible: "Zneviditelnit"
visible: "Zviditelnit"
reset_read: "Vynulovat počet čtení"
make_private: "Vytvořit soukromou zprávu "
reset_bump_date: "Resetovat datum zvýraznění"
@ -566,11 +566,17 @@ da:
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "Næste mandag"
two_weeks: "To uger"
next_month: "Næste måned"
two_months: "To måneder"
three_months: "Tre måneder"
four_months: "Fire måneder"
six_months: "Seks måneder"
custom: "Brugerdefineret dato og tid"
one_year: "Et år"
forever: "Forevigt"
relative: "Relativ tid"
none: "Ikke nødvendig"
last_custom: "Sidste brugerdefineret dato"
custom: "Brugerdefineret dato og tid"
select_timeframe: "Vælg en tidsramme"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> oprettede <a href='%{topicUrl}'>emnet</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>Du</a> oprettede <a href='%{topicUrl}'>emnet</a>"
@ -742,7 +748,7 @@ da:
allow_membership_requests: "Tillad brugere at sende medlemskabsanmodninger til gruppeejere (kræver offentligt synlig gruppe)"
membership_request_template: "Brugerdefineret skabelon, der skal vises til brugere, når der sendes en medlemskabsanmodning"
submit: "Send Admodning"
submit: "Send Anmodning"
title: "Anmod om medlemskab af gruppen @%{group_name}"
reason: "Fortæl gruppeejerne, hvorfor du tilhører denne gruppe"
membership: "Medlemskab"
@ -1462,8 +1468,6 @@ da:
title: "Invitations Link"
success: "Invitiationslinket blev genereret!"
error: "Der opstod en fejl under generering af Invitationslink"
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "Hvor mange mennesker har lov til at registrere sig ved hjælp af dette link?"
expires_at: "Hvornår udløber dette invitationslink?"
new_title: "Opret Invitation"
edit_title: "Rediger Invitation"
@ -2374,24 +2378,6 @@ da:
min_duration: "Varigheden skal være større end 0"
max_duration: "Varigheden skal være mindre end 20 år"
duration: "Varighed"
none: "Vælg en tidsramme"
now: "Nu"
later_today: "Senere i dag"
tomorrow: "I morgen"
later_this_week: "Senere på ugen"
this_weekend: "Denne weekend"
next_week: "Næste uge"
two_weeks: "To uger"
next_month: "Næste Måned"
two_months: "To måneder"
three_months: "Tre måneder"
four_months: "Fire måneder"
six_months: "Seks måneder"
one_year: "Et år"
forever: "Forevigt"
pick_date_and_time: "Vælg dato og tid"
set_based_on_last_post: "Luk baseret på seneste indlæg"
title: "Planlæg Udgivelse"
@ -2497,8 +2483,6 @@ da:
unpin: "Fjern fastgøring af Emne..."
unarchive: "Gendan emne fra arkiv"
archive: "Arkivér emne"
invisible: "Gør ulistet"
visible: "Gør listet"
reset_read: "Glem hvilke emner jeg har læst"
make_public: "Gør til Offentligt Emne..."
make_private: "Lav privat besked"
@ -77,15 +77,33 @@ de:
date_month: "D. MMM"
date_year: "MMM 'YY"
one: "weniger als %{count} Min"
other: "weniger als %{count} Min"
one: "%{count} Minute"
other: "%{count} Minuten"
one: "%{count} Stunde"
other: "%{count} Stunden"
one: "ungefähr %{count} Stunde"
other: "ungefähr %{count} Stunden"
one: "%{count} Tag"
other: "%{count} Tage"
one: "%{count} Monat"
other: "%{count} Monate"
one: "über %{count} Jahr"
other: "etwa %{count} Jahre"
one: "über %{count} Jahr"
other: "über %{count} Jahre"
one: "fast %{count} Jahr"
other: "fast %{count} Jahre"
date_year: "D. MMM 'YY"
@ -575,11 +593,17 @@ de:
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "Am kommenden Montag"
two_weeks: "Zwei Wochen"
next_month: "Nächsten Monat"
two_months: "Zwei Monate"
three_months: "Drei Monate"
four_months: "Vier Monate"
six_months: "Sechs Monate"
custom: "Datum und Uhrzeit auswählen"
one_year: "Ein Jahr"
forever: "Für immer"
relative: "Relative Zeit"
none: "Nicht notwendig"
last_custom: "Letztes benutzerdefiniertes Datum"
custom: "Datum und Uhrzeit auswählen"
select_timeframe: "Wähle einen Zeitrahmen aus"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> hat <a href='%{topicUrl}'>das Thema</a> verfasst"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>Du</a> hast <a href='%{topicUrl}'>das Thema</a> verfasst"
@ -1487,8 +1511,6 @@ de:
title: "Einladungslink"
success: "Der Einladungslink wurde erfolgreich generiert!"
error: "Beim Erstellen des Einladungslinks ist ein Fehler aufgetreten"
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "Wie viele Personen dürfen sich über diesen Link registrieren?"
expires_at: "Wann läuft dieser Einladungslink ab?"
new_title: "Einladung erstellen"
edit_title: "Einladung bearbeiten"
@ -1534,7 +1556,9 @@ de:
title: "Zusammenfassung"
stats: "Statistiken"
time_read: "Lesezeit"
time_read_title: "%{duration} (die ganze Zeit)"
recent_time_read: "aktuelle Lesezeit"
recent_time_read_title: "%{duration} (in den letzten 60 Tagen)"
one: "Thema erstellt"
other: "Themen erstellt"
@ -2460,24 +2484,6 @@ de:
min_duration: "Dauer muss mehr als 0 betragen"
max_duration: "Dauer muss weniger als 20 Jahre betragen"
duration: "Dauer"
none: "Wähle einen Zeitrahmen aus"
now: "Jetzt"
later_today: "Im Laufe des Tages"
tomorrow: "Morgen"
later_this_week: "Später in dieser Woche"
this_weekend: "Dieses Wochenende"
next_week: "Nächste Woche"
two_weeks: "Zwei Wochen"
next_month: "Nächster Monat"
two_months: "Zwei Monate"
three_months: "Drei Monate"
four_months: "Vier Monate"
six_months: "Sechs Monate"
one_year: "Ein Jahr"
forever: "Für immer"
pick_date_and_time: "Datum und Zeit wählen"
set_based_on_last_post: "Schließen basierend auf dem letzten Beitrag"
title: "Veröffentlichung planen"
@ -2589,8 +2595,6 @@ de:
unpin: "Thema loslösen …"
unarchive: "Thema aus Archiv holen"
archive: "Thema archivieren"
invisible: "Unsichtbar machen"
visible: "Sichtbar machen"
reset_read: "„Gelesen“ zurücksetzen"
make_public: "Öffentliches Thema erstellen..."
make_private: "In persönliche Nachricht umwandeln"
@ -3526,6 +3530,9 @@ de:
one: "mindestens %{count} Schlagwort auswählen..."
other: "mindestens %{count} Schlagwörter auswählen..."
one: "wähle %{count} Schlagwort von '%{name}'..."
other: "wähle %{count} Schlagwörter von '%{name}'..."
info: "Info"
default_info: "Dieses Schlagwort ist nicht auf Kategorien beschränkt und hat keine Synonyme."
staff_info: "Um Einschränkungen hinzuzufügen, füge dieses Schlagwort in eine <a href=%{basePath}/tag_groups>Tag-Gruppe</a>ein."
@ -509,7 +509,9 @@ el:
start_of_next_business_week: "Τη Δευτέρα"
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "Την επόμενη Δευτέρα"
next_month: "Τον άλλο μήνα"
forever: "Για Πάντα"
custom: "Προσαρμοσμένη ημερομηνία και ώρα"
select_timeframe: "Επιλέξτε χρονικό περιθώριο"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> ανάρτησε <a href='%{topicUrl}'>το νήμα </a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>Ανάρτησες</a> αυτό <a href='%{topicUrl}'>το νήμα</a>"
@ -1284,8 +1286,6 @@ el:
title: "Σύνδεσμος πρόσκλησης"
success: "Η δημιουργία του συνδέσμου πρόσκλησης έγινε επιτυχώς!"
error: "Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά τη δημιουργία συνδέσμου πρόσκλησης"
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "Πόσα άτομα επιτρέπεται να εγγραφούν χρησιμοποιώντας αυτόν τον σύνδεσμο;"
expires_at: "Πότε θα λήξει αυτός ο σύνδεσμος πρόσκλησης;"
text: "Μαζική πρόσκληση"
error: "Λυπούμαστε, το αρχείο πρέπει να έχει την μορφή CSV."
@ -2048,18 +2048,6 @@ el:
when: "Πότε:"
time_frame_required: "Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε ένα χρονικό πλαίσιο"
duration: "Διάρκεια"
none: "Επιλέξτε χρονικό περιθώριο"
now: "Τώρα"
later_today: "Αργότερα σήμερα"
tomorrow: "Αύριο"
later_this_week: "Αργότερα αυτή την εβδομάδα"
this_weekend: "Αυτό το Σαββατοκύριακο"
next_week: "Την άλλη εβδομάδα"
next_month: "Τον άλλο μήνα"
forever: "Για Πάντα"
pick_date_and_time: "Επίλεξε ημερομηνία και ώρα"
set_based_on_last_post: "Κλείσε ανάλογα με την τελευταία ανάρτηση"
title: "Χρονοδιάγραμμα Δημοσιεύσεων"
@ -2156,8 +2144,6 @@ el:
unpin: "Ξεκαρφίτσωμα Νήματος..."
unarchive: "Επαναφορά Νήματος από Αρχείο"
archive: "Αρχειοθέτηση Νήματος"
invisible: "Απόκρυψη Νήματος"
visible: "Εμφάνιση Νήματος"
reset_read: "Μηδενισμός Διαβασμένων"
make_private: "Κάνε προσωπικό μήνυμα"
reset_bump_date: "Επαναφορά ημερομηνίας ώθησης"
@ -575,11 +575,17 @@ es:
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "El próximo lunes"
two_weeks: "Dos semanas"
next_month: "El próximo mes"
two_months: "Dos meses"
three_months: "Tres meses"
four_months: "Cuatro meses"
six_months: "Seis meses"
custom: "Fecha y hora personalizadas"
one_year: "Un año"
forever: "Para siempre"
relative: "Tiempo relativo"
none: "No se necesita"
last_custom: "Última fecha y hora personalizada"
custom: "Fecha y hora personalizadas"
select_timeframe: "Selecciona el plazo"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> publicó <a href='%{topicUrl}'>el tema</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>Tú</a> publicaste <a href='%{topicUrl}'>el tema</a>"
@ -1485,8 +1491,6 @@ es:
title: "Enlace de invitación"
success: "¡Enlace de invitación generado correctamente!"
error: "Ha ocurrido un error al generar el enlace de invitación"
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "¿Cuánta gente puede registrarse con este enlace?"
expires_at: "¿Cuándo caducará este enlace de invitación?"
new_title: "Crear invitación"
edit_title: "Editar invitación"
@ -2458,24 +2462,6 @@ es:
min_duration: "La duración debe ser mayor que 0"
max_duration: "La duración debe ser inferior a 20 años"
duration: "Duración"
none: "Selecciona el plazo"
now: "Ahora"
later_today: "Más tarde durante el día de hoy"
tomorrow: "Mañana"
later_this_week: "Esta misma semana"
this_weekend: "Este fin de semana"
next_week: "La próxima semana"
two_weeks: "Dos semanas"
next_month: "El próximo mes"
two_months: "Dos meses"
three_months: "Tres meses"
four_months: "Cuatro meses"
six_months: "Seis meses"
one_year: "Un año"
forever: "Para siempre"
pick_date_and_time: "Selecciona fecha y horario"
set_based_on_last_post: "Cerrar en función de la última publicación"
title: "Programar publicación"
@ -2587,8 +2573,6 @@ es:
unpin: "Desanclar tema…"
unarchive: "Desarchivar tema"
archive: "Archivar tema"
invisible: "Hacer invisible"
visible: "Hacer visible"
reset_read: "Restablecer datos de lectura"
make_public: "Hacer el tema público…"
make_private: "Crear mensaje personal"
@ -427,9 +427,11 @@ et:
start_of_next_business_week: "Esmaspäev"
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "Järgmisel esmaspäeval"
next_month: "Järgmisel kuul"
custom: "Vali kuupäev ja kellaaeg"
forever: "Igavesti"
relative: "Suhteline aeg"
none: "Pole vaja"
custom: "Vali kuupäev ja kellaaeg"
select_timeframe: "Vali ajavahemik"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> postitas <a href='%{topicUrl}'>selle teema</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>Sa</a> postitasid <a href='%{topicUrl}'>selle teema</a>"
@ -1682,16 +1684,6 @@ et:
remove: "Eemalda taimer"
publish_to: "Avalda:"
when: "Millal:"
none: "Vali ajavahemik"
later_today: "Täna hiljem"
tomorrow: "Homme"
later_this_week: "iljem sel nädalal"
this_weekend: "Sellel nädalavahetusel"
next_week: "Järgmisel nädalal"
next_month: "Järgmisel kuul"
forever: "Igavesti"
pick_date_and_time: "Vali kuupäev ja kellaaeg"
title: "Ajastatud avaldamine"
@ -1774,8 +1766,6 @@ et:
unpin: "Eemalda teema esiletõstmine..."
unarchive: "Taasta teema arhiivist"
archive: "Arhiveeri teema"
invisible: "Ära avalda teemade nimekirjas"
visible: "Avalda teemade nimekirjas"
reset_read: "Nulli andmed teema lugemise kohta"
make_private: "Loo isiklik sõnum"
@ -86,6 +86,9 @@ fa_IR:
one: "%{count} روز"
other: "%{count} روز"
one: "%{count} ماه"
other: "%{count} ماه"
date_year: "D MMMM، 'YY"
@ -278,6 +281,8 @@ fa_IR:
unbookmark_with_reminder: "برای حذف همه نشانکها و یادآورها در این موضوع کلیک کنید."
created: "شما این نوشته را نشانک کردید. %{name}"
create_for: "ایجاد نشانک برای %{type}"
edit_for: "ویرایش نشانک برای %{type}"
not_bookmarked: "این نوشته را نشانک بزنید"
remove_reminder_keep_bookmark: "حذف یادآوری و نگه داشتن نشانک"
created_with_reminder: "شما این نوشته را با یادآوری %{date} نشانک کردید. %{name}"
@ -290,6 +295,9 @@ fa_IR:
invalid_custom_datetime: "تاریخ و ساعت ارائه شده معتبر نیست، لطفا دوباره امتحان کنید."
list_permission_denied: "شما اجازهی مشاهده نشانکهای این کاربر را ندارید."
no_user_bookmarks: "شما هیچ نوشته نشانک شدهای ندارید؛ نشانکها به شما اجازه میدهد به سرعت به نوشتههای خاص مراجعه کنید."
never: "نشانک را نگه دار"
when_reminder_sent: "حذف نشانک"
search_placeholder: "جستجو در نشانکها بر اساس نام، عنوان موضوع یا محتوای نوشته"
search: "جستجو"
@ -426,7 +434,7 @@ fa_IR:
deleted_user: "(کاربر حذف شده)"
bio: "بیوگرافی"
website: "وبسایت"
website: "وبسایت"
username: "نامکاربری"
email: "ایمیل"
name: "نام"
@ -558,11 +566,17 @@ fa_IR:
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "دوشنبه بعدی"
two_weeks: "دو هفته"
next_month: "ماه بعد"
two_months: "دو ماه"
three_months: "سه ماه"
four_months: "چهار ماه"
six_months: "شش ماه"
custom: "تاریخ و زمان سفارشی"
one_year: "یک سال"
forever: "همیشه"
relative: "زمان نسبی"
none: "هیچکدام نیازی نیست"
last_custom: "آخرین تاریخ سفارشی"
custom: "تاریخ و زمان سفارشی"
select_timeframe: "انتخاب یک دورهزمانی"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> <a href='%{topicUrl}'>یک موضوع</a> ایجاد کرد"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>شما یک </a><a href='%{topicUrl}'>موضوع</a> جدید ایجاد کردید."
@ -643,7 +657,7 @@ fa_IR:
title: تراکنش
posting: در حال نوشتن
notification: اعلانها
notification: آگاهسازی
title: "ایمیل"
status: "ایمیلهای %{old_emails} / %{total_emails} از طریق IMAP همگامسازی شده است."
@ -763,7 +777,7 @@ fa_IR:
title: "اعضاء"
filter_placeholder_admin: "نام کاربری یا ایمیل"
filter_placeholder: "نام کاربری"
filter_placeholder: "نامکاربری"
remove_member: "اخراج عضو"
remove_member_description: "اخراج <b>%{username}</b> از این گروه"
make_owner: "اعطای مالکیت"
@ -817,6 +831,7 @@ fa_IR:
icon: "یک آیکون را انتخاب کنید"
image: "تصویری را بارگذاری کنید"
modal_title: "آگاهسازیهای پیشفرض کاربر"
modal_yes: "بله"
"1": "پسندهای داده شده"
@ -910,10 +925,10 @@ fa_IR:
ignore_duration_time_frame_required: "یک بازه ی زمانی انتخاب کنید"
ignore_no_users: "هیچ کاربر صرف نظر شده ای ندارید"
ignore_option: "صرف نظر شده"
ignore_option_title: "هیچ آگاه سازی از این کاربر دریافت نمیکنید و مبحث ها یا نوشته های ایشان برای شما نمایش داده نخواهد شد."
ignore_option_title: "شما هیچ آگاهسازی که مربوط به این کاربر دریافت نمیکنید و تمام موضوعات یا نوشتههای ایشان برای شما نمایش داده نخواهد شد."
add_ignored_user: "اضافه کردن ..."
mute_option: "خاموش"
mute_option_title: "هیچ اگاه سازی از این کاربر دریافت نمیکنید"
mute_option_title: "شما هیچ آگاهسازی که مربوط به این کاربر دریافت نمیکنید."
normal_option: "معمولی"
normal_option_title: "اگر این کاربر به شما پاسخ دهد، از شما نقل قول کند و یا شما را صدا کند، اگاه سازی دریافت میکنید"
@ -949,20 +964,20 @@ fa_IR:
sr_collapse_profile: "جمع کردن جزئیات پروفایل"
bookmarks: "نشانکها"
bio: "درباره من"
timezone: "منطقه ی زمانی"
timezone: "منطقه زمانی"
invited_by: "دعوت شده توسط"
trust_level: "سطح اعتماد"
notifications: "آگاهسازیها"
statistics: "وضعیت"
label: "اگاه سازی زنده"
not_supported: "اعلانات بر روی این مرورگر پشتیبانی نمیشوند. با عرض پوزش."
perm_default: "فعال کردن اعلانات"
label: "آگاهسازی زنده"
not_supported: "با عرض پوزش، آگاهسازی بر روی این مرورگر پشتیبانی نمیشود."
perm_default: "فعال کردن آگاهسازی"
perm_denied_btn: "دسترسی رد شد"
perm_denied_expl: "شما دسترسی دریافت اعلان را بستهاید. در تنظیمات مرورگر خود آنرا فعال کنید."
disable: "غیرفعال کردن اعلانات"
enable: "فعال کردن اعلانات"
consent_prompt: "ایا مایلید وقتی دیگران به شما پاسخ میدهند، اگاه سازی زنده دریافت کنید؟"
disable: "غیرفعال کردن آگاهسازی"
enable: "فعال کردن آگاهسازی"
consent_prompt: "آیا مایلید وقتی دیگران به شما پاسخ میدهند، آگاهسازی زنده دریافت کنید؟"
dismiss: "نخواستیم"
dismiss_notifications: "پنهان کردن همه"
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "علامت گذاری همه اطلاعیه های خوانده نشده به عنوان خوانده شده"
@ -1001,7 +1016,7 @@ fa_IR:
suspended_notice: "این کاربر تا %{date} در وضعیت معلق است."
suspended_permanently: "این کاربر معلق شده."
suspended_reason: "دلیل: "
github_profile: "GitHub"
github_profile: "گیتهاب"
email_activity_summary: "چکیدهی فعالیت"
label: "حالت لیست ایمیل"
@ -1087,7 +1102,7 @@ fa_IR:
security: "امنیت"
profile: "پروفایل"
emails: "ایمیلها"
notifications: "اطلاعیهها"
notifications: "آگاهسازیها"
categories: "دستهبندیها"
users: "کاربران"
tags: "برچسبها"
@ -1174,7 +1189,7 @@ fa_IR:
success_staff: "یک ایمیل به آدرس کنونی شما ارسال کردیم. لطفا دستورالعمل آن را دنبال کنید."
title: "عکس نمایه خود را تغییر دهید"
gravatar: "<a href='//%{gravatarBaseUrl}%{gravatarLoginUrl}' target='_blank'>%{gravatarName}</a> ، بر اساس"
gravatar: "<a href='//%{gravatarBaseUrl}%{gravatarLoginUrl}' target='_blank'>%{gravatarName}</a>، بر اساس"
letter_based: "سیستم تصویر پرفایل را اختصاص داده است"
uploaded_avatar: "تصویر سفارشی"
uploaded_avatar_empty: "افزودن تصویر سفارشی"
@ -1275,7 +1290,7 @@ fa_IR:
largest: "بزرگترین"
title: "عنوان صفحه ی بک گراند تعداد زیر را نمایش دهد:"
notifications: "آگاهسازی جدید"
notifications: "آگاهسازی جدید"
contextual: "محتوای تازه ی صفحه"
title: "وقتی پسندیده شد اعلام کن"
@ -1374,8 +1389,6 @@ fa_IR:
title: "لینک دعوت"
success: "لینک دعوت با موفقیت ایجاد شد!"
error: "خطایی در هنگام ایجاد لینک رخ داد"
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "چه تعداد کاربر اجازه ثبت نام با این لینک را خواهند داشت؟"
expires_at: "چه زمانی این لینک منقضی می شود؟"
new_title: "ایجاد دعوتنامه"
edit_title: "ویرایش دعوتنامه"
@ -1421,6 +1434,7 @@ fa_IR:
stats: "آمار"
time_read: " زمان خواندن"
recent_time_read: "زمان خواندن اخیر"
recent_time_read_title: "%{duration} «در ۶۰ روز گذشته»"
one: "موضوعات ساخته شدند"
other: "موضوعات ساخته شدند"
@ -1625,7 +1639,7 @@ fa_IR:
security_key_not_allowed_error: "روند تأیید اعتبار کلید امنیتی به پایان رسیده است یا لغو شده است."
security_key_no_matching_credential_error: "هیچ اطلاعات کاربری منطبق با کلید امنیتی پیدا نشد."
security_key_support_missing_error: "دستگاه و یا مرورگر فعلی شما امکان استفاده از کلید امنیتی را ندارد. لطفا از روش ورود جایگزین استفاده شود."
email_placeholder: "ایمیل / نام کاربری"
email_placeholder: "ایمیل / نامکاربری"
caps_lock_warning: "Caps Lock روشن است"
error: "خطای ناشناخته"
cookies_error: "بروسر شما به نظر کوکی را غیرفعال کرده است. بدون فعالسازی آن نمیتوانید ورود کنید."
@ -1894,8 +1908,8 @@ fa_IR:
one: "%{count} اعلان دیده نشده"
other: "%{count} اعلان دیده نشده"
one: "%{count} آگاهسازی دیده نشده"
other: "%{count} آگاهسازی دیده نشده"
one: "%{count} خوانده نشده"
other: "%{count} خوانده نشده"
@ -1904,34 +1918,35 @@ fa_IR:
empty: "اعلانی پیدا نشد."
post_approved: "نوشته ی شما تایید شد"
reviewable_items: "موارد نیازمند بازبینی است"
mentioned: "<span>%{username}</span>%{description}"
group_mentioned: "<span>%{username}</span>%{description}"
quoted: "<span>%{username}</span>%{description}"
bookmark_reminder: "<span>%{username}</span>%{description}"
replied: "<span>%{username}</span>%{description}"
posted: "<span>%{username}</span>%{description}"
edited: "<span>%{username}</span>%{description}"
liked: "<span>%{username}</span>%{description}"
liked_2: "<span class='double-user'>%{username}, %{username2}</span> %{description}"
mentioned: "<span>%{username}</span> %{description}"
group_mentioned: "<span>%{username}</span> %{description}"
quoted: "<span>%{username}</span> %{description}"
bookmark_reminder: "<span>%{username}</span> %{description}"
replied: "<span>%{username}</span> %{description}"
posted: "<span>%{username}</span> %{description}"
edited: "<span>%{username}</span> %{description}"
liked: "<span>%{username}</span> %{description}"
liked_2: "<span class='double-user'>%{username}، %{username2}</span> %{description}"
one: "<span class='multi-user'>%{username}, %{username2} و %{count} دیگر</span> %{description}"
other: "<span class='multi-user'>%{username}, %{username2} و %{count} دیگر</span> %{description}"
one: "<span class='multi-user'>%{username}، %{username2} و %{count} دیگر</span> %{description}"
other: "<span class='multi-user'>%{username}، %{username2} و %{count} دیگر</span> %{description}"
one: "%{count}نوشته ی شما را پسندید"
other: "%{count}نوشته ی شما را پسندید"
liked_consolidated: "<span>%{username}</span>%{description}"
private_message: "<span>%{username}</span>%{description}"
invited_to_private_message: "<p><span>%{username}</span>%{description}"
invited_to_topic: "<span>%{username}</span>%{description}"
invitee_accepted: "<span>%{username}</span>دعوت شما را پذیرفت"
liked_consolidated: "<span>%{username}</span> %{description}"
private_message: "<span>%{username}</span> %{description}"
invited_to_private_message: "<p><span>%{username}</span> %{description}"
invited_to_topic: "<span>%{username}</span> %{description}"
invitee_accepted: "<span>%{username}</span> دعوت شما را پذیرفت"
moved_post: "<span>%{username}</span> منتقل کرد %{description}"
linked: "<span>%{username}</span>%{description}"
linked: "<span>%{username}</span> %{description}"
granted_badge: "به دست آوردید '%{description}'"
topic_reminder: "<span>%{username}</span>%{description}"
watching_first_post: "<span>مبحث جدید</span>%{description}"
topic_reminder: "<span>%{username}</span> %{description}"
watching_first_post: "<span>موضوع جدید</span> %{description}"
membership_request_accepted: "عضویت در %{group_name} پذیرفتهشد"
reaction: "<span>%{username}</span> %{description}"
reaction_2: "<span>%{username}, %{username2}</span> %{description}"
reaction_2: "<span>%{username}، %{username2}</span> %{description}"
votes_released: "%{description} - تکمیل شد"
one: "آيا مطمئن هستی؟ شما %{count} آگاهسازی مهم دارید."
@ -1950,15 +1965,15 @@ fa_IR:
private_message: '%{username} برای شما یک پیام خصوصی در "%{topic}" - %{site_title} ارسال کرد'
linked: '%{username} در "%{topic}" - %{site_title} به نوشتهی شما پیوندی قرار داد'
watching_first_post: '%{username} یک مبحث جدید در "%{topic}" - %{site_title} ساخته'
confirm_title: "اعلانات فعال شد - %{site_title}"
confirm_title: "آگاهسازی فعال شد - %{site_title}"
confirm_body: "موفق شدید. اگاهسازیها فعال شدند."
custom: "اعلان از طرف %{username} بر روی %{site_title}"
custom: "آگاهسازی از طرف %{username} در %{site_title}"
mentioned: "احضار شده"
mentioned: "اشاره شده"
replied: "پاسخ جدید"
quoted: "نقل قول"
edited: "ویرایش شده"
liked: "لایک جدید"
liked: "پسندیده جدید"
private_message: "پیام جدید"
invited_to_private_message: "به پیام دعوت شده"
invitee_accepted: "پذیرفتن دعوت"
@ -1971,7 +1986,7 @@ fa_IR:
group_message_summary: "پیام گروهی جدید"
watching_first_post: "موضوع جدید"
topic_reminder: "اگاهسازی مبحث"
liked_consolidated: "لایک جدید"
liked_consolidated: "پسندیدههای جدید"
post_approved: "نوشته تایید شده"
uploading: "در حال بروزرسانی "
@ -2096,6 +2111,8 @@ fa_IR:
close_topics: "بستن موضوعات"
archive_topics: "بایگانی موضوعات"
move_messages_to_inbox: "انتقال به صندوق دریافت"
notification_level: "آگاهسازیها..."
change_notification_level: "تغییر سطح آگاهسازی"
choose_new_category: "یک دستهبندی جدید برای موضوع انتخاب نمایید"
one: "شما <b>%{count}</b> موضوع را انتخاب کرده اید."
@ -2185,6 +2202,7 @@ fa_IR:
unread_indicator: "هیچ کاربری آخرین فرستهٔ این مبحث را نخوانده است."
browse_all_categories: جستوجوی همهی دستهبندیها
view_latest_topics: مشاهده آخرین موضوع
suggest_create_topic: برای <a href>شروع یک موضوع جدید آمادهاید؟</a>
jump_reply_up: رفتن به جدید ترین پاسخ
jump_reply_down: رفتن به پاسخ بعدی
deleted: "موضوع پاک شده است"
@ -2218,24 +2236,6 @@ fa_IR:
time_frame_required: "یک بازه ی زمانی انتخاب کنید"
min_duration: "مدت زمان باید بیشتر از ۰ باشد"
duration: "مدت زمان"
none: "انتخاب یک دورهزمانی"
now: "اکنون"
later_today: "امروز"
tomorrow: "فردا"
later_this_week: "این هفته"
this_weekend: "آخر هفته"
next_week: "هفته بعد"
two_weeks: "دو هفته"
next_month: "ماه بعد"
two_months: "دو ماه"
three_months: "سه ماه"
four_months: "چهار ماه"
six_months: "شش ماه"
one_year: "یک سال"
forever: "همیشه"
pick_date_and_time: "انتخاب زمان و تاریخ"
set_based_on_last_post: "بستن با توجه به آخرین نوشته"
title: "زمانبندی انتشار"
@ -2250,6 +2250,8 @@ fa_IR:
title: "حذف خودکار موضوع"
title: "یادآوری کن"
title: "حذف خودکار پاسخها"
auto_open: "این موضوع به صورت خودکار در %{timeLeft} باز خواهد شد."
auto_close: "این موضوع به صورت خودکار در %{timeLeft} بسته خواهد شد."
@ -2258,6 +2260,7 @@ fa_IR:
auto_delete: "این موضوع به صورت خودکار در %{timeLeft} حذف میشود"
auto_bump: "این مطلب %{timeLeft} به صورت خودکار به صدر مطالب آورده میشود."
auto_reminder: "درباره این موضوع به شما یادآوری خواهد شد %{timeLeft}."
auto_delete_replies: "پاسخهای مربوط به این موضوع پس از %{duration} به طور خودکار حذف میشوند."
auto_close_title: "تنظیمات بستن خوکار"
one: "از آخرین نوشته این موضوع %{count} ساعت گذشته، بنابراین موضوع بسته میشود."
@ -2330,8 +2333,6 @@ fa_IR:
unpin: "برداشتن سنجاق موضوع..."
unarchive: "موضوع بایگانی نشده"
archive: "بایگانی کردن موضوع"
invisible: "خارج کردن از فهرست"
visible: "وارد کردن به فهرست"
reset_read: "تنظیم مجدد خواندن داده ها"
make_private: "به پیام تبدیل کن"
reset_bump_date: "تنظیم مجدد خواندن داده ها"
@ -2346,6 +2347,7 @@ fa_IR:
extended_title: "اشتراکگذاری یک پیوند"
help: "اشتراکگذاری پیوند این موضوع"
instructions: "اشتراکگذاری پیوند این موضوع:"
invite_users: "دعوت"
title: "چاپ"
@ -2495,6 +2497,8 @@ fa_IR:
edit_reason: "دلیل:"
post_number: "نوشته %{number}"
ignored: "محتوای نادیده گرفتهشد"
wiki_last_edited_on: "آخرین ویرایش ویکی در %{dateTime} انجام شده"
last_edited_on: "آخرین ویرایش نوشته در %{dateTime} انجام شده"
reply_as_new_topic: "پاسخگویی به عنوان یک موضوع لینک شده"
reply_as_new_private_message: "پاسخ به عنوان پیام جدید به همین دریافت کنندگان"
continue_discussion: "ادامه دادن بحث از %{postLink}:"
@ -2631,11 +2635,23 @@ fa_IR:
title: "نمایش قسمت HTML ایمیل"
button: "HTML"
create: "ایجاد نشانک"
create_for_topic: "ایجاد نشانک برای موضوع"
edit: "ویرایش نشانک"
edit_for_topic: "ویرایش نشانک برای موضوع"
created: "ساخته شده"
updated: "به روز شده"
name: "نام"
name_placeholder: "این نشانک برای چی است؟"
set_reminder: "به من یادآوری کن"
options: "گزینهها"
name: "حذف نشانک"
name: "ویرایش نشانک"
name: "سنجاق کردن نشانک"
none: "(بدون دستهبندی)"
all: "همهی دستهبندیها"
@ -2956,6 +2972,8 @@ fa_IR:
profile: "%{shortcut} مشخصات"
messages: "%{shortcut} پیامها"
drafts: "پیشنویس %{shortcut}"
next: "%{shortcut} موضوع بعدی"
previous: "%{shortcut} موضوع قبلی"
title: "ناوبری"
jump: "%{shortcut} برو به نوشته #"
@ -2967,7 +2985,7 @@ fa_IR:
title: "برنامه"
create: "ایجاد موضوع جدید"
notifications: "%{shortcut} باز کردن اطلاعیهها"
notifications: "%{shortcut} باز کردن آگاهسازیها"
hamburger_menu: "%{shortcut} باز کردن منو همبرگری"
user_profile_menu: "%{shortcut} نمایش منو کاربری"
show_incoming_updated_topics: "%{shortcut} نمایش موضوعات بهروز شده"
@ -3008,6 +3026,7 @@ fa_IR:
print: "%{shortcut} چاپ موضوع"
defer: "تاپیکهای به تعویق افتاده %{shortcut}"
title: "منو جستجو"
full_page_search: "%{shortcut} جستجوی تمام صفحه را راهاندازی میکند"
@ -3364,6 +3383,8 @@ fa_IR:
details: "زمانی که یک برچسب ساخته، بروزرسانی یا نابود شد"
name: "رویداد قابل بررسی "
name: "رویداد آگاهسازی"
title: "وضعیت تحویل"
inactive: "غیرفعال"
@ -3714,7 +3735,7 @@ fa_IR:
none: "هیچ آماری یافت نشد."
title: "فیلتر"
user_placeholder: "نام کاربری"
user_placeholder: "نامکاربری"
address_placeholder: "name@example.com"
type_placeholder: "خلاصه، ثبت نام..."
reply_key_placeholder: "کلید پاسخ"
@ -547,11 +547,17 @@ fi:
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "Seuraavana maanantaina"
two_weeks: "Kaksi viikkoa"
next_month: "Ensi kuussa"
two_months: "Kaksi kuukautta"
three_months: "Kolme kuukautta"
four_months: "Neljä kuukautta"
six_months: "Kuusi kuukautta"
custom: "Mukautettu päivämäärä ja aika"
one_year: "Yksi vuosi"
forever: "Ikuisesti"
relative: "Suhteellinen aika"
none: "Ei vaadittu"
last_custom: "Viimeisin mukautettu päivämäärä"
custom: "Mukautettu päivämäärä ja aika"
select_timeframe: "Valitse ajanjakso"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> kirjoitti <a href='%{topicUrl}'>ketjuun</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>Sinä</a> kirjoitit <a href='%{topicUrl}'>ketjuun</a>"
@ -1440,8 +1446,6 @@ fi:
title: "Kutsulinkki"
success: "Kutsulinkki luotiin!"
error: "Kutsulinkin luominen epäonnistui"
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "Kuinka moni saa rekisteröityä tällä linkillä?"
expires_at: "Koska tämä linkki vanhenee?"
new_title: "Luo kutsu"
edit_title: "Muokkaa kutsua"
@ -2333,24 +2337,6 @@ fi:
min_duration: "Keston on oltava suurempi kuin 0"
max_duration: "Keston on oltava alle 20 vuotta"
duration: "Kesto"
none: "Valitse ajanjakso"
now: "Nyt"
later_today: "Myöhemmin tänään"
tomorrow: "Huomenna"
later_this_week: "Myöhemmin tällä viikolla"
this_weekend: "Viikonloppuna"
next_week: "Ensi viikolla"
two_weeks: "Kaksi viikkoa"
next_month: "Ensi kuussa"
two_months: "Kaksi kuukautta"
three_months: "Kolme kuukautta"
four_months: "Neljä kuukautta"
six_months: "Kuusi kuukautta"
one_year: "Yksi vuosi"
forever: "Ikuisesti"
pick_date_and_time: "Valitse päivämäärä ja kellonaika"
set_based_on_last_post: "Sulje viimeisimmän viestin mukaan"
title: "Julkaise määrättynä ajankohtana"
@ -2461,8 +2447,6 @@ fi:
unpin: "Poista ketjun kiinnitys..."
unarchive: "Peru ketjun arkistointi"
archive: "Arkistoi ketju"
invisible: "Poista listauksista"
visible: "Näytä listauksissa"
reset_read: "Nollaa tiedot lukemisista"
make_private: "Muuta yksityisviestiksi"
reset_bump_date: "Palauta ketjun päiväysleima"
@ -570,11 +570,17 @@ fr:
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "Lundi prochain"
two_weeks: "Deux semaines"
next_month: "Le mois prochain"
two_months: "Dans deux mois"
three_months: "Dans trois mois"
four_months: "Dans quatre mois"
six_months: "Six mois"
custom: "Date et heure personnalisées"
one_year: "Un an"
forever: "Pour toujours"
relative: "Me le rappeler d'ici"
none: "Ne pas me le rappeler"
last_custom: "Date et heure personnalisées précédentes"
custom: "Date et heure personnalisées"
select_timeframe: "Sélectionner un intervalle de temps"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> a démarré <a href='%{topicUrl}'>le sujet</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>Vous</a> avez démarré <a href='%{topicUrl}'>le sujet</a>"
@ -1477,8 +1483,6 @@ fr:
title: "Lien d'invitation"
success: "Lien d'invitation généré avec succès !"
error: "Une erreur est survenue lors de la génération du lien d'invitation"
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "Combien de personnes peuvent s'inscrire en utilisant ce lien ?"
expires_at: "Quand ce lien va-t-il expirer ?"
new_title: "Créer une invitation"
edit_title: "Modifier l'invitation"
@ -1519,7 +1523,9 @@ fr:
title: "Résumé"
stats: "Statistiques"
time_read: "temps de lecture"
time_read_title: "%{duration} (tout le temps)"
recent_time_read: "de lecture récente"
recent_time_read_title: "%{duration} (au cours des 60 derniers jours)"
one: "sujet créé"
other: "sujets créés"
@ -2398,24 +2404,6 @@ fr:
min_duration: "La durée doit être supérieure à 0"
max_duration: "La durée doit être inférieure à 20 ans"
duration: "Durée "
none: "Sélectionner un intervalle de temps"
now: "Maintenant"
later_today: "Plus tard dans la journée"
tomorrow: "Demain"
later_this_week: "Plus tard cette semaine"
this_weekend: "Ce week-end"
next_week: "La semaine prochaine"
two_weeks: "Dans deux semaines"
next_month: "Le mois prochain"
two_months: "Dans deux mois"
three_months: "Dans trois mois"
four_months: "Dans quatre mois"
six_months: "Dans six mois"
one_year: "Un an"
forever: "Pour toujours"
pick_date_and_time: "Choisir une date et une heure"
set_based_on_last_post: "Fermer selon le dernier message"
title: "Planifier la publication"
@ -2527,8 +2515,6 @@ fr:
unpin: "Désépingler le sujet…"
unarchive: "Désarchiver le sujet"
archive: "Archiver le sujet"
invisible: "Rendre invisible"
visible: "Rendre visible"
reset_read: "Réinitialiser les données de lecture"
make_private: "Transformer en message direct"
reset_bump_date: "Réinitialiser la date d'actualisation"
@ -3451,6 +3437,9 @@ fr:
one: "sélectionnez au moins %{count} étiquette..."
other: "sélectionnez au moins %{count} étiquettes..."
one: "sélectionner %{count} tag parmi '%{name}'..."
other: "sélectionner %{count} tags parmi '%{name}'..."
info: "Détails"
default_info: "Cette étiquette n'est pas limitée à une catégorie et n'a aucun synonyme."
staff_info: "Pour y définir des restrictions d'utilisation, placez cette étiquette dans un <a href=%{basePath}/tag_groups>groupe d'étiquettes</a>."
@ -539,10 +539,16 @@ gl:
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "O vindeiro luns"
two_weeks: "Dúas semanas"
next_month: "O vindeiro mes"
two_months: "Dous meses"
three_months: "Tres meses"
four_months: "Catro meses"
six_months: "Seis meses"
custom: "Personalizar data e hora"
one_year: "Un ano"
forever: "Sempre"
relative: "Tempo relativo"
none: "Non se necesita"
custom: "Personalizar data e hora"
select_timeframe: "Seleccione un marco temporal"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> publicou <a href='%{topicUrl}'>o tema</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>Vostede</a> publicou <a href='%{topicUrl}'>o tema</a>"
@ -1391,8 +1397,6 @@ gl:
title: "Ligazón do convite"
success: "A ligazón do convite xerouse correctamente!"
error: "Produciuse un erro ao xerar esta ligazón de convite"
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "Cantas persoas poden rexistrarse con esta ligazón?"
expires_at: "Cando caduca a ligazón deste convite?"
new_title: "Crear convite"
edit_title: "Editar convite"
@ -2252,24 +2256,6 @@ gl:
min_duration: "A duración debe ser superior a 0"
max_duration: "A duración debe de ser menor de 20 anos"
duration: "Duración"
none: "Seleccione un marco temporal"
now: "Agora"
later_today: "Hoxe, máis tarde"
tomorrow: "Mañá"
later_this_week: "Máis tarde esta semana"
this_weekend: "Esta fin de semana"
next_week: "A vindeira semana"
two_weeks: "Dúas semanas"
next_month: "O vindeiro mes"
two_months: "Dous meses"
three_months: "Tres meses"
four_months: "Catro meses"
six_months: "Seis meses"
one_year: "Un ano"
forever: "Sempre"
pick_date_and_time: "Escolla unha data e hora"
set_based_on_last_post: "Peche baseado na última publicación"
title: "Programar publicación"
@ -2375,8 +2361,6 @@ gl:
unpin: "Desprender tema…"
unarchive: "Desarquivar tema"
archive: "Arquivar tema"
invisible: "Retirar da listaxe"
visible: "Engadir á listaxe"
reset_read: "Restabelecer datos de lecturas"
make_private: "Facer privada a mensaxe"
reset_bump_date: "Restabelecer data de promoción"
@ -99,6 +99,11 @@ he:
date_month: "D בMMM"
date_year: "MMM YY"
one: "פחות מדקה (%{count})"
two: "פחות מ־%{count} דקות"
many: "פחות מ־%{count} דקות"
other: "פחות מ־%{count} דקות"
one: "דקה"
two: "%{count} דקות"
@ -109,11 +114,36 @@ he:
two: "שעתיים"
many: "%{count} שעות"
other: "%{count} שעות"
one: "בערך שעה (%{count})"
two: "בערך שעתיים (%{count})"
many: "בערך %{count} שעות"
other: "בערך %{count} שעות"
one: "יום"
two: "יומיים"
many: "%{count} ימים"
other: "%{count} ימים"
one: "חודש (%{count})"
two: "חודשיים (%{count})"
many: "%{count} חודשים"
other: "%{count} חודשים"
one: "בערך שנה (%{count})"
two: "בערך שנתיים (%{count})"
many: "בערך %{count} שנים"
other: "בערך %{count} שנים"
one: "למעלה משנה (%{count})"
two: "למעלה משנתיים (%{count})"
many: "למעלה מ־%{count} שנים"
other: "למעלה מ־%{count} שנים"
one: "כמעט שנה (%{count})"
two: "כמעט שנתיים (%{count})"
many: "כמעט %{count} שנים"
other: "כמעט %{count} שנים"
date_year: "D בMMM YY"
@ -663,11 +693,17 @@ he:
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "יום שני הבא"
two_weeks: "שבועיים"
next_month: "חודש הבא"
two_months: "חודשיים"
three_months: "שלושה חודשים"
four_months: "ארבעה חודשים"
six_months: "שישה חודשים"
custom: "תאריך ושעה מותאמים אישית"
one_year: "שנה"
forever: "לנצח"
relative: "זמן יחסי"
none: "אין צורך"
last_custom: "התאריך והשעה האחרונים שהותאמו אישית"
custom: "תאריך ושעה מותאמים אישית"
select_timeframe: "נא לבחור טווח זמן"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> פרסם <a href='%{topicUrl}'>את הנושא</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>את/ה</a> פרסמת <a href='%{topicUrl}'>את הנושא</a>"
@ -1599,8 +1635,6 @@ he:
title: "קישור הזמנה"
success: "קישור הזמנה יוצר בהצלחה!"
error: "אירעה שגיאה ביצירת קישור הזמנה."
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "לכמה אנשים מותר להירשם באמצעות הקישור הזה?"
expires_at: "מתי תוקף קישור ההזמנה יפוג?"
new_title: "יצירת הזמנה"
edit_title: "עריכת הזמנה"
@ -1648,7 +1682,9 @@ he:
title: "סיכום"
stats: "סטטיסטיקות"
time_read: "זמן קריאה"
time_read_title: "%{duration} (כל הזמן)"
recent_time_read: "זמן קריאה אחרון"
recent_time_read_title: "%{duration} (ב־60 הימים האחרונים)"
one: "נושא נוצר"
two: "נושאים נוצרו"
@ -2661,24 +2697,6 @@ he:
min_duration: "משך הזמן חייב להיות גדול מ־0"
max_duration: "משך הזמן חייב להיות פחות מ־20 שנה"
duration: "משך"
none: "נא לבחור טווח זמן"
now: "כעת"
later_today: "בהמשך היום"
tomorrow: "מחר"
later_this_week: "בהמשך השבוע"
this_weekend: "בסוף שבוע זה"
next_week: "בשבוע הבא"
two_weeks: "שבועיים"
next_month: "חודש הבא"
two_months: "חודשיים"
three_months: "שלושה חודשים"
four_months: "ארבעה חודשים"
six_months: "שישה חודשים"
one_year: "שנה"
forever: "לנצח"
pick_date_and_time: "בחירת תאריך ושעה"
set_based_on_last_post: "סגירה מבוססת על הפוסט האחרון"
title: "תזמון פרסום"
@ -2796,8 +2814,6 @@ he:
unpin: "שחרר נעיצת נושא..."
unarchive: "הוצא נושא מארכיון"
archive: "העבר נושא לארכיון"
invisible: "הסתרה"
visible: "גילוי"
reset_read: "אפס מידע שנקרא"
make_public: "הפיכת הנושא לפומבי…"
make_private: "צור הודעה פרטית"
@ -77,15 +77,33 @@ hu:
date_month: "MMM D."
date_year: "'YY. MMM"
one: "kevesebb mint %{count} perce"
other: "kevesebb mint %{count} perce"
one: "%{count} perc"
other: "%{count} perc"
one: "%{count} óra"
other: "%{count} óra"
one: "körülbelül %{count} óra"
other: "körülbelül %{count} óra"
one: "%{count} nap"
other: "%{count} nap"
one: "%{count} hónap"
other: "%{count} hónap"
one: "körülbelül %{count} év"
other: "körülbelül %{count} év"
one: "több mint %{count} év"
other: "több mint %{count} év"
one: "majdnem %{count} év"
other: "majdnem %{count} év"
date_year: "'YY. MMM D."
@ -575,11 +593,17 @@ hu:
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "Jövő hétfő"
two_weeks: "Két hét"
next_month: "Jövő hónapban"
two_months: "Két hónap"
three_months: "Három hónap"
four_months: "Négy hónap"
six_months: "Hat hónap"
custom: "Egyéni dátum és idő"
one_year: "Egy év"
forever: "Örökre"
relative: "Relatív idő"
none: "Nem szükséges"
last_custom: "Legutóbbi egyéni dátum/idő"
custom: "Egyéni dátum és idő"
select_timeframe: "Válasszon egy időkeretet"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> közzétett <a href='%{topicUrl}'>egy témát</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>Ön</a> közzétett <a href='%{topicUrl}'>egy témát</a>"
@ -1485,8 +1509,6 @@ hu:
title: "Meghívási hivatkozás"
success: "Meghívási hivatkozás elkészült!"
error: "Hiba történt a meghívási hivatkozás létrehozása során"
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "Hány ember regisztrálhat ezen a hivatkozáson keresztül?"
expires_at: "Mikor jár le ez a meghívási hivatkozás?"
new_title: "Meghívási hivatkozás létrehozása"
edit_title: "Meghívó szerkesztése"
@ -2447,24 +2469,6 @@ hu:
min_duration: "Az időtartamnak 0-nál nagyobbnak kell lennie"
max_duration: "Az időtartamnak 20 évnél rövidebbnek kell lennie"
duration: "Időtartam"
none: "Válassz időkeretet"
now: "Most"
later_today: "A mai nap folyamán"
tomorrow: "Holnap"
later_this_week: "A hét folyamán"
this_weekend: "Hétvégén"
next_week: "Jövő hét"
two_weeks: "Két hét"
next_month: "Jövő hónap"
two_months: "Két hónap"
three_months: "Három hónap"
four_months: "Négy hónap"
six_months: "Hat hónap"
one_year: "Egy év"
forever: "Örökre"
pick_date_and_time: "Dátum és idő kiválasztása"
set_based_on_last_post: "Lezárás az utolsó bejegyzés alapján"
title: "Közzététel ütemezése"
@ -2554,8 +2558,6 @@ hu:
unpin: "Témakör kiemelésének megszüntetése..."
unarchive: "Témakör archiválásának megszüntetése"
archive: "Témakör archiválása"
invisible: "Listázás törlése"
visible: "Listázás"
reset_read: "Olvasási adatok visszaállítása"
make_public: "Téma nyilvánossá tétele"
make_private: "Személyes üzenet írása"
@ -2585,6 +2587,7 @@ hu:
title: "Megjelölés"
success_message: "Sikeresen megjelölted ezt a témát."
title: "Téma kiemelése"
unpin: "Téma eltávolítása a %{categoryLink} kategória elejéről."
not_pinned: "Nincsenek kiemelt %{categoryLink} témák. "
@ -3211,6 +3214,9 @@ hu:
selector_no_tags: "címke nélküli"
tags: "Címkék"
choose_for_topic: "Megadható címke"
one: "válasszon %{count} címkét innen: „%{name}”…"
other: "válasszon %{count} címkét innen: „%{name}”…"
default_info: "Ez a címke nincs kategóriára korlátozva, és nincsenek szinonimái."
staff_info: "Korlátozások hozzáadásához tegye ezt a címkét egy <a href=%{basePath}/tag_groups>címkecsoportba</a>."
save: "Címke nevének és leírásának mentése"
@ -480,7 +480,9 @@ hy:
this_weekend: "Այս շաբաթ-կիրակի"
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "Հաջորդ Երկուշաբթի: "
next_month: "Հաջորդ ամիս"
forever: "Ընդմիշտ"
custom: "Սահմանել հիշեցումների ամսաթիվն ու ժամանակը:"
select_timeframe: "Ընտրել ժամանակահատված"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a>-ը հրապարակել է <a href='%{topicUrl}'>այս թեման</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>Դուք</a> հրապարակել եք <a href='%{topicUrl}'>այս թեման</a>"
@ -1894,17 +1896,6 @@ hy:
publish_to: "Հրատարակել."
when: "Երբ."
time_frame_required: "Խնդրում ենք ընտրել ժամանակահատված"
none: "Ընտրել ժամանակահատված"
later_today: "Այսօր, մի փոքր ուշ"
tomorrow: "Վաղը"
later_this_week: "Այս շաբաթ, մի փոքր ավելի ուշ"
this_weekend: "Այս շաբաթ-կիրակի"
next_week: "Հաջորդ շաբաթ"
next_month: "Հաջորդ ամիս"
forever: "Ընդմիշտ"
pick_date_and_time: "Ընտրել ամսաթիվ և ժամ"
set_based_on_last_post: "Փակել՝ կախված վերջին գրառումից"
title: "Պլանավորել Հրատարակումը"
@ -2001,8 +1992,6 @@ hy:
unpin: "Ապակցել Թեման..."
unarchive: "Ապարխիվացնել Թեման"
archive: "Արխիվացնել Թեման"
invisible: "Դարձնել Չցուցակագրված"
visible: "Դարձնել Ցուցակագրված"
reset_read: "Զրոյացնել Կարդացած Տվյալները"
make_private: "Ստեղծել Անձնական Նամակ"
reset_bump_date: "Վերահաստատել Բարձրացման Ամսաթիվը"
@ -476,8 +476,8 @@ id:
two_weeks: "Dua pekan"
next_month: "Bulan depan"
six_months: "Enam bulan"
custom: "Tanggal dan waktu tersuai"
none: "Tidak dibutuhkan"
custom: "Tanggal dan waktu tersuai"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> memposting <a href='%{topicUrl}'>topik</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>Anda</a> memposting <a href='%{topicUrl}'>the topic</a>"
@ -1490,15 +1490,6 @@ id:
when: "Ketika:"
duration: "Durasi"
later_today: "Nanti hari ini"
tomorrow: "Besok"
later_this_week: "Nanti pekan ini"
this_weekend: "Akhir pekan ini"
next_week: "Minggu depan"
two_weeks: "Dua pekan"
next_month: "Bulan depan"
six_months: "Enam bulan"
jump_prompt_or: "atau"
@ -575,11 +575,17 @@ it:
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "Lunedì prossimo"
two_weeks: "Due settimane"
next_month: "Il prossimo mese"
two_months: "Due mesi"
three_months: "Tre mesi"
four_months: "Quattro mesi"
six_months: "Sei mesi"
custom: "Data e ora personalizzate"
one_year: "Un anno"
forever: "Per sempre"
relative: "Tempo relativo"
none: "Nessun orario richiesto"
last_custom: "Ultima data e ora personalizzata"
custom: "Data e ora personalizzate"
select_timeframe: "Seleziona un intervallo di tempo"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> ha pubblicato <a href='%{topicUrl}'>l'argomento</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>Tu</a> hai pubblicato <a href='%{topicUrl}'>l'argomento</a>"
@ -1485,8 +1491,6 @@ it:
title: "Link di invito"
success: "Link di invito generato con successo!"
error: "Si è verificato un errore durante la generazione del link di invito"
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "Quante persone sono autorizzate a registrarsi utilizzando questo link?"
expires_at: "Quando scadrà questo link di invito?"
new_title: "Crea invito"
edit_title: "Modifica invito"
@ -2455,24 +2459,6 @@ it:
min_duration: "La durata deve essere maggiore di 0"
max_duration: "La durata deve essere inferiore a 20 anni"
duration: "Durata"
none: "Seleziona un intervallo di tempo"
now: "Adesso"
later_today: "Più tardi oggi"
tomorrow: "Domani"
later_this_week: "Più tardi questa settimana"
this_weekend: "Questo fine settimana"
next_week: "La prossima settimana"
two_weeks: "Due settimane"
next_month: "Il prossimo mese"
two_months: "Due mesi"
three_months: "Tre mesi"
four_months: "Quattro mesi"
six_months: "Sei mesi"
one_year: "Un anno"
forever: "Per sempre"
pick_date_and_time: "Scegli la data e l'ora"
set_based_on_last_post: "Chiudi in base all'ultimo messaggio"
title: "Pianifica Pubblicazione"
@ -2584,8 +2570,8 @@ it:
unpin: "Spunta Argomento..."
unarchive: "Annulla archiviazione Argomento"
archive: "Archivia Argomento"
invisible: "Rendi Invisibile"
visible: "Rendi Visibile"
invisible: "Nascondi Argomento"
visible: "Elenca Argomento"
reset_read: "Reimposta Dati di lettura"
make_public: "Rendi l'argomento pubblico..."
make_private: "Rendi Messaggio Personale"
@ -2778,6 +2764,7 @@ it:
other: "Hai selezionato <b>%{count}</b> messaggi."
deleted_by_author_simple: "(argomento eliminato dall'autore)"
confirm_delete: "Sicuro di voler eliminare questo messaggio?"
quote_reply: "Cita"
quote_reply_shortcut: "Oppure premi \"q\""
quote_edit: "Modifica"
@ -514,11 +514,17 @@ ja:
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "来週の月曜日"
two_weeks: "2 週間"
next_month: "来月"
two_months: "2 か月"
three_months: "3 か月"
four_months: "4 か月"
six_months: "6 か月"
custom: "カスタムの日付と時刻"
one_year: "1 年"
forever: "永遠"
relative: "相対時間"
none: "不要"
last_custom: "最後のカスタム日時"
custom: "カスタムの日付と時刻"
select_timeframe: "時間枠を選択してください"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> が<a href='%{topicUrl}'>トピック</a>を作成しました"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>あなた</a>が<a href='%{topicUrl}'>トピック</a>を作成しました"
@ -1406,8 +1412,6 @@ ja:
title: "招待リンク"
success: "招待リンクが生成されました!"
error: "招待リンクの生成中にエラーが発生しました"
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "このリンクを使用して登録できるのは何人ですか?"
expires_at: "この招待リンクはいつまで有効ですか?"
new_title: "招待の作成"
edit_title: "招待の編集"
@ -2294,24 +2298,6 @@ ja:
min_duration: "期間は 0 より大きくする必要があります"
max_duration: "期間は 20 年未満である必要があります"
duration: "期間"
none: "時間枠を選択してください"
now: "今"
later_today: "今日の後程"
tomorrow: "明日"
later_this_week: "今週の後半"
this_weekend: "今週末"
next_week: "来週"
two_weeks: "2 週間"
next_month: "来月"
two_months: "2 か月"
three_months: "3 か月"
four_months: "4 か月"
six_months: "6 か月"
one_year: "1 年"
forever: "永遠"
pick_date_and_time: "日時を選択"
set_based_on_last_post: "最後の投稿でクローズ"
title: "公開スケジュール"
@ -2419,8 +2405,6 @@ ja:
unpin: "トピックを固定解除..."
unarchive: "トピックをアーカイブ解除"
archive: "トピックをアーカイブ"
invisible: "非表示にする"
visible: "リストに表示"
reset_read: "閲覧データをリセット"
make_private: "個人メッセージにする"
reset_bump_date: "バンプ日をリセット"
@ -523,11 +523,17 @@ ko:
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "다음 월요일"
two_weeks: "2주"
next_month: "다음 달"
two_months: "2개월"
three_months: "3개월"
four_months: "4개월"
six_months: "6개월"
custom: "사용자 지정 날짜 및 시간"
one_year: "1년"
forever: "영원히"
relative: "상대 시간"
none: "필요 없음"
last_custom: "마지막 맞춤 시간"
custom: "사용자 지정 날짜 및 시간"
select_timeframe: "시간대 선택"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> 사용자가 <a href='%{topicUrl}'>글 작성</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>사용자님</a>이 <a href='%{topicUrl}'>글 작성</a>"
@ -1413,8 +1419,6 @@ ko:
title: "초대 링크"
success: "초대 링크가 성공적으로 생성되었습니다!"
error: "초대 링크를 생성하는 중에 오류가 발생했습니다."
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "이 링크를 사용하여 등록 할 수있는 사람은 몇 명입니까?"
expires_at: "이 초대 링크는 언제 만료됩니까?"
new_title: "초대 링크 만들기"
edit_title: "초대 수정"
@ -2325,24 +2329,6 @@ ko:
min_duration: "기간은 0보다 커야 합니다."
max_duration: "기간은 20년 미만이어야 합니다."
duration: "기간"
none: "시간대 선택"
now: "지금"
later_today: "오늘 나중에"
tomorrow: "내일"
later_this_week: "이번 주말"
this_weekend: "이번 주말"
next_week: "다음 주"
two_weeks: "2주"
next_month: "다음 달"
two_months: "2개월"
three_months: "3개월"
four_months: "4개월"
six_months: "6개월"
one_year: "1년"
forever: "영원히"
pick_date_and_time: "날짜 및 시간 선택"
set_based_on_last_post: "마지막 게시글 기준으로 닫기"
title: "게시 예약"
@ -2451,8 +2437,6 @@ ko:
unpin: "글 고정 해제..."
unarchive: "글 보관 취소"
archive: "글 보관"
invisible: "목록에서 제외하기"
visible: "목록에 넣기"
reset_read: "값 재설정"
make_public: "공개 글로 만들기..."
make_private: "개인 메시지 작성"
@ -564,11 +564,17 @@ lt:
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "Kitą pirmadienį"
two_weeks: "Dvi savaitės"
next_month: "Kitą mėnesį"
two_months: "Du mėnesiai"
three_months: "Trys mėnesiai"
four_months: "Keturi mėnesiai"
six_months: "Šeši mėnesiai"
custom: "Pasirinkite datą ir laiką"
one_year: "Vieneri metai"
forever: "Am-inai"
relative: "Santykinis laikas"
none: "Nė vienas reikalingas"
last_custom: "Paskutinė tinkinta data ir laikas"
custom: "Pasirinkite datą ir laiką"
select_timeframe: "Pasirinkite laikotarpį"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> paskelbė <a href='%{topicUrl}'>temą</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>Tu</a> paskelbei <a href='%{topicUrl}'>temą</a>"
@ -1439,8 +1445,6 @@ lt:
title: "Kvietimo nuoroda"
success: "Pavyko sugeneruoti pakvietimo nuorodą"
error: "Generuojant kvietimo nuorodą įvyko klaida"
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "Kiek žmonių leidžiama registruotis naudojant šią nuorodą?"
expires_at: "Kada baigsis šios kvietimo nuorodos galiojimo laikas?"
new_title: "Sukurti kvietimą"
edit_title: "Redaguoti kvietimą"
@ -2305,24 +2309,6 @@ lt:
min_duration: "Trukmė turi būti didesnė nei 0"
max_duration: "Trukmė turi būti trumpesnė nei 20 metų"
duration: "Trukmė"
none: "Pasirinkite laikotarpį"
now: "Dabar"
later_today: "Šiandien vėliau"
tomorrow: "Rytoj"
later_this_week: "Šia savaitę vėliau"
this_weekend: "Šį savaitgalį"
next_week: "Kitą savaitę"
two_weeks: "Dvi savaitės"
next_month: "Kitą mėnesį"
two_months: "Du mėnesiai"
three_months: "Trys mėnesiai"
four_months: "Keturi mėnesiai"
six_months: "Šeši mėnesiai"
one_year: "Vieneri metai"
forever: "Am-inai"
pick_date_and_time: "Pasirinkite datą ir laiką"
set_based_on_last_post: "Uždaryti pagal paskutinį įrašą"
title: "Suplanuokite leidybą"
@ -2424,8 +2410,6 @@ lt:
unpin: "Atsegti Temą..."
unarchive: "Atstatyti archyvuotą Tema"
archive: "Archyvuoti temą"
invisible: "Išimti iš Sąrašo"
visible: "Įkelti į Sąrašą"
reset_read: "Atkurti Perskaitymo Duomenis"
make_public: "Padaryti viešą temą ..."
make_private: "Rašykite asmeninę žinutę"
@ -516,10 +516,10 @@ lv:
two_weeks: "Divas nedēļas"
next_month: "Nākamā mēnesī"
six_months: "Seši mēneši"
custom: "Pielāgots datums un laiks"
relative: "Relatīvais laiks"
none: "Neviens nav vajadzīgs"
last_custom: "Pēdējais pielāgotais datuma laiks"
custom: "Pielāgots datums un laiks"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> pievienoja ierakstus <a href='%{topicUrl}'>tēmai</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>Jūs</a> pievienojāt ierakstu <a href='%{topicUrl}'>tēmai</a>"
@ -1356,8 +1356,6 @@ lv:
success: "Ielūguma saite gatava!"
error: "Ģenerējot uzaicinājuma saiti, radās kļūda"
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "Cik cilvēkiem ir atļauts reģistrēties, izmantojot šo saiti?"
expires_at: "Kad beigsies šīs uzaicinājuma saites derīguma termiņš?"
new_title: "Izveidot ielūgumu"
edit_title: "Rediģēt uzaicinājumu"
@ -2024,15 +2022,6 @@ lv:
publish_to: "Publicēt: "
when: "Kad:"
duration: "Ilgums"
later_today: "Vēlāk šodien"
tomorrow: "Rītdien"
later_this_week: "Vēlāk šonedēļ"
this_weekend: "Šajā nedēļas nogalē"
next_week: "Nākamā nedēļā"
next_month: "Nākamā mēnesī"
pick_date_and_time: "Izvēlēties datumu un laiku "
set_based_on_last_post: "Aizvērt, balstoties uz pēdējo ziņojumu "
title: "Ieplānot publicēšanu "
@ -2123,8 +2112,6 @@ lv:
unpin: "Atspraust tēmu..."
unarchive: "Izņemt tēmu no arhīva"
archive: "Arhivēt tēmu"
invisible: "Izņemt tēmu no sarakstiem"
visible: "Atgriezt tēmu sarakstos"
reset_read: "Atstatīt visu kā nelasītu"
pin: "Piespraust tēmu"
@ -551,11 +551,17 @@ nb_NO:
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "Neste mandag"
two_weeks: "To uker"
next_month: "Neste måned"
two_months: "To måneder"
three_months: "Tre måneder"
four_months: "Fire måneder"
six_months: "Seks måneder"
custom: "Egendefinert dato og tid"
one_year: "Ett år"
forever: "For alltid"
relative: "Relativ tid"
none: "Ingen behov"
last_custom: "Siste egendefinerte datotid"
custom: "Egendefinert dato og tid"
select_timeframe: "Velg et tidsrom"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> opprettet <a href='%{topicUrl}'>emnet</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>Du</a> opprettet <a href='%{topicUrl}'>emnet</a>"
@ -1429,8 +1435,6 @@ nb_NO:
title: "Invitasjons link"
success: "Invitasjonslenke har blitt generert!"
error: "Det oppstod en feil under generering av invitasjonslenke"
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "Hvor mange personer har lov til å registrere seg ved hjelp av denne lenken?"
expires_at: "Når vil denne invitasjonslenken utløp?"
new_title: "Opprett invitasjon"
edit_title: "Rediger invitasjon"
@ -2293,24 +2297,6 @@ nb_NO:
min_duration: "Varigheten må være større enn 0"
max_duration: "Varigheten må være under 20 år"
duration: "Varighet"
none: "Velg et tidsrom"
now: "Nå"
later_today: "Senere i dag"
tomorrow: "I morgen"
later_this_week: "Senere denne uken"
this_weekend: "Denne uken"
next_week: "Neste uke"
two_weeks: "To uker"
next_month: "Neste måned"
two_months: "To måneder"
three_months: "Tre måneder"
four_months: "Fire måneder"
six_months: "Seks måneder"
one_year: "Ett år"
forever: "For alltid"
pick_date_and_time: "Velg dato og tid"
set_based_on_last_post: "Lukk basert på siste post"
title: "Planlegg publisering"
@ -2418,8 +2404,6 @@ nb_NO:
unpin: "Løsne emne…"
unarchive: "Opphev arkivering av emne"
archive: "Arkiver emne"
invisible: "Skjul"
visible: "Gjør synlig"
reset_read: "Tilbakestill lesedata"
make_private: "Gjør om til personlig melding"
reset_bump_date: "Tilbakestille dato emnet ble flyttet øverst"
@ -553,11 +553,17 @@ nl:
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "Volgende maandag"
two_weeks: "Twee weken"
next_month: "Volgende maand"
two_months: "Twee maanden"
three_months: "Drie maanden"
four_months: "Vier maanden"
six_months: "Zes maanden"
custom: "Aangepaste datum en tijd"
one_year: "Eén jaar"
forever: "Voor altijd"
relative: "Relatieve tijd"
none: "Niet nodig"
last_custom: "Laatste aangepaste datumtijd"
custom: "Aangepaste datum en tijd"
select_timeframe: "Selecteer een tijdsbestek"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> heeft <a href='%{topicUrl}'>het topic</a> geplaatst"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>U</a> hebt <a href='%{topicUrl}'>het topic</a> geplaatst"
@ -1437,8 +1443,6 @@ nl:
title: "Uitnodigingskoppeling"
success: "Uitnodigingskoppeling succesvol gegenereerd!"
error: "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het genereren van de uitnodigingskoppeling"
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "Hoeveel mensen mogen zich via deze koppeling registreren?"
expires_at: "Wanneer verloopt deze uitnodigingskoppeling?"
new_title: "Uitnodiging maken"
edit_title: "Uitnodiging bewerken"
@ -2362,24 +2366,6 @@ nl:
min_duration: "Tijdsduur moet langer zijn dan 0"
max_duration: "Tijdsduur moet minder dan 20 jaar zijn"
duration: "Tijdsduur"
none: "Selecteer een tijdsbestek"
now: "Nu"
later_today: "Later vandaag"
tomorrow: "Morgen"
later_this_week: "Later deze week"
this_weekend: "Dit weekend"
next_week: "Volgende week"
two_weeks: "Twee weken"
next_month: "Volgende maand"
two_months: "Twee maanden"
three_months: "Drie maanden"
four_months: "Vier maanden"
six_months: "Zes maanden"
one_year: "Eén jaar"
forever: "Voor altijd"
pick_date_and_time: "Kies datum en tijd"
set_based_on_last_post: "Sluiten op basis van laatste bericht"
title: "Publicatie plannen"
@ -2485,8 +2471,6 @@ nl:
unpin: "Topic losmaken..."
unarchive: "Topic dearchiveren"
archive: "Topic archiveren"
invisible: "Onzichtbaar maken"
visible: "Zichtbaar maken"
reset_read: "Leesgegevens herinitialiseren"
make_private: "Persoonlijk bericht maken"
reset_bump_date: "Bumpdatum terugzetten"
@ -660,11 +660,17 @@ pl_PL:
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "Następny poniedziałek"
two_weeks: "Dwa tygodnie"
next_month: "Następny miesiąc"
two_months: "Dwa miesiące"
three_months: "Trzy miesiące"
four_months: "Cztery miesiące"
six_months: "Sześć miesięcy"
custom: "Niestandardowa data i godzina"
one_year: "Rok"
forever: "Zawsze"
relative: "Względny czas"
none: "Żadne nie są potrzebne"
last_custom: "Ostatnia niestandardowa data i godzina"
custom: "Niestandardowa data i godzina"
select_timeframe: "Wybierz przedział czasowy"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> tworzy <a href='%{topicUrl}'>temat</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>Dodajesz</a> <a href='%{topicUrl}'>temat</a>"
@ -1596,8 +1602,6 @@ pl_PL:
title: "Odnośnik z zaproszeniem"
success: "Link z zaproszenie został poprawnie wygenerowany!"
error: "Wystąpił błąd podczas generowania linku do zaproszenia"
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "Ile osób może zarejestrować się za pomocą tego linku?"
expires_at: "Kiedy ten link z zaproszeniem wygaśnie?"
new_title: "Utwórz zaproszenie"
edit_title: "Edytuj zaproszenie"
@ -2657,24 +2661,6 @@ pl_PL:
min_duration: "Czas trwania musi być większy niż 0"
max_duration: "Czas trwania musi być krótszy niż 20 lat"
duration: "Czas trwania"
none: "Wybierz przedział czasowy"
now: "Teraz"
later_today: "Później dzisiaj"
tomorrow: "Jutro"
later_this_week: "Później w tym tygodniu"
this_weekend: "W ten weekend"
next_week: "Następny tydzień"
two_weeks: "Dwa tygodnie"
next_month: "Następny miesiąc"
two_months: "Dwa miesiące"
three_months: "Trzy miesiące"
four_months: "Cztery miesiące"
six_months: "Sześć miesięcy"
one_year: "Rok"
forever: "Zawsze"
pick_date_and_time: "Wybierz datę i czas"
set_based_on_last_post: "Zamknij na podstawie ostatniego wpisu"
title: "Zaplanuj publikację"
@ -2792,8 +2778,6 @@ pl_PL:
unpin: "Odepnij temat…"
unarchive: "Przywróć z archiwum"
archive: "Archiwizuj temat"
invisible: "Ustaw jako niewidoczny"
visible: "Ustaw jako widoczny"
reset_read: "Zresetuj przeczytane dane"
make_public: "Utwórz temat publiczny..."
make_private: "Utwórz osobistą wiadomość"
@ -558,11 +558,17 @@ pt:
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "Próxima Segunda-feira"
two_weeks: "Duas semanas"
next_month: "Próximo mês"
two_months: "Dois meses"
three_months: "Três meses"
four_months: "Quatro meses"
six_months: "Seis meses"
custom: "Data e hora personalizadas"
one_year: "Um ano"
forever: "Para Sempre"
relative: "Tempo relativo"
none: "Não é necessário"
last_custom: "Data e hora do último personalizado"
custom: "Data e hora personalizadas"
select_timeframe: "Selecione um intervalo de tempo"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> publicou <a href='%{topicUrl}'>o tópico</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'></a> publicou <a href='%{topicUrl}'>o tópico</a>"
@ -1455,8 +1461,6 @@ pt:
title: "Link de Convite"
success: "Hiperligação do convite gerada com sucesso!"
error: "Ocorreu um erro ao gerar o Link de Convite"
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "Quantas pessoas têm permissão para se registar usando este link?"
expires_at: "Quando irá este link de convite expirar?"
new_title: "Criar Convite"
edit_title: "Editar Convite"
@ -2357,24 +2361,6 @@ pt:
min_duration: "A duração tem de ser maior que 0"
max_duration: "A duração tem de ser inferior a 20 anos"
duration: "Duração"
none: "Selecione um intervalo de tempo"
now: "Agora"
later_today: "Hoje, mais tarde"
tomorrow: "Amanhã"
later_this_week: "No final desta semana"
this_weekend: "Este fim de semana"
next_week: "Próxima semana"
two_weeks: "Duas semanas"
next_month: "Próximo mês"
two_months: "Dois meses"
three_months: "Três meses"
four_months: "Quatro meses"
six_months: "Seis meses"
one_year: "Um ano"
forever: "Para Sempre"
pick_date_and_time: "Escolha uma data e hora"
set_based_on_last_post: "Fechar baseado na última publicação"
title: "Agendar Publicação"
@ -2483,8 +2469,6 @@ pt:
unpin: "Desafixar Tópico..."
unarchive: "Desarquivar Tópico"
archive: "Arquivar Tópico"
invisible: "Tornar Não Listado"
visible: "Tornar Listado"
reset_read: "Repor Data de Leitura"
make_private: "Tornar Mensagem Pessoal"
reset_bump_date: "Reset à Data do Bump"
@ -83,9 +83,18 @@ pt_BR:
one: "%{count} hora"
other: "%{count} horas"
one: "cerca de %{count} hora"
other: "cerca de %{count} horas"
one: "%{count} dia"
other: "%{count} dias"
one: "%{count} mês"
other: "%{count} meses"
one: "cerca de %{count} ano"
other: "cerca de %{count} anos"
date_year: "D MMM, 'YY"
@ -560,11 +569,17 @@ pt_BR:
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "Próxima segunda-feira"
two_weeks: "Duas semanas"
next_month: "Próximo mês"
two_months: "Dois meses"
three_months: "Três meses"
four_months: "Quatro meses"
six_months: "Seis meses"
custom: "Data e hora personalizadas"
one_year: "Um ano"
forever: "Para sempre"
relative: "Tempo relativo"
none: "Nenhum necessário"
last_custom: "Última data personalizada"
custom: "Data e hora personalizadas"
select_timeframe: "Selecione um intervalo de tempo"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> postou <a href='%{topicUrl}'>o tópico</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>Você</a> postou <a href='%{topicUrl}'>o tópico</a>"
@ -1469,8 +1484,6 @@ pt_BR:
title: "Link de convite"
success: "Link do convite gerado com sucesso!"
error: "Ocorreu um erro ao gerar o link de convite"
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "Quantas pessoas têm permissão para se cadastrar usando este link?"
expires_at: "Quando este link de convite irá expirar?"
new_title: "Criar convite"
edit_title: "Editar convite"
@ -2436,24 +2449,6 @@ pt_BR:
min_duration: "A duração deve ser maior do que 0"
max_duration: "A duração deve ser menor do que 20 anos"
duration: "Duração"
none: "Selecione um intervalo de tempo"
now: "Agora"
later_today: "Hoje mais tarde"
tomorrow: "Amanhã"
later_this_week: "Mais tarde nesta semana"
this_weekend: "Neste fim de semana"
next_week: "Próxima semana"
two_weeks: "Duas semanas"
next_month: "Próximo mês"
two_months: "Dois meses"
three_months: "Três meses"
four_months: "Quatro meses"
six_months: "Seis meses"
one_year: "Um ano"
forever: "Para sempre"
pick_date_and_time: "Escolher data e hora"
set_based_on_last_post: "Fechar com base na última postagem"
title: "Agendar publicação"
@ -2565,8 +2560,6 @@ pt_BR:
unpin: "Desafixar tópico..."
unarchive: "Desarquivar tópico"
archive: "Arquivar tópico"
invisible: "Remover da lista"
visible: "Adicionar à lista"
reset_read: "Redefinir data de leitura"
make_public: "Tornar tópico público..."
make_private: "Crie uma mensagem pessoal"
@ -552,7 +552,9 @@ ro:
start_of_next_business_week: "Luni"
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "Lunea viitoare"
next_month: "Luna viitoare"
forever: "Pentru totdeanua"
custom: "Data și ora personalizată"
select_timeframe: "Alege un interval de timp"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> a postat <a href='%{topicUrl}'>discuția</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>ai</a> postat <a href='%{topicUrl}'>subiectul</a>"
@ -1888,17 +1890,6 @@ ro:
when: "Când:"
time_frame_required: "Te rog selectează un interval de timp"
duration: "Durată"
none: "Alege un interval de timp"
later_today: "Mai târziu azi"
tomorrow: "Mâine"
later_this_week: "Mai târziu săptămâna asta"
this_weekend: "Acest weekend"
next_week: "Săptămâna viitoare"
next_month: "Luna viitoare"
forever: "Pentru totdeanua"
pick_date_and_time: "Alege data și ora"
set_based_on_last_post: "Închide pe baza ultimei postări"
title: "Programează publicarea"
@ -1984,8 +1975,6 @@ ro:
unpin: "Anulează subiect fixat..."
unarchive: "Dezarhivează subiect"
archive: "Arhivează subiect"
invisible: "Fă invizibil"
visible: "Fă vizibil"
reset_read: "Resetează datele despre subiecte citite"
make_private: "Transformă în mesaj privat"
@ -99,6 +99,11 @@ ru:
date_month: "D MMM"
date_year: "MMM YYYY"
one: "менее %{count} минуты назад"
few: "менее %{count} минут назад"
many: "менее %{count} минут назад"
other: "менее %{count} минут назад"
one: "%{count} мин"
few: "%{count} мин"
@ -109,11 +114,36 @@ ru:
few: "%{count} часа"
many: "%{count} часов"
other: "%{count} часов"
one: "около %{count} часа"
few: "около %{count} часов"
many: "около %{count} часов"
other: "около %{count} часов"
one: "%{count} день"
few: "%{count} дня"
many: "%{count} дней"
other: "%{count} дней"
one: "%{count} месяц"
few: "%{count} месяца"
many: "%{count} месяцев"
other: "%{count} месяцев"
one: "около %{count} года"
few: "около %{count} лет"
many: "около %{count} лет"
other: "около %{count} лет"
one: "более %{count} года"
few: "более %{count} лет"
many: "более %{count} лет"
other: "более %{count} лет"
one: "почти %{count} год"
few: "почти %{count} года"
many: "почти %{count} лет"
other: "почти %{count} лет"
date_year: "D MMM, YYYY"
@ -663,11 +693,17 @@ ru:
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "В следующий понедельник"
two_weeks: "Через 2 недели"
next_month: "В следующем месяце"
two_months: "Через 2 месяца"
three_months: "Через 3 месяца"
four_months: "Через 4 месяца"
six_months: "Через 6 месяцев"
custom: "Установить дату и время"
one_year: "Через год"
forever: "Навсегда"
relative: "Через указанное время"
none: "Не настраивать напоминание"
last_custom: "Использовать ранее установленные дату и время"
custom: "Установить дату и время"
select_timeframe: "Выбор даты"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> создал <a href='%{topicUrl}'>тему</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>Вы</a> создали <a href='%{topicUrl}'>тему</a>"
@ -1601,8 +1637,6 @@ ru:
title: "Ссылка на приглашение"
success: "Ссылка на приглашение успешно создана!"
error: "Произошла ошибка при создании ссылки на приглашение"
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "Сколько человек могут зарегистрироваться по этой ссылке?"
expires_at: "Когда истечёт срок действия этой ссылки?"
new_title: "Создать приглашение"
edit_title: "Изменить приглашение"
@ -1648,7 +1682,9 @@ ru:
title: "Сводка"
stats: "Статистика"
time_read: "время чтения"
time_read_title: "%{duration} (за всё время)"
recent_time_read: "время недавнего чтения"
recent_time_read_title: "%{duration} (за последние 60 дней)"
one: "тема создана"
few: "темы созданы"
@ -2473,7 +2509,7 @@ ru:
select_all: "Выбрать всё"
clear_all: "Отменить выбор"
unlist_topics: "Исключить из всех списков тем"
unlist_topics: "Скрыть темы"
relist_topics: "Повторный Список Тем"
defer: "Отложить"
delete: "Удалить темы"
@ -2662,24 +2698,6 @@ ru:
min_duration: "Период времени должен быть больше 0"
max_duration: "Период времени не должен быть более 20 лет."
duration: "Продолжительность"
none: "Выбор даты"
now: "Сейчас"
later_today: "Сегодня, но позже"
tomorrow: "Завтра"
later_this_week: "Позже на этой неделе"
this_weekend: "В эти выходные"
next_week: "Через неделю"
two_weeks: "Через 2 недели"
next_month: "В следующем месяце"
two_months: "Через 2 месяца"
three_months: "Через 3 месяца"
four_months: "Через 4 месяца"
six_months: "Через 6 месяцев"
one_year: "Через год"
forever: "Навсегда"
pick_date_and_time: "Выбрать дату и время"
set_based_on_last_post: "Закрыть после последнего сообщения"
title: "Опубликовать в разделе..."
@ -2797,8 +2815,6 @@ ru:
unpin: "Открепить тему..."
unarchive: "Разархивировать тему"
archive: "Архивировать тему"
invisible: "Скрыть тему"
visible: "Показать тему"
reset_read: "Сбросить счётчики"
make_public: "Превратить в публичную тему..."
make_private: "Превратить в личное сообщение"
@ -3015,6 +3031,7 @@ ru:
other: "Вы выбрали <b>%{count}</b> сообщений."
deleted_by_author_simple: "(тема удалена автором)"
confirm_delete: "Вы действительно хотите удалить это сообщение?"
quote_reply: "Ответить с цитированием"
quote_reply_shortcut: "Или нажмите q"
quote_edit: "Отредактировать"
@ -3836,6 +3853,11 @@ ru:
few: "Вы должны выбрать как минимум %{count} тега"
many: "Вы должны выбрать как минимум %{count} тегов"
other: "Вы должны выбрать как минимум %{count} тегов"
one: "выберите %{count} тег из '%{name}'..."
few: "выберите %{count} тега из '%{name}'..."
many: "выберите %{count} тегов из '%{name}'..."
other: "выберите %{count} тегов из '%{name}'..."
info: "Информация"
default_info: "Этот тег не ограничен никакими разделами и не имеет синонимов."
staff_info: "Для добавления ограничения поместите этот тег в <a href=%{basePath}/tag_groups>группу тегов</a>."
@ -416,6 +416,7 @@ sk:
tomorrow: "Zajtra"
this_weekend: "Tento víkend"
next_month: "Budúci mesiac"
forever: "Vždy"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> založil <a href='%{topicUrl}'>tému</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>Vy</a> ste založili <a href='%{topicUrl}'>tému</a>"
@ -1521,13 +1522,6 @@ sk:
num_of_hours: "Počet hodín:"
when: "Kedy:"
tomorrow: "Zajtra"
this_weekend: "Tento víkend"
next_week: "Budúci týždeň"
next_month: "Budúci mesiac"
forever: "Vždy"
pick_date_and_time: "Vyberte dátum a čas"
title: "Dočasne zatvoriť"
@ -1601,8 +1595,6 @@ sk:
unpin: "Odopni tému...."
unarchive: "Zruš archiváciu témy"
archive: "Archívuj tému"
invisible: "Skyť"
visible: "Zobraziť"
reset_read: "Zrušiť načítané údaje"
pin: "Pripni tému"
@ -565,9 +565,11 @@ sl:
start_of_next_business_week: "Ponedeljek"
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "Naslednji ponedeljek"
next_month: "Naslednji mesec"
custom: "Izberi datum in čas"
forever: "Za vedno"
relative: "Relativni čas"
none: "Brez opomnika"
custom: "Izberi datum in čas"
select_timeframe: "Izberi časovni okvir"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> je objavil <a href='%{topicUrl}'>temo</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>Vi</a> ste objavili <a href='%{topicUrl}'>temo</a>"
@ -1414,8 +1416,6 @@ sl:
title: "Povezava povabila"
success: "Povezava s povabilom ustvarjena!"
error: "Pri ustvarjanju povezave povabila je prišlo do napake"
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "Koliko ljudi se lahko registrira s to povezavo?"
expires_at: "Kdaj bo ta povezava povabila potekla?"
new_title: "Ustvari povabilo"
instructions: "Delite to povezavo in takoj omogočite dostop do te strani:"
@ -2262,18 +2262,6 @@ sl:
min_duration: "Trajanje mora biti večje od 0"
max_duration: "Trajanje mora biti krajše od 20 let"
duration: "Trajanje"
none: "Izberi časovni okvir"
now: "Zdaj"
later_today: "Kasneje v dnevu"
tomorrow: "Jutri"
later_this_week: "Kasneje v tednu"
this_weekend: "Ta vikend"
next_week: "Naslednji teden"
next_month: "Naslednji mesec"
forever: "Za vedno"
pick_date_and_time: "Izberi datum in čas"
set_based_on_last_post: "Kloniraj na podlagi zadnjega prispevka"
title: "Objavi kasneje"
@ -2379,8 +2367,6 @@ sl:
unpin: "Odpni temo"
unarchive: "Odarhiviraj temo"
archive: "Arhiviraj temo"
invisible: "Izloči iz seznamov"
visible: "Naredi uvrščeno"
reset_read: "Ponastavi podatke o branosti"
make_private: "Spremeni v ZS"
reset_bump_date: "Ponastavi izpostavljanje"
@ -1304,8 +1304,6 @@ sq:
unpin: "Çngjite temën..."
unarchive: "Çarkivoje temën"
archive: "Arkivoje temën"
invisible: "Hiqeni nga Listat"
visible: "Listojeni"
reset_read: "Reset Read Data"
pin: "Ngjite temën"
@ -1246,12 +1246,6 @@ sr:
remove: "Onemogući"
when: "Kada:"
later_today: "Kasnije ovog dana"
tomorrow: "Sutra"
later_this_week: "Kasnije ove sedmice"
next_week: "Sledeće sedmice"
next_month: "Naredni mesec"
error: "Molimo unesite validnu vrednost"
based_on_last_post: "Nemoj zatvoriti dok poslednja poruka nije odprilike ovoliko stara."
@ -1304,8 +1298,6 @@ sr:
close: "Zatvori temu"
unarchive: "Vrati temu iz arhiva"
archive: "Arhiviraj temu"
invisible: "Ukloni temu s popisa"
visible: "Stavi na popis"
reset_read: "Poništi podatke o pročitanom"
pin: "Zakači temu"
@ -575,11 +575,17 @@ sv:
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "Nästa måndag"
two_weeks: "Två veckor"
next_month: "Nästa månad"
two_months: "Två månader"
three_months: "Tre månader"
four_months: "Fyra månader"
six_months: "Sex månader"
custom: "Anpassa datum och tid"
one_year: "Ett år"
forever: "För alltid"
relative: "Relativ tid"
none: "Ingen behövs"
last_custom: "Senaste anpassade datumtid"
custom: "Anpassa datum och tid"
select_timeframe: "Välj en tidsram"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> skrev <a href='%{topicUrl}'>ämnet</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>Du</a> skrev <a href='%{topicUrl}'>ämnet</a>"
@ -1487,8 +1493,6 @@ sv:
title: "Inbjudningslänk"
success: "Länk för inbjudan framgångsrikt skapad!"
error: "Ett fel inträffade vid skapande av inbjudningslänk"
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "Hur många personer är tillåtna att registrera sig via denna länk?"
expires_at: "När ska denna inbjudningslänk upphöra?"
new_title: "Skapa inbjudan"
edit_title: "Redigera inbjudan"
@ -2460,24 +2464,6 @@ sv:
min_duration: "Varaktigheten måste vara större än 0"
max_duration: "Varaktigheten måste vara kortare än 20 år"
duration: "Varaktighet"
none: "Välj en tidsram"
now: "Nu"
later_today: "Senare idag"
tomorrow: "Imorgon"
later_this_week: "Senare denna vecka"
this_weekend: "Detta veckoslut"
next_week: "Nästa vecka"
two_weeks: "Två veckor"
next_month: "Nästa månad"
two_months: "Två månader"
three_months: "Tre månader"
four_months: "Fyra månader"
six_months: "Sex månader"
one_year: "Ett år"
forever: "För alltid"
pick_date_and_time: "Välj datum och tid"
set_based_on_last_post: "Stäng baserat på senaste inlägg"
title: "Schemalägg publicering"
@ -2589,8 +2575,6 @@ sv:
unpin: "Ta ner ämne..."
unarchive: "Dearkivera ämne"
archive: "Arkivera ämne"
invisible: "Markera som olistad"
visible: "Markera som listad"
reset_read: "Återställ läsdata"
make_public: "Gör ämnet offentligt..."
make_private: "Skapa personligt meddelande"
@ -336,6 +336,8 @@ sw:
later_this_week: "Baada ya mda ndani ya wiki hii"
this_weekend: "Wikiendi hii"
next_month: "Mwezi ujao"
forever: "Milele"
select_timeframe: "Chagua fremu ya mda"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{mtumiaji}</a> amechapisha <a href='%{topicUrl}'>mada</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>Ume</a> chapisha <a href='%{topicUrl}'>mada</a>"
@ -1527,17 +1529,6 @@ sw:
remove: "Ondoa Kipima Mda"
publish_to: "Chapisha kwenda Kwa:"
when: "Lini:"
none: "Chagua fremu ya mda"
later_today: "Baada ya mda leo"
tomorrow: "Kesho"
later_this_week: "Baada ya mda ndani ya wiki hii"
this_weekend: "Wikiendi hii"
next_week: "Wiki Ijayo"
next_month: "Mwezi ujao"
forever: "Milele"
pick_date_and_time: "Chagua tarehe na mda"
set_based_on_last_post: "Funga kulingana na chapisho la mwisho"
title: "Panga Uchapishaji"
@ -1623,8 +1614,6 @@ sw:
unpin: "Ondoa Mada..."
unarchive: "Ondoa Mada kwenye Nyaraka"
archive: "Weka Mada kwenye Nyaraka"
invisible: "Ondoa Orodha"
visible: "Tengeneza Orodha"
reset_read: "Anzisha Upya Usomaji wa Taarifa"
make_private: "Tengeneza Ujumbe Binafsi"
@ -876,11 +876,6 @@ te:
enable: "చేతనం"
remove: "అచేతనం"
tomorrow: "రేపు"
this_weekend: "ఈ వారాంతం"
next_week: "వచ్చే వారం"
next_month: "వచ్చే నెల"
error: "దయచేసి చెల్లే విలువ రాయండి"
based_on_last_post: "ఈ విషయంలో చివరి టపా కనీసం ఇంత వయసు వచ్చేంతవరకూ విషయాన్ని మూయకు."
@ -926,8 +921,6 @@ te:
close: "విషయం మూయు"
unarchive: "విషయాన్ని కట్టవిప్పు"
archive: "విషయాన్ని కట్టకట్టు"
invisible: "అజ్జాబితాగా గుర్తించు"
visible: "జాబితాగా గుర్తించు"
reset_read: "చదివిన గణాంకాలను రీసెట్ చేయి"
pin: "విషయం గుచ్చు"
@ -408,6 +408,7 @@ th:
start_of_next_business_week: "วันจันทร์"
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "วันจันทร์หน้า"
next_month: "เดือนหน้า"
forever: "ตลอดไป"
custom: "วันและเวลาที่กำหนดเอง"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> โพสต์ <a href='%{topicUrl}'>กระทู้</a>"
@ -1032,8 +1033,6 @@ th:
title: "ลิงก์คำเชิญ"
success: "สร้างลิงก์คำเชิญสำเร็จแล้ว!"
error: "มีข้อผิดพลาดในการสร้างลิงก์คำเชิญ"
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "มีกี่คนที่ได้รับอนุญาตให้ลงทะเบียนใช้ลิงก์นี้"
expires_at: "ลิงก์คำเชิญนี้จะหมดอายุเมื่อไร"
title: "รหัสผ่าน"
too_short: "รหัสผ่านสั้นเกินไป"
@ -1663,16 +1662,6 @@ th:
when: "เมื่อ:"
time_frame_required: "กรุณาเลือกระยะเวลา"
duration: "ช่วงเวลา"
now: "ตอนนี้"
later_today: "ภายหลังในวันนี้"
tomorrow: "พรุ่งนี้"
later_this_week: "ภายหลังในสัปดาห์นี้"
this_weekend: "สัปดาห์นี้"
next_week: "สัปดาห์หน้า"
next_month: "เดือนหน้า"
forever: "ตลอดไป"
pick_date_and_time: "เลือกวันและเวลา"
title: "เปิดชั่วคราว"
@ -1759,8 +1748,6 @@ th:
unpin: "เลิกปักหมุดกระทู้"
unarchive: "เลิกเก็บกระทู้เข้าคลัง"
archive: "เก็บกระทู้เข้าคลัง"
invisible: "ทำให้ไม่แสดงในรายชื่อ"
visible: "ทำให้แสดงในรายชื่อ"
reset_read: "ล้างข้อมูลการอ่าน"
make_private: "สร้างข้อความส่วนตัว"
@ -86,6 +86,9 @@ tr_TR:
one: "%{count} gün"
other: "%{count} gün"
one: "yaklaşık %{count} yıl"
other: "yaklaşık %{count} yıl"
date_year: "D MMM 'YY"
@ -573,11 +576,17 @@ tr_TR:
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "Gelecek pazartesi"
two_weeks: "İki hafta"
next_month: "Gelecek ay"
two_months: "İki ay"
three_months: "Üç ay"
four_months: "Dört ay"
six_months: "Altı ay"
custom: "Özel tarih ve saat"
one_year: "Bir yıl"
forever: "Sonsuza dek"
relative: "Göreli zaman"
none: "Hiçbiri"
last_custom: "En son belirlenen özel tarih/saat"
custom: "Özel tarih ve saat"
select_timeframe: "Zaman aralığı seç"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a>, <a href='%{topicUrl}'>konusunu</a> açtı"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{topicUrl}'>Bu konu</a> <a href='%{userUrl}'>sizin tarafınızdan</a> açıldı"
@ -1480,8 +1489,6 @@ tr_TR:
title: "Bağlantıyla davet et"
success: "Davet bağlantısı başarılı bir şekilde oluşturuldu!"
error: "Davet bağlantısı oluşturulurken bir hata meydana geldi"
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "Bu bağlantıyı kullanarak kaç kişinin kaydolmasına izin verilsin?"
expires_at: "Bu davet bağlantısının süresi ne zaman dolacak?"
new_title: "Davet oluştur"
edit_title: "Daveti düzenle"
@ -2327,7 +2334,7 @@ tr_TR:
category: "%{category} konusu yok."
top: "Popüler bir konu yok."
new: '<p>Yeni konularınız burada görünecektir. Varsayılan olarak, konular yeni kabul edilir ve son 2 gün içinde oluşturulmuşlarsa <span class="badge new-topic badge-notification" style="vertical-align:middle;line-height:inherit;"></span> göstergesi gösterilir.</p><p>Bunu değiştirmek için <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}"> tercihinizi</a> ziyaret edin.</p>'
new: '<p>Yeni konularınız burada görünecektir. Varsayılan olarak, konular yeni kabul edilir ve son 2 gün içinde oluşturulmuşlarsa <span class="badge new-topic badge-notification" style="vertical-align:middle;line-height:inherit;"></span> göstergesi gösterilir.</p><p>Bunu değiştirmek için <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}"> tercihlerinizi</a> ziyaret edin.</p>'
unread: '<p>Okunmamış konularınız burada görünür.</p><p>Konular varsayılan olarak okunmamış sayılır ve aşağıdaki durumlarda okunmamış ileti sayısı <span class="badge unread-posts badge-notification">1</span> gösterilir: </p><ul><li>Konuyu siz oluşturmuşsanız</li><li>Konuyu yanıtlamışsanız</li><li>Konuyu 4 dakikadan fazla okumuşsanız</li></ul><p>Konuyu her konunun altında bulunan bildirim denetim alanından İzleniyor veya Takip Ediliyor olarak seçmişseniz.</p><p><a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">Tercihler</a> sayfanızdan bu ayarları değiştirebilirsiniz.</p>'
latest: "Daha fazla güncel konu yok."
@ -2440,24 +2447,6 @@ tr_TR:
min_duration: "Süre sıfırdan büyük olmalıdır"
max_duration: "Süre 20 yıldan az olmalıdır"
duration: "Süre"
none: "Zaman aralığı seç"
now: "Şimdi"
later_today: "Bugün ilerleyen saatlerde"
tomorrow: "Yarın"
later_this_week: "Bu hafta içinde"
this_weekend: "Bu hafta sonu"
next_week: "Gelecek hafta"
two_weeks: "İki hafta"
next_month: "Gelecek ay"
two_months: "İki ay"
three_months: "Üç ay"
four_months: "Dört ay"
six_months: "Altı ay"
one_year: "Bir yıl"
forever: "Sonsuza dek"
pick_date_and_time: "Tarih ve saat seç"
set_based_on_last_post: "Son gönderiye göre kapat"
title: "Program yayını"
@ -2569,8 +2558,6 @@ tr_TR:
unpin: "Konuyu En Yukarıda Sabitleme..."
unarchive: "Konuyu Arşivleme"
archive: "Konuyu Arşivle"
invisible: "Listelenmemiş Yap"
visible: "Listelenmiş Yap"
reset_read: "Görüntüleme Verilerini Sıfırla"
make_public: "Herkese açık konu yap..."
make_private: "Kişisel Mesaj Yap"
@ -648,11 +648,17 @@ uk:
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "Наступного понеділка"
two_weeks: "Два тижні"
next_month: "В наступному місяці"
two_months: "Два місяці"
three_months: "Три місяці"
four_months: "Чотири місяці"
six_months: "Шість місяців"
custom: "Вибрати дату та час"
one_year: "Один рік"
forever: "Назавжди"
relative: "Через вказаний час"
none: "Нічого не потрібно"
last_custom: "Використовувати раніше встановлені дату та час"
custom: "Вибрати дату та час"
select_timeframe: "Вибір таймфрейма"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> створив(ла) <a href='%{topicUrl}'>тему</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>Ви</a> створили <a href='%{topicUrl}'>тему</a>"
@ -1583,8 +1589,6 @@ uk:
title: "Запрошувальне посилання"
success: "Запрошувальна посилання успішно створена!"
error: "Помилка під час генерації посилання для запрошення"
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "Скільки людей можуть зареєструватися за допомогою цього посилання?"
expires_at: "Коли мине це посилання для запрошення?"
new_title: "Створити запрошення"
edit_title: "Редагувати запрошення"
@ -2638,24 +2642,6 @@ uk:
min_duration: "Тривалість повинна бути більше 0"
max_duration: "Тривалість повинна бути менше 20 років"
duration: "Тривалість"
none: "Вибір таймфрейма"
now: "Зараз"
later_today: "Пізніше сьогодні"
tomorrow: "Завтра"
later_this_week: "Пізніше на цьому тижні"
this_weekend: "В ці вихідні"
next_week: "На наступному тижні"
two_weeks: "Два тижні"
next_month: "В наступному місяці"
two_months: "Два місяці"
three_months: "Три місяці"
four_months: "Чотири місяці"
six_months: "Шість місяців"
one_year: "Один рік"
forever: "Назавжди"
pick_date_and_time: "Вибрати дату та час"
set_based_on_last_post: "Закрити після останнього повідомлення"
title: "Розклад публікації"
@ -2773,8 +2759,6 @@ uk:
unpin: "Відмінити закріплення теми..."
unarchive: "Розархівувати тему"
archive: "Заархівувати тему"
invisible: "Виключити зі списків"
visible: "Включити в списки"
reset_read: "Скинути дані про прочитаність"
make_public: "Зробити тему публічною..."
make_private: "Особисте повідомлення"
@ -571,11 +571,17 @@ ur:
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "اگلے پیر"
two_weeks: "دو ہفتے"
next_month: "اگلے ماہ"
two_months: "دو مہینے"
three_months: "تین مہینے"
four_months: "چار مہینے"
six_months: "چھ مہینے"
custom: "حسب ضرورت تاریخ اور وقت"
one_year: "ایک سال"
forever: "ہمیشہ کیلئے"
relative: "وابستہ وقت"
none: "کسی کی ضرورت نہیں"
last_custom: "آخری نظامی تاریخ وقت"
custom: "حسب ضرورت تاریخ اور وقت"
select_timeframe: "ایک ٹائم فریم منتخب کریں"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> نے <a href='%{topicUrl}'>ٹاپک</a> پوسٹ کیا"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>آپ</a> نے <a href='%{topicUrl}'>ٹاپک</a> پوسٹ کیا"
@ -1481,8 +1487,6 @@ ur:
title: "مدعوکرنےکا لنک"
success: "دعوت لنک کامیابی سے بن گیا!"
error: "مدعو کرنے کا لنک بنانے میں ایک خرابی تھی"
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "اس لنک کا استعمال کرتے ہوئے کتنے لوگوں کو رجسٹر کرنے کی اجازت ہے؟"
expires_at: "اس دعوتی لنک کی میعاد کب ختم ہوگی؟"
new_title: "دعوت نامہ بنائیں"
edit_title: "دعوت میں ترمیم کریں"
@ -2438,24 +2442,6 @@ ur:
min_duration: "دورانیہ 0 سے زیادہ ہونا ضروری ہے"
max_duration: "دورانیہ 20 سال سے کم ہونا ضروری ہے"
duration: "دورانیہ"
none: "ایک ٹائم فریم منتخب کریں"
now: "ابھی"
later_today: "آج بعد میں"
tomorrow: "کَل"
later_this_week: "اِس ہفتے بعد میں"
this_weekend: "اِس ہفتےکےآخر میں"
next_week: "اگلے ہفتے"
two_weeks: "دو ہفتے"
next_month: "اگلے ماہ"
two_months: "دو مہینے"
three_months: "تین مہینے"
four_months: "چار مہینے"
six_months: "چھ مہینے"
one_year: "ایک سال"
forever: "ہمیشہ کیلئے"
pick_date_and_time: "تاریخ اور وقت منتخب کریں"
set_based_on_last_post: "آخری پوسٹ کی بنیاد پر بند کریں"
title: "اشاعت شیڈول کریں"
@ -2567,8 +2553,6 @@ ur:
unpin: "ٹاپک سے پِن ہٹائیں..."
unarchive: "ٹاپک آرکائیو سے ختم کریں"
archive: "ٹاپک آرکائیو کریں"
invisible: "غیر مندرج بنائیں"
visible: "مندرج بنائیں"
reset_read: "\"پڑھ لیا گیا\" کا ڈیٹا رِی سَیٹ کریں"
make_public: "عوامی موضوع بنائیں..."
make_private: "ذاتی پیغام بنائیں"
@ -65,12 +65,24 @@ vi:
date_month: "D MMM"
date_year: "MMM 'YY"
other: "dưới %{count} phút"
other: "%{count} phút"
other: "%{count} giờ"
other: "khoảng %{count} giờ"
other: "%{count} ngày"
other: "%{count} tháng"
other: "khoảng %{count} năm"
other: "hơn %{count} năm"
other: "gần %{count} năm"
date_year: "D MMM 'YY"
@ -526,11 +538,17 @@ vi:
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "Thứ hai tới"
two_weeks: "Hai tuần"
next_month: "Tháng t"
two_months: "Hai tháng"
three_months: "Ba tháng"
four_months: "Bốn tháng"
six_months: "Sáu tháng"
custom: "Ngày giờ tùy chỉnh"
one_year: "Một năm"
forever: "Mãi mãi"
relative: "Thời gian tương đối"
none: "Không cần thiết"
last_custom: "Ngày giờ tùy chỉnh cuối cùng"
custom: "Ngày giờ tùy chỉnh"
select_timeframe: "Chọn khung thời gian"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> đã đăng <a href='%{topicUrl}'>chủ đề</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>Bạn</a> đã đăng <a href='%{topicUrl}'>chủ đề</a>"
@ -1376,8 +1394,6 @@ vi:
title: "Liên kết mời"
success: "Link mời đã được tạo thành công !"
error: "Đã xảy ra lỗi khi tạo liên kết Mời"
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "Có bao nhiêu người được phép đăng ký bằng cách sử dụng liên kết này?"
expires_at: "Khi nào thì liên kết mời này hết hạn?"
new_title: "Tạo lời mời"
edit_title: "Chỉnh sửa lời mời"
@ -2259,23 +2275,6 @@ vi:
when: "Khi:"
time_frame_required: "Vui lòng chọn một khung thời gian"
duration: "Thời lượng"
none: "Chọn khung thời gian"
now: "Bây giờ"
later_today: "Sau ngày hôm nay"
tomorrow: "Ngày mai"
later_this_week: "Cuối tuần này"
this_weekend: "Cuối tuần này"
next_week: "Tuần tới"
two_weeks: "Hai tuần"
next_month: "Tháng t"
two_months: "Hai tháng"
three_months: "Ba tháng"
four_months: "Bốn tháng"
six_months: "Sáu tháng"
forever: "Mãi mãi"
pick_date_and_time: "Chọn ngày và giờ"
set_based_on_last_post: "Đóng dựa trên bài viết cuối cùng"
title: "Lên lịch xuất bản"
@ -2373,8 +2372,6 @@ vi:
unpin: "Bỏ-Ghim Chủ Đề..."
unarchive: "Chủ đề Không Lưu Trữ"
archive: "Chủ Đề Lưu Trữ"
invisible: "Make Unlisted"
visible: "Make Listed"
reset_read: "Đặt lại dữ liệu đọc"
make_private: "Gửi tin nhắn cá nhân"
reset_bump_date: "Đặt lại ngày Bump"
@ -3225,6 +3222,8 @@ vi:
changed: "thẻ đã đổi:"
tags: "Thẻ"
choose_for_topic: "thẻ không bắt buộc"
other: "chọn %{count} thẻ từ '%{name} '..."
info: "Thông tin"
default_info: "Thẻ này không bị giới hạn đối với bất kỳ danh mục nào và không có từ đồng nghĩa."
category_restricted: "Thẻ này bị hạn chế đối với các danh mục bạn không có quyền truy cập."
@ -66,12 +66,24 @@ zh_CN:
date_month: "M 月 D 日"
date_year: "YY 年 M 月"
other: "小于 %{count} 分钟"
other: "%{count} 分钟"
other: "%{count} 小时"
other: "大约 %{count} 小时"
other: "%{count} 天"
other: "%{count} 个月"
other: "大约 %{count} 年"
other: "超过 %{count} 年"
other: "将近 %{count} 年"
date_year: "YY 年 M 月 D 日"
@ -531,11 +543,17 @@ zh_CN:
start_of_next_business_week_alt: "下周一"
two_weeks: "两周"
next_month: "下个月"
two_months: "两个月"
three_months: "三个月"
four_months: "四个月"
six_months: "六个月"
custom: "自定义日期和时间"
one_year: "一年"
forever: "永远"
relative: "相对时间"
none: "不需要时间/日期"
last_custom: "上次自定义日期时间"
custom: "自定义日期和时间"
select_timeframe: "选择时间范围"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> 发布了<a href='%{topicUrl}'>该话题</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>您</a> 发布了<a href='%{topicUrl}'>该话题</a>"
@ -1430,8 +1448,6 @@ zh_CN:
title: "邀请链接"
success: "邀请链接已成功生成!"
error: "生成邀请链接时出错"
max_redemptions_allowed_label: "允许多少人通过此链接注册?"
expires_at: "此邀请链接何时到期?"
new_title: "创建邀请"
edit_title: "编辑邀请"
@ -1476,7 +1492,9 @@ zh_CN:
title: "摘要"
stats: "统计信息"
time_read: "阅读时间"
time_read_title: "%{duration} (所有时间)"
recent_time_read: "最近阅读时间"
recent_time_read_title: "%{duration} (在过去60天内)"
other: "创建的话题"
@ -2358,24 +2376,6 @@ zh_CN:
min_duration: "持续时间必须大于 0"
max_duration: "持续时间必须小于 20 年"
duration: "持续时间:"
none: "选择时间范围"
now: "现在"
later_today: "今天晚些时候"
tomorrow: "明天"
later_this_week: "本周晚些时候"
this_weekend: "本周末"
next_week: "下周"
two_weeks: "两周"
next_month: "下个月"
two_months: "两个月"
three_months: "三个月"
four_months: "四个月"
six_months: "六个月"
one_year: "一年"
forever: "永远"
pick_date_and_time: "选择日期和时间"
set_based_on_last_post: "根据最后一个帖子关闭"
title: "排定发布时间表"
@ -2484,8 +2484,6 @@ zh_CN:
unpin: "取消置顶话题…"
unarchive: "取消归档话题"
archive: "归档话题"
invisible: "设为取消公开"
visible: "设为公开"
reset_read: "重置阅读数据"
make_public: "设为公开话题..."
make_private: "设为个人消息"
@ -3370,6 +3368,8 @@ zh_CN:
choose_for_topic: "可选标签"
other: "您必须至少选择 %{count} 个标签。"
other: "从 “%{name}” 中选择 %{count} 个标签..."
info: "信息"
default_info: "该标签不限于任何类别,并且没有同义词。"
staff_info: "要添加限制,请将此标签放入 <a href=%{basePath}/tag_groups>标签组</a>。"
@ -474,9 +474,11 @@ zh_TW:
two_weeks: "兩週"
next_month: "下個月"
six_months: "六個月"
custom: "自定義日期和時間"
forever: "永久"
relative: "相對時間"
none: "不需要"
custom: "自定義日期和時間"
select_timeframe: "選擇有效時間範圍"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> 張貼了 <a href='%{topicUrl}'>此主題</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>你</a> 張貼了 <a href='%{topicUrl}'>此主題</a>"
@ -1860,17 +1862,6 @@ zh_TW:
when: "當:"
time_frame_required: "請選擇一個有效時間範圍"
duration: "持續時間"
none: "選擇有效時間範圍"
later_today: "今日稍晚"
tomorrow: "明天"
later_this_week: "本週稍晚"
this_weekend: "這週末"
next_week: "下週"
next_month: "下個月"
forever: "永久"
pick_date_and_time: "挑選日期與時間"
set_based_on_last_post: "依照上一篇貼文來關閉"
title: "定時發表"
@ -1965,8 +1956,6 @@ zh_TW:
unpin: "取消置頂話題"
unarchive: "復原已封存的話題"
archive: "封存話題"
invisible: "不出現在列表上"
visible: "出現在列表上"
reset_read: "重置讀取資料"
make_private: "設置為私訊"
reset_bump_date: "重設上浮日期"
@ -1697,7 +1697,6 @@ ar:
ga_universal_auto_link_domains: "تفعيل تتبُّع Google Universal Analytics عبر النطاقات. ستتم إضافة معرِّف العميل إلى الروابط الصادرة إلى هذه النطاقات. راجع <a href='https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1034342?hl=en' target='_blank'>دليل التتبُّع عبر النطاقات من Google.</a>"
gtm_container_id: "معرِّف حاوية إدارة العلامات من Google. على سبيل المثال: GTM-ABCDEF. <br/>ملاحظة: قد يلزم إدراج البرامج النصية المضمَّنة لجعة خارجية والتي تم تحميلها بواسطة GTM في قائمة السماح في `content security policy script src`."
enable_escaped_fragments: "ارجع إلى واجهة برمجة تطبيقات Ajax-Crawling من Google إذا لم يتم اكتشاف زاحف ويب. راجع <a href='https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more' target='_blank'>https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more</a>"
moderators_manage_categories_and_groups: "السماح للمشرفين بإدارة الفئات والمجموعات"
moderators_change_post_ownership: "السماح للمشرفين بتغيير ملكية المنشور"
cors_origins: "الأصول المسموح بها لطلبات الموارد متعددة المصادر (CORS). بجب أن يتضمَّن كل مصدر http:// أو https://. ويجب ضبط متغير البيئة للقيمة DISCOURSE_ENABLE_CORS على True لتفعيل CORS."
use_admin_ip_allowlist: "لا يمكن للمسؤولين تسجيل الدخول إلا إذا كانوا على عنوان IP محدَّد في قائمة عناوين IP الخاضعة للمراقبة (المسؤول > السجلات > عناوين IP الخاضعة للمراقبة)."
@ -3267,7 +3266,6 @@ ar:
subject_re: "بخصوص: "
subject_pm: "[PM] "
email_from: "%{user_name} عبر %{site_name}"
email_from_without_site: "%{user_name}"
previous_discussion: "الردود السابقة"
@ -1412,7 +1412,6 @@ da:
maximum_session_age: "Bruger vil forblive logget in for n hours siden sidste besøg"
ga_version: "Version af Google Universal Analytics der skal benyttes: v3 (analytics.js), v4 (gtag)"
ga_universal_tracking_code: "Google Universal Analytics tracking code ID, fx: UA-12345678-9; se <a href='https://google.com/analytics' target='_blank'>https://google.com/analytics</a>"
moderators_manage_categories_and_groups: "Tillad moderatorer at administrere kategorier og grupper"
moderators_change_post_ownership: "Tillad moderatorer at ændre ejerskab af indlæg"
use_admin_ip_allowlist: "Administratorer kan kun logge ind, hvis de kommer fra en IP-adresse, der er defineret i listen Screenede IP'er (Admin> Logs> Screenede Ip'er)."
blocked_ip_blocks: "En liste over private IP-blokke, der aldrig bør gennemsøges af Discourse"
@ -2473,7 +2472,6 @@ da:
subject_re: "Sv: "
subject_pm: "[PM] "
email_from_without_site: "%{user_name}"
previous_discussion: "Tidligere Svar"
in_reply_to: "Som svar på"
@ -402,6 +402,7 @@ de:
time_must_be_provided: "Die Zeit muss für alle Erinnerungen angegeben werden"
for_topic_must_use_first_post: "Du kannst nur den ersten Beitrag verwenden, um das Thema mit einem Lesezeichen zu versehen."
bookmarkable_id_type_required: "Der Name und Typ des Datensatzes, für den ein Lesezeichen erstellt werden soll, ist erforderlich."
invalid_bookmarkable: "Ein %{type} kann nicht mit einem Lesezeichen versehen werden."
at_desktop: "Nächstes Mal, wenn ich an meinem PC bin"
later_today: "Im Laufe des Tages"
@ -1530,7 +1531,7 @@ de:
ga_universal_auto_link_domains: "Aktiviere Cross-Domain-Tracking von Google Universal Analytics. Bei ausgehenden Links zu diesen Domains wird die Client-ID hinzugefügt. Siehe <a href='https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1034342?hl=de' target='_blank'>Googles Cross-Domain-Tracking-Handbuch.</a>"
gtm_container_id: "Google-Tag-Manager-Container-ID. Zum Beispiel: GTM-ABCDEF. <br/>Hinweis: Skripte von Drittanbietern, die von GTM geladen werden, müssen unter Umständen in der Liste „content security policy script src“ erlaubt werden (Positivliste)."
enable_escaped_fragments: "Auf die Ajax-Crawling-API von Google zurückgreifen, wenn kein Webcrawler gefunden wird. Siehe <a href='https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more' target='_blank'>https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more</a>"
moderators_manage_categories_and_groups: "Moderatoren erlauben, Kategorien und Gruppen zu verwalten"
moderators_manage_categories_and_groups: "Moderatoren erlauben, Kategorien und Gruppen zu erstellen und zu verwalten"
moderators_change_post_ownership: "Moderatoren erlauben, die Inhaberschaft des Beitrags zu ändern"
cors_origins: "Erlaubte Adressen für Cross-Origin-Requests (CORS). Jede Adresse muss http:// oder https:// enthalten. Die Umgebungsvariable DISCOURSE_ENABLE_CORS muss gesetzt sein, um CORS zu aktivieren."
use_admin_ip_allowlist: "Administratoren können sich nur anmelden, wenn sie eine IP-Adresse nutzen, die in der Liste der gefilterten IPs definiert ist (Administration > Protokolle > Gefilterte IPs)."
@ -1559,6 +1560,7 @@ de:
send_tl2_promotion_message: "Sende neuen Benutzern der Vertrauensstufe 2 eine Nachricht über die Beförderung."
suppress_reply_directly_below: "Zeige die erweiterbare Anzahl der Antworten auf einen Beitrag nicht, falls die einzige Antwort direkt darunter folgt."
suppress_reply_directly_above: "Zeige das erweiterbare Element „In Antwort auf“ bei einem Beitrag nicht an, wenn es nur eine einzige Antwort direkt über diesem Beitrag gibt."
remove_full_quote: "Automatisches Entfernen von Zitaten, wenn sie (a) am Anfang eines Beitrags stehen, (b) aus einem ganzen Beitrag stammen und (c) aus dem unmittelbar vorangegangenen Beitrag stammen. Für Details, siehe <a href='https://meta.discourse.org/t/removal-of-full-quotes-from-direct-replies/106857' target='_blank'>Entfernung von vollständigen Zitaten aus direkten Antworten</a>"
suppress_reply_when_quoting: "Zeige das erweiterbare Element „In Antwort auf“ bei einem Beitrag nicht an, wenn der Beitrag den beantworteten Beitrag zitiert."
max_reply_history: "Maximale Anzahl an Antworten beim Ausklappen von „In Antwort auf“"
topics_per_period_in_top_summary: "Anzahl der Themen, die in der Standard-Zusammenfassung der angesagten Themen angezeigt werden."
@ -2158,6 +2160,7 @@ de:
google_oauth2_hd_groups: "Vor Aktivierung dieser Einstellung musst zuerst \"google oauth2 hd\" eingeschaltet werden."
search_tokenize_chinese_enabled: "Du musst „search_tokenize_chinese“ deaktivieren, bevor du diese Einstellung aktivierst."
search_tokenize_japanese_enabled: "Du musst „search_tokenize_japanese“ deaktivieren, bevor du diese Einstellung aktivierst."
discourse_connect_cannot_be_enabled_if_second_factor_enforced: "Du kannst DiscourseConnect nicht aktivieren, wenn 2FA erzwungen wird."
key: "www.example.com"
@ -3153,7 +3156,7 @@ de:
subject_re: "Re: "
subject_pm: "[PN] "
email_from: "%{user_name} via %{site_name}"
email_from_without_site: "%{user_name}"
email_from_without_site: "%{group_name}"
previous_discussion: "Vorherige Antworten"
@ -3172,6 +3175,9 @@ de:
reply_above_line: "## Bitte gib deine Antwort oberhalb dieser Zeile ein. ##"
posted_by: "Erstellt von %{username} am %{post_date}"
pm_participants: "Teilnehmer: %{participants}"
one: "%{participants} und %{count} andere"
other: "%{participants} und %{count} andere"
invited_group_to_private_message_body: |
%{username} hat @%{group_name} zu einer Unterhaltung eingeladen
@ -1530,7 +1530,6 @@ es:
ga_universal_auto_link_domains: "Activar seguimiento multi-dominio de Google Universal Analytics. Los enlaces salientes a estos dominios tendrán la id de cliente añadida a ellos. Ver <a href='https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1034342?hl=en' target='_blank'>Google's Cross-Domain Tracking guide.</a>"
gtm_container_id: "ID de contenedor de Google Tag Manager. Ej.: GTM-ABCDEF. <br/>Nota: puede que los scripts de terceros cargados por GTM tengan que ser añadidos a la lista de admitidos en «content security policy script src»."
enable_escaped_fragments: "Ir a la API Ajax-Crawling de Google si no se detecta ningún webcrawler. Visita <a href='https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more' target='_blank'>https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more</a>"
moderators_manage_categories_and_groups: "Permitir a los moderadores administrar categorías y grupos"
moderators_change_post_ownership: "Permitir que los moderadores cambien el autor de las publicaciones."
cors_origins: "Orígenes permitidos para las solicitudes de origen cruzado (CORS). Cada origen debe incluir http:// or https://. La variable env DISCOURSE_ENABLE_CORS debe establecerse como verdadero para activar CORS."
use_admin_ip_allowlist: "Los administradores solo pueden iniciar sesión si están en una dirección IP definida en la lista de direcciones IP revisadas (Administrados > Registros > Direcciones IP)."
@ -3154,7 +3153,6 @@ es:
subject_re: "Re:"
subject_pm: "[MP]"
email_from: "%{user_name} vía %{site_name}"
email_from_without_site: "%{user_name}"
previous_discussion: "Respuestas anteriores"
@ -185,6 +185,9 @@ fa_IR:
one: "%{count} پاسخ"
other: "%{count} پاسخ"
one: "%{count} پسندیده"
other: "%{count} پسندیده"
last_reply: "آخرین پاسخ"
created: "ساخته شده"
new_topic: "ایجاد موضوع جدید"
@ -400,6 +403,9 @@ fa_IR:
broken: "عکس خراب شده است."
hidden_bidi_character: "کارکترهای دو جهته میتوانند، ترتیب رندر شدن متن را تغییر دهند. این میتواند برای پنهان کردن کدهای مخرب استفاده شود."
one: "%{count} پسندیده"
other: "%{count} پسندیده"
one: "%{count} ساعت"
@ -599,7 +605,7 @@ fa_IR:
make: "این موضوع در حال حاضر بنر است. این در بالای در تمام صفحه ها نمایش داده می شود تا زمانی که توسط کاربر رد بشود. "
remove: "این موضوع دیگر در بنر نیست. دیگر در بالای تمام صفحات به نمایش در نمیآید. "
topic_description: "اشتراک مجدد در %{link}، استفاده از مدیریت اعلانات در قسمت پایین یا راست موضوع."
topic_description: "برای اشتراک مجدد در %{link}، از مدیریت آگاهسازی در قسمت پایین یا راست موضوع استفاده کنید."
title: "لغو اشتراک"
stop_watching_topic: "این موضوع را مشاهده نکنید، %{link}"
@ -1673,6 +1679,7 @@ fa_IR:
برای لغو اشتراک از این ایمیلها[کلیک کنید](%{unsubscribe_url}).
subject_re: "پاسخ:"
subject_pm: "[PM] "
email_from_without_site: "%{group_name}"
previous_discussion: "پاسخهای قبلی"
@ -1686,6 +1693,9 @@ fa_IR:
only_reply_by_email: "برای پاسخدهی، به این ایمیل پاسخ دهید."
visit_link_to_respond: "[موضوع را](%{base_url}%{url}) برای ارسال پاسخ ببینید."
posted_by: "نوشته شده توسط {username}% در تاریخ {post_date}%"
one: "%{participants} و %{count} نفر دیگر"
other: "%{participants} و %{count} نفر دیگر"
title: "کاربر دعوت شده به پیام خصوصی"
text_body_template: |
@ -1734,7 +1744,7 @@ fa_IR:
title: "کاربر به پیام پاسخ داده"
subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] [پیام] %{topic_title}"
subject_template: "«[%{email_prefix}»] [PM] %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: |
@ -1745,7 +1755,7 @@ fa_IR:
title: "کاربر نقلقول شده"
subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] %{topic_title}"
subject_template: "«%{email_prefix}» %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: |
@ -1756,7 +1766,7 @@ fa_IR:
title: "کاربر لینک شده"
subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] %{topic_title}"
subject_template: "«%{email_prefix}» %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: |
@ -1767,7 +1777,7 @@ fa_IR:
title: "به کاربر اشاره شده"
subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] %{topic_title}"
subject_template: "«%{email_prefix}» %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: |
@ -1777,7 +1787,7 @@ fa_IR:
subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] [پیام] %{topic_title}"
subject_template: "«%{email_prefix}» [PM] %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: |
@ -1788,7 +1798,7 @@ fa_IR:
title: "به کاربر گروه اشاره شده"
subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] %{topic_title}"
subject_template: "«%{email_prefix}» %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: |
@ -1798,7 +1808,7 @@ fa_IR:
subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] [پیام] %{topic_title}"
subject_template: "«%{email_prefix}» [PM] %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: |
@ -1808,7 +1818,7 @@ fa_IR:
subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] [پیام] %{topic_title}"
subject_template: "«%{email_prefix}» [PM] %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: |
@ -1819,7 +1829,7 @@ fa_IR:
title: "کاربر نوشته ارسال کرده"
subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] %{topic_title}"
subject_template: "«%{email_prefix}» %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: |
@ -1830,7 +1840,7 @@ fa_IR:
title: "کاربر در حال مشاهدهی نوشتهی اول است"
subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] %{topic_title}"
subject_template: "«%{email_prefix}» %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: |
@ -1841,7 +1851,7 @@ fa_IR:
title: "کاربر پیام خصوصی ارسال کرده"
subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] [PM] %{topic_title}"
subject_template: "«%{email_prefix}» [PM] %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: |
@ -1877,8 +1887,9 @@ fa_IR:
join_the_discussion: "بیشتر بخوانید"
popular_posts: "نوشتههای محبوب"
more_new: "جدید برای شما"
subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] خلاصه"
subject_template: "«%{email_prefix}» خلاصه"
click_here: "اینجا کلیک کنید"
from: "%{site_name}"
preheader: "یک خلاصه مختصر به دلیل اینکه آخرین بازدیدتان در %{last_seen_at} بوده."
title: "فراموشی رمز عبور"
@ -2311,7 +2322,7 @@ fa_IR:
posted: '%{username} در "%{topic}" - %{site_title} مطلبی نوشت'
linked: '%{username} در "%{topic}" - %{site_title} به نوشتهی شما پیوندی قرار داد'
watching_first_post: '%{username} یک مبحث جدید در "%{topic}" - %{site_title} ساخته'
confirm_title: "اعلانات فعال شد - %{site_title}"
confirm_title: "آگاهسازی فعال شد - %{site_title}"
confirm_body: "موفق شدید. اگاهسازیها فعال شدند."
custom: "اعلان از طرف %{username} بر روی %{site_title}"
@ -1484,7 +1484,6 @@ fi:
ga_universal_auto_link_domains: "Ota käyttöön Google Universal Analyticsin verkkotunnusten välinen seuranta. Asiakastunniste liitetään näihin verkkotunnuksiin ulospäin suuntautuvissa linkeissä. Tutustu <a href='https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1034342?hl=en' target='_blank'>Googlen Verkkotunnusten välisen seurannan määrittäminen ohjeeseen.</a>"
gtm_container_id: "Google Tag Manager -säiliön tunnus, esim: GTM-ABCDEF. <br/>Huomautus: kolmansien osapuolien skriptit, joita GTM käyttää, voi joutua erikseen sallimaan asetuksessa \"content security policy script src\"."
enable_escaped_fragments: "Käytä Googlen Ajax-sivustoille tarkoitettua APIa, jos webcrawleria ei tunnisteta. Katso <a href='https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more' target='_blank'>https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more</a>"
moderators_manage_categories_and_groups: "Salli valvojien hallita alueita ja ryhmiä"
cors_origins: "Sallitut alkuperät eri alkuperät sisältäville pyynnöille (CORS). Jokaisen alkuperän täytyy sisältää http:// tai https://. DISCOURSE_ENABLE_CORS-ympäristömuuttuja täytyy olla asetettu todeksi CORSin käyttöönottamiseksi."
use_admin_ip_allowlist: "Ylläpitäjät voivat kirjautua vain IP-osoitteista, jotka on määritetty Seulottavien IP:iden listassa (Ylläpito > Lokit > Seulottavat IP:t)"
blocked_ip_blocks: "Luettelo yksityisistä IP-lohkoista, joita Discourse ei tulisi koskaan indeksoida"
@ -402,6 +402,7 @@ fr:
time_must_be_provided: "Un horaire doit être indiqué pour chaque rappel"
for_topic_must_use_first_post: "Un signet peut seulement être associé au premier message d'un sujet."
bookmarkable_id_type_required: "Le nom et le type de l'enregistrement à mettre en signet sont requis."
invalid_bookmarkable: "Un %{type} ne peut pas être mis en favoris."
at_desktop: "La prochaine fois que je suis à mon bureau"
later_today: "Plus tard dans la journée"
@ -1530,7 +1531,7 @@ fr:
ga_universal_auto_link_domains: "Activer le suivi de plusieurs domaines pour Google Universal Analytics. Les liens sortants vers ces domaines seront accompagnés de l'identifiant client. Voir le guide <a href='https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1034342?hl=en' target='_blank'>Configurer le suivi de plusieurs domaines</a>."
gtm_container_id: "Identifiant de conteneur Google Tag Manager, par exemple : GTM-ABCDEF. <br/>Note : les scripts tiers chargés par GTM devront peut-être être ajoutés à la liste d'autorisation « content security policy script src »."
enable_escaped_fragments: "Utiliser l'API Ajax-Crawling de Google si aucun robot n'est détecté. Voir <a href='https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more' target='_blank'>https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more</a>"
moderators_manage_categories_and_groups: "Autoriser les modérateurs à gérer les catégories et les groupes"
moderators_manage_categories_and_groups: "Autoriser les modérateurs à créer et gérer les catégories et les groupes"
moderators_change_post_ownership: "Permettre aux modérateurs de modifier l'utilisateur propriétaire d'un message."
cors_origins: "Requêtes cross-origin (CORS) autorisées. Chaque origine doit inclure http:// ou https://. La variable d'environnement DISCOURSE_ENABLE_CORS doit être renseignée sur la valeur « true » pour activer CORS."
use_admin_ip_allowlist: "Les administrateurs ne peuvent se connecter que s'ils sont sur une adresse IP définie dans la liste des IP sous surveillance (Administration > Journaux > IP sous surveillance)."
@ -3150,7 +3151,7 @@ fr:
subject_re: "Re : "
subject_pm: "[MD] "
email_from: "%{user_name} via %{site_name}"
email_from_without_site: "%{user_name}"
email_from_without_site: "%{group_name}"
previous_discussion: "Réponses précédentes"
@ -3169,6 +3170,9 @@ fr:
reply_above_line: "## Veuillez saisir votre réponse au-dessus de cette ligne. ##"
posted_by: "Publié par %{username} le %{post_date}"
pm_participants: "Participants : %{participants}"
one: "%{participants} et %{count} autre"
other: "%{participants} et %{count} autres"
invited_group_to_private_message_body: |
%{username} a invité @%{group_name} à un message
@ -1435,7 +1435,6 @@ gl:
ga_universal_auto_link_domains: "Active o seguimento entre dominios de Google Universal Analytics. As ligazóns de saída a estes dominios engadirán o id do cliente. Consulte a <a href='https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1034342?hl=en' target='_blank'>Guía de seguimento entre dominios de Google.</a>"
gtm_container_id: "Id do contedor de Google Tag Manager. Por exemplo: GTM-ABCDEF. <br/>Nota: pode ser que teñan que estar listados os scripts de terceiros cargados con GTM na «pantalla de script da política de seguridade de contido\"."
enable_escaped_fragments: "Ir á API Ajax-Crawling de Google se non se detecta ningún rastrexador web. Véxase <a href='https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more' target='_blank'>https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more</a>"
moderators_manage_categories_and_groups: "Permitir que os moderadores administren categorías e grupos"
cors_origins: "Orixes permitidas para as solicitudes de orixe cruzada (CORS). Cada orixe debe incluír http:// ou https://. A variábel env DISCOURSE_ENABLE_CORS débese estabelecer como verdadeira para activar CORS."
use_admin_ip_allowlist: "Os administradores só poden iniciar sesión se están nun enderezo IP definido na listaxe de enderezos IP revisados (Administración > Rexistros > IP revisados)."
blocked_ip_blocks: "Unha listaxe de bloques IP privados que Discourse nunca debería rastrexar"
@ -444,6 +444,7 @@ he:
time_must_be_provided: "יש לציין זמן לכל התזכורות"
for_topic_must_use_first_post: "מותר להשתמש רק בפוסט הראשון כדי להוסיף את הנושא לסימניות."
bookmarkable_id_type_required: "דרושים שם וסוג הרשומה לסימון."
invalid_bookmarkable: "לא ניתן לסמן %{type}."
at_desktop: "בשימוש הבא דרך שולחן העבודה"
later_today: "בהמשך היום"
@ -1613,7 +1614,7 @@ he:
ga_universal_auto_link_domains: "הפעלת מעקב חוצה שמות תחום של Google Universal Analytics. לקישורים יוצאים לשמות תחום אלו יתווסף מזהה לקוח. ניתן לעיין ב<a href='https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1034342?hl=en' target='_blank'>במדריך למעקב חוצה שמות תחום של Google.</a>"
gtm_container_id: "מזהה מכולה של Google Tag Manager. למשל: GTM-ABCDEF. <br/>לתשומת לבך: סקריפטים של צד־שלישי שנטענים על ידי GTM דורשים הוספה לרשימת ההיתר תחת ‚content security policy script src’."
enable_escaped_fragments: "נסיגה ל־API של Google's Ajax-Crawling אם לא זוהה סורק אינטרנט. מידע נוסף בכתובת <a href='https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more' target='_blank'>https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more</a>"
moderators_manage_categories_and_groups: "לאפשר למפקחים לנהל קטגוריות וקבוצות"
moderators_manage_categories_and_groups: "לאפשר למפקחים ליצור ולנהל קטגוריות וקבוצות"
moderators_change_post_ownership: "לאפשר למפקחים לשנות בעלות על פוסטים"
cors_origins: "מקורות שאפשר לבצע להם בקשות קרוס-דומיין (Cross origin requests). כל מקור צריך לכלול את התחילית http:// או https:// . משתנה הסביבה DISCOURCE_ENABLE_CORS חייב להיות true כדי לאפשר CORS."
use_admin_ip_allowlist: "מנהלים יכולים להיכנס רק אם הכתובת שלהם מופיעה ברשימת כתובות ה־IP המפוקחות (ניהול > יומנים > כתובות IP מפוקחות)."
@ -2242,6 +2243,7 @@ he:
google_oauth2_hd_groups: "עליך להגדיר את ‚google oauth2 hd’ בטרם הפעלת ההגדרה הזאת."
search_tokenize_chinese_enabled: "עליך להשבית את ‚search_tokenize_chinese’ (חיפוש מפרק סינית) בטרם הפעלת הגדרה זו."
search_tokenize_japanese_enabled: "עליך להשבית את ‚search_tokenize_japanese’ (חיפוש מפרק יפנית) בטרם הפעלת הגדרה זו."
discourse_connect_cannot_be_enabled_if_second_factor_enforced: "אי אפשר להפעיל את DiscourseConnect אם נאכף אימות דו־שלבי."
key: "www.example.com"
@ -3281,7 +3283,7 @@ he:
subject_re: "תגובה: "
subject_pm: "[PM] "
email_from: "%{user_name} דרך %{site_name}"
email_from_without_site: "%{user_name}"
email_from_without_site: "%{group_name}"
previous_discussion: "תגובות קודמות"
@ -3302,6 +3304,11 @@ he:
reply_above_line: "## נא להקליד את התגובה שלך מעל לשורה הזאת. ##"
posted_by: "פורסם על ידי %{username} ב %{post_date}"
pm_participants: "משתתפים: %{participants}"
one: "%{participants} ועוד %{count}"
two: "%{participants} ועוד %{count}"
many: "%{participants} ועוד %{count}"
other: "%{participants} ועוד %{count}"
invited_group_to_private_message_body: "הקבוצה @%{group_name} הוזמנה להתכתבות על ידי %{username} \n\n> **[%{topic_title}](%{topic_url})**\n>\n> %{topic_excerpt}\n\nבאתר\n\n> %{site_title} -- %{site_description}\n\nכדי להצטרף להודעה יש ללחוץ על הקישור שלהלן:\n\n%{topic_url}\n"
invited_to_private_message_body: |
הוזמנת להתכתב על ידי%{username}
@ -150,6 +150,9 @@ hu:
default_categories_already_selected: "Nem választhat olyan kategóriát, amely már szerepel egy másik listában."
s3_upload_bucket_is_required: "Nem lehet engedélyezni a feltöltést az S3-ba, amíg nincs megadva az „s3_upload_bucket”."
second_factor_cannot_be_enforced_with_disabled_local_login: "A 2FA nem kényszeríthető, ha a helyi bejelentkezés le van tiltva."
second_factor_cannot_be_enforced_with_discourse_connect_enabled: "A 2FA nem kényszeríthető, ha a DiscourseConnect engedélyezett."
local_login_cannot_be_disabled_if_second_factor_enforced: "A helyi bejelentkezés nem tiltható le, ha a 2FA kényszerítve van. A helyi bejelentkezések letiltása előtt tiltsa le a kényszerített 2FA-t."
slow_down_crawler_user_agent_must_be_at_least_3_characters: "A felhasználói ügynököknek legalább 3 karakteresnek kell lenniük, hogy elkerülje az emberi felhasználók téves korlátozását."
slow_down_crawler_user_agent_cannot_be_popular_browsers: "A következő értékek egyikét sem adhatja hozzá a beállításhoz: %{values}."
@ -258,6 +261,8 @@ hu:
revert_version_same: "A jelenlegi verzió megegyezik azzal a verzióval amire vissza szeretne térni."
excerpt_image: "kép"
invalid_bookmarkable: "A(z) %{type} nem könyvjelzőzhető."
later_today: "A mai nap folyamán"
next_business_day: "Következő munkanap"
@ -946,6 +951,7 @@ hu:
google_oauth2_hd_groups: "A beállítás engedélyezése előtt be kell ezt állítania: „google oauth2 hd”."
search_tokenize_chinese_enabled: "A beállítás engedélyezése előtt le kell tiltania a „search_tokenize_chinese” beállítást."
search_tokenize_japanese_enabled: "A beállítás engedélyezése előtt le kell tiltania a „search_tokenize_japanese” beállítást."
discourse_connect_cannot_be_enabled_if_second_factor_enforced: "A DiscourseConnect nem engedélyezhető, ha a 2FA kényszerítve van."
within_post: "#%{post_number}, szerző: %{username}"
@ -1350,6 +1356,7 @@ hu:
Ha le szeretne iratkozni ezekről az e-mailekről, [kattints ide] (%{unsubscribe_url}).
subject_re: "Re: "
subject_pm: "[PÜ]"
email_from_without_site: "%{group_name}"
previous_discussion: "Régebbi válaszok"
in_reply_to: "Válasz"
@ -1362,6 +1369,9 @@ hu:
visit_link_to_respond: "[Látogasd meg a témát](%{base_url}%{url}) a válaszadáshoz."
posted_by: "Beküldte: %{username}, ekkor: %{post_date}"
pm_participants: "Résztvevők: %{participants}"
one: "%{participants} és még %{count} fő"
other: "%{participants} és még %{count} fő"
text_body_template: |2
@ -1518,7 +1518,7 @@ it:
ga_universal_auto_link_domains: "Abilita il monitoraggio tra domini di Google Universal Analytics. I collegamenti in uscita verso questi domini avranno l'ID del client aggiunto. Vedi <a href='https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1034342?hl=it' target='_blank'>Impostare il monitoraggio tra domini.</a>"
gtm_container_id: "ID del contenitore di Google Tag Manager. ad esempio: GTM-ABCDEF. <br/>Nota: potrebbe essere necessario inserire l'abilitazione degli script di terze parti caricati da GTM in \"Content Security Policy Script src\"."
enable_escaped_fragments: "Tornare all'API Ajax-Crawling di Google se non viene rilevato alcun webcrawler. Vedi <a href='https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more' target='_blank'>https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more</a>"
moderators_manage_categories_and_groups: "Permetti ai moderatori di gestire categorie e gruppi"
moderators_manage_categories_and_groups: "Permetti ai moderatori di creare e gestire categorie e gruppi"
moderators_change_post_ownership: "Consenti ai moderatori di modificare la proprietà del messaggio"
cors_origins: "Origini permesse per richieste cross-origin (CORS). Ogni origine deve includere http:// o https://. La variabile d'ambiente DISCOURSE_ENABLE_CORS deve essere impostata come true per abilitare CORS."
use_admin_ip_allowlist: "Gli amministratori possono effettuare l'accesso solo se usano un indirizzo IP definito nell'elenco degli IP scansionati (Amministratore > Log > IP scansionati)."
@ -2133,6 +2133,7 @@ it:
markdown_linkify_tlds: "Non è possibile includere il valore '*'."
search_tokenize_chinese_enabled: "Devi disattivare \"search_tokenize_chinese\" prima di attivare questa impostazione."
search_tokenize_japanese_enabled: "Devi disattivare \"search_tokenize_japanese\" prima di attivare questa impostazione."
discourse_connect_cannot_be_enabled_if_second_factor_enforced: "Non è possibile abilitare DiscourseConnect se è stata forzata l'autenticazione a due fattori 2FA."
key: "www.example.com"
@ -2968,6 +2969,7 @@ it:
subject_re: "R:"
subject_pm: "[MP]"
email_from: "%{user_name} via %{site_name}"
email_from_without_site: "%{group_name}"
previous_discussion: "Risposte Precedenti"
@ -2986,6 +2988,9 @@ it:
reply_above_line: "## Inserisci la tua risposta al di sopra di questa riga. ##"
posted_by: "Pubblicato da %{username} il %{post_date}"
pm_participants: "Partecipanti: %{participants}"
one: "%{participants} e %{count} altro"
other: "%{participants} e %{count} altri"
invited_group_to_private_message_body: |
%{username} ha invitato @%{group_name} a partecipare al messaggio
@ -1434,7 +1434,6 @@ ja:
ga_universal_auto_link_domains: "Google Universal Analytics クロスドメイントラッキングを有効にする。これらのドメインへの発信リンクにはクライアント ID が追加されます。<a href='https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1034342?hl=en' target='_blank'>Google のクロスドメイントラッキングガイド</a>をご覧ください。"
gtm_container_id: "Google Tag Manager コンテナ ID。例: GTM-ABCDEF。<br/>注意: GTM が読み込むサードパーティスクリプトは、'content security policy script src' のホワイトリストに追加されている必要がある場合があります。"
enable_escaped_fragments: "ウェブクローラーが検出されない場合、Google の Ajax-Crawling API にフォールバックする。<a href='https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more' target='_blank'>https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more</a> をご覧ください。"
moderators_manage_categories_and_groups: "モデレーターによるカテゴリとグループの管理を許可する"
moderators_change_post_ownership: "モデレーターによる投稿の所有権の変更を許可する"
cors_origins: "CORS を許可。オリジンは http:// か https:// を含む必要があります。CORS を有効にするには、環境変数 DISCOURSE_ENABLE_CORS に true を設定する必要があります。"
use_admin_ip_allowlist: "管理者はスクリーン対象 IP リスト (管理者 > ログ > スクリーン対象 IP) に定義されている IP アドレスからのみログインできる。"
@ -1460,7 +1460,6 @@ ko:
ga_universal_auto_link_domains: "Google 유니버설 애널리틱스 교차 도메인 추적을 사용합니다. 이러한 도메인으로 나가는 링크에는 클라이언트 ID가 추가됩니다. <a href='https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1034342?hl=en' target='_blank'>Google의 교차 도메인 추적 가이드를 참조하세요.</a>"
gtm_container_id: "Google 태그 관리자 컨테이너 ID 예 : GTM-ABCDEF. <br/> 참고 : GTM에서로드 한 타사 스크립트는 '콘텐츠 보안 정책 스크립트 src'에 허용 목록에 있어야합니다."
enable_escaped_fragments: "웹 크롤러가 감지되지 않으면 Google의 Ajax-Crawling API로 폴백하십시오. <a href='https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more' target='_blank'>https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more를</a> 참조 <a href='https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more' target='_blank'>하십시오.</a>"
moderators_manage_categories_and_groups: "관리자가 카테고리 및 그룹을 관리하도록 허용"
moderators_change_post_ownership: "관리자가 게시물 소유권을 변경할 수 있도록 허용"
cors_origins: "Allowed origins cross-origin requests (CORS). 각 origin은 반드시 http:// 나 https:// 를 포함해야합니다. DISCOURSE_ENABLE_CORS 환경 변수를 true로 지정해줘야 CORS를 활성화할 수 있습니다."
use_admin_ip_allowlist: "관리자는 선별 된 IP 목록(관리자> 로그> 선별된 IP)에 있는 IP에서만 로그인 할 수 있습니다."
@ -2977,7 +2976,6 @@ ko:
subject_re: "덧: "
subject_pm: "[PM] "
email_from: "%{site_name}를 통한 %{user_name}"
email_from_without_site: "%{user_name}"
previous_discussion: "이전 답글"
@ -1300,7 +1300,6 @@ lt:
persistent_sessions: "Vartotojai liks prisijungę, kai interneto naršyklė bus uždaryta"
maximum_session_age: "Vartotojas liks prisijungęs n valandų nuo paskutinio apsilankymo"
ga_version: "Naudojama „Google Universal Analytics“ versija: v3 (analytics.js), v4 (gtag)"
moderators_manage_categories_and_groups: "Leisti moderatoriams valdyti kategorijas ir grupes"
moderators_change_post_ownership: "Leisti moderatoriams pakeisti įrašo nuosavybę"
use_admin_ip_allowlist: "Administratoriai gali prisijungti tik tuo atveju, jei yra IP adresas, apibrėžtas sąraše „Tikrinami IP“ (Administratorius> Žurnalai> Tikrinami IP)."
blocked_ip_blocks: "Sąrašas privačių IP blokų, kurių niekada neturėtų tikrinti „Discourse“"
@ -1950,7 +1949,6 @@ lt:
subject_re: "Dar kartą:"
subject_pm: "[AŽ]"
email_from: "%{user_name} per %{site_name}"
email_from_without_site: "%{user_name}"
previous_discussion: "Ankstesni atsakymai"
in_reply_to: "Atsakant į"
@ -1622,7 +1622,6 @@ pl_PL:
ga_universal_auto_link_domains: "Włącz śledzenie w wielu domenach za pomocą Google Analythics. Wychodzące linki do tych domen będą miały dodatkowy identyfikator klienta. Zobacz <a href='https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1034342?hl=en' target='_blank'>poradnik Cross-Domain Tracking od Google.</a>"
gtm_container_id: "Identyfikator menedżera tagów Google. np .: GTM-ABCDEF. <br/>Uwaga: skrypty innych firm ładowane przez GTM mogą wymagać uwzględnienia w 'content security policy script src'."
enable_escaped_fragments: "Wróć do Google Ajax-Crawling API, jeśli nie zostanie wykryty żaden webcrawler. Zobacz <a href='https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more' target='_blank'>https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more</a>"
moderators_manage_categories_and_groups: "Pozwól moderatorom zarządzać kategoriami i grupami"
moderators_change_post_ownership: "Zezwalaj moderatorom na zmianę właściciela posta"
cors_origins: "Dozwolone źródła dla zapytać cross-origin (CORS). Każde źródło musi zawierać http:// lub https://. Zmienna środowiskowa DISCOURSE_ENABLE_CORS musi być ustawiona na true żeby włączyć CORS."
use_admin_ip_allowlist: "Administratorzy mogą się zalogować tylko wtedy, gdy używają adresu IP zdefiniowanego na liście ekranowanych adresów IP (Administrator > Logi > Ekranowane adresy IP)."
@ -2242,6 +2241,7 @@ pl_PL:
unicode_usernames_avatars: "Wewnętrzne awatary systemowe nie obsługują nazw użytkowników zawierających unicode."
list_value_count: "Lista musi zawierać dokładnie %{count} wartości."
google_oauth2_hd_groups: "Musisz najpierw ustawić 'google oauth2 hd' przed włączeniem tego ustawienia."
discourse_connect_cannot_be_enabled_if_second_factor_enforced: "Nie można włączyć DiscourseConnect, jeśli wymuszono 2FA."
key: "www.example.com"
@ -3278,7 +3278,6 @@ pl_PL:
subject_re: "Re: "
subject_pm: "[PW] "
email_from: "%{user_name} z %{site_name}"
email_from_without_site: "%{user_name}"
previous_discussion: "Poprzednie odpowiedzi"
@ -1513,7 +1513,6 @@ pt_BR:
ga_universal_auto_link_domains: "Ative o monitoramento de domínio cruzado do Google Universal Analytics. Os links de saída para estes domínios conterão a ID de cliente. Consulte <a href='https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1034342?hl=pt-BR' target='_blank'>Guia de acompanhamento de vários domínios do Google.</a>"
gtm_container_id: "ID do contêiner do Google Tag Manager. Por exemplo: GTM-ABCDEF. <br/>Observação: talvez os scripts de terceiros carregados pelo GTM precisem estar na lista de permissões no \"src de script de política de segurança de conteúdo\"."
enable_escaped_fragments: "Voltar para a API do Google Ajax-Crawling se um webcrawler não for encontrado. Consulte <a href='https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more' target='_blank'>https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more</a>"
moderators_manage_categories_and_groups: "Permitir que moderadores(as) gerenciem grupos e categorias"
moderators_change_post_ownership: "Permitirem que moderadores(as) alterem a propriedade da postagem"
cors_origins: "Origens permitidas para pedidos de origem cruzada (CORS). Cada origem deve incluir http:// ou https://. A variável de ambiente DISCOURSE_ENABLE_CORS deve ser definida como verdadeira para ativar CORS."
use_admin_ip_allowlist: "Administradores(as) só podem entrar com a conta se estiverem na lista de IPs filtrados (Administração > Registros > IPs filtrados)."
@ -3113,7 +3112,6 @@ pt_BR:
subject_re: "Re:"
subject_pm: "[PM]"
email_from: "%{user_name} via %{site_name}"
email_from_without_site: "%{user_name}"
previous_discussion: "Respostas anteriores"
@ -444,6 +444,7 @@ ru:
time_must_be_provided: "Время должно быть установлено для всех напоминаний"
for_topic_must_use_first_post: "Вы можете использовать только первое сообщение, чтобы добавить тему в закладки."
bookmarkable_id_type_required: "Необходимо указать имя и тип записи для добавления в закладки."
invalid_bookmarkable: "%{type} не может быть закладкой."
at_desktop: "При следующем посещении форума"
later_today: "Сегодня, но позже"
@ -1636,7 +1637,7 @@ ru:
ga_universal_auto_link_domains: "Включить междоменное отслеживание Google Universal Analytics. К исходящим ссылкам на эти домены будет добавлен идентификатор клиента. См. <a href='https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1034342?hl=ru' target='_blank'>Как настроить междоменное отслеживание</a>"
gtm_container_id: "Идентификатор менеджера тегов Google, например: GTM-ABCDEF. <br/> Примечание: Сторонние скрипты, загруженные менеджером тегов, могут быть внесены в белый список в при помощи директивы `script-src` политики защиты контента (CSP)."
enable_escaped_fragments: "Обратитесь к Google Ajax-Crawling API, если веб-сканер не обнаружен. См. <a href='https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more' target='_blank'>Https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more</a>"
moderators_manage_categories_and_groups: "Разрешать модераторам управлять разделами и группами"
moderators_manage_categories_and_groups: "Разрешать модераторам создавать разделы / группы и управлять ими"
moderators_change_post_ownership: "Разрешать модераторам менять владельца сообщения"
cors_origins: "Разрешённые источники для кросс-доменных запросов (CORS). Каждый источник должен содержать http:// или https://. Для включения CORS переменная окружения DISCOURSE_ENABLE_CORS должна быть установлена в значение 'true'."
use_admin_ip_allowlist: "Администраторы могут войти в систему только в том случае, если их IP-адрес указан в белом списке (Админка > Логи > IP-адреса)."
@ -2265,6 +2266,7 @@ ru:
google_oauth2_hd_groups: "Перед включением этого параметра необходимо настроить параметр 'google oauth2 hd'."
search_tokenize_chinese_enabled: "Вы должны отключить «search_tokenize_chinese», прежде чем включить этот параметр."
search_tokenize_japanese_enabled: "Вы должны отключить «search_tokenize_japanese», прежде чем включить этот параметр."
discourse_connect_cannot_be_enabled_if_second_factor_enforced: "Вы не можете включить DiscourseConnect, если принудительно включена двухфакторная аутентификация."
key: "www.example.com"
@ -3300,7 +3302,7 @@ ru:
subject_re: "Re:"
subject_pm: "[ЛС]"
email_from: "%{user_name} через %{site_name}"
email_from_without_site: "%{user_name}"
email_from_without_site: "%{group_name}"
previous_discussion: "Предыдущие ответы"
@ -3321,6 +3323,11 @@ ru:
reply_above_line: "## Пожалуйста, напечатайте ответ над этой линией. ##"
posted_by: "Отправлено пользователем %{username} %{post_date}"
pm_participants: "Участники: %{participants}"
one: "%{participants} и ещё %{count}"
few: "%{participants} и ещё %{count}"
many: "%{participants} и ещё %{count}"
other: "%{participants} и ещё %{count}"
invited_group_to_private_message_body: |
Пользователь %{username} приглашает группу @%{group_name} принять участие в личной беседе на тему:
@ -1510,7 +1510,6 @@ sv:
ga_universal_auto_link_domains: "Aktivera Google Universal Analytics spårning över flera domäner. Utgående länkar till dessa domäner kommer att få klient-id tillagt till dem. Se <a href='https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1034342?hl=sv' target='_blank'>Googles guide över domänspårning.</a>"
gtm_container_id: "Innehålls-ID för Google Tag Manager. t.ex. GTM-ABCDEF. <br/>Notera: Skript från tredje part som laddats av GTM kan behöva vitlistas i 'content security policy script src'."
enable_escaped_fragments: "Återgå till Googles Ajax-Crawling API om ingen sökrobot upptäcks. Se <a href='https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more' target='_blank'>https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more</a>"
moderators_manage_categories_and_groups: "Tillåt moderatorer att hantera kategorier och grupper"
moderators_change_post_ownership: "Tillåt att moderatorer ändrar inläggsägarskap"
cors_origins: "Tillåtna ursprung för cross-ursprungsbegäran (CORS). Varje ursprung måste inkludera http:// eller https://. Variabeln DISCOURSE_ENABLE_CORS env måste ställas in till true för att aktivera CORS."
use_admin_ip_allowlist: "Administratörer kan bara logga in om de är på en IP-adress som definierats i listan över granskade IP-adresser (Admin > Loggar > Granskade IP-adresser)."
@ -3034,7 +3033,6 @@ sv:
subject_re: "Sv: "
subject_pm: "[PM] "
email_from: "%{user_name} via %{site_name}"
email_from_without_site: "%{user_name}"
previous_discussion: "Föregående svar"
@ -399,6 +399,7 @@ tr_TR:
time_must_be_provided: "Tüm hatırlatıcılar için zaman belirtilmelidir"
for_topic_must_use_first_post: "Konuyu işaretlemek için yalnızca ilk gönderiyi kullanabilirsiniz."
bookmarkable_id_type_required: "İşaretlenecek kaydın adı ve türü zorunludur."
invalid_bookmarkable: "%{type} tipi işaretlenemez."
at_desktop: "Bir dahaki sefere masaüstümdeyim"
later_today: "Bugün ilerleyen saatlerde"
@ -1517,7 +1518,7 @@ tr_TR:
ga_universal_auto_link_domains: "Google Universal Analytics alan adları arası izlemeyi etkinleştirin. Bu alan adlarına giden bağlantılara istemci kimliği eklenecektir. <a href='https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1034342?hl=en' target='_blank'>Google'ın Web Alanları Arası İzleme kılavuzuna</a> bakın."
gtm_container_id: "Google Etiket Yöneticisi kapsayıcı kimliği. örn: GTM-ABCDEF. <br/> Not: GTM tarafından yüklenen üçüncü taraf komut dosyalarının 'content security policy script src' içinde izin verilenler listesine eklenmesi gerekebilir."
enable_escaped_fragments: "Eğer bir ağ gezgini algılanmazsa Google'ın Ajax Crawling API'ına geri dönün. Bkz. <a href='https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more' target='_blank'>Https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more</a>"
moderators_manage_categories_and_groups: "Moderatörlerin kategorileri ve grupları yönetmesine izin ver"
moderators_manage_categories_and_groups: "Moderatörlerin kategorileri ve grupları yaratmasına ve yönetmesine izin ver"
moderators_change_post_ownership: "Moderatörlerin gönderi sahipliğini değiştirmesine izin ver"
cors_origins: "Cross-origin isteklerin (CORS) izin verilen originler. Her origin http:// veya https:// içermeli. CORS'u etkinleştirebilmek için DISCOURSE_ENABLE_CORS env değişkeni doğru olarak ayarlanmalı."
use_admin_ip_allowlist: "Yöneticiler, sadece Taranmış IP listesinde tanımlanmış bir IP adresinden erişim sağlıyorlarsa giriş yapabilirler. (Yönetici > Kayıtlar > Taranmış IP'ler)"
@ -2126,6 +2127,7 @@ tr_TR:
google_oauth2_hd_groups: "Bu ayarı etkinleştirmeden önce 'google oauth2 hd'yi ayarlamalısınız."
search_tokenize_chinese_enabled: "Bu ayarı etkinleştirmeden önce 'search_tokenize_chinese' özelliğini devre dışı bırakmalısınız."
search_tokenize_japanese_enabled: "Bu ayarı etkinleştirmeden önce 'search_tokenize_japanese' özelliğini devre dışı bırakmalısınız."
discourse_connect_cannot_be_enabled_if_second_factor_enforced: "2FA zorunlu kılınmışsa DiscourseConnect'i etkinleştiremezsiniz."
key: "www.örnek.com"
@ -2526,9 +2528,9 @@ tr_TR:
title: "Hoşgeldiniz GS1 Kullanıcı"
subject_template: "Bizimle zaman geçirdiğiniz için teşekkürler"
text_body_template: |
Selam. Okumakla meşgul olduğunuzu görüyoruz, bu harika bir şey, bu yüzden sizi bir [güven düzeyi!](https://blog.discourse.org/2018/06/understanding-discourse-trust-levels/) yükselttik.
Merhaba. Forumda yazılanları takip ettiğinizi, bol bol okuduğunuzu görüyoruz, bu harika bir şey. Bu yüzden sizi bir [güven düzeyi!](https://blog.discourse.org/2018/06/understanding-discourse-trust-levels/) yükselttik.
Bizimle zaman geçirdiğiniz için gerçekten mutluyuz ve sizinle ilgili daha fazla bilgi edinmek isteriz. [Profilinizi doldurun](%{base_url}/my/preferences/profile) için bir dakikanızı ayırın veya [yeni bir konu başlatmak](%{base_url}/categories) için çekinmeyin.
Bizimle zaman geçirdiğiniz için gerçekten mutluyuz ve sizinle ilgili daha fazla bilgi edinmek isteriz. [Profilinizi doldurmak](%{base_url}/my/preferences/profile) için bir dakikanızı ayırın veya [yeni bir konu başlatmak](%{base_url}/categories) için çekinmeyin.
title: "Hoşgeldiniz Yetkili"
subject_template: "Tebrikler, size %{role} statüsü verildi!"
@ -2977,7 +2979,7 @@ tr_TR:
subject_re: "Cvp: "
subject_pm: "[PM] "
email_from: "%{user_name} ile %{site_name}"
email_from_without_site: "%{user_name}"
email_from_without_site: "%{group_name}"
previous_discussion: "Önceki Yanıtlar"
@ -2996,6 +2998,9 @@ tr_TR:
reply_above_line: "## Lütfen yanıtınızı bu satırın üzerine yazın. ##"
posted_by: "%{post_date} tarihinde %{username} tarafından gönderildi"
pm_participants: "Katılımcılar: %{participants}"
one: "%{participants} ve diğer %{count}"
other: "%{participants} ve diğer %{count}"
invited_group_to_private_message_body: |
%{username} sizi mesaja @%{group_name} davet etti.
@ -1615,7 +1615,6 @@ uk:
ga_universal_auto_link_domains: "Увімкніть міждоменне відстеження Google Universal Analytics. До вихідних посилань на ці домени буде додано ідентифікатор клієнта. Див. <a href='https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1034342?hl=en' target='_blank'>Посібник міждоменного відстеження Google.</a>"
gtm_container_id: "Контейнер Google Tag Manager. Наприклад: GTM-ABCDEF. <br/>Примітка: Сторонні сценарії, завантажені GTM повинні бути дозволені в 'content security policy script src'."
enable_escaped_fragments: "Поверніться до API Ajax-Crawling від Google, якщо веб-сканер не виявлено. Див. <a href='https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more' target='_blank'>https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more</a>"
moderators_manage_categories_and_groups: "Дозволити модераторам керувати категоріями та групами"
moderators_change_post_ownership: "Дозволити модераторам змінювати право власності повідомлення"
cors_origins: "Дозволити origins для запитів CORS. Кожне origin повинне містити http:// або https://. Змінна DISCOURSE_ENABLE_CORS env повинна бути true, щоб увімкнути CORS."
use_admin_ip_allowlist: "Адміністратори можуть увійти в систему тільки в тому випадку, якщо їх IP-адреса вказана в білому списку (Адмінка > Логи > IP-адреси)."
@ -240,6 +240,11 @@ vi:
revert_version_same: "Phiên bản hiện tại giống với phiên bản mà bạn muốn hoàn nguyên."
excerpt_image: "hình ảnh"
already_bookmarked: "Bạn không thể đánh dấu cùng một %{type} hai lần."
time_must_be_provided: "Thời gian phải được cung cấp cho tất cả các lời nhắc"
bookmarkable_id_type_required: "Tên và loại của bản ghi để đánh dấu là bắt buộc."
invalid_bookmarkable: "Một %{type} không thể được đánh dấu."
at_desktop: "Lần sau tôi ở máy tính để bàn của tôi"
later_today: "Sau ngày hôm nay"
@ -1595,6 +1600,7 @@ vi:
Để hủy đăng ký nhận các email này, [bấm vào đây] (%{unsubscribe_url}).
subject_re: "Re:"
subject_pm: "[PM]"
email_from_without_site: "%{group_name}"
previous_discussion: "Các trả lời trước"
@ -1611,6 +1617,8 @@ vi:
visit_link_to_respond_pm: "[Truy cập Tin nhắn] (%{base_url}%{url}) để trả lời %{participants}."
posted_by: "Đăng bởi %{{username} ngày %{post_date}"
pm_participants: "Người tham gia: %{participants}"
other: "%{participants} và %{count} khác"
invited_group_to_private_message_body: |
%{username} được mời @%{group_name} vào tin nhắn
@ -381,6 +381,7 @@ zh_CN:
time_must_be_provided: "必须为所有提醒设置时间"
for_topic_must_use_first_post: "只能使用最早发布的内容来为主题创建书签"
bookmarkable_id_type_required: "添加书签的名称和类型是必须的。"
invalid_bookmarkable: "无法将 %{type} 加入书签。"
at_desktop: "下次我使用桌面设备时"
later_today: "今天晚些时候"
@ -1478,7 +1479,7 @@ zh_CN:
ga_universal_auto_link_domains: "启用 Google Universal Analytics 跨网域跟踪。指向这些网域的出站链接将在其中添加客户端 ID。请参阅 <a href='https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1034342?hl=en' target='_blank'>Google 的跨网域跟踪指南</a>。"
gtm_container_id: "Google 跟踪代码管理器容器 ID。例如:GTM-ABCDEF。<br/>注意:可能需要在 'content security policy script src' 中将 GTM 加载的第三方脚本列入许可名单。"
enable_escaped_fragments: "如果未检测到网络抓取工具,则回退到 Google 的 Ajax-Crawling API。请参阅 <a href='https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more' target='_blank'>https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/learn-more</a>"
moderators_manage_categories_and_groups: "允许版主管理类别和群组"
moderators_manage_categories_and_groups: "允许版主创建和管理类别和群组"
moderators_change_post_ownership: "允许版主更改帖子所有权"
cors_origins: "允许跨源请求(CORS)。每个来源必须包括 http:// 或 https://。环境变量 DISCOURSE_ENABLE_CORS 必须设置为 true 才能启用 CORS。"
use_admin_ip_allowlist: "只有使用“屏蔽的 IP 列表”(管理 > 日志 > 屏蔽的 IP)中的 IP 地址时,管理员才能登录。"
@ -1488,6 +1489,7 @@ zh_CN:
allowed_iframes: "Discourse 可以安全地在帖子中允许的 iframe src 网域前缀列表"
allowed_crawler_user_agents: "应被允许访问站点的网络抓取工具的用户代理。警告!设置此项将禁止此处未列出的所有抓取工具!"
blocked_crawler_user_agents: "用户代理字符串中唯一不区分大小写的字词,用于标识不应被允许访问站点的网抓取工具。如果定义了许可名单,则不适用。"
slow_down_crawler_user_agents: '网络爬虫的 User agents 应该按照“减慢爬虫速率”设置中的配置进行速率限制。每个值的长度必须至少为 3 个字符。'
slow_down_crawler_rate: "如果指定了 slow_down_crawler_user_agents,则此速率将应用于所有抓取工具(请求之间的延迟秒数)"
content_security_policy: "启用内容安全策略"
content_security_policy_report_only: "启用仅内容安全策略报告"
@ -1524,7 +1526,9 @@ zh_CN:
allow_index_in_robots_txt: "在 robots.txt 中指定此站点允许被网络搜索引擎索引。在特殊情况下,您可以永久<a href='%{base_path}/admin/customize/robots'>替换 robots.txt</a>。"
blocked_email_domains: "不允许用户用于注册帐户的以 | 分隔的电子邮件网域列表。示例:mailinator.com|trashmail.net"
allowed_email_domains: "用户注册帐户时必须使用的以 | 分隔的电子邮件网域列表。警告:不允许使用除所列网域以外的电子邮件网域的用户!"
normalize_emails: "检查规范化的电子邮件是否是唯一的。正常化的电子邮件删除了用户名中的所有点以及 + 和 @ 符号之间的所有内容。"
auto_approve_email_domains: "使用此网域列表中电子邮件地址的用户将自动获得批准。"
hide_email_address_taken: "在注册或忘记密码的过程中,不要告知用户有一个给定的电子邮件地址的账户存在。对于 \"忘记密码 \"的请求,需要完整的电子邮件。"
log_out_strict: "退出时,退出用户在所有设备上的会话"
version_checks: "Ping Discourse Hub 以获取版本更新并在 <a href='%{base_path}/admin' target='_blank'>/admin</a> 信息中心上显示新版本消息"
new_version_emails: "当有新版本的 Discourse 时,向 contact_email 地址发送一封电子邮件。"
@ -1569,6 +1573,7 @@ zh_CN:
google_oauth2_client_secret: "您的 Google 应用的客户端密钥。"
google_oauth2_prompt: "可选的以空格分隔的字符串值列表,指定授权服务器是否提示用户进行重新身份验证和同意。请参阅<a href='https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OpenIDConnect#prompt' target='_blank'> https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OpenIDConnect#prompt</a> 了解可能的值。"
google_oauth2_hd: "登录将受限的可选 Google Apps 托管网域。请参阅 <a href='https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OpenIDConnect#hd-param' target='_blank'>https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OpenIDConnect#hd-param</a> 以了解详情。"
google_oauth2_hd_groups: "(实验性的)在认证时检索用户在托管域上的 Google groups。检索到的 Google groups 可以用来自动授予 Discourse 群组成员资格(见群组设置)。"
enable_twitter_logins: "启用 Twitter 身份验证,需要 twitter_consumer_key 和 twitter_consumer_secret。请参阅<a href='https://meta.discourse.org/t/13395' target='_blank'>为 Discourse 配置 Twitter 登录(和丰富的嵌入)</a>。"
twitter_consumer_key: "Twitter 身份验证的使用者密钥,在 <a href='https://developer.twitter.com/apps' target='_blank'>https://developer.twitter.com/apps</a> 中注册"
twitter_consumer_secret: "Twitter 身份验证的使用者密钥代码,在 <a href='https://developer.twitter.com/apps' target='_blank'>https://developer.twitter.com/apps</a> 中注册"
@ -1647,6 +1652,7 @@ zh_CN:
use_site_small_logo_as_system_avatar: "使用站点的小徽标代替系统用户的头像。要求存在徽标。"
restrict_letter_avatar_colors: "用于字母头像背景的 6 位十六进制颜色值列表。"
enable_listing_suspended_users_on_search: "让普通用户能够找到被暂停的用户。"
selectable_avatars_mode: "允许用户从 selectable_avatars 列表中选择一个头像,并将自定义头像上传限制在选定的信任级别。"
selectable_avatars: "用户可以选择的头像列表。"
allow_all_attachments_for_group_messages: "允许群组消息的所有电子邮件附件。"
png_to_jpg_quality: "转换后的 JPG 文件的质量(1 为最低质量,99 为最佳质量,100 为禁用)。"
@ -1711,7 +1717,9 @@ zh_CN:
max_mentions_per_post: "任何人可以在帖子中使用的提及通知的最大数量。"
max_users_notified_per_group_mention: "当群组被提及时可能会收到通知的最大用户数(超过阈值后将不发送通知)"
enable_mentions: "允许用户提及其他用户。"
here_mention: "用于 @ 提及的名称,允许特权用户通知参与该主题的最多 'max_here_mentioned' 人。必须不是一个现有的用户名。"
max_here_mentioned: "@here 提到的最大人数."
min_trust_level_for_here_mention: "允许提及 @here 的最低信任级别。"
create_thumbnails: "创建太大而无法放入帖子的缩略图和灯箱图片。"
email_time_window_mins: "在发送任何通知电子邮件之前等待 (n) 分钟,让用户有机会编辑和完成他们的帖子。"
personal_email_time_window_seconds: "在发送任何个人消息通知电子邮件之前等待 (n) 秒,让用户有机会编辑和完成他们的消息。"
@ -2100,6 +2108,7 @@ zh_CN:
google_oauth2_hd_groups: "在启用此设置之前,您必须先设置 “google oauth2 hd”。"
search_tokenize_chinese_enabled: "在启用此设置之前,你必须禁用'search_tokenize_chinese'。"
search_tokenize_japanese_enabled: "在启用此设置之前,你必须禁用'search_tokenize_japanese'。"
discourse_connect_cannot_be_enabled_if_second_factor_enforced: "如果强制执行 2FA,你不能启用 DiscourseConnect。"
key: "www.example.com"
@ -2249,6 +2258,8 @@ zh_CN:
description: "对于额外的安全措施,你需要先确认双重身份验证,然后才能授予 %{username} 管理员访问权限。"
description: "%{hostname} 已要求确认你的 2FA。一旦确认了你的 2FA,你就会被重定向到该网站。"
sent_test: "已发送!"
@ -3065,7 +3076,7 @@ zh_CN:
subject_re: "回复:"
subject_pm: "[PM]"
email_from: "%{user_name} 通过 %{site_name}"
email_from_without_site: "%{user_name}"
email_from_without_site: "%{group_name}"
previous_discussion: "以前的回复"
@ -3083,6 +3094,8 @@ zh_CN:
reply_above_line: "## 请在此行上方输入您的回复。##"
posted_by: "由 %{username} 于 %{post_date}发表"
pm_participants: "参与者:%{participants}"
other: "%{participants} 和 %{count} 其他的"
invited_group_to_private_message_body: |
%{username} 邀请 @%{group_name} 加入消息
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ fa_IR:
title: "دکمههای پاورقی موضوع"
title: "اعلانات موضوع"
title: "آگاهسازی موضوع"
title: "نوشته"
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