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synced 2025-02-20 14:02:00 +08:00
DEV: Cleanup unused wizard illustrations (#23659)
These were defunct since #19487
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@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
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<path class="cls-10" d="M575.91 476.11s16.75-6.33 16.42-26.62 5.51-48.7 5.51-48.7 34.11-7.35 54.58 17.37v12c0 6.19 3.86 11.73 9.67 13.86l11.77 4.46v.69c0 7.76 6 14.19 13.74 14.73l57.74 4c6.88.48 12.92-4.56 13.67-11.42l44.09-412c.76-7.05-4.35-13.38-11.4-14.14h-.03l-58.83-6.16a16.253 16.253 0 0 0-16.73 10l-5 12.12-1-.11c-8.8-1.04-16.8 5.16-18 13.94l-3.6 27.03s-33.16 25.32-44.86 6.82l-12-44.23a30.86 30.86 0 0 0-23.64-22.21c-23.51-4.71-59-6.13-72.53.16-14.16 6.56-51.32 49.33-71.77 73.71a47.425 47.425 0 0 1-36.31 16.94h-1.21c-3.97 0-7.72-1.83-10.18-4.94-5-6.31-13.05-17-15-22.35-2.93-7.8-35.58-35.58-55.56-27.78 0 0-19.87-32.68-67.18-26.15a34.603 34.603 0 0 1-22.41-4.32 23.284 23.284 0 0 1-7.39-6.57c-6.34-9.26-53.12-33.14-112.09-15.59s-92.12 61.89-89.3 111.11c.32 4.5.96 8.98 1.91 13.39a99.51 99.51 0 0 1 .31 35.6c-2.9 16.87-4.54 42.5 4.65 67.3 15.34 41.43 135.38 178.48 246.91 98.68 3.56-2.54 7.92-3.69 12.27-3.25 10.7 1.1 31.57 1.9 43.3-6.54 16.24-11.7 36.06-31.2 43.7-32.17s14.45 2.92 14.45 2.92 40.92 83.12 41.92 120.51"/>
<path class="cls-10" d="m242.71 259.68 4.23-66.81s30.21 8.12 29.89 33.4m23.39 86.69c.32-1.29 32-35.87 20.47-82.19m-198.83-74.08s58.28 45.31 26.87 139.62m54.35 19.48S234 216.42 156.5 129.57m57.21 203.02s39.56 30.41 74.77 12.1m181.62 7.83 188.4-208.34M500.6 381.91 655.53 210.7m-240.94 86.99s51.66.74 75.79 13.16"/>
<path class="cls-10" d="M463.91 303.09c1.32 7.52 5.62 23.33 18.94 29.5M746.1 25.49l-50.31 437.42m15.36-416.69-37.3 402.91m-21.44-30.93 9.46-61.46M82.22 131.64s-30.71 13.47-31.91 31.52m365.67-49.75s18.1 15.2 30.52 27.07c8 7.73 17.53 35.09 16.81 52.35-.35 8.42-6.78 16.24-6.58 24.41.43 17.36 3.66 38.75-20.47 50.44s-44.54 31.28-44.54 31.28m123.96 301.71a65.72 65.72 0 0 1-16.18 4.77c-29.05 4.72-56.65-14.47-71-34.94-22-31.43-13.93-62.51-19.65-109-5.54-45.09-2.56-47.52-2.56-47.52s19.11-4.2 46.39.83a71.986 71.986 0 0 0 56.82-13.57l.9-.69c4.23-3.25 8.51-6.46 12.9-9.51 17.59 5.63 31.35 26.61 30.41 52.16h0c-4.5 9.25-.64 20.4 8.61 1.33.58 2.1.83 4.24 1.75 6.37 2.79h.06c3.74 1.82 6.36 5.36 7 9.48 10.93 67.32-32.21 106.78-61.4 119.72Z"/>
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@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import discourseComputed, { observes } from "discourse-common/utils/decorators";
import Component from "@ember/component";
import I18n from "I18n";
import { htmlSafe } from "@ember/template";
import { schedule } from "@ember/runloop";
import { action } from "@ember/object";
import { inject as service } from "@ember/service";
@ -72,19 +71,6 @@ export default Component.extend({
return step;
bannerImage(bannerName) {
if (!bannerName) {
return bannerName;
bannerAndDescriptionClass() {
return `wizard-container__step-banner`;
_stepChanged() {
this.set("saving", false);
@ -101,19 +87,6 @@ export default Component.extend({
@discourseComputed("step.index", "wizard.totalSteps")
barStyle(displayIndex, totalSteps) {
let ratio = parseFloat(displayIndex) / parseFloat(totalSteps - 1);
if (ratio < 0) {
ratio = 0;
if (ratio > 1) {
ratio = 1;
return htmlSafe(`width: ${ratio * 200}px`);
includeSidebar(fields) {
return !!fields.findBy("show_in_sidebar");
@ -99,12 +99,6 @@ body.wizard {
color: var(--primary-medium);
&__step-banner {
@include breakpoint("large") {
display: none;
&__step-description {
font-size: var(--font-up-2);
flex: 1 0 40%;
@ -283,36 +277,7 @@ body.wizard {
@media only screen and (max-device-width: 568px) {
&__step.introduction .wizard-container__step-banner,
&__step.privacy .wizard-container__step-banner {
display: none;
&__step-banner {
flex: 0 1 40%;
&__step-banner-image {
width: 100%;
&__step.ready {
.wizard-container__step-banner {
display: flex;
flex: 1 0 100%;
gap: 2em;
.wizard-container__step-banner-image {
padding-top: 2em;
flex: 0 1 40%;
margin-left: 2em;
max-height: 300px;
@include breakpoint("large") {
display: none;
.wizard-container__buttons {
flex-direction: row-reverse;
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
class WizardStepSerializer < ApplicationSerializer
attributes :id, :next, :previous, :description, :title, :index, :banner, :emoji
attributes :id, :next, :previous, :description, :title, :index, :emoji
has_many :fields, serializer: WizardFieldSerializer, embed: :objects
def id
@ -56,14 +56,6 @@ class WizardStepSerializer < ApplicationSerializer
def banner
def include_banner?
def emoji
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ class Wizard
return @wizard unless SiteSetting.wizard_enabled? && @wizard.user.try(:staff?)
@wizard.append_step("introduction") do |step|
step.banner = "welcome-illustration"
step.emoji = "wave"
step.description_vars = { base_path: Discourse.base_path }
@ -59,7 +58,6 @@ class Wizard
@wizard.append_step("privacy") do |step|
step.banner = "members-illustration"
step.emoji = "hugs"
id: "login_required",
@ -109,7 +107,6 @@ class Wizard
@wizard.append_step("ready") do |step|
# no form on this page, just info.
step.banner = "finished-illustration"
step.emoji = "rocket"
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
class Wizard
class Step
attr_reader :id, :updater
attr_accessor :index, :fields, :next, :previous, :banner, :disabled, :description_vars, :emoji
attr_accessor :index, :fields, :next, :previous, :disabled, :description_vars, :emoji
def initialize(id)
@id = id
Reference in New Issue
Block a user