diff --git a/app/models/s3_region_site_setting.rb b/app/models/s3_region_site_setting.rb
index 0f6e03a2083..55ae18edd39 100644
--- a/app/models/s3_region_site_setting.rb
+++ b/app/models/s3_region_site_setting.rb
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ class S3RegionSiteSetting < EnumSiteSetting
+ 'ap-east-1',
diff --git a/config/locales/client.en.yml b/config/locales/client.en.yml
index 34d228ac268..1c682bd144a 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.en.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.en.yml
@@ -191,6 +191,7 @@ en:
ap_northeast_1: "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
ap_northeast_2: "Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
+ ap_east_1: "Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)"
ap_south_1: "Asia Pacific (Mumbai)"
ap_southeast_1: "Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
ap_southeast_2: "Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.zh_TW.yml b/config/locales/client.zh_TW.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 285338f812e..00000000000
--- a/config/locales/client.zh_TW.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3710 +0,0 @@
-# WARNING: Never edit this file.
-# It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Crowdin.
-# To work with us on translations, join this project:
-# https://translate.discourse.org/
- js:
- number:
- format:
- separator: "."
- delimiter: ","
- human:
- storage_units:
- format: "%n %u"
- units:
- byte:
- other: 位元組
- gb: GB
- kb: KB
- mb: MB
- tb: TB
- short:
- thousands: "%{number} 千"
- millions: "%{number} 百萬"
- dates:
- time: "h:mm a"
- timeline_date: "YYYY年 M月"
- long_no_year_no_time: "M月 D日"
- full_no_year_no_time: "M月 D日"
- long_with_year: "YYYY年M月D日 h:mm a"
- long_with_year_no_time: "YYYY年 M月 D日"
- full_with_year_no_time: "YYYY年 M月 D日"
- long_date_with_year: "YYYY年 M月 D日 LT"
- long_date_without_year: "M月 D日 LT"
- long_date_with_year_without_time: "YYYY年 M月 D日"
- long_date_without_year_with_linebreak: "M月 D日
- long_date_with_year_with_linebreak: "YYYY年 M月 D日
- wrap_ago: "%{date}前"
- tiny:
- half_a_minute: "< 1 分鐘"
- less_than_x_seconds:
- other: "< %{count} 秒"
- x_seconds:
- other: "%{count} 秒"
- less_than_x_minutes:
- other: "< %{count} 分鐘"
- x_minutes:
- other: "%{count} 分鐘"
- about_x_hours:
- other: "%{count} 小時"
- x_days:
- other: "%{count} 天"
- x_months:
- other: "%{count} 個月"
- about_x_years:
- other: "%{count} 年"
- over_x_years:
- other: "> %{count} 年"
- almost_x_years:
- other: "%{count} 年"
- date_month: "M月 D日"
- date_year: "YYYY年 M月"
- medium:
- x_minutes:
- other: "%{count} 分鐘"
- x_hours:
- other: "%{count} 小時"
- x_days:
- other: "%{count} 天"
- date_year: "YYYY年 M月 D日"
- medium_with_ago:
- x_minutes:
- other: "%{count} 分鐘前"
- x_hours:
- other: "%{count} 小時前"
- x_days:
- other: "%{count} 天前"
- x_months:
- other: "%{count} 個月前"
- x_years:
- other: "%{count} 年前"
- later:
- x_days:
- other: "%{count} 天後"
- x_months:
- other: "%{count} 個月後"
- x_years:
- other: "%{count} 年後"
- previous_month: "上個月"
- next_month: "下個月"
- placeholder: 日期
- share:
- topic_html: '話題%{topicTitle}'
- post: "貼文 #%{postNumber} "
- close: "關閉"
- action_codes:
- public_topic: "於 %{when}發佈這個話題"
- private_topic: "於 %{when} 私訊這個話題"
- split_topic: "於 %{when} 分割此話題"
- invited_user: "於 %{when} 邀請 %{who}"
- invited_group: "於 %{when} 邀請 %{who} "
- user_left: "%{who} 已於 %{when} 將自己從此訊息中移除"
- removed_user: "已於 %{when} 刪除 %{who}"
- removed_group: "刪除 %{who} %{when}"
- autobumped: "將於%{when}自動浮上來"
- autoclosed:
- enabled: "於 %{when} 關閉"
- disabled: "於 %{when} 開啟"
- closed:
- enabled: "於 %{when} 關閉"
- disabled: "於 %{when} 開啟"
- archived:
- enabled: "於 %{when} 封存"
- disabled: "於 %{when} 解除封存"
- pinned:
- enabled: "於 %{when} 置頂"
- disabled: "於 %{when} 解除置頂"
- pinned_globally:
- enabled: "於 %{when} 全區置頂"
- disabled: "於 %{when} 解除置頂"
- visible:
- enabled: "於 %{when} 列出"
- disabled: "於 %{when} 除名"
- banner:
- enabled: "已於 %{when} 將其作為橫幅主題。它將一直顯示直至使用者關閉它。"
- disabled: "已於 %{when} 移除該橫幅主題。將不再出現於任何頁面。"
- wizard_required: "是時候配置你的論壇啦!點擊開始設置嚮導!"
- emails_are_disabled: "管理員已停用了全域的外部信件功能。將不再寄出任何類型的電子郵件。"
- bootstrap_mode_disabled: "初始模式將會在 24 小時後自動禁用。"
- themes:
- default_description: "預設"
- s3:
- regions:
- ap_northeast_1: "亞太地區 (東京)"
- ap_northeast_2: "亞太地區 (首爾)"
- ap_south_1: "亞太地區 (孟買)"
- ap_southeast_1: "亞太地區 (新加坡)"
- ap_southeast_2: "亞太地區 (雪梨)"
- ca_central_1: "加拿大 (中央)"
- cn_north_1: "中國 (北京)"
- cn_northwest_1: "中國 (寧夏)"
- eu_central_1: "歐洲 (法蘭克福)"
- eu_north_1: "歐洲 (斯德哥爾摩)"
- eu_west_1: "歐洲 (愛爾蘭)"
- eu_west_2: "歐洲 (倫敦)"
- eu_west_3: "歐洲 (巴黎)"
- sa_east_1: "南美洲 (聖保羅)"
- us_east_1: "美國東部 (北維珍尼亞州)"
- us_east_2: "美國東部 (俄亥俄州)"
- us_gov_east_1: "AWS 政府專用(US-East)"
- us_west_1: "美國西部 (北加州)"
- us_west_2: "美國西部 (奧勒岡州)"
- edit: "編輯此話題的標題與分類"
- expand: "展開"
- not_implemented: "抱歉,此功能尚未開放。"
- no_value: "否"
- yes_value: "是"
- submit: "送出"
- generic_error: "抱歉,發生錯誤。"
- generic_error_with_reason: "發生錯誤: %{error}"
- go_ahead: "下一步"
- sign_up: "註冊"
- log_in: "登入"
- age: "已建立"
- joined: "加入時間"
- admin_title: "管理員"
- show_more: "顯示更多"
- show_help: "選項"
- links: "連結"
- links_lowercase:
- other: "鏈結"
- faq: "常見問答"
- guidelines: "守則"
- privacy_policy: "隱私權政策"
- privacy: "隱私"
- tos: "服務條款"
- rules: "規則"
- conduct: "行為準則"
- mobile_view: "手機版"
- desktop_view: "電腦版"
- you: "你"
- or: "或"
- now: "就在剛才"
- read_more: "閱讀更多"
- more: "更多"
- less: "較少"
- never: "永不"
- every_30_minutes: "每 30 分鐘"
- every_hour: "每小時"
- daily: "每天"
- weekly: "每週"
- every_month: "每個月"
- every_six_months: "每半年"
- max_of_count: "(最大 %{count})"
- alternation: "或"
- character_count:
- other: "%{count} 個字元"
- related_messages:
- title: "相關訊息"
- see_all: '參閱 @%{username} 的 所有訊息...'
- suggested_topics:
- title: "推薦的話題"
- pm_title: "推薦訊息"
- about:
- simple_title: "關於"
- title: "關於 %{title}"
- stats: "網站統計數據"
- our_admins: "我們的管理員"
- our_moderators: "我們的版主"
- moderators: "板主"
- stat:
- all_time: "所有時間"
- last_7_days: "最近 7"
- last_30_days: "最近 30"
- like_count: "讚"
- topic_count: "話題"
- post_count: "貼文"
- user_count: "使用者"
- active_user_count: "活躍使用者"
- contact: "聯絡我們"
- contact_info: "若有重大問題或關係到網站的緊急時間,請透過 %{contact_info} 聯絡我們"
- bookmarked:
- title: "書籤"
- clear_bookmarks: "清除書籤"
- help:
- bookmark: "點擊以將此話題的第一篇貼文加入書籤"
- unbookmark: "點擊以移除此話題所有書籤"
- unbookmark_with_reminder: "按一下以移除本主題中的所有書籤和提醒事項。此主題的提醒設定為 %{reminder_at} 。"
- bookmarks:
- not_bookmarked: "將此貼文加入書籤"
- remove: "移除書籤"
- confirm_delete: "您確定要刪除這個書籤嗎?提醒也會被刪除。"
- confirm_clear: "確定要移除該話題上的所有書籤嗎?"
- save: "儲存"
- no_timezone: '您尚未設定時區。將無法設定提醒事項。在您的設定檔中設定一個 。'
- auto_delete_preference:
- on_owner_reply: "在我回复這個話題之後"
- search: "搜索"
- reminders:
- later_today: "今日稍晚"
- tomorrow: "明天"
- next_week: "下週"
- post_local_date: "張貼日期"
- later_this_week: "本週稍晚"
- start_of_next_business_week: "星期一"
- start_of_next_business_week_alt: "下個星期一"
- next_month: "下個月"
- custom: "自定義日期和時間"
- none: "無需提醒"
- existing_reminder: "您為此書籤設置了一個提醒,該提醒將在 %{at_date_time} 被發送"
- drafts:
- resume: "恢復"
- remove: "移除"
- new_topic: "新話題草稿"
- new_private_message: "新私訊草稿"
- topic_reply: "回覆草稿"
- abandon:
- confirm: "您已在此話題中打開了另一個草稿。 你確定要放棄嗎?"
- yes_value: "是的,我要放棄。"
- no_value: "不,我要保留。"
- topic_count_latest:
- other: "檢視 %{count} 則新發佈或更新的話題"
- topic_count_unread:
- other: "檢視 %{count} 則未讀的討論訊息"
- topic_count_new:
- other: "檢視 %{count} 則新話題"
- preview: "預覽"
- cancel: "取消"
- save: "儲存變更"
- saving: "正在儲存..."
- saved: "儲存完畢!"
- upload: "上傳"
- uploading: "正在上傳..."
- uploading_filename: "正在上傳: %{filename}…"
- clipboard: "剪貼簿"
- uploaded: "上傳完畢!"
- pasting: "正在貼上…"
- enable: "啟用"
- disable: "停用"
- continue: "繼續"
- undo: "復原"
- revert: "恢復"
- failed: "失敗"
- switch_to_anon: "進入匿名模式"
- switch_from_anon: "離開匿名模式"
- banner:
- close: "關閉此橫幅"
- edit: "編輯此橫幅 >>"
- pwa:
- install_banner: "你希望在此裝置上 安裝 %{title} 嗎?"
- choose_topic:
- none_found: "未找到任何話題。"
- choose_message:
- none_found: "沒有訊息"
- review:
- order_by: "排序按照"
- in_reply_to: "回覆給"
- explain:
- total: "總計"
- claim_help:
- optional: "您可以聲明此項目以防止其他人審核。"
- required: "您必須先審核項目才能查看它們。"
- claimed_by_you: "您已聲明此項目,並可以查看。"
- claimed_by_other: "此項目只能給%{username}來審核。"
- claim:
- title: "聲稱這個話題"
- unclaim:
- help: "刪除此聲明"
- awaiting_approval: "等待審核"
- delete: "刪除"
- settings:
- saved: "已儲存"
- save_changes: "儲存變更"
- title: "設定"
- moderation_history: "審核歷史"
- view_all: "查看全部"
- grouped_by_topic: "按主題分類"
- none: "沒有要審查的項目"
- view_pending: "觀看待審核"
- topic_has_pending:
- other: "本話題中仍有 %{count}篇待審核貼文"
- title: "審核"
- topic: "話題:"
- filtered_topic: "您已篩選到單個主題中的可審閱內容。"
- filtered_user: "使用者"
- show_all_topics: "顯示所有話題"
- deleted_post: "(貼文已被刪除)"
- deleted_user: "(使用者已被刪除)"
- user:
- username: "使用者名稱"
- email: "電子信箱"
- name: "名稱"
- fields: "欄位"
- user_percentage:
- agreed:
- other: "%{count}%同意"
- disagreed:
- other: "%{count}%不同意"
- ignored:
- other: "%{count}% 忽略"
- topics:
- topic: "話題"
- reviewable_count: "次數"
- reported_by: "回報由"
- deleted: "[話題已被刪除]"
- original: "(原始的討論話題)"
- details: "詳情"
- unique_users:
- other: "%{count} 使用者"
- replies:
- other: "%{count}個回應"
- edit: "編輯"
- save: "儲存"
- cancel: "取消"
- filters:
- type:
- title: "類型"
- all: "(所有類型)"
- minimum_score: "最低分數:"
- refresh: "重新整理"
- status: "狀態"
- category: "分類"
- orders:
- score: "分數"
- priority:
- medium: "中間的"
- high: "高"
- conversation:
- view_full: "查看完整對話"
- scores:
- about: "該分數基於報告者的信任級別,其先前標誌的準確性以及報告的項目的優先級來計算。"
- score: "分數"
- date: "日期"
- type: "類型"
- status: "狀態"
- submitted_by: "送出者"
- reviewed_by: "審核由"
- statuses:
- pending:
- title: "申請中"
- approved:
- title: "已同意"
- rejected:
- title: "被拒絕"
- ignored:
- title: "忽略"
- deleted:
- title: "刪除"
- types:
- reviewable_flagged_post:
- title: "標記的貼文"
- flagged_by: "標記由"
- reviewable_queued_post:
- title: "排定的貼文"
- reviewable_user:
- title: "使用者"
- approval:
- title: "貼文需等待審核"
- description: "我們已收到您的貼文,但需要先經過版主審核後才會顯示出來。敬請稍後。"
- pending_posts:
- other: "你有 %{count} 篇貼文在等待審核中"
- ok: "確定"
- user_action:
- user_posted_topic: "%{user} 開啟了 此話題"
- you_posted_topic: "你 開啟了 此話題"
- user_replied_to_post: "%{user} 回覆 %{post_number}"
- you_replied_to_post: "你 回覆 %{post_number}"
- user_replied_to_topic: "%{user} 回覆了 此話題"
- you_replied_to_topic: "你 回覆了 此話題"
- user_mentioned_user: "%{user} 提及了 %{another_user}"
- user_mentioned_you: "%{user} 提及了 你"
- you_mentioned_user: "你 提及了 %{another_user}"
- posted_by_user: "由 %{user} 發佈"
- posted_by_you: "由 你 發佈"
- sent_by_user: "由 %{user} 寄出"
- sent_by_you: "由 你 寄出"
- directory:
- filter_name: "以使用者名稱過濾"
- title: "使用者"
- likes_given: "送出的"
- likes_received: "收到的"
- topics_entered: "觀看"
- topics_entered_long: "瀏覽過的話題"
- time_read: "閱讀次數"
- topic_count: "話題"
- topic_count_long: "話題已開啟"
- post_count: "回覆"
- post_count_long: "回覆貼文"
- no_results: "未找到任何結果。"
- days_visited: "造訪"
- days_visited_long: "到訪天數"
- posts_read: "已讀"
- posts_read_long: "已讀貼文"
- total_rows:
- other: "%{count} 個使用者"
- group_histories:
- actions:
- change_group_setting: "更改群組設定"
- add_user_to_group: "新增使用者"
- remove_user_from_group: "移除使用者"
- make_user_group_owner: "設為擁有者"
- remove_user_as_group_owner: "撤銷擁有者"
- groups:
- member_added: "已新增"
- member_requested: "請求"
- requests:
- title: "請求"
- reason: "原因"
- accept: "接受"
- accepted: "已接受"
- deny: "拒絕"
- denied: "被拒絕"
- undone: "請求未完成"
- handle: "處理會員申請"
- manage:
- title: "管理"
- name: "名稱"
- full_name: "全名"
- add_members: "新增成員"
- delete_member_confirm: "確定要從群組「\\b%{group}」中移除「%{username}'」嗎?"
- profile:
- title: 個人檔案
- interaction:
- title: 互動
- posting: 張貼
- notification: 通知
- email:
- title: "電子信箱"
- credentials:
- username: "使用者名稱"
- password: "密碼"
- membership:
- title: 會員身份
- access: 存取
- logs:
- title: "日誌"
- when: "時間"
- action: "動作"
- acting_user: "操作者"
- target_user: "目標使用者"
- subject: "主旨"
- details: "詳情"
- from: "自"
- to: "至"
- public_admission: "允許使用者自由加入群組(需要將群組設為公開瀏覽)"
- public_exit: "允許使用者自由離開群組"
- empty:
- posts: "沒有來自該群組成員的貼文。"
- members: "群組內無成員。"
- requests: "群組內無任何成員發出請求"
- mentions: "群組未曾被提及"
- messages: "無該群組的訊息。"
- topics: "沒有來自該群組成員的話題。"
- logs: "無該群組的日誌。"
- add: "新增"
- join: "加入"
- leave: "離開"
- request: "請求"
- message: "訊息"
- membership_request_template: "自定當使用者傳送加入要求時顯示的樣板"
- membership_request:
- submit: "送出請求"
- title: "請求加入 @%{group_name}"
- reason: "讓群組擁有者瞭解為何你屬於這個群組"
- membership: "會員身份"
- name: "名字"
- group_name: "群組名稱"
- user_count: "使用者"
- bio: "關於群組"
- selector_placeholder: "輸入使用者名稱"
- owner: "擁有者"
- index:
- title: "群組"
- all: "所有群組"
- empty: "無可見群組。"
- filter: "依群組類型篩選"
- owner_groups: "我擁有的群組"
- close_groups: "已關閉的群組"
- automatic_groups: "自動群組"
- automatic: "自動"
- closed: "不公開"
- public: "公開"
- private: "私密"
- public_groups: "公開群組"
- automatic_group: 自動群組
- close_group: 不公開的群組
- my_groups: "我的群組"
- group_type: "群組類型"
- is_group_user: "成員"
- is_group_owner: "擁有者"
- title:
- other: "群組"
- activity: "事件"
- members:
- title: "成員"
- filter_placeholder_admin: "使用者名稱或電子郵件"
- filter_placeholder: "使用者名稱"
- remove_member: "移除成員"
- remove_member_description: "從這個群組移除 %{username}"
- make_owner: "設為擁有者"
- make_owner_description: "將 %{username} 設為這個群組的擁有者"
- remove_owner: "移除擁有者身份"
- remove_owner_description: "移除 %{username} 的擁有者身份"
- owner: "擁有者"
- topics: "話題"
- posts: "貼文"
- mentions: "提及"
- messages: "訊息"
- notification_level: "群組訊息的預設通知等級"
- alias_levels:
- mentionable: "誰可 @提及 此群組?"
- messageable: "誰可向此群組傳送訊息?"
- nobody: "沒有人"
- only_admins: "限管理員"
- mods_and_admins: "限板主與管理員"
- members_mods_and_admins: "限群組成員、板主以及管理員"
- everyone: "所有人"
- notifications:
- watching:
- title: "關注"
- description: "當貼文有新訊息時會有推播通知,並顯示回覆數"
- watching_first_post:
- title: "關注第一則貼文"
- description: "您會收到群組新訊息的通知,訊息的回應則不會有通知。"
- tracking:
- title: "追蹤"
- description: "有人以@提及您或回覆您時會有推播通知,並顯示回覆數。"
- regular:
- title: "一般"
- description: "當有人通過 @名字 提及你時或回覆你時你會收到通知。"
- muted:
- title: "靜音"
- description: "您不會收到任何此群組內訊息的推播通知。"
- flair_url: "頭像圖片"
- flair_bg_color: "頭像背景顏色"
- flair_bg_color_placeholder: "(可選)十六進制色彩值"
- flair_color: "頭像顏色"
- flair_color_placeholder: "(可選)十六進制色彩值"
- flair_preview_icon: "預覽圖示"
- flair_preview_image: "預覽圖片"
- user_action_groups:
- "1": "已按讚"
- "2": "已收到讚"
- "3": "書籤"
- "4": "話題"
- "5": "回覆"
- "6": "回應"
- "7": "提及"
- "9": "引用"
- "11": "編輯"
- "12": "送出的項目"
- "13": "收件匣"
- "14": "等待中"
- "15": "草稿"
- categories:
- all: "所有分類"
- all_subcategories: "所有"
- no_subcategory: "無"
- category: "分類"
- category_list: "顯示分類列表"
- reorder:
- title: "重新排序分類"
- title_long: "重新排序分類列表"
- save: "儲存順序"
- apply_all: "套用"
- position: "位置"
- posts: "貼文"
- topics: "話題"
- latest: "最新"
- toggle_ordering: "顯示/隱藏排序控制"
- subcategories: "次分類"
- topic_sentence:
- other: "%{count} 個話題"
- topic_stat_sentence_week:
- other: "%{count}過去一週的新話題"
- topic_stat_sentence_month:
- other: "%{count}過去一個月的新話題"
- ip_lookup:
- title: IP 位址查詢
- hostname: 伺服器名稱
- location: 位置
- location_not_found: '(未知)'
- organisation: 組織
- phone: 電話
- other_accounts: "使用相同 IP 位置的帳號:"
- delete_other_accounts: "刪除 %{count} 個"
- username: "使用者名稱"
- trust_level: "TL"
- read_time: "閱讀時間"
- topics_entered: "已閱讀的話題"
- post_count: "# 貼文"
- confirm_delete_other_accounts: "你確定要刪除這些帳號?"
- powered_by: "使用 MaxMindDB"
- copied: "已複製"
- user_fields:
- none: "(選擇一個選項)"
- user:
- said: "%{username}:"
- profile: "個人檔案"
- mute: "靜音"
- edit: "編輯喜好設定"
- download_archive:
- button_text: "全部下載"
- confirm: "你確定要下載你的貼文嗎?"
- success: "已開始下載,下載完畢後將以訊息通知您"
- rate_limit_error: "每天僅可下載貼文一次,請明天再重試。"
- new_private_message: "新訊息"
- private_message: "訊息"
- private_messages: "訊息"
- user_notifications:
- filters:
- all: "全部"
- read: "已讀"
- unread: "未讀"
- ignore_duration_username: "使用者名稱"
- ignore_duration_when: "持續時間:"
- ignore_duration_save: "忽略"
- ignore_duration_note: "請注意,在忽略時間過期後,將自動忽略所有忽略過的。"
- ignore_duration_time_frame_required: "請選擇一個有效時間範圍"
- ignore_no_users: "你沒有被忽略的使用者"
- ignore_option: "已忽略"
- ignore_option_title: "您將不會收到與此使用者相關的通知,並且該使用者的所有主題與留言都將被隱藏。"
- add_ignored_user: "加入..."
- mute_option: "靜音"
- mute_option_title: "您將不會收到與此使用者相關的任何通知。"
- normal_option: "一般"
- normal_option_title: "如果有人@你或回覆你的帖子,將通知你。"
- activity_stream: "活動"
- preferences: "偏好設定"
- feature_topic_on_profile:
- save: "儲存"
- clear:
- title: "清除"
- profile_hidden: "該使用者的個人檔案已被設為隱藏。"
- expand_profile: "展開"
- collapse_profile: "收合"
- bookmarks: "書籤"
- bio: "關於我"
- invited_by: "邀請人"
- trust_level: "信任等級"
- notifications: "通知"
- statistics: "統計"
- desktop_notifications:
- label: "即時通知"
- not_supported: "抱歉,您的瀏覽器不支援桌面通知。"
- perm_default: "啟用桌面通知"
- perm_denied_btn: "權限被拒絕"
- perm_denied_expl: "你拒絶了通知提醒的權限。請在瀏覽器設定中允許桌面通知。"
- disable: "停用通知"
- enable: "啟用通知"
- consent_prompt: "當別人回覆您的貼文時,您想要收到即時通知嗎?"
- dismiss: "忽略"
- dismiss_notifications: "忽略全部"
- dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "將所有未讀通知設為已讀"
- first_notification: "你的第一則通知!選擇以開始。"
- dynamic_favicon: "在瀏覽器小圖示上顯示計數\\bIcon"
- theme_default_on_all_devices: "在所有裝置上設為預設佈景主題"
- text_size_default_on_all_devices: "在所有裝置上設為預設文字大小"
- allow_private_messages: "允許其他使用者寄送個人訊息給我"
- external_links_in_new_tab: "在新分頁中開啟所有外部連結"
- enable_quoting: "允許引用劃記文字"
- change: "修改"
- moderator: "%{user} 是板主"
- admin: "%{user} 是管理員"
- moderator_tooltip: "該使用者為板主"
- admin_tooltip: "該使用者為管理員"
- silenced_tooltip: "該使用者已被禁言"
- suspended_notice: "該使用者已被停權至 %{date}。"
- suspended_permanently: "該使用者已被停權。"
- suspended_reason: "原因: "
- email_activity_summary: "活動摘要"
- mailing_list_mode:
- label: "郵件列表模式"
- enabled: "啟用郵件列表模式"
- instructions: |
- 此設定將複寫活動摘要。
- 靜音話題和分類不包含在這些郵件中。
- individual: "每當有新貼文時,傳送郵件通知給我"
- individual_no_echo: "除了我的貼文以外,每當有新貼文時,傳送郵件通知給我"
- many_per_day: "每當有新貼文時,傳送郵件通知給我。(每天約 %{dailyEmailEstimate} 封)"
- few_per_day: "每當有新貼文時,傳送郵件通知給我。(每天約 2 封)"
- warning: "已啟用郵寄名單模式。郵件通知設定已被複寫。"
- tag_settings: "標籤"
- watched_tags: "已關注"
- watched_tags_instructions: "自動關注該標籤中的所有話題。您會收到新貼文或新話題的通知,話題旁的數字表示新貼文數。"
- tracked_tags: "已追蹤"
- tracked_tags_instructions: "您將會自動追蹤任何含有這些標籤的話題。新貼文數量將顯示在每個話題後。"
- muted_tags: "靜音"
- muted_tags_instructions: "您將不會收到任何有這些標籤的新話題通知,它們也不會出現在最新話題列表。"
- watched_categories: "已關注"
- watched_categories_instructions: "你將自動關注這些分類中的所有話題。當有新貼文與新話題時,你會收到通知,新貼文的數量也將顯示在話題旁邊。"
- tracked_categories: "追蹤"
- tracked_categories_instructions: "你將自動追蹤這些分類中的所有話題。新貼文數量將顯示在話題旁邊。"
- watched_first_post_categories: "關注第一則貼文"
- watched_first_post_categories_instructions: "你將會收到這些分類中新話題的第一則貼文的通知。"
- watched_first_post_tags: "關注第一則貼文"
- watched_first_post_tags_instructions: "你將會收到這些標籤中新話題的第一則貼文的通知。"
- muted_categories: "靜音"
- muted_categories_instructions: "你將不會在收到任何與這些分類中的新話題有關的通知。它們亦不會再出現於分類或最新頁面中。"
- no_category_access: "板主權限不足,無法使用儲存功能"
- delete_account: "刪除我的帳號"
- delete_account_confirm: "你真的要刪除帳號嗎?刪除後將無法還原。"
- deleted_yourself: "你的帳號已成功刪除"
- delete_yourself_not_allowed: "若你想刪除你的帳號,請聯絡站方。"
- unread_message_count: "訊息"
- admin_delete: "刪除"
- users: "使用者"
- muted_users: "靜音"
- ignored_users: "忽略"
- tracked_topics_link: "顯示"
- automatically_unpin_topics: "當我完整閲讀了話題時自動解除置頂。"
- apps: "應用"
- revoke_access: "撤銷許可"
- undo_revoke_access: "解除撤銷許可"
- api_approved: "已通過審核:"
- api_last_used_at: "最近使用於:"
- theme: "佈景主題"
- home: "預設首頁"
- staged: "暫存"
- staff_counters:
- flags_given: "有幫助的檢舉"
- flagged_posts: "已檢舉的貼文"
- deleted_posts: "已刪除的貼文"
- suspensions: "停權"
- warnings_received: "警告"
- messages:
- all: "全部"
- inbox: "收件匣"
- sent: "送出"
- archive: "封存"
- groups: "我的群組"
- bulk_select: "選擇訊息"
- move_to_inbox: "移動到收件匣"
- move_to_archive: "封存"
- failed_to_move: "移動所選郵件失敗(請檢查網路連線)"
- select_all: "選擇全部"
- tags: "標籤"
- preferences_nav:
- account: "帳號"
- profile: "基本資料"
- emails: "電子郵件"
- notifications: "通知"
- categories: "分類"
- users: "使用者"
- tags: "標籤"
- interface: "界面"
- apps: "應用"
- change_password:
- success: "( 寄出的郵件 )"
- in_progress: "( 正在傳送郵件 )"
- error: "( 錯誤 )"
- action: "寄出重設密碼的郵件"
- set_password: "設定密碼"
- choose_new: "選擇一個新密碼"
- choose: "選擇一個密碼"
- second_factor_backup:
- regenerate: "重新產生"
- disable: "禁用"
- enable: "啟用"
- enable_long: "啟用備用碼"
- copy_to_clipboard: "複製至剪貼簿"
- copy_to_clipboard_error: "複製至剪貼簿時發生錯誤"
- copied_to_clipboard: "複製至剪貼簿"
- codes:
- title: "已產生備用碼"
- description: "每個備用碼僅可使用一次。請將它們保存在安全且可被找到的地方。"
- second_factor:
- confirm_password_description: "請確認你的密碼以繼續"
- name: "名稱"
- label: "代碼"
- rate_limit: "嘗試其他驗證代碼前請稍後"
- enable_description: |
- 使用可支援的 app 掃描此 QR Code(安卓 – iOS)並輸入您的認證碼。
- disable_description: "請從您的應用程式輸入驗證碼"
- show_key_description: "手動輸入"
- short_description: |
- 以一次性安全碼保護您的帳號
- disable: "禁用"
- save: "儲存"
- edit: "編輯"
- security_key:
- register: "註冊"
- save: "儲存"
- change_about:
- title: "修改關於我"
- error: "修改設定值時發生錯誤"
- change_username:
- title: "修改使用者名稱"
- confirm: "確定要修改你的使用者名稱嗎?"
- taken: "抱歉,此使用者名稱已經有人使用。"
- invalid: "此使用者名稱無效,只能使用數字與英文字母。"
- add_email:
- add: "添加"
- change_email:
- title: "修改電子郵件地址"
- taken: "抱歉,此電子郵件地址無效。"
- error: "修改你的電子郵件地址時發生錯誤,可能此電子郵件地址已經有人使用?"
- success: "我們已經寄出一封郵件至此電子郵件地址,請遵照說明進行確認。"
- success_staff: "我們已傳送一封電子郵件至你目前的信箱。請根據確認指示進行操作。"
- change_avatar:
- title: "設定個人資料圖片"
- letter_based: "系統分配的個人資料圖片"
- uploaded_avatar: "自訂圖片"
- uploaded_avatar_empty: "新增一張自訂圖片"
- upload_title: "上傳你的圖片"
- image_is_not_a_square: "警告:我們裁切了你的圖片,因為該圖片不是正方形的。"
- change_card_background:
- title: "使用者卡背景"
- instructions: "背景會被置中,且默認寬度為850px。"
- email:
- title: "電子郵件"
- primary: "主要電子郵件"
- secondary: "次要電子郵件"
- primary_label: "一級"
- update_email: "修改電子郵件地址"
- no_secondary: "無次要電子郵件"
- instructions: "不會公開顯示"
- ok: "我們將寄一封確認郵件給您。"
- invalid: "請輸入有效的電子郵件地址。"
- authenticated: "你的 Email 已由 %{provider} 驗證完成。"
- frequency_immediately: "如果您沒有閱讀過重要通知,我們會立即發送電子郵件給您。"
- frequency:
- other: "我們只會在您 %{count} 分鐘內沒有活動時,才會寄送電郵通知給您。"
- associated_accounts:
- title: "關聯帳號"
- connect: "連結"
- revoke: "撤銷"
- cancel: "取消"
- not_connected: "(無任何連結)"
- name:
- title: "名稱"
- instructions: "您的全名 (選填)"
- instructions_required: "您的匿稱"
- too_short: "你的匿稱太短。"
- ok: "你的匿稱符合要求。"
- username:
- title: "使用者名稱"
- instructions: "獨一、無空格、短的"
- short_instructions: "其他人可以輸入 @%{username} 提及你。"
- available: "你的使用者名稱可以使用。"
- not_available: "無法使用,請試試看 %{suggestion}?"
- not_available_no_suggestion: "不可使用"
- too_short: "你的使用者名稱太短。"
- too_long: "你的使用者名稱太長。"
- checking: "正在檢查使用者名稱是否已經有人使用..."
- prefilled: "電子郵件地址與此註冊的使用者名稱相符。"
- locale:
- title: "界面語言"
- instructions: "使用者介面的語言,當頁面重新整理的時候會更換成你的設定。"
- default: "(default)"
- any: "任何"
- password_confirmation:
- title: "再次輸入密碼"
- auth_tokens:
- title: "最近使用的裝置"
- details: "詳細訊息"
- log_out_all: "登出所有裝置"
- not_you: "不是你嗎?"
- show_all: "顯示全部(%{count})"
- show_few: "顯示更少"
- was_this_you: "這是你嗎?"
- was_this_you_description: "若這不是你,建議你修改你的密碼並登出所有裝置。"
- browser_and_device: "%{device} 上的 %{browser}"
- secure_account: "增強我的帳號安全性"
- latest_post: "最近的貼文…"
- last_posted: "最近發表"
- last_emailed: "最近寄出電子郵件"
- last_seen: "出現時間"
- created: "建立日期"
- log_out: "登出"
- location: "位置"
- website: "網站"
- email_settings: "電子郵件"
- hide_profile_and_presence: "隱藏我的公開檔案"
- enable_physical_keyboard: "支援iPad外接鍵盤"
- text_size:
- title: "文字大小"
- smaller: "小"
- normal: "一般"
- larger: "大"
- largest: "最大"
- title_count_mode:
- title: "背景頁面標題顯示計數:"
- notifications: "新的通知"
- contextual: "新的頁面內容"
- like_notification_frequency:
- title: "使用者被讚時通知提醒"
- always: "總是"
- first_time_and_daily: "每天首個被讚"
- first_time: "歷史首個被讚"
- never: "永不"
- email_previous_replies:
- title: "郵件底部包含歷史回覆"
- unless_emailed: "首次"
- always: "總是"
- never: "永不"
- email_digests:
- title: "當我沒瀏覽這裡時,傳送熱門話題與回覆的電子郵件摘要給我"
- every_30_minutes: "每 30 分鐘"
- every_hour: "每小時"
- daily: "每天"
- weekly: "每週"
- every_month: "每個月"
- every_six_months: "每半年"
- email_level:
- title: "當有人引用、回覆我的發文,或以 @使用者名稱 提及我時,請以電子郵件通知我。"
- always: "總是"
- only_when_away: "只在離開時"
- never: "永不"
- email_messages_level: "當有人寄給我私人訊息時,以電子郵件通知我。"
- include_tl0_in_digests: "摘要郵件中包含新使用者的內容"
- email_in_reply_to: "郵件中包含回覆你的內容節選"
- other_settings: "其它"
- categories_settings: "分類"
- new_topic_duration:
- label: "視為新話題的條件"
- not_viewed: "我未看過的討論"
- last_here: "我上次到訪後的討論"
- after_1_day: "昨天發佈的討論"
- after_2_days: "過去兩天發佈的討論"
- after_1_week: "過去一週發佈的討論"
- after_2_weeks: "過去兩週發佈的討論"
- auto_track_topics: "自動追蹤我參與的討論"
- auto_track_options:
- never: "永不"
- immediately: "立即"
- after_30_seconds: "30 秒後"
- after_1_minute: "一分鐘後"
- after_2_minutes: "兩分鐘後"
- after_3_minutes: "三分鐘後"
- after_4_minutes: "四分鐘後"
- after_5_minutes: "五分鐘後"
- after_10_minutes: "十分鐘後"
- notification_level_when_replying: "當我在話題中回覆後,將話題設置至"
- invited:
- title: "邀請"
- pending_tab: "等待中"
- pending_tab_with_count: "等待中 (%{count})"
- redeemed_tab: "接受日期"
- redeemed_tab_with_count: "接受日期 (%{count})"
- reinvited: "邀請已經重送"
- search: "輸入要搜尋邀請的文字..."
- user: "受邀請的使用者"
- none: "沒有可顯示的邀請"
- truncated:
- other: "只顯示前 %{count} 個邀請。"
- redeemed: "已接受的邀請"
- redeemed_at: "接受日期"
- pending: "尚未接受的邀請"
- topics_entered: "參與的話題"
- posts_read_count: "已讀的貼文"
- expired: "此邀請已過期"
- reinvite_all_confirm: "您確定要重新寄出所有邀請嗎?"
- time_read: "閱讀時間"
- days_visited: "到訪天數"
- account_age_days: "帳號已建立 (天)"
- valid_for: "邀請連結只對這個郵件地址有效:%{email}"
- invite_link:
- success: "邀請連結生成成功!"
- bulk_invite:
- error: "上傳的檔案必須是 csv 格式。"
- password:
- title: "密碼"
- too_short: "你的密碼太短。"
- common: "此密碼太簡單。"
- same_as_username: "密碼與使用者名稱相同"
- same_as_email: "你的密碼與電郵相同。"
- ok: "你的密碼符合要求。"
- instructions: "至少 %{count} 個字元"
- summary:
- title: "摘要"
- stats: "統計"
- time_read: "閱讀時間"
- recent_time_read: "最近的閱讀時間"
- topic_count:
- other: "話題已開啟"
- post_count:
- other: "貼文已建立"
- likes_given:
- other: "已送出"
- likes_received:
- other: "已接收"
- days_visited:
- other: "到訪天數"
- topics_entered:
- other: "已讀話題"
- posts_read:
- other: "讀過的貼文"
- bookmark_count:
- other: "書籤"
- top_replies: "最佳回覆"
- no_replies: "暫無回覆。"
- more_replies: "更多回覆"
- top_topics: "熱門話題"
- no_topics: "暫無話題。"
- more_topics: "更多話題"
- top_badges: "熱門徽章"
- no_badges: "還沒有徽章。"
- more_badges: "更多徽章"
- top_links: "最佳連結"
- no_links: "暫無連結"
- most_liked_by: "誰得到最多讚"
- most_liked_users: "讚誰最多"
- most_replied_to_users: "最多回覆至"
- no_likes: "暫無讚"
- top_categories: "熱門分類"
- topics: "話題"
- replies: "回覆"
- ip_address:
- title: "最近的 IP 位址"
- registration_ip_address:
- title: "註冊之 IP 位址"
- avatar:
- title: "個人資料圖片"
- header_title: "個人頁面、訊息、書籤和設置"
- title:
- title: "頭銜"
- none: "(無)"
- primary_group:
- title: "主要群組"
- none: "(無)"
- filters:
- all: "全部"
- stream:
- posted_by: "發表者"
- sent_by: "寄件者"
- private_message: "訊息"
- the_topic: "話題"
- loading: "正在載入"
- errors:
- prev_page: "當嘗試載入"
- reasons:
- network: "網絡錯誤"
- server: "伺服器錯誤"
- forbidden: "拒絕存取"
- unknown: "錯誤"
- not_found: "找不到頁面"
- desc:
- network: "請檢查你的網絡連線。"
- network_fixed: "似乎沒有問題了"
- server: "錯誤代碼:%{status}"
- forbidden: "你不允許瀏覽此處。"
- not_found: "沒有這個頁面"
- unknown: "發生錯誤。"
- buttons:
- back: "返回"
- again: "請再試一次"
- fixed: "載入頁面"
- modal:
- close: "關閉"
- close: "關閉"
- logout: "已登出"
- refresh: "重新整理"
- home: "主頁"
- read_only_mode:
- enabled: "站點正處於只讀模式。你可以繼續瀏覽,但是回覆、讚和其他操作暫時被禁用。"
- login_disabled: "在唯讀模式下不能登入"
- logout_disabled: "站點在只讀模式下無法登出。"
- learn_more: "進一步了解..."
- first_post: 第一篇貼文
- mute: 靜音
- unmute: 取消靜音
- last_post: 最新貼文
- time_read: 已讀
- time_read_recently: "最近"
- time_read_tooltip: "已閱讀 %{time_read}"
- time_read_recently_tooltip: "%{time_read} 總共閱讀時間 (%{recent_time_read} 在最近 60 天)"
- last_reply_lowercase: 最新回覆
- replies_lowercase:
- other: 回覆
- signup_cta:
- sign_up: "註冊"
- hide_session: "明天提醒我"
- hide_forever: "不了"
- hidden_for_session: "好的,我會在明天提醒你。不過你隨時都可以使用「登入」來註冊帳號。"
- intro: "你好!:heart_eyes: 看起來你挺喜歡這樣的討論,可是你還沒有註冊帳號。"
- value_prop: "當你註冊帳號後,我們可以準確地記錄你的閲讀進度,這樣你能夠在下一次造訪時回到你上次閲讀到的地方。你也可以選擇接受新貼文的網頁和郵件通知,也可以按任何貼文讚來分享你的感謝。:heartbeat:"
- summary:
- enabled_description: "你正在檢視此話題的摘要:在這個社群裡最熱門的貼文。"
- enable: "以摘要檢視此話題"
- disable: "顯示所有貼文"
- deleted_filter:
- enabled_description: "這個話題含有被刪除的回覆,這些回覆已被隱藏。"
- disabled_description: "話題內刪除的回復已被顯示。"
- enable: "隱藏已刪除的貼文"
- disable: "顯示已刪除的貼文"
- private_message_info:
- title: "訊息"
- leave_message: "確定要移除這個訊息嗎?"
- remove_allowed_user: "確定將 %{name} 從對話中移除?"
- remove_allowed_group: "確定將 %{name} 從對話中移除?"
- email: "電子郵件"
- username: "使用者名稱"
- last_seen: "出現時間"
- created: "已建立"
- created_lowercase: "已建立"
- trust_level: "信任等級"
- search_hint: "使用者名稱、電子郵件、或是IP位址"
- create_account:
- failed: "發生了某些錯誤,可能此電子郵件地址已經註冊過,請試試看忘記密碼連結"
- forgot_password:
- title: "寄出密碼"
- action: "我忘了我的密碼"
- invite: "請輸入使用者名稱或電子郵件地址,我們將寄給你重設密碼的郵件。"
- reset: "重設密碼"
- complete_username: "如果有帳號符合你輸入的使用者名稱 %{username},你應該很快就會收到重設密碼的電子郵件。"
- complete_email: "如果有帳號符合你輸入的電子郵件地址 %{email},你應該很快就會收到重設密碼的電子郵件。"
- complete_username_not_found: "沒有帳號使用 %{username} 這個使用者名稱"
- complete_email_not_found: "沒有帳號使用 %{email}"
- help: "沒收到信嗎? 請先檢查您的垃圾信件匣。
不確定您使用的是哪個信箱嗎? 輸入查看該信箱是否已註冊。
" - button_ok: "確定" - button_help: "幫助" - email_login: - link_label: "傳送登入連結的email給我" - button_label: "透過email" - complete_username: "如果帳號符合使用者名稱%{username},您很快會收到一封含有登入連結的email。" - complete_email: "如果帳號符合%{email},您很快會收到一封含有登入連結的email。" - complete_username_found: "有一個帳號符合使用者名稱%{username},您很快會收到一封含有登入連結的email。" - complete_email_found: "有一個帳號符合%{email},您很快會收到一封含有登入連結的email。" - complete_username_not_found: "沒有符合使用者名稱%{username}的帳號" - complete_email_not_found: "沒有符合%{email}的帳號" - confirm_title: 繼續連接至 %{site_name} - login: - title: "登入" - username: "使用者" - password: "密碼" - second_factor_description: "請輸入應用程式中的驗證碼:" - second_factor_backup_description: "請輸入一組您的備用碼" - caps_lock_warning: "大寫鎖定中" - error: "未知的錯誤" - rate_limit: "嘗試重新登入前請先等待" - blank_username: "請輸入您的電子郵件或使用者名稱。" - blank_username_or_password: "請輸入你的電子郵件或者使用者名稱,以及密碼。" - reset_password: "重設密碼" - logging_in: "登入中..." - or: "或" - authenticating: "正在驗證..." - awaiting_activation: "你的帳號目前尚未啟用,請點選忘記密碼的連結來重新寄出一封認證信。" - awaiting_approval: "你的帳號尚未通過工作人員的審核,當審核通過時你會收到電子郵件通知。" - requires_invite: "抱歉,只有受邀請者才能進入此論壇。" - not_activated: "你還無法登入,我們之前曾將啟用帳號的電子郵件寄至 %{sentTo},請從該電子郵件啟用你的帳號。" - admin_not_allowed_from_ip_address: "你無法透過此 IP 登入成為管理員。" - resend_activation_email: "按這裡重新寄出啟用帳號的電子郵件。" - resend_title: "重新寄出認證信" - change_email: "更換電子郵件" - provide_new_email: "提供新的電子郵件,我們將把認證信重新寄給您。" - submit_new_email: "更換電子郵件" - sent_activation_email_again: "我們已經將啟用帳號的電子郵件寄至 %{currentEmail},你可能幾分鐘後才會收到,如果一直沒收到,請檢查垃圾郵件資料夾。" - sent_activation_email_again_generic: "啟用帳號的電子郵件已寄出 ,你可能幾分鐘後才會收到,如果一直沒收到,請檢查垃圾郵件資料夾。" - to_continue: "請登入" - preferences: "需要登入後更改設置" - not_approved: "您的帳號尚未通過審核。一旦您的帳號通過審核,就會傳送電子郵件通知您。" - google_oauth2: - name: "Google" - title: "使用 Google 帳號" - twitter: - name: "Twitter" - title: "使用 Twitter" - instagram: - name: "Instagram" - title: "用 Instagram 登入" - facebook: - name: "Facebook" - title: "使用 Facebook" - github: - name: "GitHub" - title: "使用 GitHub" - second_factor_toggle: - totp: "請改用身份驗證應用程式" - backup_code: "請改用備用碼" - invites: - accept_title: "邀請函" - welcome_to: "歡迎來到 %{site_name}!" - invited_by: "您被邀請,來自:" - social_login_available: "你也可以透過其他相同 email 的社交帳號登入。" - your_email: "您帳號的電郵地址是 %{email}" - accept_invite: "接受邀請" - success: "你的帳號已被建立,且您已經登入了。" - name_label: "姓名" - optional_description: "(選擇性)" - password_reset: - continue: "繼續連接至 %{site_name}" - emoji_set: - apple_international: "Apple/國際化" - google: "Google" - twitter: "Twitter" - win10: "Win10" - google_classic: "Google Classic" - facebook_messenger: "Facebook Messenger" - category_page_style: - categories_only: "僅分類" - categories_with_featured_topics: "有精選話題的分類" - categories_and_latest_topics: "分類和最新話題" - categories_and_top_topics: "分類與熱門話題" - categories_boxes: "子分類欄" - categories_boxes_with_topics: "精選話題欄" - shortcut_modifier_key: - shift: "Shift" - ctrl: "Ctrl" - alt: "Alt" - conditional_loading_section: - loading: 載入中... - select_kit: - default_header_text: 選擇... - no_content: 找不到符合的項目 - filter_placeholder: 搜尋... - filter_placeholder_with_any: 搜尋或建立... - create: "建立:'%{content}'" - max_content_reached: - other: "您只能選擇%{count}個項目" - min_content_not_reached: - other: "至少要選擇%{count}個項目" - date_time_picker: - from: 自 - to: 至 - emoji_picker: - filter_placeholder: 搜尋表情符號 - smileys_&_emotion: 表情符號 - people_&_body: 人們 - animals_&_nature: 動物與自然 - food_&_drink: 食物和飲料 - travel_&_places: 旅行與地點 - activities: 活動 - objects: 物品 - symbols: 象徵%{username} %{description}" - invited_to_topic: "%{username} %{description}" - invitee_accepted: "%{username} 接受了您的邀請" - moved_post: "%{username} 移動 %{description}" - linked: "%{username} %{description}" - granted_badge: "得到 '%{description}'" - topic_reminder: "%{username} %{description}" - watching_first_post: "新話題 %{description}" - group_message_summary: - other: "您的收件匣中有%{count}則訊息" - popup: - mentioned: '%{username}在“%{topic}”提及了你 - %{site_title}' - group_mentioned: '%{username}在“%{topic}”提及了你 - %{site_title}' - quoted: '%{username}在“%{topic}”引用了你的貼文 - %{site_title}' - replied: '%{username}在“%{topic}”回覆了你 - %{site_title}' - posted: '%{username}在“%{topic}”中發佈了貼文 - %{site_title}' - private_message: '%{username} 在 "%{topic}" 中私訊了你- %{site_title}' - linked: '%{username}在“%{topic}”中連結了你的貼文 - %{site_title}' - watching_first_post: '%{username} 在 "%{topic}"中開啟了新話題 - %{site_title}' - confirm_title: "通知已啟用-%{site_title}" - confirm_body: "成功! 通知已啟用" - custom: "新的通知由%{username}在%{site_title}" - titles: - liked: "新的讚" - watching_first_post: "新話題" - liked_consolidated: "新的讚" - post_approved: "貼文已通過審核" - upload_selector: - title: "加入圖片" - title_with_attachments: "加入圖片或檔案" - from_my_computer: "從我的電腦" - from_the_web: "從網站" - remote_tip: "圖片連結" - remote_tip_with_attachments: "連結到圖片或檔案 %{authorized_extensions}" - local_tip: "從你的裝置中選擇圖片" - local_tip_with_attachments: "從裝置選取圖片或檔案 (%{authorized_extensions})" - hint: "(你也可以將檔案拖放至編輯器直接上傳)" - hint_for_supported_browsers: "可以拖放或複製粘帖至編輯器以上傳" - uploading: "正在上傳" - select_file: "選取檔案" - default_image_alt_text: 圖片 - search: - sort_by: "排序" - relevance: "最相關" - latest_post: "最新貼文" - latest_topic: "最新話題" - most_viewed: "最多閱覽人次" - most_liked: "最多讚" - select_all: "選擇全部" - clear_all: "清除全部" - too_short: "你的搜尋詞語太短。" - result_count: - other: "關於%{term}的%{count}%{plus} 個結果 " - title: "搜尋話題、貼文、使用者或分類" - full_page_title: "搜尋話題或貼文" - no_results: "未找到任何結果。" - no_more_results: "沒有找到更多的結果。" - post_format: "#%{post_number} %{username}" - results_page: "'%{term}' 的搜尋結果" - more_results: "還有更多結果。請嘗試縮小搜尋條件。" - cant_find: "找不到你想找的嗎?" - start_new_topic: "或許你可以開啟一個新的話題?" - or_search_google: "或是嘗試利用 Google 搜尋:" - search_google: "嘗試利用 Google 搜尋:" - search_google_button: "Google" - context: - user: "搜尋 @%{username} 的貼文" - category: "搜索 #%{category} 分類" - topic: "搜尋此話題" - private_messages: "搜尋訊息" - advanced: - title: 進階搜尋 - posted_by: - label: 發文者 - in_category: - label: 已分類 - in_group: - label: 在群組中 - with_badge: - label: 有徽章 - with_tags: - label: 已標記 - filters: - label: 只返回主題或張貼的文章... - title: 只有標題吻合 - likes: 我按了讚的 - posted: 我發了文的 - watching: 我正在關注 - tracking: 我正在追蹤 - private: 在我的訊息 - bookmarks: 我加入書籤的 - first: 是第一篇文 - pinned: 是置頂的 - seen: 我已讀的 - unseen: 我還未讀的 - wiki: 是公共編輯的 - images: 包含圖片 - all_tags: 以上所有的標籤 - statuses: - label: 當話題 - open: 是開放的 - closed: 是關閉的 - archived: 已經封存的 - noreplies: 沒有回覆 - single_user: 只有一個使用者參與 - post: - time: - label: 發表於 - before: 之前 - after: 之後 - hamburger_menu: "轉到另一個話題列表或分類" - new_item: "新增" - go_back: "返回" - not_logged_in_user: "使用者頁面(包含目前活動及喜好的摘要)" - current_user: "到你的使用者頁面" - topics: - new_messages_marker: "上次到訪" - bulk: - select_all: "選擇全部" - clear_all: "清除全部" - unlist_topics: "未在列表中的話題" - relist_topics: "討論話題" - reset_read: "重設閱讀" - delete: "刪除話題" - dismiss: "忽略" - dismiss_read: "忽略所有未讀話題" - dismiss_button: "忽略..." - dismiss_tooltip: "僅忽略新貼文或停止追蹤話題" - also_dismiss_topics: "停止追蹤這些話題,這樣這些話題就不再顯示為未讀了" - dismiss_new: "設定新貼文為已讀" - toggle: "批次切換選擇話題" - actions: "批次操作" - change_category: "設定分類" - close_topics: "關閉話題" - archive_topics: "已封存的話題" - notification_level: "通知" - choose_new_category: "為話題選擇新類別:" - selected: - other: "你已選擇了 %{count} 個話題。" - change_tags: "取代標籤" - append_tags: "添加標籤" - choose_new_tags: "為話題選擇新標籤" - choose_append_tags: "為話題選擇新標籤" - changed_tags: "話題的標籤已修改" - none: - unread: "沒有未讀的話題。" - new: "沒有新的話題。" - read: "你尚未閱讀任何話題。" - posted: "你尚未在任何話題裡發表貼文。" - bookmarks: "您目前沒有把任何話題加入書籤。" - category: "沒有 %{category} 的話題。" - top: "沒有精選話題。" - bottom: - latest: "已經沒有其它最近的話題了。" - posted: "已經沒有其它話題了。" - read: "已經沒有其它已讀的話題了。" - new: "已經沒有其它新話題了。" - unread: "已經沒有其它未讀的話題了。" - category: "%{category} 分類已經沒有其它話題了。" - top: "沒有更多精選話題。" - bookmarks: "書籤裡沒有更多的話題了。" - topic: - filter_to: - other: "本話題中的 %{count} 帖" - create: "新話題" - create_long: "開啟新話題" - open_draft: "開啟草稿" - private_message: "發送訊息" - archive_message: - help: "把訊息移動到封存匣" - title: "封存" - move_to_inbox: - title: "移動到收件匣" - help: "把訊息移動到收件匣" - edit_message: - help: "編輯這個訊息的第一篇貼文" - title: "編輯" - defer: - title: "延遲" - list: "話題" - new: "新話題" - unread: "未讀" - new_topics: - other: "%{count} 個新話題" - unread_topics: - other: "%{count} 個未讀話題" - title: "話題" - invalid_access: - title: "私人話題" - description: "抱歉,你沒有進入此話題的權限" - login_required: "你需要登入才能看見這個話題。" - server_error: - title: "話題載入失敗" - description: "抱歉,可能因為連線有問題而無法載入此話題,請再試一次,如果這個問題持續發生,請讓我們知道。" - not_found: - title: "未找到話題" - description: "抱歉,找不到此話題,可能已被板主刪除。" - total_unread_posts: - other: "你有 %{count} 個未讀的貼文在這話題內" - unread_posts: - other: "你有 %{count} 個未讀的舊貼文在討論內" - new_posts: - other: "自你上次閱讀後,此話題又多了 %{count} 篇新貼文" - likes: - other: "此話題收到了 %{count} 個讚" - back_to_list: "回到話題列表" - options: "話題選項" - show_links: "在話題裡顯示連結" - toggle_information: "切換話題詳情" - read_more_in_category: "要閱讀更多貼文嗎? 瀏覽 %{catLink} 裡的話題或 %{latestLink}。" - read_more: "要閱讀更多貼文嗎? 請按 %{catLink} 或 %{latestLink}。" - browse_all_categories: 瀏覽所有分類 - view_latest_topics: 檢視最近的貼文 - jump_reply_up: 跳到更早的回覆 - jump_reply_down: 跳到更晚的回覆 - deleted: "此話題已被刪除" - topic_status_update: - title: "話題計時器" - save: "設定計時器" - num_of_hours: "時數:" - remove: "移除計時器" - publish_to: "發佈至:" - when: "當:" - time_frame_required: "請選擇一個有效時間範圍" - auto_update_input: - none: "選擇有效時間範圍" - later_today: "今日稍晚" - tomorrow: "明天" - later_this_week: "本週稍晚" - this_weekend: "這週末" - next_week: "下週" - next_month: "下個月" - forever: "永久" - pick_date_and_time: "挑選日期與時間" - set_based_on_last_post: "依照上一篇貼文來關閉" - publish_to_category: - title: "定時發表" - temp_open: - title: "暫時開啟" - auto_reopen: - title: "自動開啟話題" - temp_close: - title: "暫時關閉" - auto_close: - title: "自動關閉話題" - error: "請輸入一個有效的值。" - based_on_last_post: "在最後一個文章發表後,不自動關閉話題。" - auto_delete: - title: "自動刪除話題" - auto_bump: - title: "自動上浮話題" - reminder: - title: "提醒我" - status_update_notice: - auto_open: "此話題將在%{timeLeft}後自動開啟" - auto_close: "此話題將在%{timeLeft}後自動關閉" - auto_publish_to_category: "這個話題會被發佈到#%{categoryName}%{timeLeft}。" - auto_delete: "這個話題將會被自動刪除%{timeLeft}。" - auto_bump: "話題在%{timeLeft}後會自動浮上來" - auto_reminder: "您會收到關於這個話題的提醒%{timeLeft}。" - auto_close_title: "自動關閉設定" - auto_close_immediate: - other: "話題中的最後一帖是 %{hours} 小時前發出的,所以話題將會立即關閉。" - timeline: - back: "返回" - back_description: "回到最後一個未讀貼文" - replies_short: "%{current} / %{total}" - progress: - title: topic progress - go_top: "頂部" - go_bottom: "底部" - go: "前往" - jump_bottom: "跳至最後一則貼文" - jump_prompt: "跳到..." - jump_bottom_with_number: "跳至第 %{post_number} 篇貼文" - jump_prompt_to_date: "至今" - jump_prompt_or: "或" - total: 所有貼文 - current: 目前的貼文 - notifications: - title: 改變你收到該話題通知的頻率 - reasons: - mailing_list_mode: "郵件列表模式已啟用,將以郵件通知你關於該話題的回覆。" - "3_10": "因為你正關注該話題上的標籤,你將會收到通知。" - "3_6": "你將會收到通知,因為你正在關注此分類。" - "3_5": "你將會收到通知,因為你自動關注此話題。" - "3_2": "你將收到關於此話題的通知,因為你正在關注此話題。" - "3_1": "你將收到關於此話題的通知,因為你開啟了此話題。" - "3": "你將收到關於此話題的通知,因為你正在關注此話題。" - "2_8": "您將會看到新回覆的數量,因為你正在追蹤這個分類。" - "2_4": "您將會看到新回覆的數量,因為你回覆了此話題。" - "2_2": "您將會看到新回覆的數量,因為你正在追蹤這個話題。" - "2": 'You will see a count of new replies because you read this topic.' - "1_2": "如果有人@你或回覆你,將通知你。" - "1": "如果有人@你或回覆你,將通知你。" - "0_7": "你正忽略此分類中的所有通知。" - "0_2": "你正忽略此話題的所有通知。" - "0": "你正忽略此話題的所有通知。" - watching_pm: - title: "關注中" - description: "訊息有新回覆時提醒我,並顯示新回覆數量。" - watching: - title: "關注" - description: "在此話題裡,每一個新回覆將通知你,還將顯示新回覆的數量。" - tracking_pm: - title: "追蹤" - description: "在訊息標題後顯示新回覆數量。你只會在別人@你或回覆你的貼文時才會收到通知。" - tracking: - title: "追蹤" - description: "將為該話題顯示新回覆的數量。如果有人@你或回覆你,將通知你。" - regular: - title: "一般" - description: "如果有人@你或回覆你,將通知你。" - regular_pm: - title: "一般" - description: "如果有人@你或回覆你,將通知你。" - muted_pm: - title: "靜音" - description: "你將不會再收到關於此訊息的通知。" - muted: - title: "靜音" - description: "你不會收到此話題的任何通知,它也不會出現在“最新”話題列表。" - actions: - title: "操作" - recover: "復原已刪除的話題" - delete: "刪除話題" - open: "開放話題" - close: "關閉話題" - multi_select: "選擇貼文" - timed_update: "設定話題計時器" - pin: "置頂話題" - unpin: "取消置頂話題" - unarchive: "復原已封存的話題" - archive: "封存話題" - invisible: "不出現在列表上" - visible: "出現在列表上" - reset_read: "重置讀取資料" - make_public: "設置為公共話題" - make_private: "設置為私訊" - reset_bump_date: "重設上浮日期" - feature: - pin: "置頂話題" - unpin: "取消置頂話題" - pin_globally: "全區置頂話題" - make_banner: "話題橫幅" - remove_banner: "移除話題橫幅" - reply: - title: "回覆" - help: "開始編寫對此話題的回覆" - clear_pin: - title: "取消置頂" - help: "取消話題的置頂狀態。" - share: - title: "分享" - extended_title: "分享連結" - help: "分享此話題的連結" - print: - title: "列印" - help: "打開此討論話題列印友善的版本" - flag_topic: - title: "檢舉" - help: "檢舉此話題,或以私訊通知管理員" - success_message: "已檢舉此話題。" - feature_topic: - title: "擁有這個話題" - pin: "將該話題置於%{categoryLink}分類最上方至" - unpin: "取消此話題在%{categoryLink}類別的置頂狀態" - unpin_until: "從%{categoryLink}分類最上方移除話題或者移除於%{until}。" - pin_note: "允許使用者取消置頂。" - pin_validation: "置頂該話題需要一個日期。" - not_pinned: "沒有話題被釘選在 %{categoryLink} ." - already_pinned: - other: "%{categoryLink}分類的置頂話題數:%{count}" - pin_globally: "將話題置於所有話題列表最上方至" - unpin_globally: "將話題從所有話題列表的最上方移除。" - unpin_globally_until: "從所有話題列表最上方移除話題或者移除於%{until}。" - global_pin_note: "允許使用者取消全局置頂。" - not_pinned_globally: "沒有全局置頂的話題。" - already_pinned_globally: - other: "全局置頂的話題數:%{count}" - make_banner: "將話題設置為出現在所有頁面頂端的橫幅話題。" - remove_banner: "移除所有頁面頂端的橫幅主題。" - banner_note: "使用者能點擊關閉隱藏橫幅。且只能設置一個橫幅話題。" - no_banner_exists: "沒有橫幅話題。" - banner_exists: "當前設置了橫幅話題。" - inviting: "正在邀請..." - automatically_add_to_groups: "邀請將把使用者加入群組:" - invite_private: - title: "邀請訊息交流" - email_or_username: "受邀請者的電子郵件地址或使用者名稱" - email_or_username_placeholder: "電子郵件地址或使用者名稱" - action: "邀請" - success: "成功邀請了使用者至該對話" - success_group: "成功邀請了群組至該對話" - error: "抱歉,向此使用者發出邀請時發生錯誤。" - group_name: "群組名稱" - controls: "話題控件" - invite_reply: - title: "邀請" - username_placeholder: "使用者名稱" - action: "送出邀請" - help: "通過電子郵件或通知邀請其他人到該話題" - to_topic_blank: "輸入你想邀請的使用者的使用者名稱或電子郵件地址到該話題" - to_topic_email: "你輸入了郵箱地址。我們將發送一封郵件邀請,讓你的朋友可直接回覆該話題。" - to_topic_username: "你輸入了使用者名。我們將發送一個至該話題連結的邀請通知。" - to_username: "輸入你想邀請的人的使用者名。我們將發送一個至該話題連結的邀請通知。" - email_placeholder: "電子郵件地址" - success_username: "我們已經邀請該使用者加入此話題討論" - error: "抱歉,我們不能邀請這個人。可能他已經被邀請了?(邀請有頻率限制)" - success_existing_email: "已經有一個有此電子郵件 %{emailOrUsername} 的使用者存在。我們已邀請那位使用者來參與這個話題。" - login_reply: "登入以發表回應" - filters: - n_posts: - other: "%{count} 則貼文" - cancel: "取消過濾" - move_to: - title: "移動到" - action: "移動到" - error: "移動貼文時發生錯誤" - split_topic: - title: "移至新話題" - action: "移至新話題" - topic_name: "新增話題標題" - radio_label: "新話題" - error: "將話題移至新話題時發生錯誤。" - instructions: - other: "你即將開啟一個新話題,並填入 %{count} 篇你已選擇的貼文。" - merge_topic: - title: "移至已存在的話題" - action: "移至已存在的話題" - error: "將話題移至已存在的話題時發生錯誤。" - radio_label: "已存在的話題" - instructions: - other: "請選擇你想將那 %{count} 篇貼文移至哪一個話題。" - move_to_new_message: - title: "移動到新訊息" - action: "移動到新訊息" - message_title: "新訊息標題" - radio_label: "新訊息" - participants: "參與者" - instructions: - other: "你即將開啟一個新話題,並填入 %{count} 篇你已選擇的貼文。" - move_to_existing_message: - title: "移動到已存在的訊息" - action: "移動到已存在的訊息" - radio_label: "已存在的訊息" - participants: "參與者" - instructions: - other: "請選擇你想將那 %{count} 篇貼文移至哪一個話題。" - merge_posts: - title: "合併選擇的貼文" - action: "合併選擇的貼文" - error: "合併選擇的貼文試出錯。" - publish_page: - public: "公開" - change_owner: - title: "變更擁有者" - action: "變更擁有者" - error: "修改貼文擁有者時發生錯誤。" - placeholder: "新擁有者的使用者名稱" - instructions: - other: "請替@%{old_user}的%{count}篇貼文選擇新的擁有者。" - change_timestamp: - title: "變更時間標籤..." - action: "變更時間戳記" - invalid_timestamp: "時間戳記不能為將來的時刻。" - error: "更改話題時間時發生錯誤。" - instructions: "請為話題選擇新的時間。話題中的所有貼文將按照相同的時間差更新。" - multi_select: - select: "選取" - selected: "選取了 (%{count})" - select_post: - label: "選擇" - title: "將貼文加入選取清單" - selected_post: - label: "已選取" - title: "點擊後將文章移除" - select_replies: - label: "選取+回覆" - title: "將貼文及所有回覆加入選取列表" - select_below: - label: "選取 + 底下" - title: "將此貼文及其所有以下貼文加入選取列表" - delete: 刪除選取的貼文 - cancel: 取消選取 - select_all: 選擇全部 - deselect_all: 取消選取 - description: - other: "你已選擇了 %{count} 篇貼文。" - deleted_by_author: - other: "(主題已被作者撤回,將在%{count}小時內自動刪除,若有標記便不會刪除)" - post: - quote_reply: "引用" - edit_reason: "原因: " - post_number: "貼文 %{number}" - ignored: "忽略內容" - reply_as_new_topic: "回覆為關連的話題" - reply_as_new_private_message: "回覆作為新訊息給同一收件人" - continue_discussion: "繼續 %{postLink} 的討論:" - follow_quote: "跳到引用的貼文" - show_full: "顯示所有貼文" - show_hidden: "查看忽略內容" - deleted_by_author: - other: "( 貼文已被作者撤回,除非被檢舉,否則在 %{count} 小時內將自動刪除。)" - collapse: "收起" - expand_collapse: "展開/收合" - locked: "管理員已鎖定此貼文,目前無法編輯" - gap: - other: "檢視 %{count} 則隱藏回應" - notice: - new_user: "這是%{user}第一次發表貼文,一起歡迎他加入我們的社群!" - returning_user: "%{user}已經有一陣子沒出現了—— 他最後一次發文是在%{time}。" - unread: "貼文未讀" - has_replies: - other: "%{count} 個回覆" - has_likes_title: - other: "%{count} 個使用者對此貼文讚好" - has_likes_title_only_you: "你已按讚" - has_likes_title_you: - other: "你和其他 %{count} 人讚了該貼" - errors: - create: "抱歉,建立你的貼文時發生錯誤,請再試一次。" - edit: "抱歉,編輯你的貼文時發生錯誤,請再試一次。" - upload: "抱歉,上傳你的檔案時發生錯誤,請再試一次。" - file_too_large: "檔案過大(最大 %{max_size_kb}KB)。為什麼不就大檔案上傳至雲存儲服務後再分享連結呢?" - too_many_uploads: "抱歉,一次只能上傳一個檔案。" - upload_not_authorized: "抱歉,你沒有上傳檔案的權限 (驗證擴展:%{authorized_extensions})。" - image_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "抱歉,新使用者不可上傳圖片。" - attachment_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "抱歉,新使用者不可上傳附件。" - attachment_download_requires_login: "抱歉,您必須登入以下載附件。" - abandon_edit: - no_value: "不,我要保留。" - abandon: - confirm: "你確定要捨棄你的貼文嗎?" - no_value: "否" - yes_value: "是" - via_email: "本貼文透過電子郵件送達" - via_auto_generated_email: "通過自動生成郵件發表的貼文" - whisper: "這貼文是版主私人密談" - wiki: - about: "這篇貼文是共筆" - archetypes: - save: "儲存選項" - few_likes_left: "謝謝你的熱情!你今天的讚快用完了。" - controls: - reply: "開始編寫對此貼文的回覆" - like: "給此貼文按讚" - has_liked: "你已對此貼文按讚" - undo_like: "撤回讚" - edit: "編輯此貼文" - edit_action: "編輯" - edit_anonymous: "抱歉,您必須登入以修改貼文。" - flag: "檢舉此貼文或傳送私人通知" - delete: "刪除此貼文" - undelete: "復原此貼文" - share: "分享此貼文的連結" - more: "更多" - delete_replies: - confirm: "您是否也要刪除所有此貼文底下的回應?" - direct_replies: - other: "是,包含%{count}條的直接回覆" - all_replies: - other: "是,包含所有%{count}條回覆" - just_the_post: "否,僅刪除此貼文。" - admin: "貼文管理動作" - wiki: "做為共筆" - unwiki: "取消共筆" - convert_to_moderator: "增加工作人員顏色" - revert_to_regular: "移除工作人員顏色" - rebake: "重建 HTML" - unhide: "取消隱藏" - change_owner: "更改作者" - grant_badge: "核可徽章" - lock_post: "封鎖貼文" - lock_post_description: "禁止發文者編輯此貼文" - unlock_post: "解除封鎖貼文" - unlock_post_description: "允許發文者編輯此貼文" - delete_topic_disallowed_modal: "您沒有權限刪除此話題。若您認為它應被刪除,請向板主檢舉並附上原因。" - delete_topic_disallowed: "您沒有刪除此話題的權限。" - delete_topic: "刪除話題" - add_post_notice: "加入工作人員通知" - actions: - people: - like_capped: - other: "和其他%{count}人都說讚" - by_you: - off_topic: "你已檢舉此貼文離題" - 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none: "( 無分類 )" - all: "所有分類" - choose: "選擇一個分類…" - edit: "編輯" - edit_dialog_title: "編輯:%{categoryName}" - view: "檢視分類裡的話題" - general: "一般" - settings: "設定" - topic_template: "話題範本" - tags: "標籤" - tags_allowed_tags: "將這些標籤(Tags)限制為此分類做使用:" - tags_allowed_tag_groups: "將這些標籤群組限制在此類別使用:" - tags_placeholder: "(可選)允許使用的標籤列表" - tag_groups_placeholder: "(可選)允許使用的標籤組列表" - allow_global_tags_label: "也允許其他標籤(Tags)" - topic_featured_link_allowed: "允許在該分類中發布精選的連結標題" - delete: "刪除分類" - create: "新分類" - create_long: "建立新的分類" - save: "儲存分類" - slug: "分類目錄" - slug_placeholder: "(選填) 在 url 加上虛線" - creation_error: 建立分類時發生錯誤。 - save_error: 儲存分類時發生錯誤。 - name: "分類名稱" - description: "描述" - topic: "分類話題" - logo: "分類圖示" - background_image: "分類背景圖片" - badge_colors: "識別顏色" - background_color: "背景色" - foreground_color: "前景色" - name_placeholder: "請簡單明瞭。" - color_placeholder: "任何網頁顏色" - delete_confirm: "你確定要刪除此分類嗎?" - delete_error: "刪除此分類時發生錯誤。" - list: "列出分類" - no_description: "請為此分類新增描述。" - change_in_category_topic: "編輯描述" - already_used: "此顏色已經用於其它分類" - security: "安全性" - special_warning: "警告:這個分類是已經自動建立好的分類,它的安全設置不能被更改。如果你不想要使用這個分類,直接刪除它,而不是另作他用。" - uncategorized_security_warning: "此為特殊分類,僅作為沒有分類的話題暫存區,無法有安全設定。" - uncategorized_general_warning: '此為特殊分類,作為尚未選定分類的新話題的預設分類。若您要停用此行為並強制使用者選擇分類,請在停用此設定,若您要更改名稱或說明,請到自訂 / 文字內容。' - images: "圖片" - email_in: "自訂外來電郵地址:" - email_in_allow_strangers: "接受非使用者的電郵" - email_in_disabled: "\"用電子郵件張貼新的話題\"功能已被關閉。若要使用此功能," - email_in_disabled_click: '請啟用"email in"功能' - mailinglist_mirror: "以類別來區分郵件列表" - show_subcategory_list: "在此分類中,將子分類顯示在話題上方。" - num_featured_topics: "分類頁面中顯示的話題數量:" - subcategory_num_featured_topics: "類別頁上的精選話題數量:" - all_topics_wiki: "新的話題預設為共筆。" - subcategory_list_style: "子分類列表風格:" - sort_order: "話題列表排序條件:" - default_view: "預設話題列表:" - default_top_period: "預設熱門時段" - allow_badges_label: "允許授予本分類的徽章" - edit_permissions: "編輯權限" - review_group_name: "群組名稱" - require_topic_approval: "所有新話題皆需要通過管理員審核" - require_reply_approval: "所有新回覆皆需要通過管理員審核" - this_year: "今年" - position: "在分類頁面上的位置:" - default_position: "預設的位置" - position_disabled: "分類的顯示將會以活躍度為排序依據。若要控制分類排序方法," - position_disabled_click: '請啟用"固定分類位置"設定' - minimum_required_tags: "話題標籤的最低要求數量:" - parent: "父分類" - num_auto_bump_daily: "每日自動上浮的主題數:" - navigate_to_first_post_after_read: "所有話題已讀後,跳轉至最新貼文" - notifications: - watching: - title: "關注" - watching_first_post: - title: "關注新的發文" - description: "您會收到此分類中的新話題通知,話題回應則不會。" - tracking: - title: "追蹤" - regular: - title: "一般" - description: "如果有人@你或回覆你,將通知你。" - muted: - title: "靜音" - search_priority: - label: "優先搜尋" - options: - normal: "一般" - ignore: "忽略" - very_low: "非常低" - low: "低" - high: "高" - very_high: "非常高" - sort_options: - default: "預設" - likes: "讚" - op_likes: "原始貼文讚" - views: "瀏覽" - posts: "貼文" - activity: "活動" - posters: "發表人" - category: "分類" - created: "創建" - sort_ascending: "升序" - sort_descending: "降序" - subcategory_list_styles: - rows: "排" - rows_with_featured_topics: "一排精選主題" - boxes: "匣" - boxes_with_featured_topics: "精選話題匣" - settings_sections: - general: "一般" - moderation: "管理" - appearance: "外觀" - email: "電子信箱" - flagging: - title: "感謝幫助社群遠離邪惡!" - action: "檢舉貼文" - notify_action: "訊息" - official_warning: "正式警告" - delete_spammer: "刪除垃圾貼文發送者" - yes_delete_spammer: "是的,刪除垃圾貼文發送者" - ip_address_missing: "(N/A)" - hidden_email_address: "( 隱藏) " - submit_tooltip: "送出私人檢舉" - take_action_tooltip: "使其立刻達到檢舉門檻,不用等待更多人檢舉" - cant: "抱歉,你目前無法檢舉此貼文。" - notify_staff: "私下通知管理人員" - formatted_name: - off_topic: "離題內容" - inappropriate: "不當內容" - spam: "垃圾內容" - custom_placeholder_notify_user: "請具體說明出有建設性且溫和的意見。" - custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "讓我們知道您的意見,並請盡可能地提供相關連結和例子。" - custom_message: - at_least: - other: "輸入至少 %{count} 個字元" - more: - other: "還差 %{count} 個..." - left: - other: "剩餘 %{count}" - flagging_topic: - title: "感謝幫助社群遠離邪惡!" - action: "檢舉話題" - notify_action: "訊息" - topic_map: - title: "話題摘要" - participants_title: "頻繁發文者" - links_title: "熱門連結" - links_shown: "顯示更多連結..." - clicks: - other: "%{count} 點擊" - post_links: - about: "為本帖展開更多連結" - title: - other: "%{count} 更多" - topic_statuses: - warning: - help: "這是正式警告。" - bookmarked: - help: "已將此話題加入書籤" - locked: - help: "此話題已關閉,不再接受回覆" - archived: - help: "此話題已封存,已被凍結無法再修改" - locked_and_archived: - help: "這個話題被關閉並存檔;不再允許新的回覆,並不能改變" - unpinned: - title: "取消釘選" - help: "此話題已取消置頂,將會以預設順序顯示。" - pinned_globally: - title: "全區置頂" - help: "本話題已全局置頂;它始終會在最新列表以及它所屬的分類中置頂" - pinned: - title: "已釘選" - help: "此話題已置頂,將顯示在它所屬分類話題列表的最上方" - unlisted: - help: "此話題已被隱藏,不會顯示於話題列表,只能由直接連結存取。" - posts: "貼文" - original_post: "原始貼文" - views: "觀看" - views_lowercase: - other: "觀看" - replies: "回覆" - views_long: - other: "這個話題已經被檢視過 %{number} 次" - activity: "活動" - likes: "讚" - likes_lowercase: - other: "個讚" - users: "使用者" - users_lowercase: - other: "使用者" - category_title: "分類" - history: "歷史" - changed_by: "作者 %{author}" - raw_email: - title: "寄來的郵件" - not_available: "不可使用" - categories_list: "分類清單" - filters: - with_topics: "%{filter} 話題" - with_category: "%{filter} %{category} 話題" - 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this_week: "週" - today: "今天" - permission_types: - full: "建立 / 回覆 / 觀看" - create_post: "回覆 / 觀看" - readonly: "觀看" - lightbox: - download: "下載" - previous: "上一個(左箭頭鍵)" - next: "下一個(右箭頭鍵)" - counter: "%curr%的%total%" - close: "關閉(Esc)" - content_load_error: '無法加載內容。' - image_load_error: '無法加載圖片。' - keyboard_shortcuts_help: - title: "快捷鍵" - jump_to: - title: "轉至" - home: "%{shortcut} 首頁" - latest: "%{shortcut} 最新" - new: "%{shortcut} 近期" - unread: "%{shortcut} 未讀" - categories: "%{shortcut} 分類" - top: "%{shortcut} 熱門" - bookmarks: "%{shortcut} 書籤" - profile: "%{shortcut} 個人頁面" - messages: "%{shortcut} 私信" - drafts: "%{shortcut}草稿" - navigation: - title: "導航" - jump: "%{shortcut} 前往貼文 #" - back: "%{shortcut} 返回" - up_down: "%{shortcut} 移動選擇焦點 ↑ ↓" - open: "%{shortcut} 打開選擇的話題" - next_prev: "%{shortcut} 下一個/前一個段落" - application: - title: "應用" - create: "%{shortcut} 開啟新話題" - notifications: "%{shortcut} Open notifications" - hamburger_menu: "%{shortcut} 打開漢堡菜單" - user_profile_menu: "%{shortcut} 打開使用者菜單" - show_incoming_updated_topics: "%{shortcut} 顯示更新話題" - search: "%{shortcut} 搜尋" - help: "%{shortcut} 打開按鍵說明" - dismiss_new_posts: "%{shortcut} 解除新/貼文提示" - dismiss_topics: "%{shortcut} 解除話題提示" - log_out: "%{shortcut} 退出" - composing: - title: "撰寫中" - return: "%{shortcut} 回到編輯頁面" - fullscreen: "%{shortcut} 進入全螢幕編輯器" - actions: - title: "動作" - bookmark_topic: "%{shortcut} 切換話題收藏狀態" - pin_unpin_topic: "%{shortcut} 置頂/截至置頂話題" - share_topic: "%{shortcut} 分享話題" - share_post: "%{shortcut} 分享貼文" - reply_as_new_topic: "%{shortcut} 回覆為聯結話題" - reply_topic: "%{shortcut} 回覆話題" - reply_post: "%{shortcut} 回覆貼文" - quote_post: "%{shortcut} 引用貼文" - like: "%{shortcut} 讚貼文" - flag: "%{shortcut} 標記貼文" - bookmark: "%{shortcut} 收藏貼文" - edit: "%{shortcut} 編輯貼文" - delete: "%{shortcut} 刪除貼文" - mark_muted: "%{shortcut} 忽略話題" - mark_regular: "%{shortcut} 常規 (預設) 話題" - mark_tracking: "%{shortcut} 追蹤話題" - mark_watching: "%{shortcut} 看話題" - print: "%{shortcut} 列印討論話題" - badges: - earned_n_times: - other: "授予徽章 %{count} 次" - granted_on: "授予於%{date}" - others_count: "其他有該徽章的人(%{count})" - title: 徽章 - allow_title: "您能使用此徽章作為稱號" - multiple_grant: "您能多次獲得此徽章" - badge_count: - other: "%{count} 徽章" - more_badges: - other: "+%{count} 更多" - granted: - other: "%{count} 授予" - select_badge_for_title: 選擇一個徽章作為你的頭銜使用 - none: "(無)" - successfully_granted: "已成功將%{badge}徽章給予%{username}" - badge_grouping: - getting_started: - name: 開始 - community: - name: 社區 - trust_level: - name: 信任等級 - other: - name: 其它 - posting: - name: 發文 - tagging: - all_tags: "所有標籤" - other_tags: "其他標籤" - selector_all_tags: "所有標籤" - selector_no_tags: "無標籤" - changed: "標籤被修改:" - tags: "標籤" - choose_for_topic: "可選標籤" - add_synonyms: "新增" - delete_tag: "刪除標籤" - delete_confirm: - other: "您確定要刪除此標籤並將它從%{count}個話題中移除嗎?" - delete_confirm_no_topics: "您是否確定要刪除這個標籤?" - rename_tag: "重命名標籤" - rename_instructions: "標籤的新名稱:" - sort_by: "排序方式:" - sort_by_count: "總數" - sort_by_name: "名稱" - manage_groups: "管理標籤組" - manage_groups_description: "管理標籤的群組" - upload: "上傳標籤" - upload_description: "批次上傳 csv 檔案以建立標籤" - upload_instructions: "一行一個,可選擇以 'tag_name,tag_group' 的格式包含一個標籤群組。" - upload_successful: "標籤已成功上傳" - delete_unused_confirmation: - other: "%{count}個標籤將被刪除:%{tags}" - delete_unused_confirmation_more_tags: - other: "%{tags}以及其他%{count}個" - delete_unused: "刪除未被使用的標籤" - delete_unused_description: "刪除所有未被附加在任何話題或個人訊息的標籤" - cancel_delete_unused: "取消" - filters: - without_category: "%{tag}的%{filter}話題" - with_category: "%{filter} %{tag}話題在%{category}" - untagged_without_category: "無標籤的%{filter}話題" - untagged_with_category: "%{category}無標籤的%{filter}話題" - notifications: - watching: - title: "關注" - description: "你將自動監看該標籤中的所有話題。新貼文和新話題會通知你,再者未讀和新帖的數量也將顯示在話題旁邊。" - watching_first_post: - title: "關注新的發文" - description: "您會收到此標籤中新話題的通知,話題底下的回應則不會有通知。" - tracking: - title: "跟蹤" - description: "您將會自動追蹤任何含有這些標籤的話題。新貼文數量將顯示在每個話題後。" - regular: - title: "普通" - description: "如果有人@你或回覆你的貼文,將通知你。" - muted: - title: "靜音" - description: "你將不會收到這些分類中的新討論話題通知,它們也不會出現在你的未讀欄內。" - groups: - title: "標籤組" - about: "將標籤分組以便管理。" - new: "新標籤組" - tags_label: "標籤組內標籤:" - parent_tag_label: "上級標籤:" - parent_tag_description: "未設置上級標籤前群組內標籤無法使用。" - one_per_topic_label: "只可給話題設置一個該組內的標籤" - new_name: "新標籤組名" - save: "保存" - delete: "刪除" - confirm_delete: "確定要刪除此標籤組嗎?" - everyone_can_use: "所有使用者都能使用標籤。" - topics: - none: - unread: "你沒有未讀話題。" - new: "你沒有新的話題。" - read: "你尚未閲讀任何話題。" - posted: "你尚未在任何話題中發文。" - latest: "沒有最新話題。" - bookmarks: "你還沒有收藏話題。" - top: "沒有最佳話題。" - invite: - custom_message: "撰寫自訂訊息,來個人化您的邀請" - custom_message_placeholder: "輸入留言" - custom_message_template_forum: "你好,你應該來我們這個論壇!" - custom_message_template_topic: "你好,我覺得你可能會喜歡這個話題!" - forced_anonymous: "由於系統資源超過負荷,暫時向所有使用者顯示,包含已登出的使用者。" - footer_nav: - back: "返回" - share: "分享" - dismiss: "忽略" - safe_mode: - enabled: "安全模式已經開啟,關閉該瀏覽器窗口以退出安全模式" - admin_js: - type_to_filter: "輸入要搜尋的文字..." - admin: - title: "論壇管理員" - moderator: "板主" - tags: - remove_muted_tags_from_latest: - always: "總是" - never: "永不" - reports: - title: "可見報告列表" - dashboard: - title: "控制台" - version: "版本" - up_to_date: "你使用的是最新版本!" - critical_available: "有重要更新可以安裝。" - updates_available: "有更新可以安裝。" - please_upgrade: "請升級!" - no_check_performed: "從未檢查是否有更新可以使用,請確定 sidekiq 有在執行中。" - stale_data: "最近未檢查是否有更新可以使用,請確定 sidekiq 有在執行中。" - version_check_pending: "看來你最近升級了,非常好!" - installed_version: "已安裝" - latest_version: "最新版本" - problems_found: "根據您現在網站設定的建議" - last_checked: "上次檢查的時間" - refresh_problems: "重新整理" - no_problems: "未發現任何問題。" - moderators: "板主:" - admins: "管理員:" - silenced: "已靜音:" - suspended: "已停權:" - private_messages_short: "訊息" - private_messages_title: "訊息" - mobile_title: "行動裝置" - space_used: "已使用 %{usedSize}" - space_used_and_free: "%{usedSize}(%{freeSize}自由)" - uploads: "上傳檔案" - backups: "備份" - backup_count: - other: "%{count}備份在%{location}" - lastest_backup: "最新:%{date}" - traffic_short: "流量" - traffic: "網頁應用程式請求數" - page_views: "瀏覽數" - page_views_short: "瀏覽數" - show_traffic_report: "顯示詳細的流量報表" - community_health: 社群健康度 - moderators_activity: 管理員活動紀錄 - whats_new_in_discourse: Discourse 新增了什麼? - activity_metrics: 活動數值 - all_reports: "所有報告" - general_tab: "一般" - moderation_tab: "管理" - security_tab: "安全性" - reports_tab: "報告" - report_filter_any: "任何" - disabled: 停用 - timeout_error: 很抱歉,查詢所花的時間太久,請選一個短一點的間隔 - exception_error: 很抱歉,在查詢時發生了錯誤 - too_many_requests: 您已重複此動作太多次,請稍後再重試。 - not_found_error: 抱歉,這個報告不存在。 - filter_reports: 過濾報告 - reports: - trend_title: "%{percent}更改,最近更改時間是在%{current}。" - today: "今天" - yesterday: "昨天" - last_7_days: "最近 7 天" - last_30_days: "最近 30 天" - all_time: "所有時間" - 7_days_ago: "7 天前" - 30_days_ago: "30 天前" - all: "全部" - view_table: "表格" - view_graph: "圖表" - refresh_report: "重新整理報告" - groups: "所有群組" - disabled: "該使用者已被禁言" - totals_for_sample: "樣本總計" - total: "總時數" - no_data: "沒有可顯示的資料。" - trending_search: - more: ' 搜尋記錄檔 ' - disabled: '搜尋趨勢已停用,啟用搜尋紀錄以收集資料。' - filters: - file_extension: - label: 檔案副檔名 - group: - label: 群組 - category: - label: 分類 - commits: - latest_changes: "最近的變更:請經常更新!" - by: "由" - groups: - new: - title: "新群組" - create: "建立" - name: - too_short: "群組名稱過短" - too_long: "群組名稱過長" - checking: "正在檢查群組名稱是否可用⋯⋯" - available: "可以使用此群組名稱" - not_available: "無法使用此群組名稱" - blank: "群組名稱不能空白" - add_members: - as_owner: "將使用者設為此群組的擁有者" - manage: - interaction: - email: Email - incoming_email: "自訂電子郵件" - incoming_email_placeholder: "輸入 email" - visibility: 能見度 - visibility_levels: - title: "誰能看到這個群組?" - public: "所有使用者" - membership: - automatic: 自動 - trust_levels_title: "當這些成員加入時,自動提升信任等級:" - trust_levels_none: "無" - automatic_membership_email_domains: "當註冊使用者的電子郵件所屬網域,完全符合列表裡某項時,將會自動加進這個群組裡:" - primary_group: "自動設為主要群組" - name_placeholder: "群組名稱:不可含有空白字元,和使用者名稱的規則相同" - primary: "主要群組" - no_primary: "( 沒有主要群組 )" - title: "群組" - edit: "編輯群組" - refresh: "重新整理" - about: "請在此編輯你的群組成員與名稱" - group_members: "群組成員" - delete: "刪除" - delete_confirm: "刪除此群組?" - delete_failed: "無法刪除群組,自動建立的群組無法刪除。" - delete_owner_confirm: "移除“%{username}”的權限?" - add: "加入" - custom: "客製" - automatic: "自動建立" - default_title: "預設標題" - default_title_description: "將會被套用在群組中的所有使用者上" - group_owners: 所有者 - add_owners: 添加所有者 - none_selected: "選擇一個群組以開始" - no_custom_groups: "建立一個新的自訂群組" - api: - generate_master: "產生主 API 金鑰" - none: "目前沒有啟用中的 API 金鑰。" - user: "使用者" - title: "API" - created: 已建立 - generate: "產生" - revoke: "撤銷" - all_users: "所有使用者" - show_details: 詳細訊息 - description: 描述 - save: 儲存 - continue: 繼續 - web_hooks: - title: "Webhooks" - none: "當前沒有 Webhooks。" - instruction: "Webhooks 讓 Discourse 可以在特定事件發生時通知外部服務。當 webhook 事件觸發時,一個 POST 請求將發向指定地址。" - detailed_instruction: "一個 POST 請求將在選定事件發生時發至指定 URL。" - new: "新建 Webhook" - create: "創建" - save: "保存" - destroy: "刪除" - description: "描述" - controls: "控制" - go_back: "返回列表" - payload_url: "Payload URL" - payload_url_placeholder: "https://example.com/postreceive" - warn_local_payload_url: "你好像將 webhook 指向了一個本地地址。把相關事件發送到本地可能產生副作用或未預期的行為。繼續嗎?" - secret_invalid: "密鑰不能包含空白字元。" - secret_too_short: "密鑰必須至少有 12 個字元。" - secret_placeholder: "選填的字串,用來產生簽章" - event_type_missing: "你必須設置一個事件類型。" - content_type: "內容格式" - secret: "密鑰" - event_chooser: "哪些事件可以觸發到 Webhook?" - wildcard_event: "發送任何事件。" - individual_event: "選擇各個事件。" - verify_certificate: "檢查 Payload URL 的 TLS 證書" - active: "啟用" - active_notice: "我們將在事件發生時分發事件詳情。" - categories_filter_instructions: "相關 Webhook 事件將在滿足特定分類的情況下才發送。留空忽略分類限制。" - categories_filter: "觸發的分類" - tags_filter_instructions: "相關 Webhook 事件將在滿足特定群組的情況下才發送。留空白以忽略群組限制。" - tags_filter: "觸發的標籤" - groups_filter_instructions: "相關 Webhook 事件將在滿足特定群組的情況下才發送。留空忽略群組限制。" - groups_filter: "觸發的群組" - delete_confirm: "刪除這個 webhook?" - topic_event: - name: "話題事件" - details: "當有新話題、話題被修訂、修改或者刪除時。" - post_event: - name: "貼文事件" - details: "當有新回覆、編輯、貼文被刪除或者恢復時。" - user_event: - name: "使用者事件" - details: "當使用者註冊、審核通過或更新時。" - group_event: - name: "群組活動" - details: "當群組被建立、更新或刪除時" - category_event: - name: "分類事件" - details: "當分類被建立、更新或刪除時" - tag_event: - name: "標籤事件" - details: "當標籤被建立、更新或刪除。" - reviewable_event: - name: "可審核的事件" - details: "當新項目已經準備好審核並狀態已更好時" - delivery_status: - title: "分髮狀態" - inactive: "不活躍" - failed: "失敗" - successful: "成功" - disabled: "停用" - events: - none: "沒有相關事件。" - redeliver: "重新發送" - incoming: - other: "有 %{count} 個新事件。" - completed_in: - other: "在 %{count} 秒內完成。" - request: "請求" - response: "回應" - redeliver_confirm: "你確定要再次發送一樣的內容嗎?" - headers: "頭部" - payload: "內容" - body: "內容" - go_list: "前往列表" - go_details: "編輯 Webhook" - go_events: "前往事件列表" - ping: "Ping" - status: "狀態碼" - event_id: "ID" - timestamp: "創建時間" - completion: "完成時間" - actions: "操作" - plugins: - title: "外掛" - installed: "已安裝外掛" - name: "名稱" - none_installed: "尚未安裝任何外掛" - version: "版本" - enabled: "啟用?" - is_enabled: "是" - not_enabled: "否" - change_settings: "更改設定" - change_settings_short: "設定" - howto: "如何安裝外掛?" - official: "官方套件" - backups: - title: "備份" - menu: - backups: "備份" - logs: "紀錄" - none: "沒有可用的備份。" - read_only: - enable: - title: "開啟只讀模式" - label: "開啟只讀模式" - confirm: "你確定要開啟只讀模式麼?" - disable: - title: "關閉只讀模式" - label: "關閉只讀模式" - logs: - none: "尚無紀錄..." - columns: - filename: "文件名稱" - size: "大小" - upload: - label: "上傳" - title: "上傳備份" - uploading: "上傳中..." - uploading_progress: "上傳中⋯⋯%{progress}%" - success: "%{filename}已成功上傳,該檔案正在被處理中,需花費幾分鐘才會顯示於列表。" - error: "上載時發生問題: '%{filename}': %{message}" - operations: - is_running: "指令執行中..." - failed: "%{operation} 執行失敗。請觀看紀錄。" - cancel: - label: "取消" - title: "取消現行指令" - confirm: "你確定要消取現行指令嗎?" - backup: - label: "備份" - title: "新增備份" - confirm: "你確定要新增備份嗎?" - without_uploads: "是(不包含上傳檔案)" - download: - label: "下載" - title: "傳送含有下載連結的 email" - alert: "含有下載備份連結的 email 已被傳送到您的信箱" - destroy: - title: "刪除備份" - confirm: "你確定要刪除備份嗎?" - restore: - is_disabled: "此站設定已關閉復原" - label: "還原" - title: "復原備份" - confirm: "你確定要從該備份中恢復嗎?" - rollback: - label: "回溯" - title: "回溯資料庫到以前的工作階段" - confirm: "你確定要將資料庫回滾到之前的工作狀態嗎?" - location: - local: "暫存空間" - s3: "S3" - backup_storage_error: "無法進入備份空間:%{error_message}" - export_csv: - success: "開始匯出,處理完畢後將以私人訊息通知你。" - failed: "匯出失敗。請觀看紀錄。" - button_text: "匯出" - button_title: - user: "以 CSV 格式匯出使用者清單" - staff_action: "以 CSV 格式匯出所有工作人員操作紀錄" - screened_email: "以 CSV 格式匯出所有已顯示的電子郵件列表" - screened_ip: "以 CSV 格式匯出所有已顯示的 IP 列表" - screened_url: "以 CSV 格式匯出所有已顯示的 URL 列表" - export_json: - button_text: "匯出" - invite: - button_text: "送出邀請" - button_title: "送出邀請" - customize: - title: "客製化" - long_title: "網站客製化" - preview: "預覽" - explain_preview: "以此佈景主題預覽網站" - save: "儲存" - new: "新增" - new_style: "新增樣式" - install: "安裝" - delete: "刪除" - delete_confirm: '你確定要刪除%{theme_name}嗎?' - color: "顏色" - opacity: "不透明度" - copy: "複製" - copy_to_clipboard: "複製至剪貼簿" - copied_to_clipboard: "已複製至剪貼簿" - copy_to_clipboard_error: "複製資料到剪貼簿時發生錯誤" - theme_owner: "無法編輯,擁有者為:" - email_templates: - title: "電子信箱" - subject: "主旨" - multiple_subjects: "這個電子郵件範本有多重主旨." - body: "內容" - revert: "恢復變更" - revert_confirm: "你確定要恢復這個變更?" - theme: - theme: "佈景主題" - component: "元件" - components: "元件" - theme_name: "佈景主題名稱" - component_name: "元件名稱" - themes_intro: "選擇現有或安裝新佈景主題以開始" - beginners_guide_title: "給使用者的Discourse佈景主題導覽" - developers_guide_title: "給開發者的Discourse佈景主題導覽" - browse_themes: "瀏覽社群佈景主題" - customize_desc: "自訂:" - title: "佈景主題" - create: "建立" - create_type: "類型" - create_name: "名稱" - long_title: "修改網站上的CSS顏色、HTML內容" - edit: "編輯" - edit_confirm: "這是一個遠端佈景主題,因此您對CSS/HTML所做的變更將會在您下次更新佈景主題時消失。" - update_confirm: "這些更改的動作將被取消,你確定你要繼續嗎?" - update_confirm_yes: "是的,繼續更新" - common: "通用" - desktop: "電腦" - mobile: "行動裝置" - settings: "設定" - translations: "翻譯" - extra_scss: "額外的SCSS(CSS預處理器)" - preview: "預覽" - show_advanced: "顯示進階選項" - hide_advanced: "隱藏進階選項" - hide_unused_fields: "隱藏未使用的欄位" - is_default: "佈景主題預設啟用" - user_selectable: "使用者可選取佈景主題" - color_scheme: "調色盤" - color_scheme_select: "選擇佈景主題可用的顏色" - custom_sections: "自訂區域:" - theme_components: "佈景主題元件" - convert: "轉換" - convert_component_alert: "您是否確定要轉換此元件為佈景主題?元件將會自%{relatives}移除。" - convert_component_tooltip: "轉換此元件為佈景主題。" - convert_theme_alert: "您確定要將此佈景主題轉換為元件嗎?佈景主題將不再是%{relatives}的母項(parent)。" - convert_theme_tooltip: "轉換此佈景主題為元件" - inactive_themes: "未啟用的佈景主題" - inactive_components: "未使用的元件:" - broken_theme_tooltip: "此佈景主題的 CSS、HTML 或 YAML 中有錯誤。" - default_theme_tooltip: "此佈景主題是網站的預設佈景主題" - updates_available_tooltip: "此佈景主題可更新" - and_x_more: "和%{count}更多。" - collapse: 收起 - uploads: "上傳檔案" - no_uploads: "您能上傳與您的佈景主題有關的物件,例如:字型與圖片。" - add_upload: "新增上傳檔案" - upload_file_tip: "選擇一個物件上傳 (png, woff2, etc...)" - variable_name: "SCSS 的變數名稱" - variable_name_invalid: "無效的變量名稱,僅能輸入字母且需以字母作為開頭,不可與其他使用者相同。" - variable_name_error: - invalid_syntax: "無效的變量名稱,僅能輸入字母且需以字母作為開頭。" - no_overwrite: "無效的變量名稱,不可複寫已存在的變量名稱。" - must_be_unique: "無效的變量名稱,不可與其他使用者相同。" - upload: "上傳" - select_component: "選擇元件⋯⋯" - unsaved_changes_alert: "您尚未儲存變更的內容,您是否要棄用內容並繼續進行?" - discard: "捨棄" - stay: "保留" - css_html: "自訂 CSS/HTML" - edit_css_html: "編輯 CSS/HTML" - edit_css_html_help: "您尚未編輯任何 CSS 或 HTML" - delete_upload_confirm: "刪除此上傳檔案 ?(佈景主題的 CSS 可能會因此無法運作)" - import_web_tip: "含有佈景主題的版本庫" - import_web_advanced: "進階⋯⋯" - is_private: "佈景主題在私人git版本庫中" - remote_branch: "分支名稱 (選填)" - public_key: "授予公鑰以進入Repo(倉庫)的訪問權限:" - install: "安裝" - installed: "已安裝" - install_popular: "熱門" - install_upload: "從您的裝置" - install_git_repo: "來自 Git 的 Repository(版本庫)" - install_create: "建立新的" - about_theme: "關於" - license: "版權" - version: "版本:" - authors: "作者:" - source_url: "來源:" - enable: "啟用" - disable: "禁用" - required_version: - error: "由於佈景主題與此版本的 Discourse 不相容,此佈景主題已被自動停用。" - minimum: "需要 Discourse%{version} 或更新的版本。" - maximum: "需要 Discourse %{version} 或更舊的版本。" - component_of: "元件:" - update_to_latest: "更新至最新版本" - check_for_updates: "檢查更新" - updating: "更新中⋯⋯" - up_to_date: "佈景主題已是最新版本,上次檢查時間:" - add: "新增" - theme_settings: "佈景主題設定" - no_settings: "此佈景主題無設定" - theme_translations: "佈景主題轉譯" - empty: "沒有物件" - commits_behind: - other: "佈景主題落後了%{count}個變更!" - compare_commits: "(查看新的提交)" - repo_unreachable: "無法連線至此佈景主題的 Git 版本庫。錯誤訊息:" - scss: - text: "CSS" - title: "輸入自訂的 CSS,可接受所有有效的 CSS 及 SCSS。" - header: - text: "頁首" - title: "輸入要顯示於網站頁首上方的 HTML" - after_header: - text: "頁首之後" - title: "輸入在所有頁面的頁首之後要顯示的 HTML" - footer: - text: "頁尾" - title: "輸入要顯示於頁尾的 HTML" - embedded_scss: - text: "嵌入的 CSS" - title: "輸入用於嵌入回應的自定義 CSS 樣式" - head_tag: - text: "" - title: "會在標籤前被插入的 HTML" - body_tag: - text: "