From b7b61d4b56392fd665ca359eed87b3f6e80a4493 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Roman Rizzi <>
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2021 10:32:15 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] FEATURE: A notification consolidation plan for keeping the
 latest one. (#15249)

We previously used ConsolidateNotifications with a threshold of 1 to re-use an existing notification and bump it to the top instead of creating a new one. It produces some jumpiness in the user notification list, and it relies on updating the `created_at` attribute, which is a bit hacky.

As a better alternative, we're introducing a new plan that deletes all the previous versions of the notification, then creates a new one.
 .../consolidate_notifications.rb              | 37 +++----------
 .../notifications/consolidation_plan.rb       | 36 +++++++++++++
 .../notifications/consolidation_planner.rb    | 25 ++-------
 .../delete_previous_notifications.rb          | 54 +++++++++++++++++++
 lib/plugin/instance.rb                        |  5 +-
 spec/jobs/dashboard_stats_spec.rb             | 17 ------
 spec/services/post_alerter_spec.rb            | 15 ++----
 7 files changed, 106 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 app/services/notifications/consolidation_plan.rb
 create mode 100644 app/services/notifications/delete_previous_notifications.rb

diff --git a/app/services/notifications/consolidate_notifications.rb b/app/services/notifications/consolidate_notifications.rb
index 93da4a6af3d..7ffd8315981 100644
--- a/app/services/notifications/consolidate_notifications.rb
+++ b/app/services/notifications/consolidate_notifications.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # frozen_string_literal: true
-# Represents a rule to consolidate a specific notification.
+# Consolidate notifications based on a threshold and a time window.
 # If a consolidated notification already exists, we'll update it instead.
 # If it doesn't and creating a new one would match the threshold, we delete existing ones and create a consolidated one.
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
 # - consolidation_window: Only consolidate notifications created since this value (Pass a ActiveSupport::Duration instance, and we'll call #ago on it).
 # - unconsolidated_query_blk: A block with additional queries to apply when fetching for unconsolidated notifications.
 # - consolidated_query_blk: A block with additional queries to apply when fetching for a consolidated notification.
-# - bump_notification: Bump the consolidated notification to the top after updating it.
 # Need to call #set_precondition to configure this:
@@ -25,8 +24,8 @@
 # - set_data_blk: A block that receives the notification data hash and mutates it, adding additional data needed for consolidation.
 module Notifications
-  class ConsolidateNotifications
-    def initialize(from:, to:, consolidation_window: nil, unconsolidated_query_blk: nil, consolidated_query_blk: nil, threshold:, bump_notification: true)
+  class ConsolidateNotifications < ConsolidationPlan
+    def initialize(from:, to:, consolidation_window: nil, unconsolidated_query_blk: nil, consolidated_query_blk: nil, threshold:)
       @from = from
       @to = to
       @threshold = threshold
@@ -38,18 +37,6 @@ module Notifications
       @bump_notification = bump_notification
-    def set_precondition(precondition_blk: nil)
-      @precondition_blk = precondition_blk
-      self
-    end
-    def set_mutations(set_data_blk: nil)
-      @set_data_blk = set_data_blk
-      self
-    end
     def can_consolidate_data?(notification)
       return false if || to.blank?
       return false if notification.notification_type != from
@@ -76,11 +63,6 @@ module Notifications
       :unconsolidated_query_blk, :consolidation_window, :bump_notification
-    def consolidated_data(notification)
-      return notification.data_hash if @set_data_blk.nil?
-    end
     def update_consolidated_notification!(notification)
       notifications = user_notifications(notification, to)
@@ -96,17 +78,11 @@ module Notifications
       # Hack: We don't want to cache the old data if we're about to update it.
       consolidated.instance_variable_set(:@data_hash, nil)
-      attrs = {
+      consolidated.update!(
         data: data_hash.to_json,
         read: false,
         updated_at: timestamp,
-      }
-      # Updating created_at may seem wrong, but it's the only way of bumping the notification.
-      # We cannot order by updated_at because marking them as read will move them to the top.
-      attrs[:created_at] = timestamp if bump_notification
-      consolidated.update!(attrs)
+      )
@@ -146,8 +122,7 @@ module Notifications
     def user_notifications(notification, type)
-      notifications = notification.user.notifications
-        .where(notification_type: type)
+      notifications = super(notification, type)
       if consolidation_window.present?
         notifications = notifications.where('created_at > ?', consolidation_window.ago)
diff --git a/app/services/notifications/consolidation_plan.rb b/app/services/notifications/consolidation_plan.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cb459b15cae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/services/notifications/consolidation_plan.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module Notifications
+  class ConsolidationPlan
+    def set_precondition(precondition_blk: nil)
+      @precondition_blk = precondition_blk
+      self
+    end
+    def set_mutations(set_data_blk: nil)
+      @set_data_blk = set_data_blk
+      self
+    end
+    def can_consolidate_data?(_notification)
+      raise NotImplementedError
+    end
+    def consolidate_or_save!(_notification)
+      raise NotImplementedError
+    end
+    protected
+    def consolidated_data(notification)
+      return notification.data_hash if @set_data_blk.nil?
+    end
+    def user_notifications(notification, type)
+      notification.user.notifications.where(notification_type: type)
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/app/services/notifications/consolidation_planner.rb b/app/services/notifications/consolidation_planner.rb
index 684dcb80e6f..69dc5c1b0d3 100644
--- a/app/services/notifications/consolidation_planner.rb
+++ b/app/services/notifications/consolidation_planner.rb
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ module Notifications
     def plan_for(notification)
-      consolidation_plans = [liked, dashboard_problems_pm, group_message_summary, group_membership]
+      consolidation_plans = [liked, group_message_summary, group_membership]
       consolidation_plans.detect { |plan| plan.can_consolidate_data?(notification) }
@@ -67,31 +67,14 @@ module Notifications
     def group_message_summary
-        from: Notification.types[:group_message_summary],
-        to: Notification.types[:group_message_summary],
-        unconsolidated_query_blk: filtered_by_data_attribute('group_id'),
-        consolidated_query_blk: filtered_by_data_attribute('group_id'),
-        threshold: 1 # We should always apply this plan to refresh the summary stats
+        type: Notification.types[:group_message_summary],
+        previous_query_blk: filtered_by_data_attribute('group_id')
         precondition_blk: ->(data) { data[:group_id].present? }
-    def dashboard_problems_pm
-        from: Notification.types[:private_message],
-        to: Notification.types[:private_message],
-        threshold: 1,
-        unconsolidated_query_blk: filtered_by_data_attribute('topic_title'),
-        consolidated_query_blk: filtered_by_data_attribute('topic_title')
-      ).set_precondition(
-        precondition_blk: ->(data) do
-          data[:topic_title] == I18n.t("system_messages.dashboard_problems.subject_template")
-        end
-      )
-    end
     def filtered_by_data_attribute(attribute_name)
       ->(notifications, data) do
         if (value = data[attribute_name.to_sym])
diff --git a/app/services/notifications/delete_previous_notifications.rb b/app/services/notifications/delete_previous_notifications.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..15ddf0e8d63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/services/notifications/delete_previous_notifications.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+# Create a new notification while deleting previous versions of it.
+# Constructor arguments:
+# - type: The notification type. e.g. `Notification.types[:private_message]`
+# - previous_query_blk: A block with the query we'll use to find previous notifications.
+# Need to call #set_precondition to configure this:
+# - precondition_blk: A block that receives the mutated data and returns true if we have everything we need to consolidate.
+# Need to call #set_mutations to configure this:
+# - set_data_blk: A block that receives the notification data hash and mutates it, adding additional data needed for consolidation.
+module Notifications
+  class DeletePreviousNotifications < ConsolidationPlan
+    def initialize(type:, previous_query_blk:)
+      @type = type
+      @previous_query_blk = previous_query_blk
+    end
+    def can_consolidate_data?(notification)
+      return false if notification.notification_type != type
+      @data = consolidated_data(notification)
+      precondition_blk.nil? ||
+    end
+    def consolidate_or_save!(notification)
+      @data ||= consolidated_data(notification)
+      return unless can_consolidate_data?(notification)
+      notifications = user_notifications(notification, type)
+      if previous_query_blk.present?
+        notifications =, data)
+      end
+      Notification.transaction do
+        notifications.destroy_all
+      end
+      notification
+    end
+    private
+    attr_reader :type, :data, :precondition_blk, :previous_query_blk
+  end
diff --git a/lib/plugin/instance.rb b/lib/plugin/instance.rb
index 902aaa4a00b..ba526f4631e 100644
--- a/lib/plugin/instance.rb
+++ b/lib/plugin/instance.rb
@@ -986,10 +986,11 @@ class Plugin::Instance
   # The rule object is quite complex. We strongly recommend you write tests to ensure your plugin consolidates notifications correctly.
-  # - Plan's documentation:
+  # - Threshold and time window consolidation plan:
+  # - Create a new notification and delete previous versions plan:
   # - Base plans:
   def register_notification_consolidation_plan(plan)
-    raise"Not a consolidation plan") if plan.class != Notifications::ConsolidateNotifications
+    raise"Not a consolidation plan") if !plan.class.ancestors.include?(Notifications::ConsolidationPlan)
     DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_notification_consolidation_plan(plan, self)
diff --git a/spec/jobs/dashboard_stats_spec.rb b/spec/jobs/dashboard_stats_spec.rb
index 3ffb3300eae..e4b2fdafc38 100644
--- a/spec/jobs/dashboard_stats_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/jobs/dashboard_stats_spec.rb
@@ -33,23 +33,6 @@ describe ::Jobs::DashboardStats do
     expect(new_topic.title).to eq(old_topic.title)
-  it 'consolidates notifications when not tracking admins group' do
-    Discourse.redis.setex(AdminDashboardData.problems_started_key, 14.days.to_i, 3.days.ago)
-    Jobs.run_immediately!
-    admin = Fabricate(:admin)
-    Group[:admins].add(admin)
-    clear_recently_sent!
-    new_topic ={}).topic
-    notifications = Notification.where(user: admin, notification_type: Notification.types[:private_message])
-    expect(notifications.count).to eq(1)
-    from_topic_id = notifications.last.data_hash[:original_post_id]).topic_id
-    expect(from_topic_id).to eq(
-  end
   it 'duplicates message if previous one has replies' do
     Discourse.redis.setex(AdminDashboardData.problems_started_key, 14.days.to_i, 3.days.ago)
     expect {{}) }.to change { Topic.count }.by(1)
diff --git a/spec/services/post_alerter_spec.rb b/spec/services/post_alerter_spec.rb
index cd248049771..335ae626a79 100644
--- a/spec/services/post_alerter_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/services/post_alerter_spec.rb
@@ -108,19 +108,11 @@ describe PostAlerter do
         TopicUser.change(,, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:tracking])
-        group_summary_notification = Notification.where(
+        starting_count = Notification.where(
           notification_type: Notification.types[:group_message_summary]
-        ).last
-        starting_count = group_summary_notification.data_hash[:inbox_count]
+        ).pluck("data::json ->> 'inbox_count'").last.to_i
-        # Create another notification to ensure summary is correctly bumped
-        user2_post = Fabricate(:post, topic: pm, user: user2)
-          user2, Notification.types[:liked], user2_post, user_id: pm.user, display_username: pm.user.username
-        )
-        Notification.where(user: user2).update_all('read = true')
         another_pm = Fabricate(:topic, archetype: 'private_message', category_id: nil, allowed_groups: [group])
         another_post = Fabricate(:post, user: another_pm.user, topic: another_pm)
         TopicUser.change(,, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:tracking])
@@ -129,8 +121,7 @@ describe PostAlerter do
-        expect(Notification.recent_report(user2, 1).first.notification_type).to eq(Notification.types[:group_message_summary])
-        expect(message_data.dig(:last_notification, :notification, :id)).to eq(
+        expect(Notification.where(user: user2).count).to eq(1)
         expect(message_data.dig(:last_notification, :notification, :data, :inbox_count)).to eq(starting_count + 1)
         expect(message_data[:unread_notifications]).to eq(1)