From d50c92b34b0069a84aa1d8fec28c0799ec4ce2de Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robin Ward <>
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 18:15:48 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Mostly working importer for typepad blogs

 lib/tasks/typepad.thor | 141 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 141 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 lib/tasks/typepad.thor

diff --git a/lib/tasks/typepad.thor b/lib/tasks/typepad.thor
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0adc59ce3c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/tasks/typepad.thor
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+class Typepad < Thor
+  desc "import", "Imports posts from a Disqus XML export"
+  method_option :file, aliases: '-f', required: true, desc: "The typepad file to import"
+  method_option :dry_run, required: false, desc: "Just output what will be imported rather than doing it"
+  method_option :post_as, aliases: '-p', required: true, desc: "The Discourse username to post as"
+  def import
+    require './config/environment'
+    email_blacklist = SiteSetting.email_domains_blacklist
+    user = User.where(username_lower: options[:post_as].downcase).first
+    if user.nil?
+      puts "No user found named: '#{options[:post_as]}'"
+      exit 1
+    end
+    unless File.exist?(options[:file])
+      puts "File '#{options[:file]}' not found"
+      exit 1
+    end
+    inside_block = true
+    entry = ""
+    n = 0
+    entries = []
+[:file]).each_line do |l|
+      l = l.scrub
+      if l =~ /^--------$/
+        entries << process_entry(entry)
+        entry = ""
+      else
+        entry << l
+      end
+      break if entries.size > 5
+    end
+    entries.compact!
+    RateLimiter.disable
+    SiteSetting.email_domains_blacklist = ""
+    puts "import it"
+    puts entries.size
+    entries.each do |entry|
+      post = TopicEmbed.import(user, entry[:unique_url], entry[:title], entry[:body])
+      if post.present?
+        entry[:comments].each do |c|
+          username = c[:author]
+          if c[:email].present?
+            email = c[:email]
+            post_user = User.where(email: email).first
+            if post_user.blank?
+              post_user = User.create!(email: email, username: UserNameSuggester.suggest(username))
+            end
+          else
+            suggested = UserNameSuggester.suggest(username)
+            post_user = User.where(username: suggested)
+            if post_user.blank?
+              post_user = User.create!(email: "#{suggested}", username: UserNameSuggester.suggest(username))
+            end
+          end
+          attrs = {
+            topic_id: post.topic_id,
+            raw: c[:body],
+            cooked: c[:body],
+            created_at:
+          }
+          post =, attrs).create
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  ensure
+    RateLimiter.enable
+    SiteSetting.email_domains_blacklist = email_blacklist
+  end
+  private
+  def clean_type!(type)
+    type.downcase!
+    type.gsub!(/ /, '_')
+    type
+  end
+  def parse_meta_data(section)
+    result = {}
+    section.split(/\n/).each do |l|
+      if l =~ /^([^:]+)\: (.*)$/
+        key, value = Regexp.last_match[1], Regexp.last_match[2]
+        clean_type!(key)
+        value.strip!
+        result[key.to_sym] = value
+      else
+        result[:body] ||= ""
+        result[:body] << l
+      end
+    end
+    result
+  end
+  def parse_section(section)
+    section.strip!
+    if section =~ /^([^:]+):/
+      type = clean_type!(Regexp.last_match[1])
+      value = section.split("\n")[1..-1].join("\n")
+      value.strip!
+      return [type.to_sym, value] if value.present?
+    end
+  end
+  def parse_comment(section)
+    return parse_meta_data(section)
+  end
+  def process_entry(entry)
+    sections = entry.split(/-----/)
+    entry = parse_meta_data(sections[0]).slice(:date, :title, :unique_url)
+    entry[:comments] = []
+    sections[1..-1].each do |s|
+      type, value = parse_section(s)
+      case type
+      when :body
+        entry[type] = value
+      when :comment
+        comment = parse_comment(value).slice(:author, :email, :url, :body, :date)
+        entry[:comments] << comment if comment[:body].present?
+      end
+    end
+    entry[:title] && entry[:body] ? entry : nil
+  end