UX: Include tooltip text when hovering over posts column

This commit is contained in:
Robin Ward 2014-08-15 11:49:30 -04:00
parent 8f51878d73
commit eb5a3da10d
8 changed files with 52 additions and 23 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
export default Ember.Component.extend({
tagName: 'td',
classNameBindings: [':posts', 'likesHeat'],
attributeBindings: ['title'],
ratio: function() {
var likes = parseFloat(this.get('topic.like_count')),
posts = parseFloat(this.get('topic.posts_count'));
if (posts < 10) { return 0; }
return (likes || 0) / posts;
}.property('topic.like_count', 'topic.posts_count'),
title: function() {
return I18n.messageFormat('posts_likes_MF', {
count: this.get('topic.posts_count'),
ratio: this.get('ratioText')
}.property('topic.posts_count', 'likesHeat'),
ratioText: function() {
var ratio = this.get('ratio');
if (ratio > 2.0) { return 'high'; }
if (ratio > 1.0) { return 'med'; }
if (ratio > 0.5) { return 'low'; }
return '';
likesHeat: Discourse.computed.fmt('ratioText', 'heatmap-%@'),
render: function(buffer) {
var postsCount = this.get('topic.posts_count'),
url = this.get('topic.lastUnreadUrl');
buffer.push("<a href='" + url + "' class='badge-posts " + this.get('likesHeat') + "'>");

View File

@ -99,18 +99,6 @@ Discourse.Topic = Discourse.Model.extend({
return this.get('new_posts');
}.property('new_posts', 'id'),
likesHeat: function() {
var likes = parseFloat(this.get('like_count')),
posts = parseFloat(this.get('posts_count'));
if (posts < 10) { return; }
var ratio = (likes || 0) / posts;
if (ratio > 2.0) { return 'heatmap-high'; }
if (ratio > 1.0) { return 'heatmap-med'; }
if (ratio > 0.5) { return 'heatmap-low'; }
viewsHeat: function() {
var v = this.get('views');
if( v >= Discourse.SiteSettings.topic_views_heat_high ) return 'heatmap-high';

View File

@ -39,9 +39,7 @@
<td {{bind-attr class=":num :posts likesHeat"}}>
<a href="{{unbound topic.lastUnreadUrl}}" class='badge-posts'>{{number topic.posts_count numberKey="posts_long"}}</a>
{{posts-count-column topic=topic class="num"}}
{{#if controller.showParticipants}}
<td class='participants'>

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
{{number topic.posts_count class=topic.likesHeat}}
{{posts-count-column topic=topic tagName="span"}}
<h4>{{i18n posts_lowercase}}</h4>
<li class='secondary'>

View File

@ -46,8 +46,7 @@
<td {{bind-attr class=":num :posts likesHeat"}}><a href="{{lastUnreadUrl}}" class='badge-posts'>{{number posts_count numberKey="posts_long"}}</a></td>
{{posts-count-column topic=model class="num"}}
<td {{bind-attr class=":num :views viewsHeat"}}>{{number views numberKey="views_long"}}</td>
{{activity-column topic=model class="num"}}

View File

@ -30,9 +30,7 @@
<div class="topic-item-stats clearfix">
<div class="pull-right">
<div class='num posts'>
<a href="{{lastUnreadUrl}}" {{bind-attr class="likesHeat"}}>{{number posts_count numberKey="posts_long"}}</a>
{{posts-count-column topic=topic tagName="div" class="num posts"}}
{{activity-column topic=topic tagName="div" class="num activity last"}}
{{#unless controller.hideCategory}}

View File

@ -33,8 +33,7 @@
<div class="pull-right">
<div class='num posts'><a href="{{lastUnreadUrl}}" {{bind-attr class="likesHeat"}}>{{number posts_count numberKey="posts_long"}}</a></div>
{{posts-count-column topic=this tagName="div" class="num posts"}}
<div class='num activity last'>
<a href="{{lastPostUrl}}" title='{{i18n last_post}}: {{{raw-date bumped_at}}}'>{{last_poster_username}}</a>
{{activity-column topic=this tagName="span" class="age"}}

View File

@ -1320,6 +1320,12 @@ en:
posts: "Posts"
posts_lowercase: "posts"
posts_long: "there are {{number}} posts in this topic"
posts_likes_MF: |
This topic has {count, plural, one {1 post} other {# posts}} {ratio, select,
low {with a high post to like ratio}
med {with a very high post to like ratio}
high {with an extremely high post to like ratio}
other {}}
original_post: "Original Post"
views: "Views"
views_lowercase: "views"