* FIX: flaky specs after topic view custom filters
When ensuring TopicView class variables return to the original state it should use empty Hash instead of empty Array. That
* FIX: convert to string for topic view custom filter
This reverts commit 7360a0f70fae59bb065dffb9b1ad42d13ff38f46.
iOS still wants this sometimes. Probably best to revert for now and we can
always remove this again later.
See: https://meta.discourse.org/t/189799/11?u=blake
Recalculating a ReviewableFlaggedPost's score after rejecting or ignoring it sets the score as 0, which means that we can't find them after reviewing. They don't surpass the minimum priority threshold and are hidden.
Additionally, we only want to use agreed flags when calculating the different priority thresholds.
* FIX: ember-cli proxy subfolder fix
* REFACTOR: put rootURL setup in environment, update baseURL logic for subfolder
Correctly have ember understand and parse relative_url_root and use it in
the dev server
(inspired by martin-brennan's recent adventure with `tags` exclusion)
**tl;dr: some of it is obsolete, some is dev-env specific and should live in *your* ~/.gitignore.**
To enable global gitignore (`~/.gitignore`) run:
git config --global core.excludesFile '~/.gitignore'
Then create that file and add your VIM/VSCode/Sublime/Emacs/Eclipse/RubyMine/JetBrains/macOS/Arch/Windows 95-specific stuff.
Reasons for removal:
* `bin` - never really ignored, all the files are checked in
* `.DS_Store`, `._.DS_Store` - OS specific
* `.sass-cache/*`, `/.bundle`, `/bundle/*`, `/cache`, `/logfile`, `!/plugins/discourse-nginx-performance-report`, `MiniProfiler/Ruby/rack-mini-profiler-2.0.1a.gem`, `config/fog_credentials.yml`, `/public/stylesheet-cache/*`, `script/download_db`, `script/refresh_db`, `config/version.rb` - no longer used?
* `/log/*.log` - covered by /log
* `bootsnap-load-path-cache`, `bootsnap-compile-cache` - bootsnap now keeps its ~~trash~~ temporary files in `/tmp`
* `/.project`, `/.buildpath`, `/.byebug_history`, `/.idea`, `discourse.sublime-workspace`, `*~`, `*.swp`, `*.swo`, `*.swm`, `config/multisite1.yml`, `.rvmrc`, `.ruby-version`, `.ruby-gemset`, `.rbenv`, `bundler_stubs/*`, `*.db`, `*.iml`, `*.swn`, `/package-lock.json`, `.vscode`, `.envrc`, `tags` - dev-env specific, see the note at the top of the commit
Some emails coming in via the mail receiver can still end up
with bad encoding when trying to enqueue the job. This catches
the last encoding issue and forces iso-8559-1 and encodes to
UTF-8 to circumvent the issue.
This was needed to fix a bookmark back button issue but it
broke category topic links, causing a full reload. Now it appears
something has changed in core and this is no longer necessary for
the bookmark back button to work, so I am removing it again.
Currently, when the target is not available we're returning the error message "`You are not permitted to view the requested resource`" which is not clear.
* DEV: add a method of skipping publishing stylesheets afer color scheme save
allows a method to publish all stylesheets if we make changes to many
stylesheets at once
* use after_save_commit for stylesheet change callbacks
This may be more reliable for picking up new stylesheet changes via messagebus
as after_save does not guarantee the updates exists in the DB yet.
* add skip_publish option for create_from_base
* FIX: Cache missing inline oneboxes
Some inline oneboxes were not cached when the server did not return an
answer for an URL and the queried URL and the absolute URL were
For example, if user typed www.example.com, the client asked the server
for http://www.example.com and if the server returned an empty response,
then the client would keep requesting an inline onebox everytime the
composer changed.
In other words, the key used for reading (the absolute URL) and the one
used for writing (the URL as typed by the user) were not the same when
the server returned an empty response.
* DEV: Check cache before making request
There is another cache check in PrettyText, but that is not enough if
multiple requests are pending. This problem was made obvious in tests,
but can happen for users with slow connections.
* FEATURE: Allow sending a message with invite
It used to be a staff-only feature and this commit makes it available
to everyone who can invite.
* FIX: Inviting to topic uses another email template
This used to be the case, but the extra parameter was lost when we
switched to the new modal.
We have found when receiving and posting inbound emails to the handle_mail route, it is better to POST the payload as a base64 encoded string to avoid strange encoding issues. This introduces a new param of `email_encoded` and maintains the legacy param of email, showing a deprecation warning. Eventually the old param of `email` will be dropped and the new one `email_encoded` will be the only way to handle_mail.
The user may have changed their category or tag tracking settings since a topic was tracked/watched based on those settings in the past. In that case we need to alter the reason message we show them otherwise it is very confusing for the end user to be told they are tracking a topic because of a category, when they are no longer tracking that category.
For example: "You will see a count of new replies because you are tracking this category." becomes: "You will see a count of new replies because you were tracking this category in the past."
To do this, it was necessary to add tag and category tracking info to current user serializer. I improved the serializer code so it only does 3 SQL queries instead of 9 to get the tracking information for tags and categories for the current user.