* FIX: increases resize observer throttle delay
25ms is not necessary and was sometimes causing jankyness.
* FIX: removes ios momentum fix delay
Instead of a 50ms, simply use next+schedule("afterRender") to attempt to have the shortest delay possible.
* FIX: backdrop event propagation
Prevents backdrop touch to propagate to underlying channel/thread.
* UX: adds is-active class to container of active message
This change allows to keep the background on the active message while the actions menu is displayed.
* FIX: prevents skip-link to be selected on press
* UX: allows to close actions menu instantly
The backdrop should always receive events, we don't need to wait for the menu to be fully displayed.
* UI: adds spacing between last message and composer
* UI: makes backdrop less dark
* FIX: makes events passive on long-press modifier