We have a number of raw comments indicating that certain methods and classes are deprecated and marked for removal. This change turn those comments into deprecation warnings so that we can 1) see them in the logs of our own hosting and 2) give some warning to self hosters.
Why this change?
Prior to this change, we would only return tags that are used in at
least one public topic. However, this is confusing for users because the
tag could be used in a restricted category and that is not considered a
"public" topic. Instead, we will just display all the tags in the edit
tags navigation modal as long as it is visible to the user.
Why this change?
Prior to this change, dismissing unreads posts did not publish the
changes across clients for the same user. As a result, users can end up
seeing an unread count being present but saw no topics being loaded when
visiting the `/unread` route.
* FEATURE: Inline topic summary. Cached version accessible to everyone.
Anons and non-members of the `custom_summarization_allowed_groups_map` groups can see cached summaries for any accessible topic. After the first 12 hours and if the posts to summarize have changed, allowed users clicking on the button will automatically re-generate it.
* Ensure chat summaries work and prevent model hallucinations when there are no messages.
This PR adds a feature to help admins stay up-to-date with their translations. We already have protections preventing admins from problems when they update their overrides. This change adds some protection in the other direction (where translations change in core due to an upgrade) by creating a notice for admins when defaults have changed.
- In the case where Discourse core changes the default translation, the translation override is considered "outdated".
- In the case above where interpolation keys were changed from the ones the override is using, it is considered "invalid".
- If none of the above applies, the override is considered "up to date".
How does it work?
There are a few pieces that makes this work:
- When an admin creates or updates a translation override, we store the original translation at the time of write. (This is used to detect changes later on.)
- There is a background job that runs once every day and checks for outdated and invalid overrides, and marks them as such.
- When there are any outdated or invalid overrides, a notice is shown in admin dashboard with a link to the text customization page.
Known limitations
The link from the dashboard links to the default locale text customization page. Given there might be invalid overrides in multiple languages, I'm not sure what we could do here. Consideration for future improvement.
Some plugins call require_plugin with a wrong argument instead of the
plugin name. In a production environment that used to be a warning, but
there is no reason to keep it like that in a testing environment
because the issue will continue to be ignored.
Follow-up to b27e12445d
This commit adds 2 new site settings `default_sidebar_link_to_filtered_list` and `default_sidebar_show_count_of_new_items` to control the default values for the navigation menu preferences that were added in the linked commit (`sidebar_link_to_filtered_list` and `sidebar_show_count_of_new_items` respectively).
What is the problem?
Before this change, we were relying on the `/tags` endpoint which
returned all the tags that are visible to a give user on the site leading to potential performance problems.
The attribute keys of the response also changes based on the `tags_listed_by_group` site setting.
What is the fix?
This commit fixes the problems listed above by creating a dedicate `#list` action in the
`TagsController` to handle the listing of the tags in the edit
navigation menu tags modal. This is because the `TagsController#index`
action was created specifically for the `/tags` route and the response
body does not really map well to what we need. The `TagsController#list`
action added here is also much safer since the response is paginated and
we avoid loading a whole bunch of tags upfront.
]When changing fonts in the `/wizard/steps/styling` step of
the wizard, users would not see the font loaded straight away,
having to switch to another one then back to the original to
see the result. This is because we are using canvas to render
the style preview and this fails with a Chrome-based intervention
when font loading is taking too long:
> [Intervention] Slow network is detected. See
https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5636954674692096 for more details.
Fallback font will be used while loading:
We can get around this by manually loading the fonts selected using
the FontFace JS API when the user selects them and before rerendering
the canvas. This just requires preloading more information about the
fonts if the user is admin so the wizard can query this data.
This is the first of a number of PRs aimed at helping admins manage their translation overrides. It simply adds a list of available interpolation keys below the input field when editing an override.
It also includes custom interpolation key.
Updates the interface for implementing summarization strategies and adds a cache layer to summarize topics once.
The cache stores the final summary and each chunk used to build it, which will be useful when we have to extend or rebuild it.
Communities can use sidebar or header dropdown, therefore navigation menu is a better name settings in 2 places:
- Old user sidebar preferences;
- Site setting about default tags and categories.
* FEATURE: Content custom summarization strategies.
This PR establishes a pattern for plugins to register alternative ways of summarizing content by extending a class that defines an interface.
Core controls which strategy we'll use and who has access to it through the `summarization_strategy` and `custom_summarization_allowed_groups`. It also defines the UI for summarizing topics.
Other plugins can access this summarization mechanism and implement their features, removing cross-plugin customizations, as it currently happens between chat and the discourse-ai plugin.
* Group membership validation and rate limiting
* Work with objects instead of classes
* Port summarization feature from discourse-ai to chat
* Rename available summaries to 'Top Replies' and 'Summary'
1. ember proxy stuff still isn't in a great shape, live-reload doesn't work yet, uploads made w/o subfolder won't work, custom fonts don't work, service worker doesn't work. But otherwise it's fine :P
2. I don't know why `HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE` can be an empty string. Don't have time to investigate, and fast_blank makes this fix an easy solution ;)
* DEV: Implement staff logs for user columns edits
* deleted extra space in staff logger detail string, deleted string when no changes are made, added basic test coverage for EditDirectoryColumnsController
* fixed change made to #self.staff_actions un UserHistory
* implemented a method that builds the details, previous_values and new_values in a dynamic way
* removed details of changes
* refactored small merge
Calling pluck is instantly making a SELECT, while passing the relationship allows rails to build a correct query.
Before (2 selects):
pry(main)> Post.where(topic_id: Topic.where(id: [1,3,4]).pluck(:id)).count
(1.3ms) SELECT "topics"."id" FROM "topics" WHERE "topics"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND "topics"."id" IN (1, 3, 4)
Post Count (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND "posts"."topic_id" IN (1, 3, 4)
After (1 select):
pry(main)> Post.where(topic_id: Topic.where(id: [1,3,4])).count
Post Count (2.7ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND "posts"."topic_id" IN (SELECT "topics"."id" FROM "topics" WHERE "topics"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND "topics"."id" IN (1, 3, 4))
Display modal for combined new and unread view with options:
- [x] Dismiss new topics
- [x] Dismiss new posts
- [ ] Stop tracking these topics so they stop appearing in my new list
What is the problem?
The user messages routes are currently routed by the server to
`UserActionsController#private_messages`. However, the method is
essentially a no-op and does not do any preloading. As a result, when we
load the user private messages routes, the client ends up having to
issue another request to the server to get more information about the
user profile currently being viewed. This extra request is triggered by
the `user` model's `findDetails` method that is called from the `user`
route in the `afterModel` hook.
What is the solution?
The `user` model's `findDetails` method actually checks the preload
store to see if the `user_${username}` key is present in the store and
if it is, it will use the preloaded data instead of triggering another
request. Since the user private messages routes are nested under the
user route on the client side, we have to rely on the
`UsersController#show` controller action on the server side for the user private
messages route as the `UsersController#show` controller action preloads
the required user information for the client side.
Prior to this commit, we didn't have RTL versions of our admin and plugins CSS bundles and we always served LTR versions of those bundles even when users used an RTL locale, causing admin and plugins UI elements to never look as good as when an LTR locale was used. Example of UI issues prior to this commit were: missing margins, borders on the wrong side and buttons too close to each other etc.
This commit creates an RTL version for the admin CSS bundle as well as RTL bundles for all the installed plugins and serves those RTL bundles to users/sites who use RTL locales.
This commit adds modifiers that allow plugins to change how categories and groups are prefetched into the application and listed in the respective controllers.
Possible use cases:
- prevent some categories/groups from being prefetched when the application loads for performance reasons.
- prevent some categories/groups from being listed in their respective index pages.
Allow admins to edit Community section. This includes drag and drop reorder, change names, delete and reset to default.
Visual improvements introduced in edit community section modal are available in edit custom section form as well. For example:
- drag and drop links to change their position;
- smaller icon picker.
This commit introduces a new `within_user_updater_transaction` event that's triggered inside the transaction that saves user updates in `UserUpdater`. Plugins can hook into the transaction using the event to include custom changes in the transaction. Callbacks for this event receive 2 arguments:
1. the user being saved
2. the changed attributes that are passed to `UserUpdater`.
There's also new modifier in this commit called `users_controller_update_user_params` to allow plugins to allowlist custom params in the `UsersController` which eventually end up getting passed as attributes to the `UserUpdater` and the new `within_user_updater_transaction` event where they can be used to perform additional updates using the custom params.
New API is used in https://github.com/discourse/discourse-mailinglist-integration/pull/1.
When a user chooses to move a topic/message to an existing topic/message, they can now opt to merge the posts chronologically (using a checkbox in the UI).
The field more_topic_url is already included in the response preloaded in categories#index
However this field was missing if a request was subsequently made to update the page using
the end-points /categories_and_latest or /categories_and_top. This could lead the client
app to display incorrect information if it relied on this information to update the UI.
This commit deprecates the `modify_user_params` method in `UsersController` in favor of a new modifier that replaces that method whose entire purpose is to allow plugins to monkey-patch it to permit custom params in the controller. We now have the "modifier" system which can achieve the same results but in a safer and easier way. The modifier that replaces the deprecated method is included in PR https://github.com/discourse/discourse/pull/21737.
What is this change required?
I noticed that actions in `SidebarSectionsController` resulted in
lots of N+1 queries problem and I wanted a solution to
prevent such problems without having to write N+1 queries tests. I have
also used strict loading for `SidebarSection` queries in performance
sensitive spots.
Note that in this commit, I have also set `config.active_record.action_on_strict_loading_violation = :log`
for the production environment so that we have more visibility of
potential N+1 queries problem in the logs. In development and test
environment, we're sticking with the default of raising an error.
When uploading images via direct to S3 upload, we were
assuming that we could not pre-emptively check the file
size because the client may do preprocessing to reduce
the size, and UploadCreator could also further reduce the
This, however, is not true of gifs, so we would have an
issue where you upload a gif > the max_image_size_kb
setting and had to wait until the upload completed for
this error to show.
Now, instead, when we direct upload gifs to S3, we check
the size straight away and present a file size error to
the user rather than making them wait. This will increase
meme efficiency by approximately 1000%.
What is the problem?
In `SvgSpriteController#search` and `SvgSpriteController#icon_picker_search`, the controller actions
was using the `RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.with_hostname` API
but `params[:hostname]` was always `nil` because the routes does not
have a `:hostname` param component and the client does not ever pass the
`:hostname` param when making the request. When `RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.with_hostname` is
used with a `nil` argument, it ends up connecting to the default
multisite database. Usually this would be bad because we're allowing a
site in a multisite setup to connect to another site but thankfully no
private data is being leaked here.
What is the fix?
Since `SvgSpriteController#search` and `SvgSpriteController#icon_picker_search` are login required route,
there is no need for us to switch database connections. The fix here is
to simply remove the use of `RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.with_hostname`.
### What is the problem?
It is possible to pass an arbitrary value to the limit parameter in `TagsController#search`, and have it flow through `DiscourseTagging.filter_allowed_tags` where it will raise an error deep in the database driver. MiniSql ensures there's no injection happening, but that ultimately results in an invalid query.
### How does this fix it?
This change checks more strictly that the parameter can be cleanly converted to an integer by replacing the loose `#to_i` conversion semantics with the stronger `Kernel#Integer` ones.
"1; SELECT 1".to_i
#=> 1
Integer("1; SELECT 1")
#=> ArgumentError
As part of the change, I also went ahead to disallow a limit of "0", as that doesn't seem to be a useful option. Previously only negative limits were disallowed.
This reapplies commit 3073e5cfb0721b3b8009963c5fc7f61d414db317, with
a fix that makes sure that plugins can be looked up both by the name
present in metadata and directory name.