THe main advantage of this solution is that it will be called on each rerendered whereas the other is not once href has been set.
Example API:
name: "foo",
displayName: "Foo",
customHref: function(category, args) {
const router = api.container.lookup("service:router");
const queryParams = { bar: "1" };
return router.urlFor(router.currentRouteName, category, {
Not sure why lefthook didn't pick this up before on my previous commit,
but manually running prettier found this.
Followup to: 893d30fb92dff90eea417b4967021f4c9d3b64e3
Sometimes, when keeping J or K pressed and scrolling fast, the current
selection would go out of the viewport for a few moments and the
algorithm would try selecting the "best" element that is in viewport.
This bug is reproducible only on certain machines. For example, Linux
machines seem to be passing key events faster to the browser.
This adds support for a `<d-topics-list>` tag you can embed in your site
that will be rendered as a list of discourse topics. Any attributes on
the tag will be passed as filters. For example:
`<d-topics-list discourse-url="URL" category="1234">` will filter to category 1234.
To use this feature, enable the `embed topics list` site setting. Then
on the site you want to embed, include the following javascript:
Where `URL` is your discourse forum's URL.
Then include the `<d-topics-list discourse-url="URL">` tag in your HTML document and it will
be replaced with the list of topics.
This commit will for example allow this:
api.addDiscoveryQueryParam("my_param", { persist: true });
If you page is, when clicking on an "unread" link for example this query string will be kept.
There are 5 visibility levels (similar to group visibility)
public (default)
logged-in users
members only
Admins & group owners always have visibility to group members.
Theme developers can now add any of the transformed color variables to their color scheme in about.json. For example
"color_schemes": {
"Light": {
"primary": "333333",
"secondary": "ffffff",
"primary-low": "ff0000"
would override the primary-low variable when compiling SCSS for the color scheme. The primary-low variable will also be visible in administrator color palette UI.
This feature (when enabled) will allow for invite_only sites to require
external authentication before they can redeem an invite.
- Created hidden site setting to toggle this
- Enables sending invites with local logins disabled
- OAuth button added to invite form
- Requires OAuth email address to match invite email address
- Prevents redeeming invite if OAuth authentication fails
All posts created by the user are counted unless they are deleted,
belong to a PM sent between a non-human user and the user or belong
to a PM created by the user which doesn't have any other recipients.
It also makes the guardian prevent self-deletes when SSO is enabled.
This feature allows @ mentions to prioritize showing members of a group who
have explicit permission to a category.
This makes it far easier to @ mention group member when composing topics in
categories where only the group has access.
For example:
If Sam, Jane an Joan have access to bugs category.
Then `@` will auto complete to (jane,joan,sam) ordered on last seen at
This feature works on new topics and existing topics. There is an explicit
exclusion of trust level 0,1,2 groups cause they get too big.
Add the Array.from polyfill for IE11. This is required to support the transpiled ES6 spread syntex generated by babel:
Introduces isIpadOS to our capabilities sniffer, which is currently
compatible with latest iPad beta OS. Older iPad versions will match our
isIOS detection.
Using this new feature, fixes the service worker being blocked in Google
Chrome, Firefox and other browsers while running on Mac OS, where they
work just fine. This enables Desktop PWA install in Mac OS.
- Client-side censoring fixed for non-chrome browsers. (Regular expression rewritten to avoid lookback)
- Regex generation is now done on the server, to reduce repeated logic, and make it easier to extend in plugins
- Censor tests are moved to ruby, to ensure everything works end-to-end
- If "watched words regular expressions" is enabled, warn the admin when the generated regex is invalid
This happened because the modal controller was not clearing the `name`
attribute, which is used for looking up the controller to call `onClose`
Every page navigation would call the method over and over, breaking
state in odd ways.