We cap new and unread at 2/5th of SiteSetting.max_tracked_new_unread
This dynamic capping is applied under 2 conditions:
1. New capping is applied once every 15 minutes in the periodical job, this effectively ensures that usually even super active sites are capped at 200 new items
2. Unread capping is applied if a user hits max_tracked_new_unread,
meaning if new + unread == 500, we defer a job that runs within 15 minutes that will cap user at 200 unread
This logic ensures that at worst case a user gets "bad" numbers for 15 minutes and then the system goes ahead and fixes itself up
update rspec syntax to v3
change syntax to rspec v3
oops. fix typo
mailers classes with rspec3 syntax
helpers with rspec3 syntax
jobs with rspec3 syntax
serializers with rspec3 syntax
views with rspec3 syntax
support to rspec3 syntax
category spec with rspec3 syntax