Like that we can have code that works on multiple Rails versions, and we
dont need to mix a new method on Kernel.
Also, this makes easier to have multiple versions.
For instance, before master was 4.2, which is not the case anymore, so
on the code we should check versions and not Environment variables
update rspec syntax to v3
change syntax to rspec v3
oops. fix typo
mailers classes with rspec3 syntax
helpers with rspec3 syntax
jobs with rspec3 syntax
serializers with rspec3 syntax
views with rspec3 syntax
support to rspec3 syntax
category spec with rspec3 syntax
Starting from Rails 4.2, calling MyMailer.some_method no longer result in an
immediate call to MyMailer#some_method. Instead, a "lazy proxy" is returned
(this is changed to support #deliver_later). As a quick hack to fix the test,
calling #message (or anything, really) would force the Mailer object to be
created and the method invoked.
FEATURE: context is not emailed if we previously emailed you the post
FEATURE: site setting to enable_watch_new_topics , false by default.
When enables users can elect to watch everything by default
FIX: Custom email subjects (x quoted you in [title], x replied to [title])
was removed, this broke email grouping. TBD, include info in footer somehow
FIX: topic user specs were messy, reduce side effects