- By default, behaviour is not changed: tags are made lowercase upon creation and edit.
- If force_lowercase_tags is disabled, then mixed case tags are allowed.
- Tags must remain case-insensitively unique. This is enforced by ActiveRecord and Postgres.
- A migration is added to provide a `UNIQUE` index on `lower(name)`. Migration includes a safety to correct any current tags that do not meet the criteria.
- A `where_name` scope is added to `models/tag.rb`, to allow easy case-insensitive lookups. This is used instead of `Tag.where(name: "blah")`.
- URLs remain lowercase. Mixed case URLs are functional, but have the lowercase equivalent as the canonical.
* FEATURE: add indication if incoming email attachment was rejected and inform sender about it
* include errors for rejected attachments in email
* don't send warning email to staged users
* use user object instead of user_id in add_attachments method
* FIX: keep files in order when adding multiple uploads
* use filename in the placeholder when uploading files
* add tests
* add consecutive nr to the placeholder when multiple uploads with the same filename
* fill blank space when no theme is selected
* animate row's height in themes/components list when selecting, and hide children list
* show warning when you move to a different page and have unsaved changes
* refactor `adminCustomizeThemes.show` controller
* allow collapsing/expanding children lists
* fix a bug when adding components to a theme (changed the way it works slightly)
* a bunch of other minor things
Previously we would raise a 500 error if a moderator tried to agree on a
flag another moderator deferred.
This can happen cause the UX for flags does not live refresh as flags
are handled
These site settings are very hard to explain and only applicable for very
specific Discourse setups.
If an admin "enables staged users" which is used in support scenarios then
all staff can send "messages" directly to an "email".
The setting allows you to extend this to TL4 or any trust level.
Actual use case would be a support type setup with restricted staff. It is
quite rare so hiding this for now and re-evaluate keeping the setting in
* FIX: don't allow inviting more than `max_allowed_message_recipients` setting allows
* add specs for guardian
* user preferences for auto track shouldn't be applicable to PMs (it auto watches on visit)
Execlude PMs from "Automatically track topics I enter..." and "When I post in a topic, set that topic to..." user preferences
* groups take only 1 slot in PM
* just return if topic is a PM