The user-card-additional-controls outlet is outside the `<li>` element, which makes styling difficult. Placing an outlet inside the button list means that themes/plugins can easily reuse core styling.
This test lasted about 7 years prior to it becoming flaky.
Today ... for whatever reason the test suite created 100 users
prior to running this spec. So the new user becomes user id 101
And... lo and behold:
1) PostSerializer a hidden post with add_raw enabled a hidden post shows the raw post only if authorized to see it
Failure/Error: expect(serialized_post_for_user(Fabricate(:user))[:raw]).to eq(nil)
expected: nil
got: "Raw contents of the post."
(compared using ==)
# ./spec/serializers/post_serializer_spec.rb:127:in `block (4 levels) in <main>'
Previous to this fix the we were checking for non letters.
This was mismatching what pretty-text/addon/emoji.js was doing.
Would lead to an emoji autocomplete popup in the composer.
Safari uses an aggressive back/forward cache, which means the app loads
very quickly when hitting Back. But, in topics with > 30 posts, hitting
Back runs post stream calculations too early, which means that users
get taken back to an earlier point in the stream, consistently.
Using `onpageshow`, we can restore the correct location before the post
stream calculations take place.
- This function now requires an explicit scope. It will never run on the entire document.
- Previously debounce was being used with an anonymous function, which means it was having no effect.
An empty string is a falsey value in javascript, so we were looking for the meta tag every time getURL was called, which took approximately 1.5ms every time.
We removed pry-nav a while back because it is not up to date with pry but it is super useful. Luckily pry-byebug is here to save us all from Satan's power.
To get this to work you need to add the following to your $HOME/.pryrc file.
if defined?(PryByebug)
Pry.commands.alias_command 'c', 'continue'
Pry.commands.alias_command 's', 'step'
Pry.commands.alias_command 'n', 'next'
Pry.commands.alias_command 'f', 'finish'
Pry::Commands.command /^$/, "repeat last command" do
pry_instance.run_command Pry.history.to_a.last
The require-ing of pry, pry-rails, and pry-byebug in specs is controlled by the IMPROVED_SPEC_DEBUGGING flag (disabled by default).
Behavior was changed in #9966, which made the URL be relative.
If the user landed in a topic, for example, the browser was given a
service worker URL under that specific topic URL, which was a 404.
Fixes broken PWA install and broken push notifications