This relaxes our security in the following way
- prev auth token is always accepted as long as rotation
date is within our window of SiteSetting.maximum_session_age.hours
(previously old token expired within a minute of new one being seen)
- new auth token is marked unseen if we are presented with an old token
after we already saw new one
This attempts to fix an issue where ios webkit is not committing new cookies
FIX: client's translation overrides were not working when the current locale was missing a key
FIX: was not properly handling multiple translations
FIX: JsLocaleHelper#output_locale was not properly handling multiple translations
FIX:'s spec which was randomly failing
FIX: JsLocaleHelper#output_locale was muting cached translations hashes
REFACTOR: move 'enableVerboseLocalization' to the 'localization' initializer
REFACTOR: remove unused I18n.js methods (getFallbacks, localize, parseDate, toTime, strftime, toCurrency, toPercentage)
REFACTOR: remove all I18n.pluralizationRules and instead use MessageFormat's pluralization rules
TEST: add tests for localization initializer
TEST: add tests for I18n.js
this removes the space between the query string and the URL
$MODULE='Acceptance: Search' rake qunit:test\[20000\]
Running: {"module":"Acceptance: Search"}
... http://localhost:60099/qunit?module=Acceptance%3A%20Search 20000
The timeout value seems to work fine.
Defaults to Lax, can be disabled or set to Strict.
Strict will only work if you require login and use SSO. Otherwise when clicking on links to your site you will appear logged out till you refresh the page.
It appears that in some cases ios queues up requests up front
and "releases" them when tab gets focus, this allows for a certain
number of cookie misses for this case. Otherwise you get logged off.