* FIX: paste the spreadsheet to the composer
If we paste spreadsheet with the missing label we receive
`" this \n1 2"`
If we trim whitespace at the beginning then our later calculation to determine if it is a table is incorrect:
const columns = rows.map((r) => r.split("\t").length);
const isTable =
columns.reduce((a, b) => a && columns[0] === b && b > 1)
Fixes two small issues:
- buttons stayed disabled after deleting a category
- on a newly-created category, the Edit button was missing on the category landing page
This makes it much easier to check the staff action logs for a specific site setting. A small history icon will appear when hovering over a site setting name. On click, you will be taken to the pre-filtered staff action log for the site setting.
This commit removes the duplicate category description on sub categories in the category list. I believe this went unnnoticed because we are hiding these by default.
The REST adapter generates paths with the /tags/ prefix indescriminately,
but individual tag paths have been moved under the /tag/ prefix to allow
tags with names that would otherwise cause ambiguity like c.
PostDestroyer should accept the option to permanently destroy post from the database. In addition, when the first post is destroyed it destroys the whole topic.
Currently, that feature is limited to private messages and creator of the post. It will be used by discourse-encrypt to explode encrypted private messages.
Paths prefixed with /tag/ are exclusively for when the tag name is the
next string in the path. Therefore, when a category is being used as
context, the path should start with /tags/ instead.
Per Google, sites are encouraged to upgrade from Universal Analytics v3 `analytics.js` to v4 `gtag.js` for Google Analytics tracking. We're giving admins the option to stay on the v3 API or migrate to v4. Admins can change the implementation they're using via the `ga_version` site setting. Eventually Google will deprecate v3, but our implementation gives admins the choice on what to use for now.
We chose this implementation to make the change less error prone, as many site admins are using custom events via the v3 UA API. With the site stetting defaulted to `v3_analytics`, site analytics won't break until the admin is ready to make the migration.
Additionally, in the v4 implementation, we do not enable automatic pageview tracking (on by default in the v4 API). Instead we rely on Discourse's page change API to report pageviews on transition to avoid double-tracking.