All models are now using ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection, which shifts the responsibility for parameter whitelisting for mass-assignments from the model to the controller. attr_accessible has been disabled and removed as this functionality replaces that.
The require_parameters method in the ApplicationController has been removed in favor of strong_parameters' #require method.
It is important to note that there is still some refactoring required to get all parameters to pass through #require and #permit so that we can guarantee that parameter values are scalar. Currently strong_parameters, in most cases, is only being utilized to require parameters and to whitelist the few places that do mass-assignments.
Category now requires parameters to be permitted by strong_parameters using #require or #permit for mass-assignment. Missing required parameters now throw a ActionController::ParameterMissing execption instead of the Discourse::InvalidParameters execption.
- removes an (n+1) query for user data
- supports the preload store for the data to avoid a second request
- fix a bug where uncategorizes was reporting (0, 0, 0) for topics by week, month, year
setting all categories to be secured led to a blank screen on all pages
use stabby lambda for consistency in class
make the test a little more concise
- move the local assignments into let blocks for
- remove calls to `to_a`, which aren't needed
- use 'be_empty' instead of '[]' to be consistent
with the other matchers in the test
add a test for the `secured` scope with multiple
secured categories