* Show the correct bookmark with clock icon when topic-level bookmark reminder time is set and show the time of the reminder in the title on hover.
* Add a new bookmark lib and reminder time formatting function to show time with today/tomorrow shorthand for readability. E.g. tomorrow at 8:00am instead of Apr 16 2020 at 8:00am. This only applies to today + tomorrow, future dates are still treated the same.
* Extend cutoff time for "Later Today" to 5pm
* users can now use the Later Today option up until 5PM
* the time for later today maxes out at 6pm, so any time
it is used after 3pm it is maxed to 6pm
* round to hour instead of half-hour for Later Today as well
* Rounding time bugfix
Refactor plugin-api `addKeyboardShortcut` to point to `KeyboardShortcuts`.
* Do not add shortcuts to the default object directly.
* Create an addShortcut function in keyboard-shortcuts to add shortcuts safely and call to bindKey to be able to use opts.
* Refactor controllers/bookmark.js to use new addShortcut func and emove unnecessary addBindings.
* No longer export keyboard shortcut bindings, rename to DEFAULT_BINDINGS and remove export, these do not need to be accessed by anything else.
If the feature is enabled, staff members can construct a URL and publish a
topic for others to browse without the regular Discourse chrome.
This is useful if you want to use Discourse like a CMS and publish
topics as articles, which can then be embedded into other systems.
Fixes to the quote feature. Most important changes listed below:
* FIX: Correctly attribute quotes when using Reply button
* FIX: Correctly attribute quotes when using replyAsNewTopic
* FIX: Allow quoting a quote
* FIX: Correctly mark quotes as "full"
* FIX: Don't try to create a quote if it's empty
* DEV: Remove an obsolete method `loadQuote`
It isn't used in core anymore, the only use in core has been removed over 4 years ago in 3251bcb. It's not used in any plugins in all-the-plugins and all references to it on GitHub are from outdated forks (https://github.com/search?q=%22Post.loadQuote%22&type=Code)
* DEV: Support for `onChange` on `{{text-field}}`
This will automatically be debounced and only fired when the value
There is also `onChangeImmediate` which is not debounced in case you
need that, but in almost all cases when observing text in an element you
should debounce.
* Add cancel for timer
New Reminder Types
* Add a "later this week" reminder which is today + 2 days, will not show if we are on the days Thu-Sun
* Add a "start of next business week" reminder which is 8am Monday
Bugfixes and Tweaks
* Move dates out of translation for reminder types and yield HTML for tap-tile for more customizable content and styling
* Make sure double clicking the bookmark icon in quick access takes users to the new bookmarks-with-reminders page
* Sane default to 8am (start of day) for custom reminder with no time
Introduce the concept of "high priority notifications" which include PM and bookmark reminder notifications. Now bookmark reminder notifications act in the same way as PM notifications (float to top of recent list, show in the green bubble) and most instances of unread_private_messages in the UI have been replaced with unread_high_priority_notifications.
The user email digest is changed to just have a section about unread high priority notifications, the unread PM section has been removed.
A high_priority boolean column has been added to the Notification table and relevant indices added to account for it.
unread_private_messages has been kept on the User model purely for backwards compat, but now just returns unread_high_priority_notifications count so this may cause some inconsistencies in the UI.
{{d-button icon="times" label="foo.bar" isLoading=true}}
Note that a button loading without an icon will shrink text size to prevent button to jump in size.
A button while loading is disabled.
Even though `type` is an alias for `method`, we have custom logic in `/discourse/lib/ajax` that checks only `type`, and ~200 other ajax calls in the codebase already use `type` param.
This set of tests cleared the emoji store *before* each test, while the other set - *after*. So if these were run first, they would break a single test from the other set.
Based on issues identified in https://meta.discourse.org/t/improved-bookmarks-with-reminders/144542/20
* Implement the resolvedTimezone() function on the user model where we return the user's timezone if it has been set, or we guess it using moment and save it to the user using an update call if it has not yet been set. This covers the cases of users who do not log out/in often who will not get their timezone set via login. This also makes sure the guess + save is done in a non-obtrusive way not on every page -- only when it is needed.
* Before if a user's timezone was blank when they visited their profile page we were autofilling the dropdown with the guessed timezone from moment. However this was confusing as it would appear you have that timezone saved in the DB when you really didn't. Now we do not autofill the dropdown and added a button to automatically guess the current timezone to make everything more explicit.
Limitations: the user profile "open external links in new tab setting" is
slightly broken for "External URL" permalinks.
Remove the copy from the admin permalinks page stating that this doesn't work.
Based on reports here https://meta.discourse.org/t/improved-bookmarks-with-reminders/144542
* Because the `userHasTimezone` property was computed and we were checking on an (essentially) global object, ember was not aware that the user timezone had changed because it changed in a different place. instead set the timezone as internal state for the modal on show and base the computed property off of that so it mutates correctly
* The tap-tile components were in the admin folder completely unnecessarily, move them out into the main discourse folder otherwise noone else can use the new bookmarks (icon + text is missing)
* Cosmetic fixes for the bookmark modal
* Do not show "later today" when the later time will be > 5pm
* When a custom reminder time is selected, store it in localStorage. The next time the modal is opened, if the last datetime is > now, then a new tile with "Last" will be shown that lets the user reselect that same time.
* Also add an explicit "No Reminder" option that is selected by default