FIX: client's translation overrides were not working when the current locale was missing a key
FIX: was not properly handling multiple translations
FIX: JsLocaleHelper#output_locale was not properly handling multiple translations
FIX:'s spec which was randomly failing
FIX: JsLocaleHelper#output_locale was muting cached translations hashes
REFACTOR: move 'enableVerboseLocalization' to the 'localization' initializer
REFACTOR: remove unused I18n.js methods (getFallbacks, localize, parseDate, toTime, strftime, toCurrency, toPercentage)
REFACTOR: remove all I18n.pluralizationRules and instead use MessageFormat's pluralization rules
TEST: add tests for localization initializer
TEST: add tests for I18n.js
* Update sass-rails.
* FIX: Tilt dependency has been removed from Ember::Handlebars::Template.
* Update `DiscourseIIFE` to new Sprockets API.
* `Rails.application.assets` returns `nil` in production.
* Move sprockets-rails out of the assets group.
* Pin ember-rails to 0.18.5 which works with Sprockets 3.x.
* Update sprockets to 3.6.0.
* Make `DiscourseSassCompiler` work with Sprockets 3.
* Use `Sass::Rails::SassImporterGlobbing` instead of haxxing our own.
* Moneky patch so that we don't add dependencies for our custom css.
* FIX: Missing class.
* Upgrade ember-handlebars-template.
* FIX: require path needs to share the same root as the folder's path.
* Bump discourse-qunit-rails.
* Update ember-template-compiler.js to 1.12.2.
* `prepend` is private in Ruby 2.0.0.
This commit adds a new tracking table that lets us know
- When a migration ran
- What version Discourse was at
- How long it took
- What version Rails was at
The built in tracking in Rails is very limited, does not track this info
The FallbackLocaleList object tells I18n::Backend::Fallbacks what order the
languages should be attempted in. Because of the translate_accelerator patch,
the SiteSetting.default_locale is *not* guaranteed to be fully loaded after the
server starts, so a call to ensure_loaded! is added after the locale is set for
the current user.
The declarations of config.i18n.fallbacks = true in the environment files were
actually garbage, because the I18n.default_locale was
SiteSetting.default_locale, so there was nothing to fall back to. *derp*
Like that we can have code that works on multiple Rails versions, and we
dont need to mix a new method on Kernel.
Also, this makes easier to have multiple versions.
For instance, before master was 4.2, which is not the case anymore, so
on the code we should check versions and not Environment variables