The most common thing that we do with fab! is:
fab!(:thing) { Fabricate(:thing) }
This commit adds a shorthand for this which is just simply:
i.e. If you omit the block, then, by default, you'll get a `Fabricate`d object using the fabricator of the same name.
To export chat messages, go to `/admin/plugins/chat` and click the Create export
button in the _Export chat messages_ section. You'll receive a direct message
when the export is finished.
Currently, this exports all messages from the last 6 months, but not more than
10000 messages.
This exports all chat messages, including messages from private channels and
users' direct conversations. This also exports messages that were deleted.
This commit main goal was to comply with Zeitwerk and properly rely on autoloading. To achieve this, most resources have been namespaced under the `Chat` module.
- Given all models are now namespaced with `Chat::` and would change the stored types in DB when using polymorphism or STI (single table inheritance), this commit uses various Rails methods to ensure proper class is loaded and the stored name in DB is unchanged, eg: `Chat::Message` model will be stored as `"ChatMessage"`, and `"ChatMessage"` will correctly load `Chat::Message` model.
- Jobs are now using constants only, eg: `Jobs::Chat::Foo` and should only be enqueued this way
- This commit also used this opportunity to limit the number of registered css files in plugin.rb
- `discourse_dev` support has been removed within this commit and will be reintroduced later
<!-- NOTE: All pull requests should have tests (rspec in Ruby, qunit in JavaScript). If your code does not include test coverage, please include an explanation of why it was omitted. -->