Previously, we had a `showFooter` boolean on the application controller which would be set true/false in various routes by different routes/controllers. A global `routeWillChange` hook would set it `false` before every route transition, and the destination route/controller would have to set it `true` for the footer to show correctly.
This commit replaces that with a new 'declarative' system. Instead of having to set the value true/false manually, UIs which need the footer to be hidden can simply include the `{{hide-application-footer}}` helper in their template when needed. The helper/service will automatically keep track of all the current invocations of that helper, and only show the footer when there are 0 invocations.
This significantly simplifies things, and removes the need for many observers and controller injections, both of which are considered 'code smells' in modern Ember applications.
As part of another regression, we realized that the plugins tab is visible to moderators, but they cannot interact with anything inside without triggering authorization errors.
This change hides the plugin tab for non-admin users.
This commit should be a no-op for all existing core outlets. Outlets which are introduced by themes/plugins may see a change in behavior, and should follow the steps below if they want to maintain their previous behavior.
`tagName="" connectorTagName=""` is almost always the correct choice for plugin outlets. 40eba8cd introduced a `noTags=true` shortcut which achieved this, and left a comment saying it should be the future default. This commit does exactly that. To avoid any breaking changes for plugins, all existing plugin outlets have been reviewed and adjusted by following this logic:
1) If `noTags=true`, remove the `noTags` parameter, and do not complete any further steps
2) If `tagName` is not specified, set `tagName="span"` (the previous default)
3) If `connectorTagName` is not specified, set `selectorTagName="div"` (the previous default)
4) If `tagName=""`, remove it
5) If `connectorTagName=""`, remove it
The updates were accomplished with the help of a ruby script:
def removeAttr(tag, attribute)
tag = tag.sub /\s#{attribute}="?\w*"? /, " "
tag = tag.sub /\s#{attribute}="?\w*"?}}/, "}}"
tag = tag.sub /^\s*#{attribute}="?\w*"?\n/, ""
files = Dir.glob("app/assets/javascripts/**/*.hbs")
puts "Checking #{files.count} files..."
files.each do |f|
content =
count = 0
edits = 0
content.gsub!(/{{\s*plugin-outlet.*?}}/m) do |match|
count += 1
result = match
noTags = result.include?("noTags=true")
tagName = result[/tagName="(\w*)"/, 1]
connectorTagName = result[/connectorTagName="(\w*)"/, 1]
if noTags
result = removeAttr(result, "noTags")
if connectorTagName == ""
result = removeAttr(result, "connectorTagName")
elsif connectorTagName.nil?
result = result.sub(/name="[\w-]+"/) { |m| "#{m} connectorTagName=\"div\"" }
if tagName == ""
result = removeAttr(result, "tagName")
elsif tagName.nil?
result = result.sub(/name="[\w-]+"/) { |m| "#{m} tagName=\"span\"" }
edits += 1 if match != result
puts "#{count} outlets, #{edits} edited -> #{f}"
File.write(f, content)