import componentTest, { setupRenderingTest, } from "discourse/tests/helpers/component-test"; import { exists, query } from "discourse/tests/helpers/qunit-helpers"; import hbs from "htmlbars-inline-precompile"; import { module } from "qunit"; import { settled } from "@ember/test-helpers"; const IMAGE_FIXTURE = { id: 290, url: null, // Nulled out to avoid actually setting the img src - avoids an HTTP request original_filename: "image.jpg", filesize: 172214, width: 1024, height: 768, thumbnail_width: 666, thumbnail_height: 500, extension: "jpeg", short_url: "upload://mnCnqY5tunCFw2qMgtPnu1mu1C9.jpeg", short_path: "/uploads/short-url/mnCnqY5tunCFw2qMgtPnu1mu1C9.jpeg", retain_hours: null, human_filesize: "168 KB", dominant_color: "788370", // rgb(120, 131, 112) }; const VIDEO_FIXTURE = { id: 290, url: null, // Nulled out to avoid actually setting the img src - avoids an HTTP request original_filename: "video.mp4", filesize: 172214, width: 1024, height: 768, thumbnail_width: 666, thumbnail_height: 500, extension: "mp4", short_url: "upload://mnCnqY5tunCFw2qMgtPnu1mu1C9.mp4", short_path: "/uploads/short-url/mnCnqY5tunCFw2qMgtPnu1mu1C9.mp4", retain_hours: null, human_filesize: "168 KB", }; const TXT_FIXTURE = { id: 290, url: "", original_filename: "file.txt", filesize: 172214, extension: "txt", short_url: "upload://mnCnqY5tunCFw2qMgtPnu1mu1C9.jpeg", short_path: "/uploads/short-url/mnCnqY5tunCFw2qMgtPnu1mu1C9.jpeg", retain_hours: null, human_filesize: "168 KB", }; module("Discourse Chat | Component | chat-upload", function (hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); componentTest("with an image", { template: hbs`{{chat-upload upload=upload}}`, beforeEach() { this.set("upload", IMAGE_FIXTURE); }, async test(assert) { assert.true(exists(""), "displays as an image"); const image = query(""); assert.strictEqual(image.loading, "lazy", "is lazy loading"); assert.strictEqual(, "rgb(120, 131, 112)", "sets background to dominant color" ); image.dispatchEvent(new Event("load")); // Fake that the image has loaded await settled(); assert.strictEqual(, "", "removes the background color once the image has loaded" ); }, }); componentTest("with a video", { template: hbs`{{chat-upload upload=upload}}`, beforeEach() { this.set("upload", VIDEO_FIXTURE); }, async test(assert) { assert.true(exists(""), "displays as an video"); const video = query(""); assert.ok(video.hasAttribute("controls"), "has video controls"); assert.strictEqual( video.getAttribute("preload"), "metadata", "video has correct preload settings" ); }, }); componentTest("non image upload", { template: hbs`{{chat-upload upload=upload}}`, beforeEach() { this.set("upload", TXT_FIXTURE); }, async test(assert) { assert.true(exists(""), "displays as a link"); const link = query(""); assert.strictEqual(link.href, TXT_FIXTURE.url, "has the correct URL"); }, }); });