User.reset_column_information Topic.reset_column_information Post.reset_column_information staff = Category.find_by(id: SiteSetting.staff_category_id) seed_welcome_topics = (Topic.where('id NOT IN (SELECT topic_id from categories where topic_id is not null)').count == 0 && !Rails.env.test?) unless Rails.env.test? def create_static_page_topic(site_setting_key, title_key, body_key, body_override, category, description, params={}) unless SiteSetting.send(site_setting_key) > 0 creator = Discourse.system_user, title: I18n.t(title_key, default: I18n.t(title_key, locale: :en)), raw: body_override.present? ? body_override : I18n.t(body_key, params.merge(default: I18n.t(body_key, params.merge(locale: :en)))), skip_validations: true, category: category ? : nil) post = creator.create raise "Failed to create the #{description} topic! #{creator.errors.full_messages.join('. ')}" if creator.errors.present? SiteSetting.send("#{site_setting_key}=", post.topic_id) reply = PostCreator.create( Discourse.system_user, raw: I18n.t('static_topic_first_reply', page_name: I18n.t(title_key, default: I18n.t(title_key, locale: :en))), skip_validations: true, topic_id: post.topic_id ) end end create_static_page_topic('tos_topic_id', 'tos_topic.title', "tos_topic.body", nil, staff, "terms of service", { company_domain: "company_domain", company_full_name: "company_full_name", company_name: "company_short_name" }) create_static_page_topic('guidelines_topic_id', 'guidelines_topic.title', "guidelines_topic.body", nil, staff, "guidelines") create_static_page_topic('privacy_topic_id', 'privacy_topic.title', "privacy_topic.body", nil, staff, "privacy policy") end if seed_welcome_topics puts "Seeding welcome topics" PostCreator.create(Discourse.system_user, raw: I18n.t('assets_topic_body'), title: "Assets for the site design", skip_validations: true, category: staff ? : nil) welcome = + 'docs/') post = PostCreator.create(Discourse.system_user, raw: welcome, title: "Welcome to Discourse", skip_validations: true) post.topic.update_pinned(true, true) lounge = Category.find_by(id: SiteSetting.lounge_category_id) if lounge post = PostCreator.create(Discourse.system_user, raw: I18n.t('lounge_welcome.body'), title: I18n.t('lounge_welcome.title'), skip_validations: true, category: post.topic.update_pinned(true) end filename = DiscoursePluginRegistry.seed_data["admin_quick_start_filename"] if filename.nil? || !File.exists?(filename) filename = Rails.root + 'docs/' end welcome = PostCreator.create( Discourse.system_user, raw: welcome, title: DiscoursePluginRegistry.seed_data["admin_quick_start_title"] || "READ ME FIRST: Admin Quick Start Guide", skip_validations: true, category: staff ? : nil) end # run this later, cause we need to make sure new application controller resilience is in place first duration = Rails.env.production? ? 60 : 0 if Topic.exec_sql("SELECT 1 FROM schema_migration_details WHERE EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_name = 'topics' AND column_name = 'inappropriate_count' ) AND name = 'AddTopicColumnsBack' AND created_at < (current_timestamp at time zone 'UTC' - interval '#{duration} minutes') ").to_a.length > 0 Topic.transaction do STDERR.puts "Removing superflous topic columns!" %w[ inappropriate_count bookmark_count off_topic_count illegal_count notify_user_count ].each do |column| User.exec_sql("ALTER TABLE topics DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS #{column}") end end end