# WARNING: Never edit this file. # It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Crowdin. # # To work with us on translations, join this project: # https://translate.discourse.org/ zh_CN: admin_js: admin: site_settings: categories: chat: 聊天 js: admin: site_settings: chat_separate_sidebar_mode: always: "始终" fullscreen: "当全屏聊天时" never: "永不" logs: staff_actions: actions: chat_channel_status_change: "聊天频道状态已更改" chat_channel_delete: "聊天频道已删除" chat_auto_remove_membership: "成员资格已从频道自动移除" api: scopes: descriptions: chat: create_message: "在指定频道创建聊天消息。" web_hooks: chat_event: group_name: "聊天事件" chat_message_created: "消息被创建" chat_message_edited: "消息被编辑" chat_message_trashed: "消息被删除" chat_message_restored: "消息被恢复" about: chat_messages_count: "聊天消息" chat_channels_count: "聊天频道" chat_users_count: "聊天用户" chat: text_copied: 文本已复制到剪贴板 link_copied: 链接已复制到剪贴板 back_to_forum: "论坛" deleted_chat_username: 已删除 dates: yesterday: "昨天" time_tiny: "h:mm" all_loaded: "显示所有消息" already_enabled: "此话题已启用聊天。请刷新。" disabled_for_topic: "此话题已禁用聊天。" bot: "机器人" create: "创建" cancel: "取消" cancel_reply: "取消回复" chat_channels: "频道" browse_all_channels: "浏览所有频道" move_to_channel: title: "将消息移至频道" instructions: other: "您正在移动 %{count} 条消息。选择目标频道。将在 %{channelTitle} 频道中创建占位符消息,以表明这些消息已被移动。请注意,新频道中不会保留回复链,旧频道中的消息将不再显示为回复任何移动的消息。" confirm_move: "移动消息" channel_settings: title: "频道设置" edit: "编辑" add: "添加" close_channel: "关闭频道" open_channel: "打开频道" archive_channel: "归档频道" delete_channel: "删除频道" join_channel: "加入频道" leave_channel: "离开频道" leave_groupchat_info: "离开此群组聊天后,您将无法再访问它,也不会收到与之相关的通知。要重新加入,需要群组聊天成员再次向您发送邀请。" join: "加入" leave: "离开" save_label: mute_channel: "将频道设为免打扰偏好设置已保存" desktop_notification: "桌面通知偏好设置已保存" mobile_notification: "移动推送通知偏好设置已保存" channel_archive: title: "归档频道" instructions: "



" process_started: "归档过程已经开始。此对话框将很快关闭,当归档过程完成后,您会收到一条个人消息。" retry: "重试" channel_open: title: "打开频道" instructions: "重新打开频道,所有用户将能够发送消息和编辑他们现有的消息。" channel_close: title: "关闭频道" instructions: "关闭该频道会阻止非管理人员用户发送新消息或编辑现有消息。确定要关闭此频道吗?" channel_delete: title: "删除频道" instructions: "

删除 %{name} 频道和聊天历史记录。所有消息和相关数据,例如回应和上传,将被永久删除。如果您希望保留频道历史记录,并将其停用,您可能需要归档频道。


" confirm: "我明白后果,删除频道" confirm_channel_name: "输入频道名称" process_started: "删除频道的过程已经开始。此对话框将很快关闭,您将无法再查看被删除的频道。" channels_list_popup: browse: "浏览频道" create: "新建频道" click_to_join: "点击此处查看可用频道。" close: "关闭" remove: "移除" collapse: "收起聊天抽屉" expand: "展开聊天栏" confirm_flag: "确定要举报 %{username} 的消息吗?" deleted: other: "%{count} 条消息已被删除。[查看全部]" hidden: "一条消息已被隐藏。[查看]" delete: "删除" edited: "已编辑" muted: "已设为免打扰" joined: "已加入" empty_state: direct_message_cta: "开始个人聊天" direct_message: "您还可以与一位或多位用户开始个人聊天。" title: "找不到频道" my_threads: "你还没有任何对话。你参与的主题将在此处显示。" email_frequency: description: "只有在过去 15 分钟内没有见到您,我们才会给您发送电子邮件。" never: "永不" title: "电子邮件通知" when_away: "仅在离开时" header_indicator_preference: title: "在标题中显示活动指示器" all_new: "所有新消息" dm_and_mentions: "直接消息和提及" only_mentions: "仅限提及" never: "永不" separate_sidebar_mode: title: "为论坛和聊天显示单独的边栏模式" enable: "启用聊天" flag: "举报" emoji: "插入表情符号" flagged: "此消息已被举报,等待审核" invalid_access: "您无权查看此聊天频道" invitation_notification: "%{username} 邀请您加入一个聊天频道" in_reply_to: "回复" heading: "聊天" join: "加入" last_visit: "上次访问" summarization: title: "总结消息" description: "选择以下选项,以总结在所需时间范围内发送的对话。" summarize: "总结" since: other: "过去 %{count} 小时" mention_warning: invitations_sent: other: "已发送邀请" invite: "邀请加入频道" channel_wide_mentions_disallowed: "@here 和 @all 提及在此频道中被禁用。" groups: header: some: "某些用户不会收到通知" all: "任何人都不会收到通知" unreachable_1: "%{group} 不允许提及。" unreachable_2: "@%{group1} 和 @%{group2} 不允许提及。" unreachable_multiple: other: "@%{group} 和其他 %{count} 个群组不允许提及。" too_many_members_MF: | { groupCount, plural, =1 { { isAdmin, select, true { { notificationLimit, plural, one {提及 @{group1} 超出了 # 个用户的通知限制。} other {提及 @{group1} 超出了 # 个用户的通知限制。} } } false { { notificationLimit, plural, one {提及 @{group1} 超出了 # 个用户的通知限制。} other {提及 @{group1} 超出了 # 个用户的通知限制。} } } other {} } } =2 { { isAdmin, select, true { { notificationLimit, plural, one {提及 @{group1} 和 @{group2} 超出了 # 个用户的通知限制。} other {提及 @{group1} 和 @{group2} 超出了 # 个用户的通知限制。} } } false { { notificationLimit, plural, one {提及 @{group1} 和 @{group2} 超出了 # 个用户的通知限制。} other {提及 @{group1} 和 @{group2} 超出了 # 个用户的通知限制。} } } other {} } } other { { isAdmin, select, true { { notificationLimit, plural, one {提及这 {groupCount} 个群组超出了 # 个用户的通知限制。} other {提及这 {groupCount} 个群组超出了 # 个用户的通知限制。} } } false { { notificationLimit, plural, one {提及这 {groupCount} 个群组超出了 # 个用户的通知限制。} other {提及这 {groupCount} 个群组超出了 # 个用户的通知限制。} } } other {} } } } too_many_mentions: other: "此消息超出了 %{count} 个提及的通知限制。" too_many_mentions_admin: other: '此消息超出了 %{count} 个提及的通知限制。' aria_roles: header: "聊天标题" composer: "聊天输入框" channels_list: "聊天频道列表" no_direct_message_channels: "你还没有加入任何私信渠道。" no_public_channels: "您还没有加入任何频道。" kicked_from_channel: "您无法再访问此频道。" only_chat_push_notifications: title: "只发送聊天推送通知" description: "阻止发送所有非聊天推送通知" ignore_channel_wide_mention: title: "忽略频道范围内的提及" description: "不发送频道范围内提及(@here 和 @all)的通知" open: "打开聊天" open_full_page: "打开全屏聊天" close_full_page: "关闭全屏聊天" open_message: "在聊天中打开消息" placeholder_self: "做些记录" placeholder_channel: "在 %{channelName} 中聊天" placeholder_thread: "在对话中聊天" placeholder_users: "与 %{commaSeparatedNames} 聊天" placeholder_new_message_disallowed: archived: "频道已归档,您现在无法发送新消息。" closed: "频道已关闭,您现在无法发送新消息。" read_only: "频道为只读,您现在无法发送新消息。" placeholder_silenced: "您目前无法发送消息。" remove_upload: "移除文件" react: "使用表情符号回复" reply: "回复" edit: "编辑" copy_link: "复制链接" copy_text: "复制文本" rebake_message: "重建 HTML" retry_staged_message: title: "网络错误" action: "重新发送?" unreliable_network: "网络不稳定,发送消息和保存草稿可能无法正常工作" bookmark_message: "书签" bookmark_message_edit: "编辑书签" restore: "恢复已删除的消息" save: "保存" select: "选择" return_to_list: "返回频道列表" return_to_channel: "返回频道" return_to_threads_list: "返回对话列表" unread_threads_count: other: "您有 %{count} 条未读讨论" scroll_to_bottom: "滚动到底部" scroll_to_new_messages: "查看新消息" sound: title: "桌面聊天通知声音" sounds: none: "无" bell: "钟声" ding: "叮叮" title: "聊天" title_capitalized: "聊天" upload: "附加文件" upload_to_channel: "上传到 %{title}" upload_to_thread: "上传到对话" uploaded_files: other: "%{count} 个文件" you_flagged: "您已举报此消息" exit: "返回" channel_status: read_only_header: "频道为只读" read_only: "只读" archived_header: "频道已被归档" archived: "已归档" archive_failed: "频道归档失败。%{completed}/%{total} 条消息已归档。目标话题已创建。按重试以尝试完成归档。" archive_failed_no_topic: "频道归档失败。%{completed}/%{total} 条消息已归档。目标话题未创建。按重试以尝试完成归档。" archive_completed: "请参阅归档话题" closed_header: "频道已被关闭" closed: "已关闭" open_header: "频道处于开放状态" open: "开放" browse: back: "返回" title: 频道 filter_all: 所有 filter_open: 已打开 filter_closed: 已关闭 filter_archived: 已归档 filter_input_placeholder: 按名称搜索频道 chat_message_separator: today: 今天 yesterday: 昨天 members_view: filter_placeholder: 查找成员 add_member: 添加成员 back_to_settings: "返回设置" about_view: associated_topic: 链接的话题 associated_category: 链接的类别 title: 标题 name: 名称 description: 描述 channel_info: back_to_all_channels: "所有频道" back_to_channel: "返回" tabs: members: 成员 settings: 设置 new_message_modal: title: 发送消息 add_user_long: shift + 点击shift + enter添加 @%{username} add_user_short: 添加用户 open_channel: 打开频道 default_search_placeholder: "#一个频道、@ 某人或任何内容" default_channel_search_placeholder: "#一个频道" default_user_search_placeholder: "@ 某人" user_search_placeholder: "…添加更多成员" disabled_user: "已禁用聊天" no_items: "无条目" create_group_placeholder: "群组聊天名称(可选)" participants_counter: "%{selection_count}/%{max} 参与者" new_group_chat: "新建群组聊天" filter: "筛选" cant_add_more_members: "已达到最大成员数" create_new_group_chat: "创建群组聊天" group_with_too_many_members: "成员过多 (%{membersCount})" channel_edit_name_slug_modal: title: 编辑频道 input_placeholder: 添加名称 slug_description: 在 URL 中使用频道缩略名而不是频道名称 name: 频道名称 slug: 频道缩略名(可选) channel_edit_description_modal: title: 编辑描述 input_placeholder: 添加描述 description: 告诉人们这个频道的主题 direct_message_creator: add_to_channel: "添加到频道" title: 新消息 prefix: "至:" no_results: 没有结果 selected_user_title: "取消选择 %{username}" group_name: "群组聊天名称(可选)" members_counter: other: "%{count}/%{max} 成员" channel: no_memberships: 此频道没有成员 no_memberships_found: 找不到成员 memberships_count: other: "%{count} 个成员" create_channel: threading: label: "启用整理" auto_join_users: public_category_warning: "%{category}是公共类别。是否自动将所有最近活跃的用户添加到此频道?" warning_1_group: other: "自动添加来自 %{group} 的 %{count} 个用户?" warning_2_groups: other: "自动从 %{group1} 和 %{group2} 添加 %{count} 个用户?" warning_multiple_groups_MF: | { groupCount, plural, other { { userCount, plural, other {是否自动添加 {userCount} 个来自 {groupName} 和其他 {groupCount} 个群组的用户?} } } } choose_category: label: "选择一个类别" none: "选择一个…" default_hint: 访问%{category}安全设置管理访问权限 hint_1_group: '%{group} 中的用户将根据安全设置访问此频道' hint_2_groups: '%{group1} 和 %{group2} 中的用户将根据安全设置访问此频道' hint_multiple_groups: other: '%{group} 和其他 %{count} 个群组中的用户将根据安全访问此频道' create: "创建频道" description: "描述(可选)" name: "频道名称" slug: "频道缩略名(可选)" title: "新建频道" type: "类型" types: category: "类别" topic: "话题" reviewable: type: "聊天消息" reactions: only_you: "您回应了 :%{emoji}:" you_and_single_user: "您和 %{username} 回应了 :%{emoji}:" you_and_multiple_users: "您、%{commaSeparatedUsernames} 和 %{username} 回应了 :%{emoji}:" you_multiple_users_and_more: other: "您、%{commaSeparatedUsernames} 和其他 %{count} 人回应了 :%{emoji}:" single_user: "%{username} 回应了 :%{emoji}:" multiple_users: "%{commaSeparatedUsernames} 和 %{username} 回应了 :%{emoji}:" multiple_users_and_more: other: "%{commaSeparatedUsernames} 和其他 %{count} 人回应了 :%{emoji}:" composer: toggle_toolbar: "切换工具栏" italic_text: "斜体" bold_text: "粗体" code_text: "代码文本" send: "发送" quote: original_channel: '最初在%{channel}中发送。' copy_success: "聊天引用已复制到剪贴板" default_thread_title: "对话" notification_levels: never: "永不" mention: "仅限提及" always: "所有活动" settings: channel_wide_mentions_label: "允许 @all 和 @here 提及" channel_wide_mentions_description: "允许用户使用 @all 通知#%{channel} 的所有成员,或仅使用 @here 通知当前活跃的成员" channel_threading_label: "整理" channel_threading_description: "启用整理后,对聊天消息的回复将创建一个单独的对话,该对话将与主频道并存。" auto_join_users_label: "自动添加用户" auto_join_users_info: "每小时检查哪些用户在过去 3 个月中活跃。如果他们可以访问%{category}类别,请将其添加到此频道。" auto_join_users_info_no_category: "每小时检查哪些用户在过去 3 个月中活跃。如果他们可以访问所选类别,请将其添加到此频道。" auto_join_users_warning: "所有不是此频道成员且有权访问“%{category}”类别的用户都将加入。确定吗?" desktop_notification_level: "桌面通知" follow: "加入" followed: "已加入" mobile_notification_level: "移动推送通知" mute: "将频道设为免打扰" threading_enabled: "已启用" threading_disabled: "已禁用" muted_on: "开" muted_off: "关" notifications: "通知" preview: "预览" save: "保存" saved: "已保存" unfollow: "离开" admin_title: "管理员" settings_title: "设置" info_title: "频道信息" category_label: "类别" history_label: "历史记录" members_label: "成员" admin: title: "聊天" export_messages: title: "导出聊天消息" description: "这将导出所有频道的所有消息。" create_export: "创建导出" export_has_started: "导出已开始。导出完成后,您将收到一条私信。" my_threads: title: 我的对话 aria_label: "切换到我的对话列表" direct_messages: title: "私信" aria_label: "切换到私信" new: "创建个人聊天" create: "开始" leave: "离开此个人聊天" close: "关闭此个人聊天" cannot_create: "抱歉,您无法发送直接消息。" channel_list: title: "频道" aria_label: "切换到频道列表" incoming_webhooks: back: "返回" channel_placeholder: "选择一个频道" confirm_destroy: "确定要删除此传入网络钩子吗?此操作无法撤消。" current_emoji: "当前表情符号" description: "描述" delete: "删除" emoji: "表情符号" emoji_instructions: "如果表情符号留空,将使用系统头像。" name: "名称" name_placeholder: "名称…" new: "新的传入网络钩子" none: "未创建现有的传入网络钩子。" no_emoji: "未选择表情符号" post_to: "发布到" reset_emoji: "重置表情符号" save: "保存" edit: "编辑" select_emoji: "选择表情符号" system: "系统" title: "传入网络钩子" url: "URL" url_instructions: "此 URL 包含一个秘密值 - 请安全保管。" username: "用户名" username_instructions: "发布到频道的机器人的用户名。留空时默认为“系统”。" instructions: "外部系统可以使用传入网络钩子以机器人用户身份通过 /hooks/:key 端点将消息发布到指定的聊天频道。有效负荷由单个 text 参数组成,限制为 2000 个字符。

我们还支持有限 Slack 格式的 text 参数以及基于 https://api.slack.com/reference/surfaces/formatting 中的格式提取链接和提及,但是必须为此使用 /hooks/:key/slack 端点。" selection: cancel: "取消" quote_selection: "话题中的引用" copy: "复制" move_selection_to_channel: "移至频道" error: "移动聊天消息时出错" title: "将聊天移动到话题" new_topic: title: "移动到新话题" instructions: other: "您将创建一个新话题并使用您选择的 %{count} 条聊天消息进行填充。" instructions_channel_archive: "您将要创建一个新话题并将频道消息归档到该话题。" existing_topic: title: "移动到现有话题" instructions: other: "请选择您要将这 %{count} 条聊天消息移动到的话题。" instructions_channel_archive: "请选择您要将频道消息归档到的话题。" new_message: title: "移动到新消息" instructions: other: "您将创建一条新消息并使用您选择的 %{count} 条聊天消息进行填充。" replying_indicator: single_user: "%{username} 正在输入" multiple_users: "%{commaSeparatedUsernames} 和 %{lastUsername} 正在输入" many_users: other: "%{commaSeparatedUsernames} 和其他 %{count} 人正在输入" retention_reminders: indefinitely_short: "无限期" indefinitely_long: "聊天设置已被设置为无限期保留频道消息。" short: other: "%{count} 天" long: other: "聊天设置已被设置为将频道消息保留 %{count} 天。" flags: off_topic: "此消息与频道标题定义的当前讨论无关,可能应当移至其他地方。" inappropriate: "此消息包含理性的人会认为具有攻击性、辱骂性或违反我们的社区准则的内容。" spam: "此消息是广告或破坏行为。它对当前频道没有用,也不相关。" notify_user: "我想亲自直接与此人谈谈他们的消息。" notify_moderators: "由于上面未列出的另一个原因,此消息需要管理人员加以注意。" flagging: action: "举报消息" emoji_picker: favorites: "常用" smileys_&_emotion: "笑脸和情感" objects: "物体" people_&_body: "人和身体" travel_&_places: "旅行和地点" animals_&_nature: "动物和自然" food_&_drink: "食品和饮料" activities: "活动" flags: "旗帜" symbols: "符号" search_placeholder: "按表情符号名称和别名搜索…" no_results: "没有结果" thread: title: "标题" view_thread: 查看对话 replies: other: "%{count} 个回复" label: 对话 close: "关闭对话" original_message: started_by: "发起人" settings: "设置" last_reply: "最后回复" notifications: regular: title: "正常" description: "如果其他人在此对话中提及 (@) 您的名字,您将收到通知。" tracking: title: "跟踪" description: "此对话将在对话列表和频道中显示的新回复数。如果其他人在此对话中提及 (@) 您的名字,您将收到通知。" participants_other_count: other: "+%{count}" threads: open: "打开对话" list: "对话" none: "您没有参与此频道中的任何对话。" draft_channel_screen: header: "新消息" cancel: "取消" notifications: chat_invitation: "邀请您加入聊天频道" chat_invitation_html: "%{username} 邀请您加入一个聊天频道" chat_quoted: "%{username} %{description}" popup: chat_mention: direct: '在“%{channel}”中提及您' direct_html: '%{username} 在“%{channel}”中提及您' other_plain: '在“%{channel}”中提及“%{identifier}”' other_html: '%{username} 在“%{channel}”中提及“%{identifier}”' direct_message_chat_mention: direct: "在个人聊天中提及您" direct_html: "%{username} 在个人聊天中提及您" other_plain: "在个人聊天中提及“%{identifier}”" other_html: "%{username} 在个人聊天中提及“%{identifier}”" chat_message: "新的聊天消息" chat_quoted: "%{username} 引用了您的聊天消息" titles: chat_mention: "聊天提及" chat_invitation: "聊天邀请" chat_quoted: "已引用聊天" action_codes: chat: enabled: '%{who} 于 %{when} 启用了' disabled: "%{who} 于 %{when} 关闭了聊天" discourse_automation: scriptables: send_chat_message: title: 发送聊天消息 fields: chat_channel_id: label: 聊天频道 ID message: label: 发送私信 sender: label: 发送人 description: 默认为“系统” review: transcript: view: "查看以前的消息副本" types: chat_reviewable_message: title: "被举报的聊天消息" reviewable_chat_message: title: "被举报的聊天消息" noun: "聊天消息" keyboard_shortcuts_help: chat: title: "聊天" keyboard_shortcuts: switch_channel_arrows: "%{shortcut} 切换频道" open_quick_channel_selector: "%{shortcut} 打开快速频道选择器" open_insert_link_modal: "%{shortcut} 插入超链接(仅输入框)" composer_bold: "%{shortcut} 粗体(仅输入框)" composer_italic: "%{shortcut} 斜体(仅输入框)" composer_code: "%{shortcut} 代码(仅输入框)" drawer_open: "%{shortcut} 打开聊天抽屉" drawer_close: "%{shortcut} 关闭聊天抽屉" mark_all_channels_read: "%{shortcut} 将所有频道标记为已读" topic_statuses: chat: help: "已为此话题启用聊天" user: allow_private_messages: "允许其他用户向我发送个人消息和聊天直接消息" muted_users_instructions: "禁止来自这些用户的所有通知、个人消息和聊天直接消息。" allowed_pm_users_instructions: "仅允许来自这些用户的个人消息或聊天直接消息。" allow_private_messages_from_specific_users: "只允许特定用户向我发送个人消息或聊天直接消息" ignored_users_instructions: "禁止来自这些用户的所有帖子、消息、通知、个人消息和聊天直接消息。" user_menu: no_chat_notifications_title: "您还没有任何聊天通知" no_chat_notifications_body: > 当有人在聊天中直接向您发送消息或提及 (@) 您时,您将在此面板中收到通知。当您有一段时间没有登录时,通知也会发送到您的电子邮件。

点击任何聊天频道顶部的标题以配置您在该频道中接收的通知。有关详情,请参阅您的通知偏好设置。 tabs: chat_notifications: "聊天通知" chat_notifications_with_unread: other: "聊天通知 - %{count} 个未读通知" styleguide: sections: chat: title: 聊天 sidebar: panels: chat: label: "聊天"