"use strict"; const express = require("express"); const cleanBaseURL = require("clean-base-url"); const path = require("path"); const fs = require("fs"); const fsPromises = fs.promises; const { Buffer } = require("node:buffer"); const { env } = require("node:process"); const { glob } = require("glob"); const { HTMLRewriter } = require("html-rewriter-wasm"); async function listDistAssets(outputPath) { const files = await glob("**/*.js", { nodir: true, cwd: `${outputPath}/assets`, }); return new Set(files); } function updateScriptReferences({ chunkInfos, rewriter, selector, attribute, baseURL, distAssets, }) { const handledEntrypoints = new Set(); rewriter.on(selector, { element(element) { const entrypointName = element.getAttribute("data-discourse-entrypoint"); if (handledEntrypoints.has(entrypointName)) { element.remove(); return; } let chunks = chunkInfos[`assets/${entrypointName}.js`]?.assets; if (!chunks) { if (distAssets.has(`${entrypointName}.js`)) { chunks = [`assets/${entrypointName}.js`]; } else if (entrypointName === "vendor") { // support embroider-fingerprinted vendor when running with `-prod` flag const vendorFilename = [...distAssets].find((key) => key.startsWith("vendor.") ); chunks = [`assets/${vendorFilename}`]; } else { // Not an ember-cli asset, do not rewrite return; } } const newElements = chunks.map((chunk) => { let newElement = `<${element.tagName}`; for (const [attr, value] of element.attributes) { if (attr === attribute) { newElement += ` ${attribute}="${baseURL}${chunk}"`; } else if (value === "") { newElement += ` ${attr}`; } else { newElement += ` ${attr}="${value}"`; } } newElement += ` data-ember-cli-rewritten="true"`; newElement += `>`; if (element.tagName === "script") { newElement += ``; } return newElement; }); if ( entrypointName === "discourse" && element.tagName.toLowerCase() === "script" ) { let nonce = ""; for (const [attr, value] of element.attributes) { if (attr === "nonce") { nonce = value; break; } } if (!nonce) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error( "Expected to find a nonce= attribute on the main discourse script tag, but none was found. ember-cli-live-reload may not work correctly." ); } newElements.unshift( `` ); } element.replace(newElements.join("\n"), { html: true }); handledEntrypoints.add(entrypointName); }, }); } async function handleRequest(proxy, baseURL, req, res, outputPath) { // x-forwarded-host is used in e.g. GitHub CodeSpaces let originalHost = req.headers["x-forwarded-host"] || req.headers.host; if (env["FORWARD_HOST"] === "true") { if (/^localhost(\:|$)/.test(originalHost)) { // Can't access default site in multisite via "localhost", redirect to res.redirect( 307, `http://${originalHost.replace("localhost", "")}${req.path}` ); return; } else { req.headers.host = originalHost; } } else { req.headers.host = new URL(proxy).host; } if (req.headers["Origin"]) { req.headers["Origin"] = req.headers["Origin"] .replace(req.headers.host, originalHost) .replace(/^https/, "http"); } if (req.headers["Referer"]) { req.headers["Referer"] = req.headers["Referer"] .replace(req.headers.host, originalHost) .replace(/^https/, "http"); } let url = `${proxy}${req.path}`; const queryLoc = req.url.indexOf("?"); if (queryLoc !== -1) { url += req.url.slice(queryLoc); } if (req.method === "GET") { req.headers["X-Discourse-Ember-CLI"] = "true"; } const { default: fetch } = await import("node-fetch"); const response = await fetch(url, { method: req.method, body: /GET|HEAD/.test(req.method) ? null : req.body, headers: req.headers, redirect: "manual", }); response.headers.forEach((value, header) => { if (header === "set-cookie") { // Special handling to get array of multiple Set-Cookie header values // per https://github.com/node-fetch/node-fetch/issues/251#issuecomment-428143940 res.set("set-cookie", response.headers.raw()["set-cookie"]); } else { res.set(header, value); } }); res.set("content-encoding", null); const location = response.headers.get("location"); if (location) { const newLocation = location.replace(proxy, `http://${originalHost}`); res.set("location", newLocation); } const contentType = response.headers.get("content-type"); const isHTML = contentType?.startsWith("text/html"); res.status(response.status); if (isHTML) { const [responseText, chunkInfoText, distAssets] = await Promise.all([ response.text(), fsPromises.readFile(`${outputPath}/assets.json`, "utf-8"), listDistAssets(outputPath), ]); const chunkInfos = JSON.parse(chunkInfoText); const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const decoder = new TextDecoder(); let output = ""; const rewriter = new HTMLRewriter((outputChunk) => { output += decoder.decode(outputChunk); }); updateScriptReferences({ chunkInfos, rewriter, selector: "script[data-discourse-entrypoint]", attribute: "src", baseURL, distAssets, }); updateScriptReferences({ chunkInfos, rewriter, selector: "link[rel=preload][data-discourse-entrypoint]", attribute: "href", baseURL, distAssets, }); try { await rewriter.write(encoder.encode(responseText)); await rewriter.end(); } finally { rewriter.free(); } res.send(output); } else { res.send(Buffer.from(await response.arrayBuffer())); } } module.exports = { name: require("./package").name, isDevelopingAddon() { return true; }, serverMiddleware(config) { const app = config.app; let { proxy, rootURL, baseURL } = config.options; const outputPath = config.options.path ?? config.options.outputPath; if (!proxy) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error(` Discourse can't be run without a \`--proxy\` setting, because it needs a Rails application to serve API requests. For example: yarn run ember serve --proxy "http://localhost:3000"\n`); throw "--proxy argument is required"; } baseURL = rootURL === "" ? "/" : cleanBaseURL(rootURL || baseURL); const rawMiddleware = express.raw({ type: () => true, limit: "100mb" }); const pathRestrictedRawMiddleware = (req, res, next) => { if (this.shouldHandleRequest(req, baseURL)) { return rawMiddleware(req, res, next); } else { return next(); } }; app.use( "/favicon.ico", express.static( path.join( __dirname, "../../../../../../public/images/discourse-logo-sketch-small.png" ) ) ); app.use(pathRestrictedRawMiddleware, async (req, res, next) => { try { if (this.shouldHandleRequest(req, baseURL)) { await handleRequest(proxy, baseURL, req, res, outputPath); } else { // Fixes issues when using e.g. "localhost" instead of loopback IP address req.headers.host = ""; } } catch (error) { res.send(`

Discourse Ember CLI Proxy Error

`); } finally { if (!res.headersSent) { next(); } } }); }, shouldHandleRequest(request, baseURL) { if ( [ `${baseURL}tests/index.html`, `${baseURL}ember-cli-live-reload.js`, `${baseURL}testem.js`, `${baseURL}assets/test-i18n.js`, ].includes(request.path) ) { return false; } // All JS assets are served by Ember CLI, except for // plugin assets which end in _extra.js if ( request.path.startsWith(`${baseURL}assets/`) && !request.path.endsWith("_extra.js") ) { return false; } if (request.path.startsWith(`${baseURL}_lr/`)) { return false; } if (request.path.startsWith(`${baseURL}message-bus/`)) { return false; } return true; }, };