# frozen_string_literal: true require "seed_data/topics" RSpec.describe SeedData::Topics do subject(:seeder) { SeedData::Topics.with_default_locale } before do general_category = Fabricate(:category, name: "General") SiteSetting.general_category_id = general_category.id end def create_topic(name = "welcome_topic_id") seeder.create(site_setting_names: [name], include_legal_topics: true) end describe "#create" do it "creates a missing topic" do expect { create_topic }.to change { Topic.count }.by(1).and change { Post.count }.by(1) topic = Topic.last expect(topic.title).to eq( I18n.t("discourse_welcome_topic.title", site_title: SiteSetting.title), ) expect(topic.first_post.raw).to eq( I18n.t( "discourse_welcome_topic.body", base_path: Discourse.base_path, site_title: SiteSetting.title, site_description: SiteSetting.site_description, site_info_quote: "", ).rstrip, ) expect(topic.category_id).to eq(SiteSetting.general_category_id) expect(topic.user_id).to eq(Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID) expect(topic.pinned_globally).to eq(true) expect(topic.pinned_at).to be_present expect(topic.pinned_until).to be_nil expect(SiteSetting.welcome_topic_id).to eq(topic.id) end it "creates a missing topic and a reply when `static_first_reply` is true" do staff_category = Fabricate(:category, name: "Staff") SiteSetting.staff_category_id = staff_category.id expect { create_topic("privacy_topic_id") }.to change { Topic.count }.by(1).and change { Post.count }.by(2) topic = Topic.last expect(topic.category_id).to eq(SiteSetting.staff_category_id) expect(topic.posts_count).to eq(2) expect(topic.pinned_globally).to eq(false) expect(topic.pinned_at).to be_nil expect(topic.pinned_until).to be_nil post = Post.last expect(post.topic_id).to eq(topic.id) expect(post.user_id).to eq(Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID) expect(post.raw).to eq(I18n.t("static_topic_first_reply", page_name: topic.title).rstrip) end it "does not create a topic when it already exists" do topic = Fabricate(:topic) SiteSetting.welcome_topic_id = topic.id expect { create_topic }.to_not change { Topic.count } end it "does not create a topic when the site setting points to non-existent topic" do SiteSetting.welcome_topic_id = (Topic.maximum(:id) || 0) + 1 expect { create_topic }.to_not change { Topic.count } end it "does not create a legal topic if company_name is not set" do seeder.create(site_setting_names: ["tos_topic_id"]) expect(SiteSetting.tos_topic_id).to eq(-1) end it "creates a welcome topic without site title" do SiteSetting.title = "My Awesome Community" SiteSetting.site_description = "" create_topic post = Post.find_by(topic_id: SiteSetting.welcome_topic_id, post_number: 1) expect(post.raw).not_to include("> ## My Awesome Community") end it "creates a welcome topic with site title and description" do SiteSetting.title = "My Awesome Community" SiteSetting.site_description = "The best community" create_topic post = Post.find_by(topic_id: SiteSetting.welcome_topic_id, post_number: 1) expect(post.raw).to include("> ## My Awesome Community") expect(post.raw).to include("> The best community") end it "creates a legal topic if company_name is set" do SiteSetting.company_name = "Company Name" seeder.create(site_setting_names: ["tos_topic_id"]) expect(SiteSetting.tos_topic_id).to_not eq(-1) end end describe "#update" do def update_topic(name = "welcome_topic_id", skip_changed: false) seeder.update(site_setting_names: [name], skip_changed: skip_changed) end it "updates the changed topic" do create_topic topic = Topic.last topic.update!(title: "New topic title") topic.first_post.revise(Discourse.system_user, raw: "New text of first post.") update_topic topic.reload expect(topic.title).to eq( I18n.t("discourse_welcome_topic.title", site_title: SiteSetting.title), ) expect(topic.first_post.raw).to eq( I18n.t( "discourse_welcome_topic.body", base_path: Discourse.base_path, site_title: SiteSetting.title, site_description: SiteSetting.site_description, site_info_quote: "", ).rstrip, ) end it "updates an existing first reply when `static_first_reply` is true" do create_topic("privacy_topic_id") post = Post.last post.revise(Discourse.system_user, raw: "New text of first reply.") update_topic("privacy_topic_id") post.reload expect(post.raw).to eq( I18n.t("static_topic_first_reply", page_name: I18n.t("privacy_topic.title")).rstrip, ) end it "does not update a change topic and `skip_changed` is true" do create_topic topic = Topic.last topic.update!(title: "New topic title") topic.first_post.revise(Fabricate(:admin), raw: "New text of first post.") update_topic(skip_changed: true) expect(topic.title).to eq("New topic title") expect(topic.first_post.raw).to eq("New text of first post.") end end describe "#delete" do def delete_topic(name = "welcome_topic_id", skip_changed: false) seeder.delete(site_setting_names: [name], skip_changed: skip_changed) end it "deletes the topic" do create_topic topic = Topic.last expect { delete_topic }.to change { Topic.count }.by(-1) end it "does not delete the topic if changed" do create_topic topic = Topic.last topic.first_post.revise(Fabricate(:admin), raw: "New text of first post.") expect { delete_topic(skip_changed: true) }.not_to change { Topic.count } end end describe "#reseed_options" do it "returns only existing topics as options" do create_topic("guidelines_topic_id") create_topic("welcome_topic_id") Post.last.revise(Fabricate(:admin), title: "Changed Topic Title", raw: "Hello world") expected_options = [ { id: "guidelines_topic_id", name: I18n.t("guidelines_topic.title"), selected: true }, { id: "welcome_topic_id", name: "Changed Topic Title", selected: false }, ] expect(seeder.reseed_options).to eq(expected_options) end end end