import { h } from "virtual-dom"; import { isDevelopment } from "discourse-common/config/environment"; import attributeHook from "discourse-common/lib/attribute-hook"; import deprecated from "discourse-common/lib/deprecated"; import escape from "discourse-common/lib/escape"; import I18n from "discourse-i18n"; const SVG_NAMESPACE = ""; let _renderers = []; let warnMissingIcons = true; let _iconList; export const REPLACEMENTS = { "d-tracking": "bell", "d-muted": "discourse-bell-slash", "d-regular": "far-bell", "d-watching": "discourse-bell-exclamation", "d-watching-first": "discourse-bell-one", "d-drop-expanded": "caret-down", "d-drop-collapsed": "caret-right", "d-unliked": "far-heart", "d-liked": "heart", "d-post-share": "link", "d-topic-share": "link", "notification.mentioned": "at", "notification.group_mentioned": "users", "notification.quoted": "quote-right", "notification.replied": "reply", "notification.posted": "discourse-bell-exclamation", "notification.watching_category_or_tag": "discourse-bell-exclamation", "notification.edited": "pencil-alt", "notification.bookmark_reminder": "discourse-bookmark-clock", "notification.liked": "heart", "notification.liked_2": "heart", "notification.liked_many": "heart", "notification.liked_consolidated": "heart", "notification.private_message": "envelope", "notification.invited_to_private_message": "envelope", "notification.invited_to_topic": "hand-point-right", "notification.invitee_accepted": "user", "notification.moved_post": "sign-out-alt", "notification.linked": "link", "notification.granted_badge": "certificate", "notification.topic_reminder": "far-clock", "notification.watching_first_post": "discourse-bell-one", "notification.group_message_summary": "users", "notification.post_approved": "check", "notification.membership_request_accepted": "user-plus", "notification.membership_request_consolidated": "users", "notification.reaction": "bell", "notification.votes_released": "plus", "notification.chat_quoted": "quote-right", }; export function replaceIcon(source, destination) { REPLACEMENTS[source] = destination; } export function disableMissingIconWarning() { warnMissingIcons = false; } export function enableMissingIconWarning() { warnMissingIcons = false; } export function renderIcon(renderType, id, params) { params ||= {}; for (const renderer of _renderers) { const rendererForType = renderer[renderType]; if (!rendererForType) { continue; } const icon = { id, replacementId: REPLACEMENTS[id] }; const result = rendererForType(icon, params); if (result) { return result; } } } export function iconHTML(id, params) { return renderIcon("string", id, params); } export function iconNode(id, params) { return renderIcon("node", id, params); } export function convertIconClass(icon) { return icon .replace("far fa-", "far-") .replace("fab fa-", "fab-") .replace("fas fa-", "") .replace("fa-", "") .trim(); } export function registerIconRenderer(renderer) { _renderers.unshift(renderer); } function iconClasses(icon, params) { // "notification." is invalid syntax for classes, use replacement instead const dClass = icon.replacementId &&"notification.") ? icon.replacementId :; let classNames = `fa d-icon d-icon-${dClass} svg-icon`; if (params && params["class"]) { classNames += " " + params["class"]; } return classNames; } export function setIconList(iconList) { _iconList = iconList; } export function isExistingIconId(id) { return _iconList?.includes(id); } function warnIfMissing(id) { if (warnMissingIcons && isDevelopment() && !isExistingIconId(id)) { console.warn(`The icon "${id}" is missing from the SVG subset.`); // eslint-disable-line no-console } } function handleIconId(icon) { let id = icon.replacementId || || ""; // TODO: clean up "thumbtack unpinned" at source instead of here id = id.replace(" unpinned", ""); warnIfMissing(id); return id; } // default resolver is font awesome registerIconRenderer({ name: "font-awesome", string(icon, params) { const id = escape(handleIconId(icon)); let html = ``; if (params.label) { html += `${escape(params.label)}`; } if (params.title) { html = `${html}`; } if (params.translatedtitle) { deprecated(`use 'translatedTitle' option instead of 'translatedtitle'`, { since: "2.9.0.beta6", dropFrom: "2.10.0.beta1", id: "discourse.icon-renderer-translatedtitle", }); params.translatedTitle = params.translatedtitle; } if (params.translatedTitle) { html = `${html}`; } return html; }, node(icon, params) { const id = handleIconId(icon); const classes = iconClasses(icon, params) + " svg-node"; const svg = h( "svg", { attributes: { class: classes, "aria-hidden": true }, namespace: SVG_NAMESPACE, }, [ h("use", { href: attributeHook("", `#${escape(id)}`), namespace: SVG_NAMESPACE, }), ] ); if (params.title) { return h( "span", { title: params.title, attributes: { class: "svg-icon-title" }, }, [svg] ); } else { return svg; } }, });