# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe ProblemCheckTracker do describe "validations" do let(:record) { described_class.new(identifier: "twitter_login") } it { expect(record).to validate_presence_of(:identifier) } it { expect(record).to validate_uniqueness_of(:identifier).scoped_to(:target) } it { expect(record).to validate_numericality_of(:blips).is_greater_than_or_equal_to(0) } end describe ".[]" do before { Fabricate(:problem_check_tracker, identifier: "twitter_login") } context "when the problem check tracker already exists" do it { expect(described_class[:twitter_login]).not_to be_new_record } end context "when the problem check tracker doesn't exist yet" do it { expect(described_class[:facebook_login]).to be_previously_new_record } end end describe "#check" do before do Fabricate(:problem_check_tracker, identifier: "twitter_login") Fabricate(:problem_check_tracker, identifier: "missing_check") end context "when the tracker has a corresponding check" do it { expect(described_class[:twitter_login].check.new).to be_a(ProblemCheck) } end context "when the checking logic of the tracker has been removed or renamed" do it do expect { described_class[:missing_check].check }.to change { described_class.count }.by(-1) end end end describe "#ready_to_run?" do let(:problem_tracker) { described_class.new(next_run_at:) } context "when the next run timestamp is not set" do let(:next_run_at) { nil } it { expect(problem_tracker).to be_ready_to_run } end context "when the next run timestamp is in the past" do let(:next_run_at) { 5.minutes.ago } it { expect(problem_tracker).to be_ready_to_run } end context "when the next run timestamp is in the future" do let(:next_run_at) { 5.minutes.from_now } it { expect(problem_tracker).not_to be_ready_to_run } end end describe "#failing?" do before { freeze_time } let(:problem_tracker) { described_class.new(last_problem_at:, last_run_at:, last_success_at:) } context "when the last run passed" do let(:last_run_at) { 1.minute.ago } let(:last_success_at) { 1.minute.ago } let(:last_problem_at) { 11.minutes.ago } it { expect(problem_tracker).not_to be_failing } end context "when the last run had a problem" do let(:last_run_at) { 1.minute.ago } let(:last_success_at) { 11.minutes.ago } let(:last_problem_at) { 1.minute.ago } it { expect(problem_tracker).to be_failing } end end describe "#passing?" do before { freeze_time } let(:problem_tracker) { described_class.new(last_problem_at:, last_run_at:, last_success_at:) } context "when the last run passed" do let(:last_run_at) { 1.minute.ago } let(:last_success_at) { 1.minute.ago } let(:last_problem_at) { 11.minutes.ago } it { expect(problem_tracker).to be_passing } end context "when the last run had a problem" do let(:last_run_at) { 1.minute.ago } let(:last_success_at) { 11.minutes.ago } let(:last_problem_at) { 1.minute.ago } it { expect(problem_tracker).not_to be_passing } end end describe "#problem!" do let(:problem_tracker) do Fabricate( :problem_check_tracker, identifier: "twitter_login", target: "foo", **original_attributes, ) end let(:original_attributes) do { blips:, last_problem_at: 1.week.ago, last_success_at: 24.hours.ago, last_run_at: 24.hours.ago, next_run_at: nil, } end let(:blips) { 0 } let(:updated_attributes) { { blips: 1 } } it do freeze_time expect { problem_tracker.problem!(next_run_at: 24.hours.from_now) }.to change { problem_tracker.attributes }.to(hash_including(updated_attributes)) end context "when the maximum number of blips have been surpassed" do let(:blips) { 1 } it "sounds the alarm" do expect { problem_tracker.problem!(next_run_at: 24.hours.from_now) }.to change { AdminNotice.problem.count }.by(1) end end context "when the details of the problem change but the problem remains" do let(:blips) { 1 } it "updates the notice" do original_details = { themes_list: "", base_path: "", } expect do problem_tracker.problem!(details: original_details) end.to change { AdminNotice.problem.count }.by(1) admin_notice = AdminNotice.problem.find_by(identifier: "twitter_login") expect( admin_notice.details.merge(target: problem_tracker.target).with_indifferent_access, ).to eq(original_details.merge(target: problem_tracker.target).with_indifferent_access) new_details = { themes_list: "", base_path: "", } expect do problem_tracker.problem!(details: new_details) end.not_to change { AdminNotice.problem.count } admin_notice.reload expect( admin_notice.details.merge(target: problem_tracker.target).with_indifferent_access, ).to eq(new_details.merge(target: problem_tracker.target).with_indifferent_access) end end context "when there's an alarm sounding for multi-target trackers" do let(:blips) { 1 } before do Fabricate( :admin_notice, subject: "problem", identifier: "twitter_login", details: { target: target, }, ) end context "when the alarm is for a different target" do let(:target) { "bar" } it "sounds the alarm" do expect { problem_tracker.problem!(next_run_at: 24.hours.from_now) }.to change { AdminNotice.problem.count }.by(1) end end context "when the alarm is for a the same target" do let(:target) { "foo" } it "does not duplicate the alarm" do expect { problem_tracker.problem!(next_run_at: 24.hours.from_now) }.not_to change { AdminNotice.problem.count } end end end context "when there are still blips to go" do let(:blips) { 0 } before { ProblemCheck::TwitterLogin.stubs(:max_blips).returns(1) } it "does not sound the alarm" do expect { problem_tracker.problem!(next_run_at: 24.hours.from_now) }.not_to change { AdminNotice.problem.count } end end end describe "#no_problem!" do let(:problem_tracker) do Fabricate(:problem_check_tracker, identifier: "twitter_login", **original_attributes) end let(:original_attributes) do { blips: 0, last_problem_at: 1.week.ago, last_success_at: Time.current, last_run_at: 24.hours.ago, next_run_at: nil, } end let(:updated_attributes) { { blips: 0 } } it do freeze_time expect { problem_tracker.no_problem!(next_run_at: 24.hours.from_now) }.to change { problem_tracker.attributes }.to(hash_including(updated_attributes)) end context "when there's an alarm sounding" do before { problem_tracker.problem! } it "silences the alarm" do expect { problem_tracker.no_problem!(next_run_at: 24.hours.from_now) }.to change { AdminNotice.problem.count }.by(-1) end end end describe "#reset" do let(:problem_tracker) do Fabricate(:problem_check_tracker, identifier: "twitter_login", **original_attributes) end let(:original_attributes) do { blips: 0, last_problem_at: 1.week.ago, last_success_at: Time.current, last_run_at: 24.hours.ago, next_run_at: nil, } end let(:updated_attributes) { { blips: 0 } } it do freeze_time expect { problem_tracker.reset(next_run_at: 24.hours.from_now) }.to change { problem_tracker.attributes }.to(hash_including(updated_attributes)) end end end