import { getOwner } from "@ember/owner"; import { render } from "@ember/test-helpers"; import hbs from "htmlbars-inline-precompile"; import { module, test } from "qunit"; import { setupRenderingTest } from "discourse/tests/helpers/component-test"; import { query } from "discourse/tests/helpers/qunit-helpers"; import ChatFabricators from "discourse/plugins/chat/discourse/lib/fabricators"; module( "Discourse Chat | Component | chat-channel-preview-card", function (hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(function () { this.set( "channel", new ChatFabricators(getOwner(this)).channel({ chatable_type: "Category", }) ); = "Important stuff is announced here."; = "announcements"; = { can_join_chat_channel: true }; this.currentUser.set("has_chat_enabled", true); this.siteSettings.chat_enabled = true; }); test("channel title", async function (assert) { await render(hbs``); assert.strictEqual( query(".chat-channel-name__label").innerText,, "it shows the channel title" ); assert .dom(".chat-channel-icon.--category-badge") .exists("shows the category hashtag badge"); }); test("channel description", async function (assert) { await render(hbs``); assert.strictEqual( query(".chat-channel-preview-card__description").innerText,, "the channel description is shown" ); }); test("no channel description", async function (assert) { = null; await render(hbs``); assert .dom(".chat-channel-preview-card__description") .doesNotExist( "no line is left for the channel description if there is none" ); assert .dom(".chat-channel-preview-card.-no-description") .exists("adds a modifier class for styling"); }); test("join", async function (assert) { await render(hbs``); assert .dom(".toggle-channel-membership-button.-join") .exists("shows the join channel button"); }); test("browse all", async function (assert) { await render(hbs``); assert .dom(".chat-channel-preview-card__browse-all") .exists("shows a link to browse all channels"); }); test("closed channel", async function (assert) { = "closed"; await render(hbs``); assert .dom(".chat-channel-preview-card__join-channel-btn") .doesNotExist("it does not show the join channel button"); }); } );