const { getProperties } = Ember; /* DateWithZoneHelper provides a limited list of helpers to manipulate a moment object with timezones - add(count unit) adds a COUNT of UNITS to a date - subtract(count unit) subtracts a COUNT of UNITS to a date - format(format) formats a date with zone in a consitent way, optional moment format - isDST() allows to know if a date in a specified timezone is currently under DST - datetimeWithZone(timezone) returns a new moment object with timezone applied - datetime returns the moment object - repetitionsBetweenDates(duration, date) return the number of repertitions of duration between two dates, eg for duration: "1.weeks", "2.months"... */ export default class DateWithZoneHelper { constructor(params = {}) { this.timezone = params.timezone || "UTC"; this.localTimezone = params.localTimezone ||; this.datetime = getProperties(params, [ "year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second" ]), this.timezone ); } isDST() { return; } repetitionsBetweenDates(duration, date) { const [count, unit] = duration.split("."); const diff = this.datetime.diff(date, unit); const repetitions = diff / parseInt(count, 10); return Math.abs((Math.round(repetitions * 10) / 10).toFixed(1)); } add(count, unit) { return this._fromDatetime( this.datetime.clone().add(count, unit), this.timezone, this.localTimezone ); } subtract(count, unit) { return this._fromDatetime( this.datetime.clone().subtract(count, unit), this.timezone, this.localTimezone ); } datetimeWithZone(timezone) { return this.datetime.clone().tz(timezone); } format(format) { if (format) { return; } return; } static fromDatetime(datetime, timezone, localTimezone) { return new DateWithZoneHelper({ year: datetime.year(), month: datetime.month(), day:, hour: datetime.hour(), minute: datetime.minute(), second: datetime.second(), timezone, localTimezone }); } _fromDatetime(datetime, timezone, localTimezone) { return DateWithZoneHelper.fromDatetime(datetime, timezone, localTimezone); } }