# frozen_string_literal: true class ComposerController < ApplicationController requires_login def mentions @names = params.require(:names) raise Discourse::InvalidParameters.new(:names) if !@names.kind_of?(Array) || @names.size > 20 if params[:topic_id].present? @topic = Topic.find_by(id: params[:topic_id]) guardian.ensure_can_see!(@topic) end # allowed_names is necessary just for new private messages. @allowed_names = if params[:allowed_names].present? raise Discourse::InvalidParameters(:allowed_names) if !params[:allowed_names].is_a?(Array) params[:allowed_names] << current_user.username else [] end user_reasons = {} group_reasons = {} @names.each do |name| if user = users[name] reason = user_reason(user) user_reasons[name] = reason if reason.present? elsif group = groups[name] reason = group_reason(group) group_reasons[name] = reason if reason.present? end end if @topic && @names.include?(SiteSetting.here_mention) && guardian.can_mention_here? here_count = PostAlerter.new.expand_here_mention(@topic.first_post, exclude_ids: [current_user.id]).size end serialized_groups = groups.values.reduce({}) do |hash, group| serialized_group = { user_count: group.user_count } if group_reasons[group.name] == :not_allowed && members_visible_group_ids.include?(group.id) && (@topic&.private_message? || @allowed_names.present?) # Find users that are notified already because they have been invited # directly or via a group notified_count = GroupUser # invited directly .where(user_id: topic_allowed_user_ids) .or( # invited via a group GroupUser.where( user_id: GroupUser.where(group_id: topic_allowed_group_ids).select(:user_id) ) ) .where(group_id: group.id) .select(:user_id).distinct.count if notified_count > 0 group_reasons[group.name] = :some_not_allowed serialized_group[:notified_count] = notified_count end end hash[group.name] = serialized_group hash end render json: { users: users.keys, user_reasons: user_reasons, groups: serialized_groups, group_reasons: group_reasons, here_count: here_count, max_users_notified_per_group_mention: SiteSetting.max_users_notified_per_group_mention, } end private def user_reason(user) reason = if @topic && !user.guardian.can_see?(@topic) @topic.private_message? ? :private : :category elsif @allowed_names.present? && !is_user_allowed?(user, topic_allowed_user_ids, topic_allowed_group_ids) # This would normally be handled by the previous if, but that does not work for new private messages. :private elsif topic_muted_by.include?(user.id) :muted_topic elsif @topic&.private_message? && !is_user_allowed?(user, topic_allowed_user_ids, topic_allowed_group_ids) # Admins can see the topic, but they will not be mentioned if they were not invited. :not_allowed end # Regular users can see only basic information why the users cannot see the topic. reason = nil if !guardian.is_staff? && reason != :private && reason != :category reason end def group_reason(group) if !mentionable_group_ids.include?(group.id) :not_mentionable elsif (@topic&.private_message? || @allowed_names.present?) && !topic_allowed_group_ids.include?(group.id) :not_allowed end end def is_user_allowed?(user, user_ids, group_ids) user_ids.include?(user.id) || user.group_ids.any? { |group_id| group_ids.include?(group_id) } end def users @users ||= User .not_staged .where(username_lower: @names.map(&:downcase)) .index_by(&:username_lower) end def groups @groups ||= Group .visible_groups(current_user) .where('lower(name) IN (?)', @names.map(&:downcase)) .index_by(&:name) end def mentionable_group_ids @mentionable_group_ids ||= Group .mentionable(current_user, include_public: false) .where(name: @names) .pluck(:id) .to_set end def members_visible_group_ids @members_visible_group_ids ||= Group .members_visible_groups(current_user) .where(name: @names) .pluck(:id) .to_set end def topic_muted_by @topic_muted_by ||= if @topic.present? TopicUser .where(topic: @topic) .where(user_id: users.values.map(&:id)) .where(notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:muted]) .pluck(:user_id) .to_set else Set.new end end def topic_allowed_user_ids @topic_allowed_user_ids ||= if @allowed_names.present? User .where(username_lower: @allowed_names.map(&:downcase)) .pluck(:id) .to_set elsif @topic&.private_message? TopicAllowedUser .where(topic: @topic) .pluck(:user_id) .to_set end end def topic_allowed_group_ids @topic_allowed_group_ids ||= if @allowed_names.present? Group .messageable(current_user) .where(name: @allowed_names) .pluck(:id) .to_set elsif @topic&.private_message? TopicAllowedGroup .where(topic: @topic) .pluck(:group_id) .to_set end end end