export default function () { this.route("admin", { resetNamespace: true }, function () { this.route("dashboard", { path: "/" }, function () { this.route("general", { path: "/" }); this.route("admin.dashboardModeration", { path: "/dashboard/moderation", resetNamespace: true, }); this.route("admin.dashboardSecurity", { path: "/dashboard/security", resetNamespace: true, }); this.route("admin.dashboardReports", { path: "/dashboard/reports", resetNamespace: true, }); this.route("admin.dashboardNewFeatures", { path: "/dashboard/whats-new", resetNamespace: true, }); }); this.route( "adminSiteSettings", { path: "/site_settings", resetNamespace: true }, function () { this.route("adminSiteSettingsCategory", { path: "category/:category_id", resetNamespace: true, }); } ); this.route( "adminEmail", { path: "/email", resetNamespace: true }, function () { this.route("sent"); this.route("skipped"); this.route("bounced"); this.route("received"); this.route("rejected"); this.route("previewDigest", { path: "/preview-digest" }); this.route("advancedTest", { path: "/advanced-test" }); } ); this.route( "adminCustomize", { path: "/customize", resetNamespace: true }, function () { this.route("colors", function () { this.route("show", { path: "/:scheme_id" }); }); this.route( "adminCustomizeThemes", { path: "themes", resetNamespace: true }, function () { this.route("show", { path: "/:theme_id" }, function () { this.route("schema", { path: "schema/:setting_name" }); }); this.route("edit", { path: "/:theme_id/:target/:field_name/edit" }); } ); this.route("adminCustomizeThemeComponents", { path: "theme-components", resetNamespace: true, }); this.route( "adminSiteText", { path: "/site_texts", resetNamespace: true }, function () { this.route("edit", { path: "/:id" }); } ); this.route("adminUserFields", { path: "/user_fields", resetNamespace: true, }); this.route("adminEmojis", { path: "/emojis", resetNamespace: true }); this.route("adminPermalinks", { path: "/permalinks", resetNamespace: true, }); this.route("adminEmbedding", { path: "/embedding", resetNamespace: true, }); this.route( "adminCustomizeEmailTemplates", { path: "/email_templates", resetNamespace: true }, function () { this.route("edit", { path: "/:id" }); } ); this.route("adminCustomizeRobotsTxt", { path: "/robots", resetNamespace: true, }); this.route( "adminCustomizeEmailStyle", { path: "/email_style", resetNamespace: true }, function () { this.route("edit", { path: "/:field_name" }); } ); this.route( "adminCustomizeFormTemplates", { path: "/form-templates", resetNamespace: true }, function () { this.route("new"); this.route("edit", { path: "/:id" }); } ); this.route( "adminWatchedWords", { path: "/watched_words", resetNamespace: true }, function () { this.route("action", { path: "/action/:action_id" }); } ); } ); this.route("adminApi", { path: "/api", resetNamespace: true }, function () { this.route( "adminApiKeys", { path: "/keys", resetNamespace: true }, function () { this.route("show", { path: "/:api_key_id" }); this.route("new"); } ); this.route( "adminWebHooks", { path: "/web_hooks", resetNamespace: true }, function () { this.route("show", { path: "/:web_hook_id" }); this.route("edit", { path: "/:web_hook_id/edit" }); } ); }); this.route( "admin.backups", { path: "/backups", resetNamespace: true }, function () { this.route("logs"); } ); this.route( "adminReports", { path: "/reports", resetNamespace: true }, function () { this.route("show", { path: ":type" }); } ); this.route( "adminLogs", { path: "/logs", resetNamespace: true }, function () { this.route("staffActionLogs", { path: "/staff_action_logs" }); this.route("screenedEmails", { path: "/screened_emails" }); this.route("screenedIpAddresses", { path: "/screened_ip_addresses" }); this.route("screenedUrls", { path: "/screened_urls" }); this.route( "adminSearchLogs", { path: "/search_logs", resetNamespace: true }, function () { this.route("index", { path: "/" }); this.route("term"); } ); } ); this.route( "adminUsers", { path: "/users", resetNamespace: true }, function () { this.route( "adminUser", { path: "/:user_id/:username", resetNamespace: true }, function () { this.route("badges"); this.route("tl3Requirements", { path: "/tl3_requirements" }); } ); this.route( "adminUsersList", { path: "/list", resetNamespace: true }, function () { this.route("show", { path: "/:filter" }); } ); } ); this.route( "adminBadges", { path: "/badges", resetNamespace: true }, function () { this.route("award", { path: "/award/:badge_id" }); this.route("show", { path: "/:badge_id" }); } ); this.route( "adminPlugins", { path: "/plugins", resetNamespace: true }, function () { this.route("index", { path: "/" }); } ); }); // EXPERIMENTAL: These admin routes are hidden behind an `admin_sidebar_enabled_groups` // site setting and are subject to constant change. this.route("admin-revamp", { resetNamespace: true }, function () { this.route("lobby", { path: "/" }, function () {}); this.route("config", function () { this.route("area", { path: "/:area" }); }); }); }