import { buildEmojiUrl, isCustomEmoji } from "pretty-text/emoji"; import { translations } from "pretty-text/emoji/data"; const MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 60; let translationTree = null; export function resetTranslationTree() { translationTree = null; } // This allows us to efficiently search for aliases // We build a data structure that allows us to quickly // search through our N next chars to see if any match // one of our alias emojis. function buildTranslationTree(customEmojiTranslation) { let tree = []; let lastNode; const allTranslations = Object.assign( {}, translations, customEmojiTranslation || {} ); Object.keys(allTranslations).forEach((key) => { let node = tree; for (let i = 0; i < key.length; i++) { let code = key.charCodeAt(i); let found = false; for (let j = 0; j < node.length; j++) { if (node[j][0] === code) { node = node[j][1]; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { // code, children, value let tmp = [code, []]; node.push(tmp); lastNode = tmp; node = tmp[1]; } } lastNode[2] = allTranslations[key]; }); return tree; } function imageFor(code, opts) { code = code.toLowerCase(); const url = buildEmojiUrl(code, opts); if (url) { const title = `:${code}:`; const classes = isCustomEmoji(code, opts) ? "emoji emoji-custom" : "emoji"; return { url, title, classes }; } } function getEmojiName(content, pos, state, inlineEmoji) { if (content.charCodeAt(pos) !== 58) { return; } if (pos > 0) { let prev = content.charCodeAt(pos - 1); if ( !inlineEmoji && ! && ! ) { return; } } pos++; if (content.charCodeAt(pos) === 58) { return; } let length = 0; while (length < MAX_NAME_LENGTH) { length++; if (content.charCodeAt(pos + length) === 58) { // check for t2-t6 if (content.slice(pos + length + 1, pos + length + 4).match(/t[2-6]:/)) { length += 3; } break; } if (pos + length > content.length) { return; } } if (length === MAX_NAME_LENGTH) { return; } return content.slice(pos, pos + length); } // straight forward :smile: to emoji image function getEmojiTokenByName(name, state) { let info; if ((info = imageFor(name, { let token = new state.Token("emoji", "img", 0); token.attrs = [ ["src", info.url], ["title", info.title], ["class", info.classes], ["alt", info.title], ["loading", "lazy"], ["width", "20"], ["height", "20"], ]; return token; } } function getEmojiTokenByTranslation( content, pos, state, customEmojiTranslation ) { translationTree = translationTree || buildTranslationTree(customEmojiTranslation); let t = translationTree; let start = pos; let found = null; while (t.length > 0 && pos < content.length) { let matched = false; let code = content.charCodeAt(pos); for (let i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { if (t[i][0] === code) { matched = true; found = t[i][2]; t = t[i][1]; break; } } if (!matched) { return; } pos++; } if (!found) { return; } // quick boundary check if (start > 0) { let leading = content.charAt(start - 1); if ( ! && ! ) { return; } } // check trailing for punct or space if (pos < content.length) { let trailing = content.charCodeAt(pos); if (! { return; } } let token = getEmojiTokenByName(found, state); if (token) { return { pos, token }; } } function applyEmoji( content, state, emojiUnicodeReplacer, enableShortcuts, inlineEmoji, customEmojiTranslation, watchedWordsReplacer, emojiDenyList ) { let result = null; let start = 0; if (emojiUnicodeReplacer) { content = emojiUnicodeReplacer(content); } if (watchedWordsReplacer) { const watchedWordRegex = Object.keys(watchedWordsReplacer); watchedWordRegex.forEach((watchedWord) => { if (content?.match(watchedWord)) { const regex = new RegExp(watchedWord, "g"); const matches = content.match(regex); const replacement = watchedWordsReplacer[watchedWord].replacement; matches.forEach(() => { const matchingRegex = regex.exec(content); if (matchingRegex) { content = content.replace(matchingRegex[1], replacement); } }); } }); } // prevent denied emoji and aliases from being rendered if (emojiDenyList?.length > 0) { emojiDenyList.forEach((emoji) => { if (content?.match(emoji)) { const regex = new RegExp(`:${emoji}:`, "g"); content = content.replace(regex, ""); } }); } let end = content.length; for (let i = 0; i < content.length - 1; i++) { let offset = 0; let token = null; const name = getEmojiName(content, i, state, inlineEmoji); if (name) { token = getEmojiTokenByName(name, state); if (token) { offset = name.length + 2; } } if (enableShortcuts && !token) { // handle aliases (note: we can't do this in inline cause ; is not a split point) const info = getEmojiTokenByTranslation( content, i, state, customEmojiTranslation ); if (info) { offset = info.pos - i; token = info.token; } } if (token) { result = result || []; if (i - start > 0) { let text = new state.Token("text", "", 0); text.content = content.slice(start, i); result.push(text); } result.push(token); end = start = i + offset; i += offset - 1; } } if (end < content.length) { let text = new state.Token("text", "", 0); text.content = content.slice(end); result.push(text); } // we check for a result <= 5 because we support maximum 3 large emojis // EMOJI SPACE EMOJI SPACE EMOJI => 5 tokens if (result && result.length > 0 && result.length <= 5) { // we ensure line starts and ends with an emoji // and has no more than 3 emojis if ( result[0].type === "emoji" && result[result.length - 1].type === "emoji" && result.filter((r) => r.type === "emoji").length <= 3 ) { let onlyEmojiLine = true; let index = 0; const checkNextToken = (t) => { if (!t) { return; } if (!["emoji", "text"].includes(t.type)) { onlyEmojiLine = false; } // a text token should always have an emoji before // and be a space if ( t.type === "text" && ((result[index - 1] && result[index - 1].type !== "emoji") || t.content !== " ") ) { onlyEmojiLine = false; } // exit as soon as possible if (onlyEmojiLine) { index += 1; checkNextToken(result[index]); } }; checkNextToken(result[index]); if (onlyEmojiLine) { result.forEach((r) => { if (r.type === "emoji") { applyOnlyEmojiClass(r); } }); } } } return result; } function applyOnlyEmojiClass(token) { token.attrs.forEach((attr) => { if (attr[0] === "class") { attr[1] = `${attr[1]} only-emoji`; } }); } export function setup(helper) { helper.registerOptions((opts, siteSettings, state) => { opts.features.emoji = !state.disableEmojis && !!siteSettings.enable_emoji; opts.features.emojiShortcuts = !!siteSettings.enable_emoji_shortcuts; opts.features.inlineEmoji = !!siteSettings.enable_inline_emoji_translation; opts.emojiSet = siteSettings.emoji_set || ""; opts.customEmoji = state.customEmoji; opts.emojiCDNUrl = siteSettings.external_emoji_url; opts.emojiDenyList = state.emojiDenyList; }); helper.registerPlugin((md) => { md.core.ruler.push("emoji", (state) => md.options.discourse.helpers.textReplace(state, (c, s) => applyEmoji( c, s, md.options.discourse.emojiUnicodeReplacer, md.options.discourse.features.emojiShortcuts, md.options.discourse.features.inlineEmoji, md.options.discourse.customEmojiTranslation, md.options.discourse.watchedWordsReplace, md.options.discourse.emojiDenyList ) ) ); }); helper.allowList([ "img[class=emoji]", "img[class=emoji emoji-custom]", "img[class=emoji emoji-custom only-emoji]", "img[class=emoji only-emoji]", "img[loading=lazy]", "img[width=20]", "img[height=20]", ]); }